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D 764 G3 : German battle tactics on the Russian Front 1941-1945 / Steven H. Newton [editor].; BJL     
      German battle tactics on the Russian Front 1941-1945 / Steven H. Newton [editor]. BJL  BOOK c1994
D 764 G5    
      Barbarossa : Hitler's invasion of Russia, 1941. BJL  BOOK 2001
      When Titans clashed : how the Red Army stopped Hitler / David M. Glantz, Jonathan M. House. BJL  BOOK 1995
      Zhukov's greatest defeat : the Red Army's epic disaster in Operation Mars, 1942 / German translations BJL  BOOK 2000
D764 .G557 2015eb : When titans clashed : how the Red Army stopped Hitler / David M. Glantz, Jonathan M. House.; Online materials     
      When titans clashed : how the Red Army stopped Hitler / David M. Glantz, Jonathan M. House. Online materials  EBOOKS 2015
D 764 G7    
      Great feat of the Soviet people : speech by the U.S.S.R. Minister of Defence, A.A. Grechko, on May 8, BJL  BOOK 1970
      The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union. BJL  BOOK 1952
D 764 G9 : La guerre germano-sovietique, 1941-5.; BJL     
      La guerre germano-sovietique, 1941-5. BJL  BOOK 1949
D 764 H1    
      Forraedere : Frikorps Danmark-folk om drømmen og virkeligheden. BJL  BOOK 1975
      Frontsvin : Frikorps Danmark-folk om kampene ved Ilmensøen. BJL  BOOK 1976
      Frostknuder : Frikorps Danmark-folk om kampene ved Welikije Luki og korpsets endeligt. BJL  BOOK 1975
D 764 H4 : Stopped at Stalingrad : the Luftwaffe and Hitler's defeat in the east, 1942-1943 / Joel S.A. Hayward.; BJL     
      Stopped at Stalingrad : the Luftwaffe and Hitler's defeat in the east, 1942-1943 / Joel S.A. Hayward. BJL  BOOK 2001
D 764 J8    
      Russian glory. BJL  BOOK 1942
      Victory - whose? BJL  BOOK 1945
D 764 K1 / p : Under Stalin's command : a review of Soviet strategy and tactics.; BJL     
      Under Stalin's command : a review of Soviet strategy and tactics. BJL  BOOK 1943
D 764 K2 : Tret'ia sila : istoriia odnoi popytki.; BJL     
      Tret'ia sila : istoriia odnoi popytki. BJL  BOOK 1974
D 764 K8 : Danske soldater i kamp pa østfronten 1941-1945.; BJL     
      Danske soldater i kamp pa østfronten 1941-1945. BJL  BOOK 1976
D 764 L4 : German strategy againist Russia, 1939-1941.; BJL     
      German strategy againist Russia, 1939-1941. BJL  BOOK 1973
D 764 L6 : Soviet Jews at war.; BJL     
      Soviet Jews at war. BJL  BOOK 1943
D 764 L8 : Westmachte gegen die Sowjetunion, 1939-1941.; BJL     
      Westmachte gegen die Sowjetunion, 1939-1941. BJL  BOOK 1975
D 764 L9 : War on the Eastern front : the German soldier in Russia, 1941-1945.; BJL     
      War on the Eastern front : the German soldier in Russia, 1941-1945. BJL  BOOK 1998
D 764 M3 / q : Fra Kaukasus til Leningrad / [oversat fra spansk].; BJL     
      Fra Kaukasus til Leningrad / [oversat fra spansk]. BJL  BOOK 1980
D 764 M4 : Thunder in the east : the Nazi-Soviet war, 1941-1945 / Evan Mawdsley.; BJL     
      Thunder in the east : the Nazi-Soviet war, 1941-1945 / Evan Mawdsley. BJL  BOOK c2005
D 764 M5    
      Ivan's war : the Red Army 1939-1945. BJL  BOOK 2005
      Through hell for Hitler : a dramatic first-hand account of fighting on the Eastern Front with the Weh BJL  BOOK 2003
D 764 M7 : Radio address.; BJL     
      Radio address. BJL  BOOK 1941
D 764 M9 : Hitler's war in the East, 1941-1945 : a critical assessment / Rolf-Dieter Müller and Gerd R. Ueberschär ; translation of texts by Bruce D. Little.; BJL     
      Hitler's war in the East, 1941-1945 : a critical assessment / Rolf-Dieter Müller and Gerd R. Ue BJL  BOOK 2002
D764 .N393 2012eb : Nazi Policy on the Eastern Front, 1941 : total war, genocide, and radicalization / edited by Alex J. Kay, Jeff Rutherford, and David Stahel.; Online materials     
      Nazi Policy on the Eastern Front, 1941 : total war, genocide, and radicalization / edited by Alex J. Online materials  EBOOKS 2012
D 764 O9 : Russia's war / Richard Overy.; BJL     
      Russia's war / Richard Overy. BJL  BOOK 2010
D 764 P4 : June 22, 1941 : Soviet historians and the German invasion; compiled by V.Petrov.; BJL     
      June 22, 1941 : Soviet historians and the German invasion; compiled by V.Petrov. BJL  BOOK 1968
D 764 P8 : Poslednii shturm : [sbornik vospominanii Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny / sostavitel' : K.F. Telegin].; BJL     
      Poslednii shturm : [sbornik vospominanii Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny / sostavitel' : K.F. Telegin]. BJL  BOOK 1965
D 764 R2 : Panzers on the Eastern Front : General Erhard Raus and his panzer divisions in Russia, 1941-1945 / edited by Peter G.Tsouras.; BJL     
      Panzers on the Eastern Front : General Erhard Raus and his panzer divisions in Russia, 1941-1945 / ed BJL  BOOK 2002
D 764 R9    
      Russia at war, 1941-45 / introduction by Vladimir Karpov with text by Georgii Drozdov and Evgenii Rya BJL  BOOK 1988
      Slovo pravdy v bor'be s fashizmom. BJL  BOOK 1980
D 764 S7    
      On the great patriotic war of the Soviet Union. BJL  BOOK 1942
      Soviet rear stands firm. BJL  BOOK 1943
      Stalin and his generals : Soviet military memoirs of World War II. BJL  BOOK 1970
      Victory and after. BJL  BOOK 1943
2 additional entries    
D 764 S8 : Hitler's panzers east : World War II reinterpreted.; BJL     
      Hitler's panzers east : World War II reinterpreted. BJL  BOOK 1993
D 764 V4 : Velikii osvoboditel'nyi pokhod / sostavitel' ; sostavitel'. M.N. Gorbunov; redaktor : L.F. Filatova.; BJL     
      Velikii osvoboditel'nyi pokhod / sostavitel' ; sostavitel'. M.N. Gorbunov; redaktor : L.F. Filatova. BJL  BOOK 1970
D 764 V9 / p : A commander of genius of the Great Patriotic War.; BJL     
      A commander of genius of the Great Patriotic War. BJL  BOOK 1950
D 764 W4 : The year of Stalingrad : an historical record and a study of Russian mentality, methods and policies.; BJL     
      The year of Stalingrad : an historical record and a study of Russian mentality, methods and policies. BJL  BOOK 2001
D 764 W7 : Fighting youth of Russia : the story of the young men and women of the Soviet Union.; BJL     
      Fighting youth of Russia : the story of the young men and women of the Soviet Union. BJL  BOOK 1942
D 764 W9 : World War 2 and the Soviet people : selected papers from the Fourth World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies, Harrogate, 1990 / edited by John Garrard and Carol Garrard.; BJL     
      World War 2 and the Soviet people : selected papers from the Fourth World Congress for Soviet and Eas BJL  BOOK 1993
D 764 Z6 : Stalingrad to Berlin : the German defeat in the East.; BJL     
      Stalingrad to Berlin : the German defeat in the East. BJL  BOOK 1968
D 764.3 D46 F6 : Demyansk 1942-43 : the frozen fortress / Robert Forczyk ; illustrated by Peter Dennis ; series editor Marcus Cowper.; BJL     
      Demyansk 1942-43 : the frozen fortress / Robert Forczyk ; illustrated by Peter Dennis ; series editor BJL  BOOK 2012
D 764.3 D5 : Deviat'sot dnei : literaturno-khudozhestvennyi i dokumental'nyi sbornik, posviashchennyi geroicheskoi oborone Leningrada v gody Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny.; BJL     
      Deviat'sot dnei : literaturno-khudozhestvennyi i dokumental'nyi sbornik, posviashchennyi geroicheskoi BJL  BOOK 1957
D 764.3 K1 : 900 geroiucheskikh dnei : sbornik dokumentov i materialov o geroicheskoi bor'be trudiashchikhsia Leningrada v 1941-1944 gg. / redkollegiia : Kh. Kh. Komarov, V.M. Koval'chuk (otv. redaktor), Iu.S. Tokarev.; BJL     
      900 geroiucheskikh dnei : sbornik dokumentov i materialov o geroicheskoi bor'be trudiashchikhsia Leni BJL  BOOK 1966
D 764.3 K4 G5 : Kharkov 1942 : anatomy of a military disaster through Soviet eyes.; BJL     
      Kharkov 1942 : anatomy of a military disaster through Soviet eyes. BJL  BOOK 1998
D 764.3 K67 B3 : The battle for the Ukraine : the Red Army's Korsun'-Shevchenkovskii Operation, 1944 (the Soviet General Staff study) / translated and edited by David M. Glantz and Harold S. Orenstein.; BJL     
      The battle for the Ukraine : the Red Army's Korsun'-Shevchenkovskii Operation, 1944 (the Soviet Gener BJL  BOOK c2003
D 764.3 K67 Z6 : The Korsun pocket : the encirclement and breakout of a German army in the East, 1944 / by Niklas Zetterling and Anders Frankson.; BJL     
      The Korsun pocket : the encirclement and breakout of a German army in the East, 1944 / by Niklas Zett BJL  BOOK c2008
D764.3.K8 C53 2012 : Kursk : the greatest battle : Eastern Front 1943 / Lloyd Clark.; BJL     
      Kursk : the greatest battle : Eastern Front 1943 / Lloyd Clark. BJL  BOOK 2012
D 764.3 L4 W4 : Leningrad / Alexander Werth.; BJL     
      Leningrad / Alexander Werth. BJL  BOOK 1944
D764.3.L4 W4 2015 : Leningrad; BJL     
      Leningrad, 1943 : inside a city under siege / Alexander Werth ; introduction by Nicolas Werth. BJL  BOOK 2015
D 764.3 M8 S1 : Proval gitlerovskogo nastupleniia na Moskvu.; BJL     
      Proval gitlerovskogo nastupleniia na Moskvu. BJL  BOOK 1966
D 764.3 S1 : Oborona Leningrada, 1941-1944.; BJL     
      Oborona Leningrada, 1941-1944. BJL  BOOK 1968
D 764.3 S7    
      Stalingrad : an eye-witness account by Soviet correspondents and Red Army commanders. BJL  BOOK 1943
      Stalingrad / translated from the German by Constantine Fitzgibbon. BJL  BOOK 1960
D 764.3 S7 B3    
      Road to destruction : Operation Blue and the Battle of Stalingrad 1942-43 : a photographic history. BJL  BOOK 2008
      Voices from Stalingrad / Jonathan Bastable. BJL  BOOK 2006
D 764.3 S7 B4    
      Stalingrad. BJL  BOOK 1998
      Stalingrad. BJL  BOOK 1999
D 764.3 S7 C2 : Stalingrad : the defeat of the German 6th Army / [translated from the German by David Johnston].; BJL     
      Stalingrad : the defeat of the German 6th Army / [translated from the German by David Johnston]. BJL  BOOK 1993
D 764.3 S7 C8 : Enemy at the gates : the battle for Stalingrad.; BJL     
      Enemy at the gates : the battle for Stalingrad. BJL  BOOK 2000
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