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BX 7748 P94 H1    
      Quaker publicity. BJL  BOOK 1959
      Quaker publicity. BJL  BOOK 1962
BX 7748 R3 S6 : Race relations in Britain.; BJL     
      Race relations in Britain. BJL  BOOK 1968
BX 7748 S12 C9 : Sacrements : a Quaker approach.; BJL     
      Sacrements : a Quaker approach. BJL  BOOK 1956
BX 7748 S12 J7 : The Society of Friends and the sacrements.; BJL     
      The Society of Friends and the sacrements. BJL  BOOK 1935
BX 7748 S12 R8 : The sacraments : a brief explanation of the Quaker view.; BJL     
      The sacraments : a brief explanation of the Quaker view. BJL  BOOK 1940
BX 7748 S36 L8 : Science and Quakerism.; BJL     
      Science and Quakerism. BJL  BOOK 1963
BX 7748 S5 L1 : God is silence.; BJL     
      God is silence. BJL  BOOK 1970
BX 7748 S5 S7 : Silence.; BJL     
      Silence. BJL  BOOK 1968
BX 7748 S5 T8 : Retraites Quakers ; suivi de, Quelques textes à méditer.; BJL     
      Retraites Quakers ; suivi de, Quelques textes à méditer. BJL  BOOK 196-?
BX 7748 U56 H5 : Universalism and spirituality.; BJL     
      Universalism and spirituality. BJL  BOOK 1993
BX 7748 W2 A3 : The growth of the peace testimony of the Society of Friends.; BJL     
      The growth of the peace testimony of the Society of Friends. BJL  BOOK 1956
BX 7748 W2 F9    
      Violence and oppression : a Quaker response... BJL  BOOK 1972
      War is contrary to the will of God. BJL  BOOK 1900
BX 7748 W2 G7 : The Quaker testimony against war.; BJL     
      The Quaker testimony against war. BJL  BOOK 1929
BX 7748 W2 G8 : The peace testimony today.; BJL     
      The peace testimony today. BJL  BOOK 1967
BX 7748 W2 M5 : Prophets and reconcilers : reflections on the Quaker peace testimony.; BJL     
      Prophets and reconcilers : reflections on the Quaker peace testimony. BJL  BOOK 1974
BX 7748 W2 P6 : Violence : where do we stand? : Quaker testimony against oppression.; BJL     
      Violence : where do we stand? : Quaker testimony against oppression. BJL  BOOK 1971
BX 7748 W2 Q1    
      The Quaker peace testimony : an anthology. BJL  BOOK 1949
      The Quaker peace testimony today : some present day applications : a pamphlet for discussion / R. Dal BJL  BOOK 1978?
      The Quaker peace testimony today : some present day interpretations : a pamphlet for discussion / No BJL  BOOK 1980
BX 7748 W2 R4 : Opportunity at eighteen : some hints to those who are facing tribunals.; BJL     
      Opportunity at eighteen : some hints to those who are facing tribunals. BJL  BOOK 194-?
BX 7748 W2 S4 : The Quaker testimony for peace / by P. andM. Seed.; BJL     
      The Quaker testimony for peace / by P. andM. Seed. BJL  BOOK 1957
BX 7748 W8 S6 / p : The place of women in the Society if Friends.; BJL     
      The place of women in the Society if Friends. BJL  BOOK 1950
BX 7752 D6 : The Hicksite separation : a sociological analysis of religious schsm in early 19th century America.; BJL     
      The Hicksite separation : a sociological analysis of religious schsm in early 19th century America. BJL  BOOK 1967
BX 7783 J8 L7 : A history of Jordans.; BJL     
      A history of Jordans. BJL  BOOK 1949
BX 7790 P6    
      Piety promoted in a collection of dying sayings of many of the people called Quakers : with some memo BJL  BOOK 1812
      Piety promoted : in brief memorials, and dying expressions, of some of the people called Quakers. Par BJL  BOOK 1798
BX 7791 A4 : Quaker pioneers ...; BJL     
      Quaker pioneers ... BJL  BOOK 1963
BX 7791 A5 : Friends and relations : three centuries of Quaker families / Verily Anderson.; Departmental Locations     
      Friends and relations : three centuries of Quaker families / Verily Anderson. Departmental Locations  BOOK c1980
BX 7791 B4 : Rebel saints / by Mary Agnes Best.; BJL     
      Rebel saints / by Mary Agnes Best. BJL  BOOK 1925
BX 7791 B9    
      Annals of the early Friends : a series of biographical sketches / with a preface by Edward Backhouse. BJL  BOOK 1886
      Glimpses of George Fox and his Friends. BJL  BOOK 1888
BX 7791 C6    
      A collection of memorials concerning divers deceased ministers and others of the people called Quaker BJL  BOOK 1824
      A collection of testimonies concerning several ministers of the gospel amongst the people called Quak BJL  BOOK 1760
BX 7791 H6    
      A book of Quaker saints. BJL  BOOK 1917
      Fierce feathers and other stories. BJL  BOOK 1965
      A little book of Quaker saints / by L.V. Hodgkin (Mrs. John Holdsworth) BJL  BOOK 1936
BX 7791 M6 : Biographical dictionary of British Quakers in commerce and industry, 1775-1920.; BJL     
      Biographical dictionary of British Quakers in commerce and industry, 1775-1920. BJL  BOOK 2007
BX 7791 N5 : Quaker profiles.; BJL     
      Quaker profiles. BJL  BOOK 1946
BX 7791 S6 : Memorials concerning several ministers, and others, deceased; of the Religious Society of Friends : with some of their last expressions.; BJL     
      Memorials concerning several ministers, and others, deceased; of the Religious Society of Friends : w BJL  BOOK 1816
BX 7791 W3 : The Penns & Peningtons of the seventeenth century in their domestic and religious life : illustrated by original family letters : also incidental notices of their friend Thomas Ellwood, with some of his unpublished verses.; BJL     
      The Penns & Peningtons of the seventeenth century in their domestic and religious life : illustrated BJL  BOOK 1867
BX 7791 W76 P3 : Peckovers of Wisbech / editors, Peter Cave and Peter Isaac.; Departmental Locations     
      Peckovers of Wisbech / editors, Peter Cave and Peter Isaac. Departmental Locations  SHEET 1993
BX 7795 B27 C1 : The story of Robert Barclay, told for children.; BJL     
      The story of Robert Barclay, told for children. BJL  BOOK 1926
BX 7795 B33 : The life and adventures of a Quaker among the Indians.; BJL     
      The life and adventures of a Quaker among the Indians. BJL  BOOK 1876
BX 7795 B82 E5 : Loving service : a record of the life of Martha Braithwaite / by her daughter, Elizabeth B. Emmott.; BJL     
      Loving service : a record of the life of Martha Braithwaite / by her daughter, Elizabeth B. Emmott. BJL  BOOK 1896
BX 7795 B83 T4 : William Charles Braithwaite : memoir and papers / by Anna Ll. B. Thomas and Elizabeth B. Emmott.; BJL     
      William Charles Braithwaite : memoir and papers / by Anna Ll. B. Thomas and Elizabeth B. Emmott. BJL  BOOK 1931
BX 7795 B97 E9 : Edward Burrough : a memoir of a faithful servant of Christ and minister of the gospel, who died in Newgate, 14th, 12 Mo., 1662 / by William and Thomas Evans, of Philadelphia.; BJL     
      Edward Burrough : a memoir of a faithful servant of Christ and minister of the gospel, who died in Ne BJL  BOOK 1851
BX 7795 C1 W6 : Geraldine S. Cadbury 1865-1941 : a biography.; BJL     
      Geraldine S. Cadbury 1865-1941 : a biography. BJL  BOOK 1948
BX 7795 C3 H8 : Indomitable Friend : the life of Corder Catchpool, 1883-1952.; BJL     
      Indomitable Friend : the life of Corder Catchpool, 1883-1952. BJL  BOOK 1956
BX 7795 C3 P3 : Allen Bruder sein : Corder Catchpool 1883-1952 ein englischer Freund in deutscher Not / ein Lebensbild von E.A.O. Peetz in Mitarbeit von M. Lachmund.; BJL     
      Allen Bruder sein : Corder Catchpool 1883-1952 ein englischer Freund in deutscher Not / ein Lebensbil BJL  BOOK 1963
BX 7795 C31 G9 : Gwen Catchpool, 1891-1972.; BJL     
      Gwen Catchpool, 1891-1972. BJL  BOOK 1972
BX 7795 C65 : The life and posthumous works of Richard Claridge : being memoirs and manuscripts relating to his experiences and progress in religion, his changes in opinion and reasons for them / collected by Joseph Besse.; BJL     
      The life and posthumous works of Richard Claridge : being memoirs and manuscripts relating to his exp BJL  BOOK 1836
BX 7795 C93 T9    
      Memoirs of the life of Stephen Crisp : with selections from his works / by Samuel Tuke. BJL  BOOK 1824
      Memoirs of the life of Stephen Crisp : with selections from his works. BJL  BOOK 1824
BX 7795 D25 : An account of the convincement, exercises, services, and travels, of that ancient servant of the Lord, Richard Davies : comprising some information relative to the spreading of the Truth in North Wales.; BJL     
      An account of the convincement, exercises, services, and travels, of that ancient servant of the Lord BJL  BOOK 1825
BX 7795 D46 B7 : Jonathan Dent.; BJL     
      Jonathan Dent. BJL  BOOK 19--?
BX 7795 D54 / s : [The faithful testimony of that antient servant of the Lord and minister of the everlasting Gospel, William Dewsbury in his books, epistles and writings].; BJL     
      [The faithful testimony of that antient servant of the Lord and minister of the everlasting Gospel, W BJL  BOOK 1689
BX 7795 E23 / s : [A journal of the life of William Edmundson : preceded by a preface by John Stoddart and several testimonies concerning William Edmundson].; BJL     
      [A journal of the life of William Edmundson : preceded by a preface by John Stoddart and several test BJL  BOOK 1774?
BX 7795 E37 B1 : The life and correspondence of William and Alice Ellis of Airton / by James Backhouse.; BJL     
      The life and correspondence of William and Alice Ellis of Airton / by James Backhouse. BJL  BOOK 1849
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