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DK 266.3 V5    
      Soviet aggression in Europe and United States counter-measures; a review. BJL  BOOK 1950
      Verhindert den drohenden Krieg / herausgegeben vom Internationalen Komitee der Freunde Sowjetrussland BJL  BOOK 1928
DK 266.3 W1 : The partitioning of Europe : a history of the Soviet expansion up to the cleavage of Germany, 1918-1945.; BJL     
      The partitioning of Europe : a history of the Soviet expansion up to the cleavage of Germany, 1918-19 BJL  BOOK 1959
DK266.3 .W48 2015 : The Red Army and the Great Terror : Stalin's purge of the Soviet military / Peter Whitewood.; Online materials     
      The Red Army and the Great Terror : Stalin's purge of the Soviet military / Peter Whitewood. Online materials  EBOOKS 2015
DK 266.3 W5 : Pattern for conquest.; BJL     
      Pattern for conquest. BJL  BOOK 1956
DK 266.3 W6    
      Notes on the history of Bolshevism. BJL  BOOK 1936
      Why the U.S.S.R. joined the League. BJL  BOOK 1935
DK 266.3 W8 : Soviet power and Europe, 1945-1970.; BJL     
      Soviet power and Europe, 1945-1970. BJL  BOOK 1970
DK 266.4 B6 : Bolshevik culture : experiment and order in the Russian Revolution / edited by A. Gleason, P. Kenez and R. Stites.; BJL     
      Bolshevik culture : experiment and order in the Russian Revolution / edited by A. Gleason, P. Kenez a BJL  BOOK 1985
DK 266.4 C9 : Cultural Revolution in Russia, 1928-1931.; BJL     
      Cultural Revolution in Russia, 1928-1931. BJL  BOOK 1978
DK 266.4 S8    
      Revolutionary dreams : utopian vision and experimental life in the Russian Revolution. BJL  BOOK 1989
      Russian popular culture : entertainment and society since 1900. BJL  BOOK 1992
DK 266.4 T3 : Whiteway Colony : the social history of a Tolstoyan community.; BJL     
      Whiteway Colony : the social history of a Tolstoyan community. BJL  BOOK 1993
DK 266.45 J7 : The Soviet concept of 'limited sovereignty' from Lenin to Gorbachev : the Brezhnev doctrine.; BJL     
      The Soviet concept of 'limited sovereignty' from Lenin to Gorbachev : the Brezhnev doctrine. BJL  BOOK 1990
DK 266.45 K3 : Russia and the world, 1917-1991.; BJL     
      Russia and the world, 1917-1991. BJL  BOOK 1998
DK 266.45 S7 : Soviet foreign policy, 1917-1992 : a retrospective / edited by Gabriel Gorodetsky.; BJL     
      Soviet foreign policy, 1917-1992 : a retrospective / edited by Gabriel Gorodetsky. BJL  BOOK 1994
DK 266.5 B2 : Ideino-politicheskii krakh beloemigratsii i razgrom vnutrennei kontrrevoliutsii (1921-1924 gg).; BJL     
      Ideino-politicheskii krakh beloemigratsii i razgrom vnutrennei kontrrevoliutsii (1921-1924 gg). BJL  BOOK 1978
DK 266.5 B8 : Russia after Lenin : politics, culture and society 1921-1929.; BJL     
      Russia after Lenin : politics, culture and society 1921-1929. BJL  BOOK 1998
DK 266.5 C3 : The interregnum, 1923-1924.; BJL     
      The interregnum, 1923-1924. BJL  BOOK 1954
DK 266.5 C6 : Lenin and the cultural revolution.; BJL     
      Lenin and the cultural revolution. BJL  BOOK 1977
DK 266.5 I5 : Teachable facts about Bolshevism and Sovietism.; BJL     
      Teachable facts about Bolshevism and Sovietism. BJL  BOOK 1919
DK 266.5 I6 : The work of the Soviets and the unconfessable war.; BJL     
      The work of the Soviets and the unconfessable war. BJL  BOOK 1919
DK 266.5 I7 : Predeseddatel' Sovnarkaoma i Soveta Oborony V.I. Ul'ianov (Lenin).; BJL     
      Predeseddatel' Sovnarkaoma i Soveta Oborony V.I. Ul'ianov (Lenin). BJL  BOOK 1980
DK 266.5 J3 / q : Een showproces onder Lenin : het proces tegen de socialisten-revolutionairen in 1922 in Moscou ...; BJL     
      Een showproces onder Lenin : het proces tegen de socialisten-revolutionairen in 1922 in Moscou ... BJL  BOOK 1979
DK 266.5 K2 : The twelve who are to die : the trial of the Socialists-Revolutionists [sic] in Moscow.; BJL     
      The twelve who are to die : the trial of the Socialists-Revolutionists [sic] in Moscow. BJL  BOOK 1922
DK 266.5 L5    
      Leninskie dekrety, 1917-1922 : bibliografiia. BJL  BOOK 1974
      Die nachsten Aufgaben der Sowjet-Macht. BJL  BOOK 1920
      The tasks of the youth leagues. BJL  BOOK 1920
DK 266.5 N2 : The Hague Conference : interview with the Russian delegation.; BJL     
      The Hague Conference : interview with the Russian delegation. BJL  BOOK 1922
DK 266.5 P6 : Russia under the Bolshevik regime, 1919-1924.; BJL     
      Russia under the Bolshevik regime, 1919-1924. BJL  BOOK 1994
DK 266.5 R8 : Lenin's Moscow.; BJL     
      Lenin's Moscow. BJL  BOOK 1971
DK 266.5 R9    
      The practice and theory of Bolshevism. BJL  BOOK 1949
      The practice and theory of Bolshevism. BJL  BOOK 1920
      The practice and theory of Bolshevism. BJL  BOOK 1995
DK 266.5 S2 : The origin of the Communist autocracy : political opposition in the Soviet state : first phase, 1917-1922.; BJL     
      The origin of the Communist autocracy : political opposition in the Soviet state : first phase, 1917- BJL  BOOK 1977
DK 266.5 S5 : 1920 g. : ocherki.; BJL     
      1920 g. : ocherki. BJL  BOOK 1921
DK 266.5 U3 : Lenin and the Bolsheviks : the intellectual and political history of the trimph of Communism in Russia.; BJL     
      Lenin and the Bolsheviks : the intellectual and political history of the trimph of Communism in Russi BJL  BOOK 1966
DK 266.5 W4 : Russia in the shadows.; BJL     
      Russia in the shadows. BJL  BOOK 1973
DK 266.5 W5    
      Lenin's Russia. Education Resources  BOOK 1998
      Soviet policies in China,1917-1924. BJL  BOOK 1953
DK 266.5 Z1 : Lenin and social progress.; BJL     
      Lenin and social progress. BJL  BOOK 1980
DK 267 A9 : The reign of Stalin.; BJL     
      The reign of Stalin. BJL  BOOK 1975
DK 267 B3    
      Russian purge and the extraction of confession / by F. Beck and W. Godin. BJL  BOOK 1951
      Stalin and the peasant revolution : a case study in the dialectics of master and slave. BJL  BOOK 1985
DK 267 B5 : The Beria affair : the secret transcripts of the meetings signalling the end of Stalinism / edited by D.M. Stickle; translated from the Russian by J. Farrow.; BJL     
      The Beria affair : the secret transcripts of the meetings signalling the end of Stalinism / edited by BJL  BOOK 1992
DK 267 C2 : Stalin's masterpiece : the show trials and purges of the Thirties : the consolidation of the Bolshevik dictatorship.; BJL     
      Stalin's masterpiece : the show trials and purges of the Thirties : the consolidation of the Bolshevi BJL  BOOK 1976
DK 267 C3    
      Foundations of a planned economy 1926-1929 / by E.H. Carr and R.W. Davies. BJL  BOOK 1969
      Russia's secret weapon. BJL  BOOK 1943
      Socialism in one country, 1924-1926. BJL  BOOK 1958
DK 267 C5    
      Conversations with Mikhail Borodin. BJL  BOOK 1978
      I search for truth in Russia. BJL  BOOK 1936
      A trade unionist looks at Russia. BJL  BOOK 1936
DK 267 C7    
      The great terror : a reassessment. BJL  BOOK 1990
      The great terror : a reassessment. BJL  BOOK 1998
      The great terror : Stalin's purge of the thirties. BJL  BOOK 1971
      Stalin and the Kirov murder. BJL  BOOK 1989
2 additional entries    
DK 267 E1    
      The end of socialism in Russia. BJL  BOOK 1937
      Since Lenin died. BJL  BOOK 1925
      Stalin's Russia and the crisis in socialism. BJL  BOOK 1940
DK 267 E4 : The Stalin phenomenon.; BJL     
      The Stalin phenomenon. BJL  BOOK 1976
DK 267 F2 : After Lenin : the new phase in Russia.; BJL     
      After Lenin : the new phase in Russia. BJL  BOOK 1924
DK 267 F4 : The whisperers : private life in Stalin's Russia / Orlando Figes.; BJL     
      The whisperers : private life in Stalin's Russia / Orlando Figes. BJL  BOOK 2007
DK 267 F5    
      Everyday Stalinism : ordinary life in extraordinary times : Soviet Russia in the 1930s. BJL  BOOK 2000
      Stalin's Russia. BJL  BOOK 1942
DK 267 G4 : Russia under Stalin.; BJL     
      Russia under Stalin. BJL  BOOK 1972
DK 267 G6    
      The assassination of Leon Trotsky. BJL  BOOK 1940
      Is intervention in Russia a myth? BJL  BOOK 1931
      On guard for the Soviet Union. BJL  BOOK 1933
DK 267 G8 : Seeing Soviet Russia : an informative record of the cheapest trip in Europe.; BJL     
      Seeing Soviet Russia : an informative record of the cheapest trip in Europe. BJL  BOOK 1932
DK 267 H1 : Postwar Soviet politics : the fall of Zhdanov and the defeat of moderation, 1946-53.; BJL     
      Postwar Soviet politics : the fall of Zhdanov and the defeat of moderation, 1946-53. BJL  BOOK 1982
DK 267 H6 : Two commonwealths.; BJL     
      Two commonwealths. BJL  BOOK 1945
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