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DA 670 L2 L24(71) : Lancashire & Cheshire cases in the Court of Star Chamber / edited by R. Stewart-Brown.; BJL     
      Lancashire & Cheshire cases in the Court of Star Chamber / edited by R. Stewart-Brown. BJL  BOOK 1916
DA 670 L2 L24(74-75,etc.) : Lancashire Marriage Bonds.; BJL     
      Lancashire Marriage Bonds. BJL  BOOK 1920
DA 670 L2 L24(76) : Calendar of persons commemorated in monumental inscriptions.; BJL     
      Calendar of persons commemorated in monumental inscriptions. BJL  BOOK 1922
DA 670 L2 L24(78,79) : An index to the wills and administrations now preserved in the probate registry at Chester for the years 1811-1820 / edited by W. Asheton Tonge.; BJL     
      An index to the wills and administrations now preserved in the probate registry at Chester for the ye BJL  BOOK 1928
DA 670 L2 L24(82,85,97,101) : Marriage bonds of the ancient Archdeaconry of Chester.; BJL     
      Marriage bonds of the ancient Archdeaconry of Chester. BJL  BOOK 1933
DA 670 L2 L24(84,86,91) : Cheshire inquisitions post mortem.; BJL     
      Cheshire inquisitions post mortem. BJL  BOOK 1934
DA 670 L2 L24(87,90) : The rolls of the freemen of the borough of Lancaster, 1688-1840 / edited by T. Cann Hughes.; BJL     
      The rolls of the freemen of the borough of Lancaster, 1688-1840 / edited by T. Cann Hughes. BJL  BOOK 1935
DA 670 L2 L24(88) : A calendar of the deeds and papers in the possession of Sir James de Hoghton, baron of Hoghton Tower, Lancashire.; BJL     
      A calendar of the deeds and papers in the possession of Sir James de Hoghton, baron of Hoghton Tower BJL  BOOK 1936
DA 670 L2 L24(89) : A selection from the Prescot Court Leet and other records 1447-1600.; BJL     
      A selection from the Prescot Court Leet and other records 1447-1600. BJL  BOOK 1937
DA 670 L2 L24(9) : The rolls of burgesses at the guilds merchant of the Borough of Preston, co. Lancaster, 1397-1682.; BJL     
      The rolls of burgesses at the guilds merchant of the Borough of Preston, co. Lancaster, 1397-1682. BJL  BOOK 1884
DA 670 L2 L24(92) : Cheshire in the Pipe Rolls 1158-1301.; BJL     
      Cheshire in the Pipe Rolls 1158-1301. BJL  BOOK 1938
DA 670 L2 L24(93) : A calendar of the Norris deeds / edited by J. H. Lumby.; BJL     
      A calendar of the Norris deeds / edited by J. H. Lumby. BJL  BOOK 1939
DA 670 L2 L24(94) : Quarter sessions records / edited by J. H. Bennett and J. C. Dewhurst.; BJL     
      Quarter sessions records / edited by J. H. Bennett and J. C. Dewhurst. BJL  BOOK 1940
DA 670 L2 L25    
      Guide to the Lancashire Record Office. BJL  BOOK 1948
      Guide to the Lancashire Record Office. BJL  BOOK 1962
      Guide to the Lancashire Record Office. BJL  BOOK 1985
DA 670 L2 M6 / q : The wetlands of North Lancashire / R. Middleton, C.E. Wells, E. Huckerby ; with contributions by C. Cox ... [et al.] ; GIS mapping by J.T. Dodds.; BJL     
      The wetlands of North Lancashire / R. Middleton, C.E. Wells, E. Huckerby ; with contributions by C. C BJL  BOOK 1995
DA670.L2 N6 2016 : 50 finds from Lancashire : objects from the Portable Antiquities Scheme / Stuart Noon.; BJL     
      50 finds from Lancashire : objects from the Portable Antiquities Scheme / Stuart Noon. BJL  BOOK 2016
DA 670 L2 P5 : Lancashire and Cheshire from AD 1540 / C.B. Phillips and J.H. Smith.; BJL     
      Lancashire and Cheshire from AD 1540 / C.B. Phillips and J.H. Smith. BJL  BOOK 1994
DA 670 L2 R6 : Traditions of Lancashire.; BJL     
      Traditions of Lancashire. BJL  BOOK 1905
DA 670 L2 R7 : The Lancashire population crisis of 1623.; BJL     
      The Lancashire population crisis of 1623. BJL  BOOK 1975
DA 670 L2 S6    
      History of the duchy of Lancaster. BJL  BOOK  
      Zeppelins over Lancashire : the story of the air raids on the county of Lancashire in 1916 and 1918. BJL  BOOK 1991
DA 670 L2 W8 : Lancashire painted by A. Woods.; BJL     
      Lancashire painted by A. Woods. BJL  BOOK  
DA 670 L5 : The Leicestershire Archaeological society 1855-1955.; BJL     
      The Leicestershire Archaeological society 1855-1955. BJL  BOOK 1955
DA 670 L5 A2 : A gentry community : Leicestershire in the fifteenth century, c.1422-1485.; BJL     
      A gentry community : Leicestershire in the fifteenth century, c.1422-1485. BJL  BOOK 1992
DA 670 L5 H3 : Leicestershire and Rutland / by A. Harvey and V.B. Crowther-Beynon.; BJL     
      Leicestershire and Rutland / by A. Harvey and V.B. Crowther-Beynon. BJL  BOOK  
DA 670 L5 H8 : Essays in Leicestershire history.; BJL     
      Essays in Leicestershire history. BJL  BOOK 1950
DA 670 L5 P9 : Leicester and its region.; BJL     
      Leicester and its region. BJL  BOOK 1972
DA 670 L5 S7 : Spencers' illustrated Leicester almanack, diary, peerage, baronetage, directory and general advertiser.; BJL     
      Spencers' illustrated Leicester almanack, diary, peerage, baronetage, directory and general advertise BJL  BOOK 1879
DA 670 L5 T7    
      Transactions of the Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society. BJL  PERIODICAL 2002
      Transactions of the Leicestershire Architectural and Archaeological Society. BJL  PERIODICAL 2001
DA 670 L7    
      An act for making of a navigation from the river Humber to the river. BJL  BOOK  
      The moss-dials of N.E. Lindsey. BJL  BOOK  
      Pre-Conquest carved stones in Lincs. BJL  BOOK  
DA 670 L7 A4 / q : The history of the county of Lincoln ... illust.; BJL     
      The history of the county of Lincoln ... illust. BJL  BOOK 1830
DA 670 L7 A5 : The history of Winterton and the adjoining villages in the northern division of Manley in the county of Lincoln, with a notice of their antiquities.; BJL     
      The history of Winterton and the adjoining villages in the northern division of Manley in the county BJL  BOOK 1836
DA 670 L7 A6 : Archivists' report/ Lincolnshire Archives Committee.; BJL     
      Archivists' report/ Lincolnshire Archives Committee. BJL  PERIODICAL 1985
DA 670 L7 B7 / q : Boston, Skegness, and Spilsby.; BJL     
      Boston, Skegness, and Spilsby. BJL  BOOK  
DA 670 L7 B8 : Lincolnshire in the 17th and 18th centuries.; BJL     
      Lincolnshire in the 17th and 18th centuries. BJL  BOOK 1940
DA 670 L7 C7    
      The Anglo-Saxon cemetery at Fonaby, Lincolnshire / Alison M. Cook (based on a catalogue of the materi BJL  BOOK 1981
      Reports relating to the county of Lincoln. BJL  BOOK  
DA 670 L7 C8 : Lincolnshire. - / revised by A. Hamilton Thompson.; BJL     
      Lincolnshire. - / revised by A. Hamilton Thompson. BJL  BOOK 1924
DA670.L7 D3 2016 : 50 finds from Lincolnshire : objects from the Portable Antiquities Scheme / Adam Daubney.; BJL     
      50 finds from Lincolnshire : objects from the Portable Antiquities Scheme / Adam Daubney. BJL  BOOK 2016
DA 670 L7 D6 : The Lincolnshire Domesday and the Lindsey survey / translated and edited by C.W. Foster and T. Longley; with an introduction by F.M. Stenton and appendices of extinct villages by C.W. Foster.; BJL     
      The Lincolnshire Domesday and the Lindsey survey / translated and edited by C.W. Foster and T. Longle BJL  BOOK 1976
DA 670 L7 D8 : Early days in North-West Lincolnshire : a regional archaeology.; BJL     
      Early days in North-West Lincolnshire : a regional archaeology. BJL  BOOK 1949
DA 670 L7 D9 / q : The rivers of Axholme.; BJL     
      The rivers of Axholme. BJL  BOOK  
DA 670 L7 E9 / q : Custodians of continuity? : the Premonstratensian Abbey at Barlings and the landscape of ritual / by Paul Everson and David Stocker.; BJL     
      Custodians of continuity? : the Premonstratensian Abbey at Barlings and the landscape of ritual / by BJL  BOOK c2011
DA 670 L7 F7 : A history of the villages of Aisthorpe and Thorpe in the Fallows.; BJL     
      A history of the villages of Aisthorpe and Thorpe in the Fallows. BJL  BOOK  
DA 670 L7 G3 : The sultry glebe.; BJL     
      The sultry glebe. BJL  BOOK 1987
DA 670 L7 G8 : Britons and Anglo-Saxons : Lincolnshire AD 400-650 / Thomas Green.; BJL     
      Britons and Anglo-Saxons : Lincolnshire AD 400-650 / Thomas Green. BJL  BOOK 2012
DA 670 L7 H1 : Notices of Lincolnshire.; BJL     
      Notices of Lincolnshire. BJL  BOOK  
DA 670 L7 H6 / q : An historical atlas of Lincolnshire / edited by Stewart Bennett and Nicholas Bennett ; with contributions by Rodney W. Ambler ... [et al.].; BJL     
      An historical atlas of Lincolnshire / edited by Stewart Bennett and Nicholas Bennett ; with contribut BJL  BOOK 1993
DA 670 L7 H6(1) : Prehistoric Lincolnshire.; BJL     
      Prehistoric Lincolnshire. BJL  BOOK 1976
DA 670 L7 H6(10) : Rural society and county government in nineteenth century Lincolnshire.; BJL     
      Rural society and county government in nineteenth century Lincolnshire. BJL  BOOK 1979
DA 670 L7 H6(11) : Lincolnshire towns and industry, 1700-1914.; BJL     
      Lincolnshire towns and industry, 1700-1914. BJL  BOOK 1982
DA 670 L7 H6(12) : Twentieth century Lincolnshire / edited by D.R. Mills.; BJL     
      Twentieth century Lincolnshire / edited by D.R. Mills. BJL  BOOK 1989
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