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E895 .I44 2011 : Liberal leviathan : the origins, crisis, and transformation of the American world order / G. John Ikenberry.; Online materials     
      Liberal leviathan : the origins, crisis, and transformation of the American world order / G. John Ike Online materials  EBOOKS 2011
E895 .L5 : Indispensable nation : American foreign policy in a turbulent world / Robert J. Lieber.; BJL     
      Indispensable nation : American foreign policy in a turbulent world / Robert J. Lieber. BJL  BOOK 2022
E 897 S2 : Dirty wars : the world is a battlefield / Jeremy Scahill.; BJL     
      Dirty wars : the world is a battlefield / Jeremy Scahill. BJL  BOOK 2014
E901.1.H37 A3 : The truths we hold : an American journey / Kamala Harris ; adapted for young readers for Ruby Shamir.; BJL     
      The truths we hold : an American journey / Kamala Harris ; adapted for young readers for Ruby Shamir. BJL  BOOK 2020
E901.1.K8 A3 : Breaking history : a White House memoir / Jared Kushner.; BJL     
      Breaking history : a White House memoir / Jared Kushner. BJL  BOOK 2022
E 901.1 O23 : The audacity of hope : thoughts on reclaiming the American dream / Barack Obama.; BJL     
      The audacity of hope : thoughts on reclaiming the American dream / Barack Obama. BJL  BOOK 2008
E 901.1 O23 R9 : The politics of hope : the words of Barack Obama / Henry Russell ; [senior editor, Kate Parker].; Departmental Locations     
      The politics of hope : the words of Barack Obama / Henry Russell ; [senior editor, Kate Parker]. Departmental Locations  BOOK 2009
E901.1.R66 .P477 2014 : Mitt Romney, Mormonism, and the 2012 election / Luke Perry.; Online materials     
      Mitt Romney, Mormonism, and the 2012 election / Luke Perry. Online materials  EBOOKS 2014
E901.1.T78 W56 2017eb : President Trump unveiled : exposing the bigoted billionaire / John K. Wilson.; Online materials     
      President Trump unveiled : exposing the bigoted billionaire / John K. Wilson. Online materials  EBOOKS 2017
E 902 A4 : Ambition and division : legacies of the George W. Bush presidency / edited by Steven E. Schier.; BJL     
      Ambition and division : legacies of the George W. Bush presidency / edited by Steven E. Schier. BJL  BOOK c2009
E 902 A8 : Assessing the George W. Bush presidency : a tale of two terms / edited by Andrew Wroe and Jon Herbert.; BJL     
      Assessing the George W. Bush presidency : a tale of two terms / edited by Andrew Wroe and Jon Herbert BJL  BOOK c2009
E 902 B2 : Fear's empire : war, terrorism, and democracy.; BJL     
      Fear's empire : war, terrorism, and democracy. BJL  BOOK c2004
E 902 C1 : The new mandarins of American power : the Bush administration's plans for the world.; BJL     
      The new mandarins of American power : the Bush administration's plans for the world. BJL  BOOK 2003
E902 .C47 2004 : Hegemony or survival : America's quest for global dominance / Noam Chomsky.; BJL     
      Hegemony or survival : America's quest for global dominance / Noam Chomsky. BJL  BOOK 2004
E 902 C5 : Failed states : the abuse of power and the assault on democracy.; BJL     
      Failed states : the abuse of power and the assault on democracy. BJL  BOOK 2006
E 902 C9 : America embattled : September 11, anti-Americanism, and the global order.; BJL     
      America embattled : September 11, anti-Americanism, and the global order. BJL  BOOK 2003
E 902 D1 : America unbound : the Bush revolution in foreign policy / Ivo H. Daalder, James M. Lindsay.; BJL     
      America unbound : the Bush revolution in foreign policy / Ivo H. Daalder, James M. Lindsay. BJL  BOOK c2005
E902 .D423 2011eb : A decade of dark humor : how comedy, irony, and satire shaped post-9/11 America / edited by Ted Gournelos and Viveca Greene.; Online materials     
      A decade of dark humor : how comedy, irony, and satire shaped post-9/11 America / edited by Ted Gourn Online materials  EBOOKS 2011
E 902 F1 : Fahrenheit 9/11 [videorecording] / written and directed by Michael Moore.; BJL     
      Fahrenheit 9/11 [videorecording] / written and directed by Michael Moore. BJL  DVD 2004
E902 .F77 2008eb : From superpower to besieged global power : restoring world order after the failure of the Bush doctrine / edited by Edward A. Kolodziej and Roger E. Kanet.; Online materials     
      From superpower to besieged global power : restoring world order after the failure of the Bush doctri Online materials  EBOOKS 2008
E 902 F9 : The right man : the suprise presidency of George W. Bush / David Frum.; BJL     
      The right man : the suprise presidency of George W. Bush / David Frum. BJL  BOOK 2003
E 902 G9 : Another American century? : the United States and the world since 9/11.; BJL     
      Another American century? : the United States and the world since 9/11. BJL  BOOK 2003
E 902 J5    
      American foreign policy in a new era / Robert Jervis. BJL  BOOK 2005
      Captain America and the crusade against evil : the dilemma of zealous nationalism / Robert Jewett and BJL  BOOK c2003
E 902 M2 : Incoherent empire.; BJL     
      Incoherent empire. BJL  BOOK 2005
E 902 M8 : Stupid white men - and other sorry excuses for the state of the nation!.; BJL     
      Stupid white men - and other sorry excuses for the state of the nation!. BJL  BOOK 2001
E 902 N3 : Globalization or empire? / Jan Nederveen Pieterse.; BJL     
      Globalization or empire? / Jan Nederveen Pieterse. BJL  BOOK 2004
E 902 P9 : Rogue nation : American unilateralism and the failure of good intentions.; BJL     
      Rogue nation : American unilateralism and the failure of good intentions. BJL  BOOK 2003
E 902 R4 : American power and world order / Christian Reus-Smit.; BJL     
      American power and world order / Christian Reus-Smit. BJL  BOOK 2004
E 902 R8 : Willful blindness : the Bush administration and Iraq / by Trudy Rubin.; BJL     
      Willful blindness : the Bush administration and Iraq / by Trudy Rubin. BJL  BOOK 2004
E 902 S7 : The bubble of American supremacy : correcting the misuse of American power / George Soros.; BJL     
      The bubble of American supremacy : correcting the misuse of American power / George Soros. BJL  BOOK 2004
E 902 T6 : After the empire : the breakdown of the American order.; BJL     
      After the empire : the breakdown of the American order. BJL  BOOK 2004
E 902 Z8 : Welcome to the desert of the real! : five essays on 11 September and related dates.; BJL     
      Welcome to the desert of the real! : five essays on 11 September and related dates. BJL  BOOK 2002
E 903 A3 : Decision points / George W. Bush.; BJL     
      Decision points / George W. Bush. BJL  BOOK c2010
E 903.3 F8 : Bush on the couch : inside the mind of the president / Justin A. Frank.; BJL     
      Bush on the couch : inside the mind of the president / Justin A. Frank. BJL  BOOK 2007
E 903.3 S6 : The president of good & evil : taking George W. Bush seriously.; BJL     
      The president of good & evil : taking George W. Bush seriously. BJL  BOOK 2004
E 903.3 T4 : The leadership genius of George W. Bush : 10 commonsense lessons from the commander in chief / Carolyn B. Thompson and James W. Ware.; BJL     
      The leadership genius of George W. Bush : 10 commonsense lessons from the commander in chief / Caroly BJL  BOOK 2003
E 903.3 W9 : Bush at war.; BJL     
      Bush at war. BJL  BOOK 2003
E 905 A2 : Atlantic reverberations : French representations of an American presidential election / by Paul C. Adams.; BJL     
      Atlantic reverberations : French representations of an American presidential election / by Paul C. Ad BJL  BOOK 2007
E906 .H45 2010 : Race of a lifetime / John Heilemann and Mark Halperin.; BJL     
      Race of a lifetime / John Heilemann and Mark Halperin. BJL  BOOK 2010
E 907 B2 : Barack Obama and the myth of a post-racial America / edited by Mark Ledwidge, Kevern Verney and Inderjeet Parmar.; BJL     
      Barack Obama and the myth of a post-racial America / edited by Mark Ledwidge, Kevern Verney and Inder BJL  BOOK 2014
E907 .C454 2017 : Audacity : how Barack Obama defied his critics and created a legacy that will prevail / Jonathan Chait.; BJL     
      Audacity : how Barack Obama defied his critics and created a legacy that will prevail / Jonathan Chai BJL  BOOK 2017
E907 .C55 2015 : Hard choices / Hillary Rodham Clinton.; BJL     
      Hard choices / Hillary Rodham Clinton. BJL  BOOK 2015
E907 .D37 2017 : A consequential president : the legacy of Barack Obama / Michael D'Antonio.; BJL     
      A consequential president : the legacy of Barack Obama / Michael D'Antonio. BJL  BOOK 2017
E907 .D48 : Developments in American politics.; BJL     
      Developments in American politics. BJL  BOOK 2018
E 907 H7 : Hopeless : Barack Obama and the politics of illusion / edited by Jeffrey St. Clair and Joshua Frank.; BJL     
      Hopeless : Barack Obama and the politics of illusion / edited by Jeffrey St. Clair and Joshua Frank. BJL  BOOK c2012
E 907 H9 : The Obama legacy / by Earl Ofari Hutchinson.; BJL     
      The Obama legacy / by Earl Ofari Hutchinson. BJL  BOOK 2016
E907 .J33 2019eb : The historian's eye : photography, history, and the American present / Matthew Frye Jacobson.; Online materials     
      The historian's eye : photography, history, and the American present / Matthew Frye Jacobson. Online materials  EBOOKS 2019
E907 .K38 2016 : Dangerous doctrine : how Obama's grand strategy weakened America / Robert G. Kaufman.; Online materials     
      Dangerous doctrine : how Obama's grand strategy weakened America / Robert G. Kaufman. Online materials  EBOOKS 2016
E907 .O2245 2019e : The Obama legacy / edited by Bert A. Rockman and Andrew Rudalevige.; Online materials     
      The Obama legacy / edited by Bert A. Rockman and Andrew Rudalevige. Online materials  EBOOKS 2019
E907 .P735 2018eb : The presidency of Barack Obama : a first historical assessment / edited by Julian E. Zelizer.; Online materials     
      The presidency of Barack Obama : a first historical assessment / edited by Julian E. Zelizer. Online materials  EBOOKS 2018
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