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DA 566 C3    
      All the way. BJL  BOOK 1949
      Britain : a study of foreign policy from the Versailles Treaty to the outbreak of war. BJL  BOOK 1939
DA 566 C4 : Politics from inside, 1906-1914.; BJL     
      Politics from inside, 1906-1914. BJL  BOOK  
DA 566 C6    
      Hope and glory : Britain 1900-1990. BJL  BOOK 1996
      Hope and glory : Britain, 1900-1990. BJL  BOOK 1997
DA 566 C7    
      A companion to early twentieth-century Britain / edited by Chris Wrigley. BJL  BOOK 2009
      Contemporary British history 1931-1961 : politics and the limits of policy / edited by Tony Gorst, Le BJL  BOOK 1991
DA 566 D1    
      Call back yesterday. BJL  BOOK  
      The fateful years : memoirs 1931-1945. BJL  BOOK 1957
      High tide and after : memoirs 1945-1960. BJL  BOOK 1962
DA 566 D2 : The 20th century / illustrated by Philip Reeve.; Education Resources     
      The 20th century / illustrated by Philip Reeve. Education Resources  BOOK 1996
DA 566 D5 : The British way and purpose.; BJL     
      The British way and purpose. BJL  BOOK 1944
DA 566 D6    
      Documents on British foreign policy, 1919-1939 / edited by E.L. Woodward, R. Butler ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 1947-
      Documents on British foreign policy, 1919-1939. 3rd series / edited by E.L. Woodward, R. Butler ... [ BJL  BOOK 1949-
      Documents on British foreign policy, 1919-1939. First series / edited by E.L. Woodward, R. Butler ... BJL  BOOK 1947-
      Documents on British foreign policy, 1919-1939 : Second series / edited by E.L Woodward and Rohan Bu BJL  BOOK 1946-
      Documents on British foreign policy, 1919-1939. Series 1A / edited by W.N. Medlicott and others. BJL  BOOK  
DA 566 D8 : Arthur James Balfour.; BJL     
      Arthur James Balfour. BJL  BOOK  
DA 566 E1 : Echoes of greatness / edited by Lesley M. Smith.; BJL     
      Echoes of greatness / edited by Lesley M. Smith. BJL  BOOK 1988
DA566 .E338 2018 : The rise and fall of the British nation : a twentieth-century history / David Edgerton.; BJL     
      The rise and fall of the British nation : a twentieth-century history / David Edgerton. BJL  BOOK 2018
DA 566 F2 : The Life of Neville Chamberlain.; BJL     
      The Life of Neville Chamberlain. BJL  BOOK  
DA 566 G5 : Britain since 1918.; BJL     
      Britain since 1918. BJL  BOOK 1967
DA 566 G8    
      A modern history of the English people, 1880-1922. BJL  BOOK  
      Prejudice and judgment. BJL  BOOK 1948
      Twenty-five years. BJL  BOOK  
      Twenty-five years, 1892-1916. BJL  BOOK  
DA 566 G9 : Mr. Churchill, a portrait.; BJL     
      Mr. Churchill, a portrait. BJL  BOOK  
DA 566 H3    
      Britain in transition : the twentieth century. BJL  BOOK 1979
      Britain in transition : the twentieth century. BJL  BOOK 1985
      Modern England 1901-1970. BJL  BOOK 1976
      Twentieth-century Britain. BJL  BOOK 1962
DA 566 H6    
      1900-1939. Education Resources  BOOK  
      Nine troubled years. BJL  BOOK 1954
      Since 1945. Education Resources  BOOK  
      Workmans cottage to Windsor Castle. BJL  BOOK  
DA 566 J7 : A diary with letters, 1931-1950.; BJL     
      A diary with letters, 1931-1950. BJL  BOOK 1954
DA 566 L2 : My England.; BJL     
      My England. BJL  BOOK  
DA 566 L6 : The governments record, 1906-13.; BJL     
      The governments record, 1906-13. BJL  BOOK  
DA 566 M2 : Lord Balfour : a memory / by Sir Ian Malcolm.; BJL     
      Lord Balfour : a memory / by Sir Ian Malcolm. BJL  BOOK 1930
DA 566 M3    
      The Andrew Marr collection [videorecording] / written and presented by Andrew Marr. BJL  DVD c2009
      Britain in a century of total war : war, peace and social change, 1900-1967. BJL  BOOK 1968
      Britain in the century of total war : war, peace and social change, 1900-1967. BJL  BOOK 1968
      The explosion of British society, 1914-62. BJL  BOOK 1963
3 additional entries    
DA 566 M4    
      Contemporary England 1914-1964. BJL  BOOK 1967
      The life of General Lord Rawlinson of Trent. BJL  BOOK  
DA 566 M6    
      Modern Britain since 1906 : a reader / edited by Keith Laybourn. BJL  BOOK 1998
      The nation and the Empire. BJL  BOOK 1913
DA 566 M8 : Britain in the twentieth century / Charles More.; BJL     
      Britain in the twentieth century / Charles More. BJL  BOOK 2007
DA 566 M9 : The thirties in Great Britain.; BJL     
      The thirties in Great Britain. BJL  BOOK 1940
DA 566 N6 : Sir Arthur Nicolson, bart.; BJL     
      Sir Arthur Nicolson, bart. BJL  BOOK 1930
DA 566 O1 : Britain and the twentieth century world series. Book 1 : Empire to community; Book 2 : Planning Society; Book 3 : Britains role in the world; Book 4 : Britain at war; Book 5 : Economic growth and the consumer society; Book 6 : A people's culture.; Education Resources     
      Britain and the twentieth century world series. Book 1 : Empire to community; Book 2 : Planning Socie Education Resources  BOOK 1975
DA 566 P3    
      British political history, 1867-1990 : democracy and decline / Malcolm Pearce and Geoffrey Stewart. BJL  BOOK 1992
      British political history 1867 - 1995 : democracy and decline / Malcolm Pearce and Geoffrey Stewart. BJL  BOOK 1996
      British political history, 1867-2001 : democracy and decline / Malcolm Pearce and Geoffrey Stewart. BJL  BOOK 2002
DA 566 P4 : Penultimate adventures with Britannia : personalities, politics and culture in Britain / edited by Wm. Roger Louis.; BJL     
      Penultimate adventures with Britannia : personalities, politics and culture in Britain / edited by Wm BJL  BOOK 2008
DA 566 R1 : Britain 1900-51.; Education Resources     
      Britain 1900-51. Education Resources  BOOK 1997
DA 566 R2    
      Edwardian England 1901-15 : society and politics. BJL  BOOK 1972
      Grossbritannien : eine politische Landeskunde. BJL  BOOK 1976
DA 566 R4    
      Twentieth century British history; 1900-14; book 1. Education Resources  BOOK 1985
      Twentieth century British history : 1919-39 : book 2. Education Resources  BOOK 1985
DA 566 R6    
      The eclipse of a great power : modern Britain 1870-1975. BJL  BOOK 1983
      The eclipse of a great power : modern Britain, 1870-1992. BJL  BOOK 1994
DA 566 R8    
      All souls and appeasement. BJL  BOOK 1961
      Political and strategic interests of the United Kingdom. BJL  BOOK  
DA 566 S2 : Conflict, science and society, (the twentieth century).; Education Resources     
      Conflict, science and society, (the twentieth century). Education Resources  BOOK 1970
DA 566 S4    
      Britain and the dictators. BJL  BOOK  
      Post-Victorian Britain, 1902-1951. BJL  BOOK 1966
DA 566 S5 : Pillars of the state.; BJL     
      Pillars of the state. BJL  BOOK 1921
DA 566 S6    
      An autobiography. BJL  BOOK  
      British politics since 1900. BJL  BOOK  
DA 566 S7    
      England since 1867 : continuity and change. BJL  BOOK 1973
      Gt.Britain - Empire & Commonwealth, 1886-1935. BJL  BOOK  
      Life of Herbert Henry Asquith, Lord Oxford and Asquith. BJL  BOOK 1932
DA 566 S8 : Home and abroad.; BJL     
      Home and abroad. BJL  BOOK 1956
DA 566 T2 : The strange case of Andrew Bonar Law.; BJL     
      The strange case of Andrew Bonar Law. BJL  BOOK  
DA 566 T3 : Cassell's companion to twentieth-century Britain / general editor, Derek Beales.; BJL     
      Cassell's companion to twentieth-century Britain / general editor, Derek Beales. BJL  BOOK 2001
DA 566 T5    
      Britain in the era of the two World Wars, 1914-45. BJL  BOOK 1994
      The Longman companion to Britain in the era of the two world wars, 1914-45. BJL  BOOK 1994
      Time's Winged chariot : memories and comments. BJL  BOOK 1945
DA 566 T7 : Total war and social change / edited by Arthur Marwick.; BJL     
      Total war and social change / edited by Arthur Marwick. BJL  BOOK 1988
DA 566 T9 : Twentieth-century Britain : economic, cultural and social change / edited by Francesca Carnevali and Julie-Marie Strange.; BJL     
      Twentieth-century Britain : economic, cultural and social change / edited by Francesca Carnevali and BJL  BOOK 2007
DA 566 T97 : Twentieth century British history.; BJL     
      Twentieth century British history. BJL  PERIODICAL 2009
DA 566 W3    
      Allenby, soldier and statesman. BJL  BOOK  
      Untied Kingdom : a global history of the end of Britain / Stuart Ward. BJL  BOOK 2023
DA 566 W9 : Life without theory : an autobiography.; BJL     
      Life without theory : an autobiography. BJL  BOOK 1946
DA 566 Y6 : The changing aims of British foreign policy.; BJL     
      The changing aims of British foreign policy. BJL  BOOK 1958
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