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GN 632.3 N8 A2 : Pukhtun economy and society : traditional structure and economic development.; BJL     
      Pukhtun economy and society : traditional structure and economic development. BJL  BOOK 1980
GN 632.3 N8 C9 : Natives of Northern India.; BJL     
      Natives of Northern India. BJL  BOOK 1907
GN 632.3 O6 M5 : The people of the leaves.; BJL     
      The people of the leaves. BJL  BOOK 1931
GN 632.3 O6 S5 : Orissa : antropologia e literatura de viagens.; Departmental Locations     
      Orissa : antropologia e literatura de viagens. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1984?
GN 632.3 P8 06 : Gaon : conflict and cohesion in an Indian village.; BJL     
      Gaon : conflict and cohesion in an Indian village. BJL  BOOK 1965
GN 632.3 S9 A2 : Millenium and charisma among Pathans.; BJL     
      Millenium and charisma among Pathans. BJL  BOOK 1976
GN 632.3 S9 B2 : Jachs and Swat Kehistan : an ethnographic survey / Universitetet I Oslo, Ethnografike Museum.; BJL     
      Jachs and Swat Kehistan : an ethnographic survey / Universitetet I Oslo, Ethnografike Museum. BJL  BOOK 1956
GN 632.4 C5 B5 : Les Cak : contribution a l'etude ethnographique d'une population de langue loi.; South East Asian Collection     
      Les Cak : contribution a l'etude ethnographique d'une population de langue loi. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1967
GN 632.4 J7 : Men of influence in Nuristan.; BJL     
      Men of influence in Nuristan. BJL  BOOK 1974
GN 632.5 D1 : Charred lullabies : chapters in an anthropography of violence.; BJL     
      Charred lullabies : chapters in an anthropography of violence. BJL  BOOK 1996
GN 632.5 Y1 : Under the Bo tree.; BJL     
      Under the Bo tree. BJL  BOOK 1967
GN 632.6 C5    
      The Andaman islanders. BJL  BOOK 1966
      Andaman, Nicobar and Lakshadweep Islands. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1985
GN 632.6 M9 : Adventures and research among the Andaman islanders.; BJL     
      Adventures and research among the Andaman islanders. BJL  BOOK 1863
GN 632.6 R1    
      The Andaman islanders. BJL  BOOK 1948
      The Andaman islanders. BJL  BOOK 1964
GN 632.7 C7 : Contributions to the anthropology of Nepal.; BJL     
      Contributions to the anthropology of Nepal. BJL  BOOK 1974
GN 632.7 O7 : Sherpas through their rituals.; BJL     
      Sherpas through their rituals. BJL  BOOK 1978
GN 632.9 B2 : Les Lautu : contribution a l'etude de l'organisation sociale d'une ethnie chin de Haute-Birmanie.; South East Asian Collection     
      Les Lautu : contribution a l'etude de l'organisation sociale d'une ethnie chin de Haute-Birmanie. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1981
GN 632.9 C6 : The Shans.; South East Asian Collection     
      The Shans. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1977
GN 632.9 F9 : System, structure and contradiction in the evolution of "Asiatic" social formations.; South East Asian Collection     
      System, structure and contradiction in the evolution of "Asiatic" social formations. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1979
GN 632.9 G9 : Au pays des femmes girafes : expeditions 1955 et 1957 en Birmanie.; South East Asian Collection     
      Au pays des femmes girafes : expeditions 1955 et 1957 en Birmanie. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1958
GN 632.9 H2 / (WE) : The Kachins : their customs and traditions.; South East Asian Collection     
      The Kachins : their customs and traditions. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1982
GN 632.9 K4 : The impact of traditional culture and environmental forces on the development of the Kachias, a sub-cultural group of Burma.; South East Asian Collection     
      The impact of traditional culture and environmental forces on the development of the Kachias, a sub-c South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1961
GN 632.9 K5 / p : Marxist analysis and highland Burma : a critical commentary; repr. from "Cultures et developpement", v.13, no. 4, 1981.; South East Asian Collection     
      Marxist analysis and highland Burma : a critical commentary; repr. from "Cultures et developpement", South East Asian Collection  BOOK  
GN 632.9 L4    
      Political systems of highland Burma : a study of Kachin social structure. BJL  BOOK 1977
      Political systems of highland Burma : a study of Kachin social structure. South East Asian Collection, BJL   BOOK 1954
      Political systems of highland Burma : a study of Kachin social structure. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1965
GN 632.9 L5 : The structure of Chin society : a tribal people of Burma adapted to a non-western civilization.; South East Asian Collection     
      The structure of Chin society : a tribal people of Burma adapted to a non-western civilization. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1963
GN 632.9 L6 : Ethnographic notes on the Akhas of Burma.; South East Asian Collection     
      Ethnographic notes on the Akhas of Burma. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1969
GN 632.9 M1 : The Karens of the goldenChersonese.; South East Asian Collection     
      The Karens of the goldenChersonese. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1876
GN 632.9 M3 : The Karen people of Burma : a study in anthropology and ethnology.; South East Asian Collection     
      The Karen people of Burma : a study in anthropology and ethnology. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1922
GN 632.9 M4 : Law and custom in Burma and Burmese family.; South East Asian Collection     
      Law and custom in Burma and Burmese family. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1963
GN 632.9 N2 : The golden road to modernity : village life in contemporary Burma.; South East Asian Collection     
      The golden road to modernity : village life in contemporary Burma. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1965
GN 632.9 S3 : Im Stromgebiet des Irrawaddy : Birma und seine Frauenwelt / by L. und C. Scherman.; South East Asian Collection     
      Im Stromgebiet des Irrawaddy : Birma und seine Frauenwelt / by L. und C. Scherman. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1922
GN 632.9 S4    
      Burma and beyond. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1982
      The Burman : his life and notions / by Shway Yoe pseud. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1910
      The Burman : his life and notions / Shway Yoe pseud. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1963
GN 632.9 S7    
      Burmese supernaturalism. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1978
      Kinship and marriage in Burma : aa cultural and psychodynamic analysis. BJL  BOOK 1977
GN 632.9 S8 : The economics of the central Chin tribes.; South East Asian Collection     
      The economics of the central Chin tribes. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1968
GN 633 A3 : The myth of the lazy native.; South East Asian Collection     
      The myth of the lazy native. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1977
GN 633 A83 / q : Asie du Sud-Est et monde indonesien : bulletin du Centre de documentation et de recherches (Ce.D.R.A.S.E.M.I.).; South East Asian Collection     
      Asie du Sud-Est et monde indonesien : bulletin du Centre de documentation et de recherches (Ce.D.R.A. South East Asian Collection  PERIODICAL 1987
GN 633 B5 : Les espirits des Feuilles jaunes.; South East Asian Collection     
      Les espirits des Feuilles jaunes. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1955
GN 633 B6 : Studies in circumpacific culture relations.; South East Asian Collection     
      Studies in circumpacific culture relations. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1967
GN 633 B8 : Principles of social structure : Southeast Asia.; South East Asian Collection     
      Principles of social structure : Southeast Asia. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1976
GN 633 C6 / (WC) : Cognation and social organization in Southeast Asia / edited by Frans Husken and Jeremy Kemp.; South East Asian Collection     
      Cognation and social organization in Southeast Asia / edited by Frans Husken and Jeremy Kemp. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1991
GN 633 C7 : L'espace social a propos de l'Asie du Sud-Est.; South East Asian Collection     
      L'espace social a propos de l'Asie du Sud-Est. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1980
GN 633 C75 / (WC) : Contributions to Southeast Asian ethnography.; South East Asian Collection     
      Contributions to Southeast Asian ethnography. South East Asian Collection  PERIODICAL 1997
GN 633 D2 / (WC) : De la hutte au palais : societes "a maison" en Asie du sud-est insulaire / textes reunis par Charles Macdonald et les membres de l'ECASE.; South East Asian Collection     
      De la hutte au palais : societes "a maison" en Asie du sud-est insulaire / textes reunis par Charles South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1987
GN 633 E8    
      Ethnic groups across national boundaries in mainland Southeast Asia / edited by Gehan Wijeyewardene. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1990
      Ethnic groups of northern Southeast Asia / John F. Embree, Project Director, William L. Thomas, Assis South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1950
      Ethnicity in Southeast Asia. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1982
GN 633 F7 / p : Register of U.K. anthropologists specializing in South-East Asia.; South East Asian Collection     
      Register of U.K. anthropologists specializing in South-East Asia. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1985
GN 633 F9 : Beiträge zur Volkerkunde Südostasiens und Ozeaniens.; South East Asian Collection     
      Beiträge zur Volkerkunde Südostasiens und Ozeaniens. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1968
GN 633 H6 : The identification of ethnographical collections : South-East Asia; repr. from Museum Ethnographers Group 'Newsletter', no. 15, 1984, pp. 86-98.; BJL     
      The identification of ethnographical collections : South-East Asia; repr. from Museum Ethnographers G BJL  BOOK  
GN 633 I3 : Imagination of reality : essays in Southeast Asian coherence systems / A.L. Becker, A.A. Yengoyan, editors.; South East Asian Collection     
      Imagination of reality : essays in Southeast Asian coherence systems / A.L. Becker, A.A. Yengoyan, ed South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1979
GN 633 I9 : Obshehina i sotsial'naia organizatsiia u narodov vostochnoi i / Iugo-Vostoch noi Azii.; South East Asian Collection     
      Obshehina i sotsial'naia organizatsiia u narodov vostochnoi i / Iugo-Vostoch noi Azii. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1967
GN 633 J3 : Traditional medical theory in South-East Asia.; South East Asian Collection     
      Traditional medical theory in South-East Asia. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1969
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