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DA 565 C53 C5 : Chief Whip : the political life and times of Aretas Akers-Douglas, 1st Viscount Chilston.; BJL     
      Chief Whip : the political life and times of Aretas Akers-Douglas, 1st Viscount Chilston. BJL  BOOK 1961
DA 565 C59 L6 : Jennie : the life of Lady Randolph Churchill.; BJL     
      Jennie : the life of Lady Randolph Churchill. BJL  BOOK 1969
DA 565 C6 C5 : Lord Randolph Churchill / by Winston Spencer Churchill, M.P.; BJL     
      Lord Randolph Churchill / by Winston Spencer Churchill, M.P. BJL  BOOK 1906
DA 565 C6 E7 : Randolph Spencer-Churchill, as a product of his age.; BJL     
      Randolph Spencer-Churchill, as a product of his age. BJL  BOOK 1895
DA 565 C6 F7 : Lord Randolph Churchill : a political life.; BJL     
      Lord Randolph Churchill : a political life. BJL  BOOK 1981
DA 565 C6 J2 : Lord Randolph Churchill.; BJL     
      Lord Randolph Churchill. BJL  BOOK 1959
DA 565 C6 P9 : Lord Randolph Churchill.; BJL     
      Lord Randolph Churchill. BJL  BOOK 1906
DA 565 C65    
      Public speeches, 1890-1900. BJL  BOOK 1900
      The story of my life. BJL  BOOK 1918
DA 565 C66 M3 : Disraeli's fellow traveller : James Clay, M.P. for Hull.; BJL     
      Disraeli's fellow traveller : James Clay, M.P. for Hull. BJL  BOOK 1997
DA 565 C68 C7 : Jeremiah James Colman.; BJL     
      Jeremiah James Colman. BJL  BOOK 1905
DA 565 C7 B3 : Shaftesbury : a biography of the seventh earl, 1801-1885.; BJL     
      Shaftesbury : a biography of the seventh earl, 1801-1885. BJL  BOOK 1974
DA 565 C7 B5 : Shaftesbury.; BJL     
      Shaftesbury. BJL  BOOK 1964
DA 565 C7 H2    
      Lord Shaftesbury / by J.L. Hammond and Barbara Hammond. BJL  BOOK 1923
      Lord Shaftesbury / by J.L. Hammond and Barbara Hammond. BJL  BOOK 1939
DA 565 C7 H6    
      The life and work of the seventh earl of Shaftesbury, K.G. BJL  BOOK 1892
      Lord Shaftesbury : a portrait. BJL  BOOK 1945
DA 565 C8 G6 : Life of Lord Courtney.; BJL     
      Life of Lord Courtney. BJL  BOOK 1920
DA 565 C85 : The diary of Gathorne Hardy, later Lord Cranbrook, 1866-190t : political lselections.; BJL     
      The diary of Gathorne Hardy, later Lord Cranbrook, 1866-190t : political lselections. BJL  BOOK 1981
DA 565 C9 : Victorian jottings from an old commonplace book.; BJL     
      Victorian jottings from an old commonplace book. BJL  BOOK 1926
DA 565 C9 Z6 : Lord Cromer : being the authorized life of Evelyn Baring, 1st Earl of Cromer.; BJL     
      Lord Cromer : being the authorized life of Evelyn Baring, 1st Earl of Cromer. BJL  BOOK 1932
DA 565 C93 : The diaries of Hannah Cullwick, Victorian maidservant.; BJL     
      The diaries of Hannah Cullwick, Victorian maidservant. BJL  BOOK 1984
DA 565 C945 P8 : Victorian shipping, business and imperial policy : Donald Currie, the Castle Line and Southern Africa.; BJL, Departmental Locations      
      Victorian shipping, business and imperial policy : Donald Currie, the Castle Line and Southern Africa BJL, Departmental Locations   BOOK 1986
DA 565 C95 G6    
      Lord Curzon : the last of the British moghuls. BJL  BOOK 1993
      Lord Curzon : the last of the British Moghuls / Nayana Goradia. BJL  BOOK 1997
DA 565 C95 M9 : Curzon : the end of an epoch.; BJL     
      Curzon : the end of an epoch. BJL  BOOK 1960
DA 565 C95 R7 : Superior person : a portrait of Curzon and his circle in late Victorian England.; BJL     
      Superior person : a portrait of Curzon and his circle in late Victorian England. BJL  BOOK 1969
DA 565 C95 Z6 : The life of Lord Curzon.; BJL     
      The life of Lord Curzon. BJL  BOOK 1928
DA 565 D4 H7 : The life of Spencer Compton, eighth Duke of Devonshire.; BJL     
      The life of Spencer Compton, eighth Duke of Devonshire. BJL  BOOK 1911
DA 565 D5 J5 : Sir Charles Dilke : a Victorian tragedy.; BJL     
      Sir Charles Dilke : a Victorian tragedy. BJL  BOOK 1958
DA 565 D5 N6 : The lost Prime Minister : a life of Sir Charles Dilke.; BJL     
      The lost Prime Minister : a life of Sir Charles Dilke. BJL  BOOK 1995
DA 565 D5 T8 : A short life of Sir Charles W. Dilke, baronet, P.C., M.P. / abridged from the larger work by S. Gwynn and G.M. Tuckwell.; BJL     
      A short life of Sir Charles W. Dilke, baronet, P.C., M.P. / abridged from the larger work by S. Gwynn BJL  BOOK 1925
DA 565 D51 A8 : Lady Dilke : a biography.; BJL     
      Lady Dilke : a biography. BJL  BOOK 1969
DA 565 D77 F8 : Lucie Duff Gordon : a passage to Egypt / Katherine Frank.; BJL     
      Lucie Duff Gordon : a passage to Egypt / Katherine Frank. BJL  BOOK 2007
DA 565 E36 B6 : Charles Elliot R.N., 1801-1875 : a servant of Britain overseas.; Departmental Locations     
      Charles Elliot R.N., 1801-1875 : a servant of Britain overseas. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1960
DA 565 E4 B9 : Lord Minto : a memoir.; BJL     
      Lord Minto : a memoir. BJL  BOOK 1924
DA 565 E47 B3 : The life of the Rt.Hon. John Edward Ellis, M.P.; BJL     
      The life of the Rt.Hon. John Edward Ellis, M.P. BJL  BOOK 1914
DA 565 E7 : Whippingham to Westminster : the reminiscences of Lord Ernle (Rowland Prothero).; BJL     
      Whippingham to Westminster : the reminiscences of Lord Ernle (Rowland Prothero). BJL  BOOK 1938
DA 565 E9 M9 : William Ewart M.P., 1798-1869.; BJL     
      William Ewart M.P., 1798-1869. BJL  BOOK 1960
DA 565 F3 B6 / q : An outline investigation into the life and work of Thomas Robinson Ferens (1847-1930).; BJL     
      An outline investigation into the life and work of Thomas Robinson Ferens (1847-1930). BJL  BOOK 1974
DA 565 F4 W3 : John Fielden and the politics of popular radicalism 1832-1847.; BJL     
      John Fielden and the politics of popular radicalism 1832-1847. BJL  BOOK 1987
DA 565 F59 F7 : The life of Henry Hartley Fowler, 1st Viscount Wolverhampton.; BJL     
      The life of Henry Hartley Fowler, 1st Viscount Wolverhampton. BJL  BOOK 1912
DA 565 F6 F6 : Sir Robert N. Fowler : a memoir.; BJL     
      Sir Robert N. Fowler : a memoir. BJL  BOOK 1893
DA 565 F7    
      The journals of Caroline Fox, 1835-71 : a selection / edited by W. Monk. BJL  BOOK 1972
      Memories of old friends. BJL  BOOK 1882
DA 565 F7 H3 : Caroline Fox.; BJL     
      Caroline Fox. BJL  BOOK 1944
DA 565 F73 : Barclay Fox's journal.; BJL     
      Barclay Fox's journal. BJL  BOOK 1979
DA 565 F9 : Forty years recollections : literary and political.; BJL     
      Forty years recollections : literary and political. BJL  BOOK 1880
DA 565 G2 D5 : A profound secret : May Gaskell, her daughter Amy, and Edward Burne-Jones.; BJL     
      A profound secret : May Gaskell, her daughter Amy, and Edward Burne-Jones. BJL  BOOK 2004
DA 565 G5 : Reminiscences of Lord Killracken.; BJL     
      Reminiscences of Lord Killracken. BJL  BOOK 1931
DA 565 G68 E4 : The life of George Joachim Goschen, first Viscount Goschen, 1831-1907.; BJL     
      The life of George Joachim Goschen, first Viscount Goschen, 1831-1907. BJL  BOOK 1911
DA 565 G68 S7 : George Joachim Goschen : the transformation of a Victorian liberal.; BJL     
      George Joachim Goschen : the transformation of a Victorian liberal. BJL  BOOK 1973
DA 565 G75 : Sir William Gregory, K.C.M.G. / edited by Lady Gregory.; BJL     
      Sir William Gregory, K.C.M.G. / edited by Lady Gregory. BJL  BOOK 1894
DA 565 H1 S5 : Two Victorian girls.; BJL     
      Two Victorian girls. BJL  BOOK 1966
DA 565 H15    
      The diary of Sir Edward Walter Hamilton, 1880-1885 / edited by D.W.R. Bahlman. BJL  BOOK 1972
      The diary of Sir Edward Walter Hamilton 1885-1906 / edited by Dudley W.R. Bahlman. BJL  BOOK 1993
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