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BX 945 R71(1) : Des origines a Saint Gregoire le Grand / par J. Danielou et H. Marrou.; BJL     
      Des origines a Saint Gregoire le Grand / par J. Danielou et H. Marrou. BJL  BOOK 1963
BX 945 R71(2) : Le moyen age / par M.D. Knowles et D. Obolensky.; BJL     
      Le moyen age / par M.D. Knowles et D. Obolensky. BJL  BOOK 1968
BX 945 R71(3) : Reforme et Contre-Reforme / par H. Tuchle, C.A. Bouman et J Le Brun.; BJL     
      Reforme et Contre-Reforme / par H. Tuchle, C.A. Bouman et J Le Brun. BJL  BOOK 1968
BX 945 R71(4) : Siecle des Lumieres, revolutions, restaurations / par L.J. Rogier, G. de Bertier de Sauvigny, J. Hajjar.; BJL     
      Siecle des Lumieres, revolutions, restaurations / par L.J. Rogier, G. de Bertier de Sauvigny, J. Hajj BJL  BOOK 1966
BX 945 R71(5) : L'Eglise dans le monde moderne (1848 a nos jours).; BJL     
      L'Eglise dans le monde moderne (1848 a nos jours). BJL  BOOK 1975
BX 945 R72 : The Christian centuries : a new history of the Catholic Church.; BJL     
      The Christian centuries : a new history of the Catholic Church. BJL  BOOK  
BX 945 R72(1) : The first six hundred years, by J.Dainelou and H. Marrou.; BJL     
      The first six hundred years, by J.Dainelou and H. Marrou. BJL  BOOK 1964
BX 945 R72(2) : The middle ages / by D. Knowles with D. Obolensky.; BJL     
      The middle ages / by D. Knowles with D. Obolensky. BJL  BOOK 1969
BX 945.2 G6 : Kirchenreform und Investiturstreit : 910-1122 / Werner Goez.; BJL     
      Kirchenreform und Investiturstreit : 910-1122 / Werner Goez. BJL  BOOK 2008
BX 945.2 P6 : Histoire de l'Eglise Catholique.; BJL     
      Histoire de l'Eglise Catholique. BJL  BOOK 1991
BX 945.2 T5 : Le catholicisme.; BJL     
      Le catholicisme. BJL  BOOK 1996
BX 946 C4 : Popes, cardinals and war : the military church in Renaissance and early modern Europe / D.S.Chambers.; BJL     
      Popes, cardinals and war : the military church in Renaissance and early modern Europe / D.S.Chambers. BJL  BOOK 2006
BX 950 E5 D2    
      The book of pontiffs (Liber Pontificalis) : the ancient biographies of the first ninety Roman bishops BJL  BOOK 1989
      The lives of the ninth-century popes (Liber pontificalis) : the ancient biographies of ten popes from BJL  BOOK 1995
      The lives of the eighth-century popes (Liber pontificalis) : the ancient biographies of nine popes fr BJL  BOOK 1992
BX 950 L8 : Liber Pontificalis / The book of the Popes.; BJL     
      Liber Pontificalis / The book of the Popes. BJL  BOOK 1916
BX 953 S1 : The lives of the Popes, from the time of Our Saviour Jesus Christ to the accession of Gregory Vll / edited by W. Benham.; BJL     
      The lives of the Popes, from the time of Our Saviour Jesus Christ to the accession of Gregory Vll / e BJL  BOOK 1920
BX 955 A1 : Lord Acton on papal power / edited by H.A. MacDougall.; BJL     
      Lord Acton on papal power / edited by H.A. MacDougall. BJL  BOOK 1973
BX 955 H1 : Das Papsttum : Idee und Wirklichkeit verbesserte und erganzte Ausgabe.; BJL     
      Das Papsttum : Idee und Wirklichkeit verbesserte und erganzte Ausgabe. BJL  BOOK 1962
BX 955 K4 : A handbook on the papacy.; BJL     
      A handbook on the papacy. BJL  BOOK 1950
BX 955 K7 : Cathedra Petri : neue Untersuchungen uber die Anfang der Primatslehre.; BJL     
      Cathedra Petri : neue Untersuchungen uber die Anfang der Primatslehre. BJL  BOOK 1930
BX 955 P2 : The history of the popes from the close of the middle ages, to 1799 / edited by Frederick Ignatius Antrobus, Ralph Francis Kerr, Ernest Graf and E.F. Peeler.; BJL     
      The history of the popes from the close of the middle ages, to 1799 / edited by Frederick Ignatius An BJL  BOOK 1891
BX 955.2 A6 : The papacy and the modern world.; BJL     
      The papacy and the modern world. BJL  BOOK 1970
BX 955.2 B2    
      The medieval papacy. BJL  BOOK 1968
      The medieval papacy. BJL  BOOK 1968
BX 955.2 D5 : Dictionnaire historique de la papauté / sous la direction de Philippe Levillain ; comité scientifique composé de Philippe Boutry... [et al.].; BJL     
      Dictionnaire historique de la papauté / sous la direction de Philippe Levillain ; comité BJL  BOOK 1994
BX 955.2 D8 : Saints & sinners : a history of the Popes / Eamon Duffy.; BJL     
      Saints & sinners : a history of the Popes / Eamon Duffy. BJL  BOOK c1997
BX 955.2 G6 : The popes.; BJL     
      The popes. BJL  BOOK 1964
BX 955.2 J6 : The popes : a concise biographical history / ed by E. John; historical surveys by D. Woodruff.; BJL     
      The popes : a concise biographical history / ed by E. John; historical surveys by D. Woodruff. BJL  BOOK 1964
BX 955.2 N6 : The politics of the Vatican.; BJL     
      The politics of the Vatican. BJL  BOOK 1968
BX 955.2 S1 : Storia dei Papi / di A. Saba e C.C astiglioni.; BJL     
      Storia dei Papi / di A. Saba e C.C astiglioni. BJL  BOOK 1966
BX 955.2 S5 : The See of Peter / edited by J.T. Shotwell and L.R. Loomis.; BJL     
      The See of Peter / edited by J.T. Shotwell and L.R. Loomis. BJL  BOOK 1965
BX 955.2 W9 : The early modern papacy : from the Council of Trent to the French Revolution, 1564-1789.; BJL     
      The early modern papacy : from the Council of Trent to the French Revolution, 1564-1789. BJL  BOOK 2000
BX 955.3 N8 : The popes : a history / John Julius Norwich.; BJL     
      The popes : a history / John Julius Norwich. BJL  BOOK 2011
BX 957 G1 / q : Series episcoporum ecclesiae catholicae.; BJL     
      Series episcoporum ecclesiae catholicae. BJL  BOOK 1886
BX 958 H64 O3 : Rome reshaped : jubilees 1300-2000 / Desmond O'Grady.; BJL     
      Rome reshaped : jubilees 1300-2000 / Desmond O'Grady. BJL  BOOK 1999
BX 958 S6 C1 : The papal ideology of social reform : a study in historical development, 1878-1967.; BJL     
      The papal ideology of social reform : a study in historical development, 1878-1967. BJL  BOOK 1969
BX 960 A7 : The foundations of Catholicism : a searchlight on the lives and iniquities of the Popes.; BJL     
      The foundations of Catholicism : a searchlight on the lives and iniquities of the Popes. BJL  BOOK 1933
BX 960 E9 : The Vatican and the post-war world : the social theory and practice of the Roman Catholic Church.; BJL     
      The Vatican and the post-war world : the social theory and practice of the Roman Catholic Church. BJL  BOOK 1947
BX 960(I) : St.Peter in Rome.; BJL     
      St.Peter in Rome. BJL  BOOK 1929
BX 961 S58 C1 : Church and colonialism.; BJL     
      Church and colonialism. BJL  BOOK 1969
BX 961 S58 C5 : The Church faces the modern world : Rerum novarum and its impact / edited by Paul Furlong and David Curtis.; BJL     
      The Church faces the modern world : Rerum novarum and its impact / edited by Paul Furlong and David C BJL  BOOK 1994
BX 961 S58 W3 : Catholic social principles : a commentary on the papal encyclical rerum Novarum.; BJL     
      Catholic social principles : a commentary on the papal encyclical rerum Novarum. BJL  BOOK 1934
BX 965 B6 : Liturgia historica : papers on the liturgy and religious life of the Western Church.; BJL     
      Liturgia historica : papers on the liturgy and religious life of the Western Church. BJL  BOOK 1918
BX 965 H5 : The evolution of latin Christianity.; BJL     
      The evolution of latin Christianity. BJL  BOOK 1919
BX 965 M2 : The lives of the popes in the Middle Ages.; BJL     
      The lives of the popes in the Middle Ages. BJL  BOOK 1925
BX 965 R3 : Reform and authority in the Medieval and Reformation Church. editor / editor. G.F. Lytle ...; BJL     
      Reform and authority in the Medieval and Reformation Church. editor / editor. G.F. Lytle ... BJL  BOOK 1981
BX 965 R5 : The popes and the papacy in the early Middle Ages, 476-752.; BJL     
      The popes and the papacy in the early Middle Ages, 476-752. BJL  BOOK 1979
BX 965 U4 : A short history of the Papacy in the Middle Ages.; BJL     
      A short history of the Papacy in the Middle Ages. BJL  BOOK 1972
BX 970 D3 : Ecclesia mater chez les Peres des trois premiers siecles / preface de Yves M.J. Congar.; BJL     
      Ecclesia mater chez les Peres des trois premiers siecles / preface de Yves M.J. Congar. BJL  BOOK 1964
BX 970 G4 : Documents illustrating papal authority, A.D.96-454 / edited and introduced by E. Giles.; BJL     
      Documents illustrating papal authority, A.D.96-454 / edited and introduced by E. Giles. BJL  BOOK 1952
BX 970 P9 : The primitive saints and the see of Rome.; BJL     
      The primitive saints and the see of Rome. BJL  BOOK 1893
BX 1004 H4 : Der Klemensroman und seine griechischen Quellen.; BJL     
      Der Klemensroman und seine griechischen Quellen. BJL  BOOK 1914
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