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DS 149 W3 : The world and Palestine.; BJL     
      The world and Palestine. BJL  BOOK 1980
DS 149 Z8    
      Zionism in transition / edited by M. Davis. BJL  BOOK 1980
      The Zionist movement and the foundation of Israel 1839-1972 / editor Beitullah Destani. BJL  BOOK 2004
DS 149.5 G7 C6 : English Zionists and British Jews : the communal politics of Anglo-Jewry, 1895-1920.; BJL     
      English Zionists and British Jews : the communal politics of Anglo-Jewry, 1895-1920. BJL  BOOK c1982
DS 149.5 U5 U7 : American Zionism from Herzl to the Holocaust.; BJL     
      American Zionism from Herzl to the Holocaust. BJL  BOOK 1995
DS 150 L43 O6 : Jews, arabs and British in Palestine.; BJL     
      Jews, arabs and British in Palestine. BJL  BOOK 1936
DS 150 L5 G7 : Labour and Palestine.; BJL     
      Labour and Palestine. BJL  BOOK 1975
DS150.R39 I7568 2019 : The religionization of Israeli society / Yoav Peled, Horit Herman Peled.; BJL     
      The religionization of Israeli society / Yoav Peled, Horit Herman Peled. BJL  BOOK 2019
DS 150 R5 S5 : Jabotinsky and the revisionist movement 1925-1948.; BJL     
      Jabotinsky and the revisionist movement 1925-1948. BJL  BOOK 1988
DS150.5 : Christian zionism and English national identity, 1600-1850 / Andrew Crome.; Online materials     
      Christian zionism and English national identity, 1600-1850 / Andrew Crome. Online materials  EBOOKS 2018
DS150.5 .C53 2007eb : Allies for Armageddon : the rise of Christian Zionism / Victoria Clark.; Online materials     
      Allies for Armageddon : the rise of Christian Zionism / Victoria Clark. Online materials  EBOOKS 2007
DS150.5 .C667 2014 : Comprehending Christian Zionism : perspectives in comparison / Göran Gunner and Robert O. Smith, editors ; cover design, Tory Herman.; Online materials     
      Comprehending Christian Zionism : perspectives in comparison / Göran Gunner and Robert O. Smith Online materials  EBOOKS 2014
DS 151 B8 : Memoirs : from ghetto to Israel.; BJL     
      Memoirs : from ghetto to Israel. BJL  BOOK 1960
DS 151 H4 A9 : Hertsel. English; BJL     
      Herzl : Theodor Herzl and the foundation of the Jewish State / Shlomo Avineri. BJL  BOOK 2014
DS 151 H4 K8 : Theodor Herzl : from assimilation to Zionism.; BJL     
      Theodor Herzl : from assimilation to Zionism. BJL  BOOK 1993
DS 151 H4 P3 : The labyrinth of exile : a life of Theodor Herzl.; BJL     
      The labyrinth of exile : a life of Theodor Herzl. BJL  BOOK 1990
DS 151 N2 R7 : Lewis Namier and Zionism.; BJL     
      Lewis Namier and Zionism. BJL  BOOK 1980
DS153.3 .K44 2000b : The Roman army in Jordan / David Kennedy.; Online materials     
      The Roman army in Jordan / David Kennedy. Online materials  EBOOKS 2004
DS 153.55 B43 S5 : Nationalism and the genealogical imagination : oral history and textual authority in tribal Jordan.; BJL     
      Nationalism and the genealogical imagination : oral history and textual authority in tribal Jordan. BJL  BOOK 1997
DS 153.55 B43 W4 : The Bedouin : aspects of the material culture of the Bedouin of Jordan : World of Islam Festival 1976.; BJL     
      The Bedouin : aspects of the material culture of the Bedouin of Jordan : World of Islam Festival 1976 BJL  BOOK 1976
DS 154 H3 : Jordan, its people,its society, its culture.; BJL     
      Jordan, its people,its society, its culture. BJL  BOOK 1958
DS154.13 .J48 2017    
      Glubb Pasha and the Arab Legion : Britain, Jordan and the end of empire in the Middle East / Graham J Online materials  EBOOKS 2017
      Glubb Pasha and the Arab Legion : Britain, Jordan and the end of empire in the Middle East / Graham J BJL  BOOK 2017
DS 154.16 G7 B6 : British military intervention and the struggle for Jordan : King Hussein, Nasser and the Middle East crisis, 1955-1958 / by Stephen Blackwell.; BJL     
      British military intervention and the struggle for Jordan : King Hussein, Nasser and the Middle East BJL  BOOK 2009
DS 154.16 I8 J8 / q : The Jordan-Israel peace treaty, 26 October 1994 : what is it?; BJL     
      The Jordan-Israel peace treaty, 26 October 1994 : what is it? BJL  BOOK c1995
DS 154.16 P19 N5 : King Abdallah and Palestine : a territorial ambition.; BJL     
      King Abdallah and Palestine : a territorial ambition. BJL  BOOK 1996
DS154.2 .B533 2023 : The rediscovery of America : native peoples and the unmaking of U.S. history / Ned Blackhawk.; Online materials     
      The rediscovery of America : native peoples and the unmaking of U.S. history / Ned Blackhawk. Online materials  EBOOKS 2023
DS 154.215 A5 : Ancient Ammon / edited by Burton MacDonald and Randall W. Younker.; BJL     
      Ancient Ammon / edited by Burton MacDonald and Randall W. Younker. BJL  BOOK c1999
DS 154.22 B7 : Roman Arabia.; BJL     
      Roman Arabia. BJL  BOOK 1983
DS 154.22 W4 : Die Nabataer : Denkmäler und Geschichte : eine Bestandesaufnahme des archaologischen Befundes.; BJL     
      Die Nabataer : Denkmäler und Geschichte : eine Bestandesaufnahme des archaologischen Befundes. BJL  BOOK 1987
DS 154.5 J7 : The brink of Jordan.; BJL     
      The brink of Jordan. BJL  BOOK 1972
DS 154.5 R6 : A History of Jordan.; BJL     
      A History of Jordan. BJL  BOOK 2004
DS 154.5 W7 : King Abdullah, Britain and the making of Jordan.; BJL     
      King Abdullah, Britain and the making of Jordan. BJL  BOOK 1987
DS 154.52 A33 : My memoirs completed,Al Takmilah / with a forward by King Hussein Ibn Talal of Jordan.; BJL     
      My memoirs completed,Al Takmilah / with a forward by King Hussein Ibn Talal of Jordan. BJL  BOOK 1978
DS 154.52 O26 : King's counsel : a memoir of war, espionage, and diplomacy in the Middle East / Jack O'Connell with Vernon Loeb.; BJL     
      King's counsel : a memoir of war, espionage, and diplomacy in the Middle East / Jack O'Connell with V BJL  BOOK 2011
DS 154.53 A1 : The Jordanian-Israeli war, 1948-1951 : a history of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan / Maan Abu Nowar.; BJL     
      The Jordanian-Israeli war, 1948-1951 : a history of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan / Maan Abu Nowar. BJL  BOOK c2002
DS 154.53 K5 : From the wings : Amman memoirs 1947-1951.; BJL     
      From the wings : Amman memoirs 1947-1951. BJL  BOOK 1976
DS 154.55 A8 : King Hussein of Jordan : a political life / Nigel Ashton.; BJL     
      King Hussein of Jordan : a political life / Nigel Ashton. BJL  BOOK 2008
DS 154.55 D1 : King Hussein and the challenge of Arab radicalism : Jordan, 1955-1967.; BJL     
      King Hussein and the challenge of Arab radicalism : Jordan, 1955-1967. BJL  BOOK 1992
DS 154.55 G9 : Jordan : crossroads of Middle Eastern events.; BJL     
      Jordan : crossroads of Middle Eastern events. BJL  BOOK 1983
DS 154.55 J8 : Anglo-American support for Jordan : the career of King Hussein / Miriam Joyce.; BJL     
      Anglo-American support for Jordan : the career of King Hussein / Miriam Joyce. BJL  BOOK 2008
DS 154.55 M5 : This land is our land : the West Bank under Israeli occupation.; BJL     
      This land is our land : the West Bank under Israeli occupation. BJL  BOOK 1983
DS 154.55 S2 : From Abdullah to Hussein : Jordan in transition.; BJL     
      From Abdullah to Hussein : Jordan in transition. BJL  BOOK 1994
DS 154.55 S5 : Lion of Jordan : the life of King Hussein in war and peace / Avi Shlaim.; BJL     
      Lion of Jordan : the life of King Hussein in war and peace / Avi Shlaim. BJL  BOOK 2007
DS 154.55 T1 : Politics, the military and national security in Jordan 1955-1967.; BJL     
      Politics, the military and national security in Jordan 1955-1967. BJL  BOOK 2002
DS 155 B9 : Anatolian studies : presented to Sir William Mitchell Ramsay / edited by W.H. Buckler and W.M. Calden.; BJL     
      Anatolian studies : presented to Sir William Mitchell Ramsay / edited by W.H. Buckler and W.M. Calden BJL  BOOK 1923
DS 155 L6 : Roman colonies in Southern Asia Minor.; BJL     
      Roman colonies in Southern Asia Minor. BJL  BOOK 1967
DS 155 R6 : Villes d'Asie Mineure : etudes de geographie ancienne.; BJL     
      Villes d'Asie Mineure : etudes de geographie ancienne. BJL  BOOK 1962
DS 155 V9 : The decline of medieval Hellenism in Asia Minor and the process of Islamization from the eleventh through the fifteenth century.; BJL     
      The decline of medieval Hellenism in Asia Minor and the process of Islamization from the eleventh thr BJL  BOOK 1971
DS 156 C35 H8 : Mausolus.; BJL     
      Mausolus. BJL  BOOK 1982
DS 156 C5 C5 : The Cilician kingdom of Armenia / by T.S.R. Boase and others.; BJL     
      The Cilician kingdom of Armenia / by T.S.R. Boase and others. BJL  BOOK 1978
DS 156 L8 B3 : Lycian Turkey : an archaeological guide.; BJL     
      Lycian Turkey : an archaeological guide. BJL  BOOK 1989
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