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DT 515 F6 : Sir George Goldie and the making of Nigeria.; BJL     
      Sir George Goldie and the making of Nigeria. BJL  BOOK 1960
DT 515 H3    
      Books about Nigeria. BJL  BOOK  
      Books about Nigeria : a select reading list / compiled by J. Harris. BJL  BOOK 1962
DT 515 K5    
      Letter on the disturbances at Brass in Nigeria, addressed to the Marquis of Salisburg, August, 25th 1 BJL  BOOK  
      Report by Sir John Kirk on the disturbances at Brass. BJL  BOOK 1896
DT 515 N6 : Occasional papers on Nigerian affairs.; BJL     
      Occasional papers on Nigerian affairs. BJL  BOOK 1955
DT 515 T6 : Figures in ebony ; past and present in a West African city.; Departmental Locations     
      Figures in ebony ; past and present in a West African city. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1958
DT 515.2 B2 : Barth's travels in Nigeria : extracts from the journal of Heinrich Barth's travels in Nigeria, 1850-1855 / edited by A.H.M. Kirk-Greene.; BJL     
      Barth's travels in Nigeria : extracts from the journal of Heinrich Barth's travels in Nigeria, 1850-1 BJL  BOOK 1962
DT 515.2 C95(11) : Our council of ministers.; BJL     
      Our council of ministers. BJL  BOOK 1950
DT 515.2 C95(13) : Our towns.; BJL     
      Our towns. BJL  BOOK 1950
DT 515.2 C95(14) : Our folk-lore and fables.; BJL     
      Our folk-lore and fables. BJL  BOOK 1952
DT 515.2 C95(16) : Our university college.; BJL     
      Our university college. BJL  BOOK 1950
DT 515.2 C95(17) : Our Olympic adventure.; BJL     
      Our Olympic adventure. BJL  BOOK 1950
DT 515.2 C95(18) : Our cocoa industry.; BJL     
      Our cocoa industry. BJL  BOOK 1950
DT 515.2 C95(19) : Our inland waterways.; BJL     
      Our inland waterways. BJL  BOOK 1950
p DT 515.2 C95(20) : Our oil palm industry.; BJL     
      Our oil palm industry. BJL  BOOK 1950
DT 515.2 C95(21) : Our broadcasting service.; BJL     
      Our broadcasting service. BJL  BOOK 1950
DT 515.2 C95(22) : Our roads.; BJL     
      Our roads. BJL  BOOK 1950
DT 515.2 C95(23) : Our forests.; BJL     
      Our forests. BJL  BOOK 1950
DT 515.2 C95(24) : Our ministers speak.; BJL     
      Our ministers speak. BJL  BOOK 1950
DT 515.2 C95(27) : Our groundnut industry.; BJL     
      Our groundnut industry. BJL  BOOK 1950
DT 515.2 C95(28) : Our art treasures.; BJL     
      Our art treasures. BJL  BOOK 1950
DT 515.2 C95(30) : Our community effort in the east.; BJL     
      Our community effort in the east. BJL  BOOK 1950
DT 515.2 C95(31-33)    
      Our land and people. BJL  BOOK 1950
      Our land and people. BJL  BOOK 1950
      Our land and people. BJL  BOOK 1950
DT 515.2 G2 : Gazetteers of the northern provinces of Nigeria / by F.B. Gall and others; with a general introduction by A.H.M. Kirk-Greene.; BJL     
      Gazetteers of the northern provinces of Nigeria / by F.B. Gall and others; with a general introductio BJL  BOOK 1972
DT 515.2 G4 : Niger : the life of Mungo Park.; BJL     
      Niger : the life of Mungo Park. BJL  BOOK 1934
DT 515.27 M2 : In my father's country : a Nigerian journey / Adewale Maja-Pearce.; Departmental Locations     
      In my father's country : a Nigerian journey / Adewale Maja-Pearce. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1987
DT 515.3 S5 : Nigeria : its archaeology and early history.; BJL     
      Nigeria : its archaeology and early history. BJL  BOOK 1978
DT 515.4 E5 : How to be a Nigerian.; BJL     
      How to be a Nigerian. BJL  BOOK 1998
DT 515.42 A3 : A history of the Niger delta : an historical interpretation of Ijo oral tradition.; BJL     
      A history of the Niger delta : an historical interpretation of Ijo oral tradition. BJL  BOOK 1972
DT 515.42 B6 : Sources of Yoruba history / edited by S.O. Biobaku.; BJL, Departmental Locations      
      Sources of Yoruba history / edited by S.O. Biobaku. BJL, Departmental Locations   BOOK 1973
DT 515.42 I8    
      A history of the Igbo people. BJL  BOOK 1976
      The Ibo people and the Europeans : the genesis of a relationship to 1906. BJL  BOOK 1973
DT 515.42 N9 : Iboland : a century of contact with Britain, 1860-1960.; BJL     
      Iboland : a century of contact with Britain, 1860-1960. BJL  BOOK 1977
DT 515.42 S1    
      National day message to Urhobo people. BJL  BOOK  
      The oath of conscience : being presidential address delivered ... to the 15th session of the Annual G BJL  BOOK 1965
      Patriotism on trial; being the presidential address delivered to the General Council of the Urhobo Pr BJL  BOOK 1964
DT 515.42 U7 : Minutes of the proceedings of the annual general council.; BJL     
      Minutes of the proceedings of the annual general council. BJL  BOOK 1964
DT 515.45 A76 D5 : The Aro of south-eastern Nigeria, 1650-1980 : a study of socio-economic formation and transformation in Nigeria / Kenneth Onwuka Dike, Felicia Ekejiuba.; Departmental Locations     
      The Aro of south-eastern Nigeria, 1650-1980 : a study of socio-economic formation and transformation Departmental Locations  BOOK 1990
DT515.45.I33 : Igbo in the Atlantic world : African origins and diasporic destinations / edited by Toyin Falola and Raphael Chijioke Njoku.; Online materials     
      Igbo in the Atlantic world : African origins and diasporic destinations / edited by Toyin Falola and Online materials  EBOOKS 2016
DT515.45.I34 U76 / q : State-periphery relations and sociopolitical development in Igbominaland, North-Central Yoruba, Nigeria : oral-ethnohistorical and archaeological perspectives / Aribidesi Adisa Usman.; BJL     
      State-periphery relations and sociopolitical development in Igbominaland, North-Central Yoruba, Niger BJL  BOOK 2019
DT 515.45 U7 U7 : The Urhobo people.; BJL     
      The Urhobo people. BJL  BOOK  
DT 515.45 Y67 C6 : Travels and explorations in Yorubaland, 1854-1858 / by William H. Clarke ; edited and with an introd. by J. A. Atanda.; Departmental Locations     
      Travels and explorations in Yorubaland, 1854-1858 / by William H. Clarke ; edited and with an introd. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1972
DT 515.45 Y67 D7    
      Gelede : art and female power among the Yoruba / Henry John Drewal and Margaret Thompson Drewal. BJL  BOOK 1983
      Yoruba ritual : performers, play, agency. BJL  BOOK 1992
DT 515.45 Y67 F1 : Yoruba warlords of the nineteenth century / Toyin Falola and G.O. Oguntomisin.; Departmental Locations     
      Yoruba warlords of the nineteenth century / Toyin Falola and G.O. Oguntomisin. Departmental Locations  BOOK c2001
DT 515.45 Y67 J6 : The history of the Yorubas : from the earliest times to the beginning of the British protectorate / by Samuel Johnson ; edited by O. Johnson.; Departmental Locations     
      The history of the Yorubas : from the earliest times to the beginning of the British protectorate / b Departmental Locations  BOOK 1976
DT 515.45 Y67 L4    
      The Ọyọ empire, c.1600-c.1836 : a West African imperialism in the era of the Atlantic sla BJL  BOOK 1977
      The Ọyọ empire, c.1600-c.1836 : a West African imperialism in the era of the Atlantic sla Departmental Locations  BOOK 1991
DT515.45.Y67 O94 1997 : The invention of women : making an African sense of Western gender discourses / Oyèrónḱẹ Oyěwùmí.; BJL     
      The invention of women : making an African sense of Western gender discourses / Oyèrónk BJL  BOOK c1997
DT515.45.Y67 O94 1997eb : The invention of women : making an African sense of Western gender discourses / Oyèrónḱẹ Oyěwùmí.; Online materials     
      The invention of women : making an African sense of Western gender discourses / Oyèrónk Online materials  EBOOKS 1997
DT 515.45 Y67 P6 : Pioneer, patriot, and patriarch : Samuel Johnson and the Yoruba people / edited by Toyin Falola; Departmental Locations     
      Pioneer, patriot, and patriarch : Samuel Johnson and the Yoruba people / edited by Toyin Falola Departmental Locations  BOOK 1993
DT 515.45 Y67 S6    
      Kingdoms of the Yoruba. BJL  BOOK 1969
      Kingdoms of the Yoruba / Robert Smith. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1988
DT515.45.Y67 W55 2018 : Masquerading politics : kinship, gender, and ethnicity in a Yoruba town / John Thabiti Willis.; Online materials     
      Masquerading politics : kinship, gender, and ethnicity in a Yoruba town / John Thabiti Willis. Online materials  EBOOKS 2018
DT 515.45 Y67 Y6    
      Yoruba historiography / edited by Toyin Faloḷa. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1991
      Yorùbá identity and power politics / edited by Toyin Falola and Ann Genova. Departmental Locations  BOOK 2006
DT 515.5 A6 : The development of modern Nigeria.; BJL     
      The development of modern Nigeria. BJL  BOOK 1967
DT 515.5 B6 : The Egba and their neighbours, 1842-1872.; BJL     
      The Egba and their neighbours, 1842-1872. BJL  BOOK 1957
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