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C/D 1965 : Manon [sound recording] / libretto by Henri Meilhac and Philippe Gille, based on Manon Lescaut by the abbé Prévost.; BJL     
      Manon [sound recording] / libretto by Henri Meilhac and Philippe Gille, based on Manon Lescaut by the BJL  CD AUDIO p2000
C/D 1966 : Manon [sound recording] / libretto by Henri Meilhac and Philippe Gille, based on Manon Lescaut by the abbé Prévost.; BJL     
      Manon [sound recording] / libretto by Henri Meilhac and Philippe Gille, based on Manon Lescaut by the BJL  CD AUDIO p1983
C/D 1967 : Werther [sound recording] / libretto by Edouard Blau, Paul Milliet and Georges Hartmann, based on the novel by Goethe.; BJL     
      Werther [sound recording] / libretto by Edouard Blau, Paul Milliet and Georges Hartmann, based on the BJL  CD AUDIO p1999
C/D 1968 : Symphonies, no. 4, op. 90, A major; BJL     
      Symphonies: no. 4 op. 90 'Italian', no. 5 op. 107 'Reformation', no. 4 (revised version) [sound recor BJL  CD AUDIO p1998
C/D 1969 : Paulus [sound recording] / libretto by Julius Schubring and the composer.; BJL     
      Paulus [sound recording] / libretto by Julius Schubring and the composer. BJL  CD AUDIO p1987
C/D 1970 : Il crociato in Egitto [sound recording] / libretto by Gaetano Rossi.; BJL     
      Il crociato in Egitto [sound recording] / libretto by Gaetano Rossi. BJL  CD AUDIO 1992
C/D 1971 : Dinorah [sound recording] / libretto by Jules Barbier, Michel Carré and the composer.; BJL     
      Dinorah [sound recording] / libretto by Jules Barbier, Michel Carré and the composer. BJL  CD AUDIO p1980
C/D 1972 : L'incoronazione di Poppea [sound recording] / libretto by Gian Francesco Busenello.; BJL     
      L'incoronazione di Poppea [sound recording] / libretto by Gian Francesco Busenello. BJL  CD AUDIO p1996
C/D 1973 : La clemenza di Tito [sound recording] / libretto by Pietro Metastasio, adapted by Caterina Mazzolà.; BJL     
      La clemenza di Tito [sound recording] / libretto by Pietro Metastasio, adapted by Caterina Mazzol BJL  CD AUDIO p1991
C/D 1974 : La clemenza di Tito [sound recording] / libretto by Pietro Metastasio, adapted by Caterina Mazzolà.; BJL     
      La clemenza di Tito [sound recording] / libretto by Pietro Metastasio, adapted by Caterina Mazzol BJL  CD AUDIO p1995
C/D 1975 : Così fan tutte [sound recording] / libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte.; BJL     
      Così fan tutte [sound recording] / libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte. BJL  CD AUDIO p1978
C/D 1976 : Così fan tutte [sound recording] / libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte.; BJL     
      Così fan tutte [sound recording] / libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte. BJL  CD AUDIO p1993
C/D 1977 : Così fan tutte [sound recording] / libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte.; BJL     
      Così fan tutte [sound recording] / libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte. BJL  CD AUDIO p1996
C/D 1978    
      Così fan tutte [sound recording] / libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte. BJL  CD AUDIO p1999
      Service of nine lessons and carols, St. Mary's Church, Cottingham, Sunday 10th December 1978. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1978
C/D 1979 : Don Giovanni [sound recording] / libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte.; BJL     
      Don Giovanni [sound recording] / libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte. BJL  CD AUDIO 1991
C/D 1980 : Don Giovanni [videorecording] / libretto by Lorenzo Da Ponte.; BJL     
      Don Giovanni [videorecording] / libretto by Lorenzo Da Ponte. BJL  CD AUDIO p1986
C/D 1981 : Don Giovanni [videorecording] / libretto by Lorenzo Da Ponte.; BJL     
      Don Giovanni [videorecording] / libretto by Lorenzo Da Ponte. BJL  CD AUDIO p1995
C/D 1982 : Don Giovanni [sound recording] / libretto by Lorenzo Da Ponte.; BJL     
      Don Giovanni [sound recording] / libretto by Lorenzo Da Ponte. BJL  CD AUDIO p1997
C/D 1983    
      Die Entführung aus dem Serail [sound recording] / libretto by Christoph Friedrich Bretzner, ada BJL  CD AUDIO p1992
      Hullfire. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1983
C/D 1984 : Idomeneo [sound recording] / libretto by Giambattista Varesco.; BJL     
      Idomeneo [sound recording] / libretto by Giambattista Varesco. BJL  CD AUDIO p1988
C/D 1985 : Lucio Silla [sound recording] / libretto by Giovanni de Gamerra.; BJL     
      Lucio Silla [sound recording] / libretto by Giovanni de Gamerra. BJL  CD AUDIO p1990
C/D 1986    
      Mitridate, rè di Ponto [sound recording] / libretto by Vittorio Amedeo Cigna Santi ; based on M BJL  CD AUDIO p1999
      Philip Larkin : a thanksgiving : an evening of reminiscence and readings by friends and colleagues, M Departmental Locations  BOOK 1986
      Philip Larkin : a thanksgiving : an evening of reminiscence and readings by friends and colleagues, M Departmental Locations  BOOK 1986
      Philip Larkin : a thanksgiving : [programme of] an evening of reminiscence and readings by friends an Departmental Locations  BOOK 1986
2 additional entries    
C/D 1987    
      Le nozze di Figaro [sound recording] / libretto by Lorenzo Da Ponte, after Le mariage de Figaro by Be BJL  CD AUDIO p1983
      Opening of the Larkin Suite. [speakers] / [speakers]. J. Chapple, D. Dunn and I. Mowat. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1987
      Philip Larkin at the University of Hull : [catalogue of] an exhibition to celebrate the opening of th Departmental Locations  BOOK 1987
      [Souvenir] printed on the improved Albion Press (1833) to commemorate the opening of the Philip Larki Departmental Locations  BOOK 1987
C/D 1988 : Le nozze di Figaro [sound recording] / libretto by Lorenzo Da Ponte, after Le mariage de Figaro by Beaumarchais.; BJL     
      Le nozze di Figaro [sound recording] / libretto by Lorenzo Da Ponte, after Le mariage de Figaro by Be BJL  CD AUDIO p2006
C/D 1989 : Die Zauberflöte [sound recording] / libretto by Emanuel Schikaneder.; BJL     
      Die Zauberflöte [sound recording] / libretto by Emanuel Schikaneder. BJL  CD AUDIO p1991
C/D 1990 : Die Zauberflöte [sound recording] / libretto by Emanuel Schikaneder.; BJL     
      Die Zauberflöte [sound recording] / libretto by Emanuel Schikaneder. BJL  CD AUDIO p1996
C/D 1991 : Die Zauberflöte [sound recording] / libretto by Emanuel Schikaneder.; BJL     
      Die Zauberflöte [sound recording] / libretto by Emanuel Schikaneder. BJL  CD AUDIO 1996
P/L D 1992    
      Philip Larkin : letter writer : an exhibition, 2 November - 12 December, 1992 : [an introduction to t Departmental Locations  BOOK 1992
      Requiem, KV 626 [sound recording] / Mozart. BJL  CD AUDIO p1992
C/D 1993 : Symphonies. Selections; BJL     
      Early symphonies [sound recording]. BJL  CD AUDIO p1993
C/D 1994 : Symphonies. Selections; BJL     
      Salzburg symphonies [sound recording]. BJL  CD AUDIO p1994
C/D 1995 : Symphonies. Selections; BJL     
      Late symphonies [sound recording]. BJL  CD AUDIO p1995
C/D 1996 : Concertos, piano, orchestra.; BJL     
      Concertos for piano & orchestra [sound recording] = Die Klavierkonzerte = Concertos pour piano & orch BJL  CD AUDIO p1991
C/D 1997 : Concertos, piano, orchestra, K.415, C major; BJL     
      Piano concerto no. 13 in C major K.415 [sound recording]. BJL  CD AUDIO p1988
C/D 1998 : Concertos, violin, orchestra, K.207, B flat major; BJL     
      Violin concerto no. 1 in B flat, K.207 [sound recording] : [and other works]. BJL  CD AUDIO p1991
C/D 1999 : Concertos, violin, orchestra. Selections; BJL     
      Violin concertos nos.1, 2 & 5 [sound recording]. BJL  CD AUDIO p2006
C/D 2000 : Concertos, violin, orchestra. Selections; BJL     
      Violin concertos 1, 3 & 4 [sound recording]. BJL  CD AUDIO p2002
C/D 2001 : Concertos, violin, orchestra, K.216, G major; BJL     
      Violin concertos nos.3 & 4 [sound recording] : ; Adagio K.261 ; Rondo K.269. BJL  CD AUDIO p2005
C/D 2002 : Boris Godunov (Rimsky-Korsakov & Ippolitov-Ivanov); BJL     
      Boris Godunov [sound recording] / music in the version by Rimsky- Korsakov and Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivan BJL  CD AUDIO 1988
C/D 2003 : Boris Godunov (1869); BJL     
      Boris Godounov [sound recording] / libretto by the composer, after Pushkin and Karamzin. BJL  CD AUDIO p1998
C/D 2004 : Khovanshchina (Shostakovich & Stravinsky); BJL     
      Khovanshchina [sound recording] / libretto by the composer and V.V. Stasov. BJL  CD AUDIO p1990
C/D 2005 : Symphonies, no. 1, op. 3, C minor; BJL     
      Symphonies nos.1 & 25 [sound recording]. BJL  CD AUDIO p2001
C/D 2006 : Symphonies, no. 2, op. 11, C sharp minor; BJL     
      Symphonies nos.2 & 18 [sound recording]. BJL  CD AUDIO p2001
C/D 2007 : Symphonies, no. 3, op. 15, A minor; BJL     
      Symphonies nos.3 & 13 [sound recording]. BJL  CD AUDIO p2001
C/D 2008 : Symphonies, no. 4, op. 17, E minor; BJL     
      Symphonies nos.4 & 11 [sound recording]. BJL  CD AUDIO p2002
C/D 2009 : Symphonies, no. 5, op. 18, D major; BJL     
      Symphonies nos.5 & 12 [sound recording]. BJL  CD AUDIO p2002
D 2009 B9 : Europe : the strange superpower.; BJL     
      Europe : the strange superpower. BJL  BOOK 1993
D 2009 C7    
      Contemporary Europe / [edited by] Richard Sakwa and Anne Stevens. BJL  BOOK 2000
      Contemporary Europe / [edited by] Richard Sakwa and Anne Stevens. BJL  BOOK 2006
      Contemporary Europe / edited by Richard Sakwa and Anne Stevens. BJL  BOOK 2012
D 2009 E8 : Europe's new nationalism : states and minorities in conflict / edited by Richard Caplan and John Feffer.; BJL     
      Europe's new nationalism : states and minorities in conflict / edited by Richard Caplan and John Feff BJL  BOOK 1996
D 2009 G5 : Global responsibilities : Europe in tomorrow's world / Werner Weidenfeld, Josef Jannings [i.e. Janning] (eds.).; BJL     
      Global responsibilities : Europe in tomorrow's world / Werner Weidenfeld, Josef Jannings [i.e. Jannin BJL  BOOK 1991
D 2009 G6 : Nation against state : a new approach to ethnic conflicts and the decline of sovereignty / Gidon Gottlieb.; BJL     
      Nation against state : a new approach to ethnic conflicts and the decline of sovereignty / Gidon Gott BJL  BOOK 1993
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