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DK 219 M3 : The Russian menace to Europe.; BJL     
      The Russian menace to Europe. BJL  BOOK 1953
DK 219 R9 : A wavering friendship : Russia and Austria 1876-1878.; BJL     
      A wavering friendship : Russia and Austria 1876-1878. BJL  BOOK  
DK 219 S9 : Russia and the Balkans 1870-1880.; BJL     
      Russia and the Balkans 1870-1880. BJL  BOOK  
DK 219.3 F5 : Five sisters : women against the tsar / edited and translated from the Russian by Barbara Alpern Engel and Clifford N. Rosenthal ; with a foreword by Alix Kates Shulman.; BJL     
      Five sisters : women against the tsar / edited and translated from the Russian by Barbara Alpern Enge BJL  BOOK 1976
DK 219.3 H2 : Portraits of Russian personalities between reform and revolution.; BJL     
      Portraits of Russian personalities between reform and revolution. BJL  BOOK 1959
DK 219.6 A4 : Kniga vospominanii.; BJL     
      Kniga vospominanii. BJL  BOOK 1980
DK 219.6 C53 : Vospominaniia Borisa Nikolaevicha Chicherina.; BJL     
      Vospominaniia Borisa Nikolaevicha Chicherina. BJL  BOOK 1973
DK 219.6 H5 : My past and thoughts : the memoirs of Alexander Herzen.; BJL     
      My past and thoughts : the memoirs of Alexander Herzen. BJL  BOOK 1974
DK 219.6 M5 M6 : Dmitrii Miliutin and the reform era in Russia.; BJL     
      Dmitrii Miliutin and the reform era in Russia. BJL  BOOK 1968
DK 219.6 M6 L7 : Nikolai Miliutin : an enlightened Russian bureaucrat.; BJL     
      Nikolai Miliutin : an enlightened Russian bureaucrat. BJL  BOOK 1977
DK 219.6 N3 P7 : Sergei Nechaev.; BJL     
      Sergei Nechaev. BJL  BOOK 1979
DK 219.6 N3 P9 : The unmentionable Nechaev.; BJL     
      The unmentionable Nechaev. BJL  BOOK 1961
DK 219.6 O3 : Vospominaniia.; BJL     
      Vospominaniia. BJL  BOOK 1929
DK 219.6 P4 S4 : Sof'ia Perovskaia.; BJL     
      Sof'ia Perovskaia. BJL  BOOK 1962
DK 219.6 S35 : The Correspondence of Iu. Samarin and Sarouess Rahden (1861-1876).; BJL     
      The Correspondence of Iu. Samarin and Sarouess Rahden (1861-1876). BJL  BOOK 1974
DK 219.6 S35 S9 : Jurij Samarin und die Anfange der Bauernbefreiung in Russland.; BJL     
      Jurij Samarin und die Anfange der Bauernbefreiung in Russland. BJL  BOOK 1969
DK 219.6 T6 H2 : Petr Tkachev : the critic as Jacobin.; BJL     
      Petr Tkachev : the critic as Jacobin. BJL  BOOK 1977
DK 219.6 T6 K8 : P.N. Tkachev i revoliutsionnoe dvizhenie 1860-kh godov.; BJL     
      P.N. Tkachev i revoliutsionnoe dvizhenie 1860-kh godov. BJL  BOOK 1969
DK 219.6 Z6 F6 : Red prelude : a life of A. I. Zhelyabov.; BJL     
      Red prelude : a life of A. I. Zhelyabov. BJL  BOOK 1968
DK 219.6 Z6 P9 : Zheliabov.; BJL     
      Zheliabov. BJL  BOOK 1965
DK 220 A3 : The politics of autocracy : letters of Alexander II to Prince A. I. Bariatinskii 1857-1864 / by A. J. Rieber.; BJL     
      The politics of autocracy : letters of Alexander II to Prince A. I. Bariatinskii 1857-1864 / by A. J. BJL  BOOK 1966
DK 220 A4 : The emperor Alexander II.; BJL     
      The emperor Alexander II. BJL  BOOK 1962
DK 220 C5 : Imperial and Soviet Russia : power, priviledge and the challenge of modernity.; BJL     
      Imperial and Soviet Russia : power, priviledge and the challenge of modernity. BJL  BOOK 1997
DK 220 G7 : Tsar of freedom : the life and reign of Alexander II.; BJL     
      Tsar of freedom : the life and reign of Alexander II. BJL  BOOK 1935
DK 220 G8 : Le tsar Alexandre II et son temps.; BJL     
      Le tsar Alexandre II et son temps. BJL  BOOK 1963
DK 220 I3 : Imperial Russian history II : 1861-1917 / edited with an introduction by G.M. Hamburg.; BJL     
      Imperial Russian history II : 1861-1917 / edited with an introduction by G.M. Hamburg. BJL  BOOK 1992
DK 220 K4 : Vtoraia revoliutsionnaia situatsiia v Rossii (konets 70-kh - nachalo 80-kh godov XIX veka).; BJL     
      Vtoraia revoliutsionnaia situatsiia v Rossii (konets 70-kh - nachalo 80-kh godov XIX veka). BJL  BOOK 1963
DK 220 K8 : Obshchestvennoe dvizhenie pri Aleksandre II, 1855-1881 : istoricheskie ocherki.; BJL     
      Obshchestvennoe dvizhenie pri Aleksandre II, 1855-1881 : istoricheskie ocherki. BJL  BOOK 1909
DK 220 M1 : The emergence of the modern Russian state, 1855-81 / M. McCauley, and P. Waldron.; BJL     
      The emergence of the modern Russian state, 1855-81 / M. McCauley, and P. Waldron. BJL  BOOK 1988
DK 220 M9 : Alexander II and the modernization of Russia.; BJL     
      Alexander II and the modernization of Russia. BJL  BOOK 1958
DK 220 P8 : Fathers and daughters.; BJL     
      Fathers and daughters. BJL  BOOK 1976
DK 220 W1 : The end of imperial Russia, 1855 - 1917.; BJL     
      The end of imperial Russia, 1855 - 1917. BJL  BOOK 1997
DK 221 A3 : Revoliutsionnaia situatsiia v Rossii v 1859-1861 gg. redaktor / redaktor. M.V. Nechkina [i dr.].; BJL     
      Revoliutsionnaia situatsiia v Rossii v 1859-1861 gg. redaktor / redaktor. M.V. Nechkina [i dr.]. BJL  BOOK 1965
DK 221 B6 : Aktivnoe narodnichestvo semidesiatykh godov.; BJL     
      Aktivnoe narodnichestvo semidesiatykh godov. BJL  BOOK 1970
DK 221 B8 : Apostles into terrorists : women and the revolutionary movement in the Russia of Alexander II.; BJL     
      Apostles into terrorists : women and the revolutionary movement in the Russia of Alexander II. BJL  BOOK 1978
DK 221 H6 : Nihilists : Russian radicals and revolutionaries in the reign of Alexander II.; BJL     
      Nihilists : Russian radicals and revolutionaries in the reign of Alexander II. BJL  BOOK 1967
DK 221 K8 : Iz istorii revoliutsionnoi mysli v Rossii.; BJL     
      Iz istorii revoliutsionnoi mysli v Rossii. BJL  BOOK 1961
DK 221 L5    
      Ocherki osvoboditel'nago dvizheniia "shestidesiatykh godov". BJL  BOOK 1968
      Politicheskie protsessy v Rossii 1860-kh gg. BJL  BOOK 1968
DK 221 M9 : Perestroika under the Tsars.; BJL     
      Perestroika under the Tsars. BJL  BOOK 1992
DK 221 S3 : Von Bakunin zu Lenin.; BJL     
      Von Bakunin zu Lenin. BJL  BOOK 1956
DK 221 U3 : In the name of the people : prophets and conspirators in prerevolutionary Russia.; BJL     
      In the name of the people : prophets and conspirators in prerevolutionary Russia. BJL  BOOK 1977
DK 221 V6 : Revoliutsionnoe podpol'e v Rossii (60-e gody XIX v.).; BJL     
      Revoliutsionnoe podpol'e v Rossii (60-e gody XIX v.). BJL  BOOK 1965
DK 221 V9    
      Narodnaia volia, 1879-1882. BJL  BOOK 1966
      Revoliutsionnoe narodnichestvo 70-kh godov XIX veka. BJL  BOOK 1964-
DK 221 W9 : The development of a Russian legal consciousness.; BJL     
      The development of a Russian legal consciousness. BJL  BOOK 1976
DK 221 Z2 : The Russian autocracy in crisis, 1878-1882.; BJL     
      The Russian autocracy in crisis, 1878-1882. BJL  BOOK 1979
DK 222 D9 / q : Velikaia reforma : russkoe obshchestvo i krest'ianskii vopros v proshlom i nastoiashchem.; BJL     
      Velikaia reforma : russkoe obshchestvo i krest'ianskii vopros v proshlom i nastoiashchem. BJL  BOOK 1911
DK 222 E5 : The Russian landed gentry and the peasant emancipation of 1861.; BJL     
      The Russian landed gentry and the peasant emancipation of 1861. BJL  BOOK 1968
DK 222 I9 : Padenie krepostnogo prava v Rossii.; BJL     
      Padenie krepostnogo prava v Rossii. BJL  BOOK 1882
DK 222 M3 : Istoricheskii ocherk nashikh poriadkov : doreformennye poriadki i ikh krushenie.; BJL     
      Istoricheskii ocherk nashikh poriadkov : doreformennye poriadki i ikh krushenie. BJL  BOOK 1901
DK 222 P8 : Le statut des paysans liberes du servage, 1861-1961.; BJL     
      Le statut des paysans liberes du servage, 1861-1961. BJL  BOOK 1963
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