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GN 638.3 L2    
      Evil in the morning of the world : phenomonological approaches to a Balinese community. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1974
      Priests and programmers : technologies of power in the engineered landscape of Bali. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1991
GN 638.3 M4 : Growth and culture : a photographic study of Balinese childhood / by M.Mead and F.C. Macgregor.; South East Asian Collection     
      Growth and culture : a photographic study of Balinese childhood / by M.Mead and F.C. Macgregor. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1951
GN 638.3 M5 : Seven plus seven : mysterious life-rituals in Bali.; South East Asian Collection     
      Seven plus seven : mysterious life-rituals in Bali. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1971
GN 638.3 S9 : Een vorstenwijding op Bali / naar materiaal verzameld door H.J.E.F.Schwartz bewerkt door J.L. Swellengrebel.; South East Asian Collection     
      Een vorstenwijding op Bali / naar materiaal verzameld door H.J.E.F.Schwartz bewerkt door J.L. Swellen South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1947
GN 638.3 T6 : Volkskunde von Bali : Inaugural-Dissertation.; South East Asian Collection     
      Volkskunde von Bali : Inaugural-Dissertation. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1888
GN 638.3 W7 / q : Der Totenkult auf Bali.; South East Asian Collection     
      Der Totenkult auf Bali. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1928
GN 638.3 Y1 : Bali and beyond : explorations in the anthropology of tourism / translated with an introduction by J.S. Eades.; South East Asian Collection     
      Bali and beyond : explorations in the anthropology of tourism / translated with an introduction by J. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 2003
GN 638.4 C3 : The spell of the ancestors and the power of Mekkah : a Sasak community on Lombok.; South East Asian Collection     
      The spell of the ancestors and the power of Mekkah : a Sasak community on Lombok. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1981
GN 638.4 L4 / q : Internal and external factors of socio-cultural and socio-economic dynamics in Lombok (Nusa Tenggara Barat).; South East Asian Collection     
      Internal and external factors of socio-cultural and socio-economic dynamics in Lombok (Nusa Tenggara South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1989
GN 638.5 B5 : Naselenie Malykh Zondskikh ostrovov.; South East Asian Collection     
      Naselenie Malykh Zondskikh ostrovov. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1972
GN 638.5 F7 / q : Space and place in eastern Indonesia.; South East Asian Collection     
      Space and place in eastern Indonesia. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1991
GN 638.5 K2 : An anthropological survey of the Eastern Little Sunda Islands.; South East Asian Collection     
      An anthropological survey of the Eastern Little Sunda Islands. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1948
GN 638.5 R8 : Ethnographie van de Kleine Soenda eilander in beeld / uitgegeven door het Koninklijk Instituut voor de Taal-, Land-, en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indie; uit de nagelaten papirer van G.P. Rouffaer.; South East Asian Collection     
      Ethnographie van de Kleine Soenda eilander in beeld / uitgegeven door het Koninklijk Instituut voor d South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1937
GN 638.5 V3 : Ata kiwan : unbekannte bergvölker im tropischen Holland / ein reisebericht von Ernst Vatter; mit 5 karten, 24 zeichnungen und 80 kunstdrucktafeln mit 164 abbildungen nach aufnahmen des verfassers und 35 reproduktionen ethnographischer gegenstände.; South East Asian Collection     
      Ata kiwan : unbekannte bergvölker im tropischen Holland / ein reisebericht von Ernst Vatter; m South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1932
GN 638.55 A4 D8 : The people of Alor : a social-psychological study of an East Indian island / with analysis by A. Kardiner and E. Overholzer.; South East Asian Collection     
      The people of Alor : a social-psychological study of an East Indian island / with analysis by A. Kard South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1961
GN 638.55 B3 V9 : De Baweanners in hun moederland en in Singapore : een bijdrage tot de kunlturele antropologie van zuidoost-Azie : proefschrift.; South East Asian Collection     
      De Baweanners in hun moederland en in Singapore : een bijdrage tot de kunlturele antropologie van zui South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1968
GN 638.55 L5 B2    
      Kedang : a study of the collective thought of an eastern Indonesian people. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1974
      Sea hunters of Indonesia : fishers and weavers of Lamalera. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1996
GN 638.55 S2 D1 / q : Sawu : a draft ethnographic survey.; South East Asian Collection     
      Sawu : a draft ethnographic survey. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1959?
GN 638.55 S2 F7 / q : The ceremonial system of Sava.; South East Asian Collection     
      The ceremonial system of Sava. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1975?
GN 638.55 S9 F7 : Rindi : an ethnographic study of a traditional domain in east Sumba.; South East Asian Collection     
      Rindi : an ethnographic study of a traditional domain in east Sumba. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1981
GN 638.55 S9 G3 : The woven land of Laboya : socio-cosmic ideas and values in West Sumba, Eastern Indonesia.; South East Asian Collection     
      The woven land of Laboya : socio-cosmic ideas and values in West Sumba, Eastern Indonesia. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1992
GN 638.55 S9 G9 : Hierarchy and balance : a study of Wanokaka social organization.; South East Asian Collection     
      Hierarchy and balance : a study of Wanokaka social organization. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 2000
GN 638.55 S9 H2 : Soemba : land en volk.; South East Asian Collection     
      Soemba : land en volk. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1910
GN 638.55 S9 H8 : Biographical objects : how things tell the stories of people's lives.; South East Asian Collection     
      Biographical objects : how things tell the stories of people's lives. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1998
GN 638.55 S9 N3 : Mamboru : history and structure in a domain of northwestern Sumba.; South East Asian Collection     
      Mamboru : history and structure in a domain of northwestern Sumba. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1987
GN 638.55 S9 N8 : Oost-Soemba : een volkenkundige studie.; South East Asian Collection     
      Oost-Soemba : een volkenkundige studie. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1940
GN 638.55 S9 S9    
      Pustaka budaya Sumba. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1977?
      Pustaka budaya Sumba. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1977?
      Pustaka budaya Sumba. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1977?
GN 638.55 S9 W6 : Marapoe : een verhaal uit Soemba.; South East Asian Collection     
      Marapoe : een verhaal uit Soemba. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1932
GN 638.55 S92 H6 / (WTi) : Islam and identity in eastern Indonesia.; South East Asian Collection     
      Islam and identity in eastern Indonesia. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1996
GN 638.55 S92 J9 : Dou Donggo social organization : ideology, structure, and action in an Indonesian society.; South East Asian Collection     
      Dou Donggo social organization : ideology, structure, and action in an Indonesian society. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1991
GN 638.55 T1 D7 / q : Het leven van den Tanembarees : ethografische Studie over het Tanembareesche volk.; South East Asian Collection     
      Het leven van den Tanembarees : ethografische Studie over het Tanembareesche volk. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1940
GN 638.6 B5    
      Population of Timor. South East Asian Collection  BOOK  
      Population of Timor. South East Asian Collection  BOOK  
GN 638.6 D8 : Timor : ritos e mitos atauros.; South East Asian Collection     
      Timor : ritos e mitos atauros. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1984
GN 638.6 H6    
      Structural analysis in anthropology : case studies from Indonesia and Brazil. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1978
      Tetum ghosts and kin : fieldwork in an Indonesian community. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1976
GN 638.6 J8 : Oirata : a Timorese settlement on Kisar.; South East Asian Collection     
      Oirata : a Timorese settlement on Kisar. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1937
GN 638.6 K2 / q : Beiträge zur Ethnographie de Timorgruppe.; South East Asian Collection     
      Beiträge zur Ethnographie de Timorgruppe. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1895
GN 638.6 M5 : Timor Portugues : contribuicoes para o seu anthropologico.; South East Asian Collection     
      Timor Portugues : contribuicoes para o seu anthropologico. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1944
GN 638.6 M6    
      Head hunting in Timor and its historical implications. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1963
      Een studie van het Timoreesche doodenritueel. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1949
GN 638.6 R3 : Marobo : une societe ema de Timor.; South East Asian Collection     
      Marobo : une societe ema de Timor. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1982
GN 638.6 S3    
      The political system of the Atoni of Timor. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1971
      Het politieke systeem van de Atoni van Timor : academisch proefschrift. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1966
GN 638.6 V9    
      Ethnographie der Belu in Zentral Timor. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1952
      Ethnographie der Belu in Zentral Timor. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1952
      Ethnographie der Belu in Zentral Timor. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1952
      Primitieve mentaliteit en zondebesef bij de Beloenezen en enige andere volken. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1949
GN 638.7 B1 : De inlandsche burgers in de Molukken.; South East Asian Collection     
      De inlandsche burgers in de Molukken. South East Asian Collection  BOOK  
GN 638.7 C5 / p : K etnicheskoi kharak teristike sovremennogo naseleniia Molukkskikh ostrovov.; South East Asian Collection     
      K etnicheskoi kharak teristike sovremennogo naseleniia Molukkskikh ostrovov. South East Asian Collection  BOOK  
GN 638.7 C6 : Bijdragen tot de kennis der residentie Ternate.; South East Asian Collection     
      Bijdragen tot de kennis der residentie Ternate. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1890
GN 638.7 H1 : Halmahera and beyond : social science research in the Moluccas / edited by Leontine E. Visser.; South East Asian Collection     
      Halmahera and beyond : social science research in the Moluccas / edited by Leontine E. Visser. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1994
GN 638.75 A4 H6 : Ambon : en meer bepaaldelijk de Oeliasers; geographisch, ethnographisch, politisch en historisch geschetst.; South East Asian Collection     
      Ambon : en meer bepaaldelijk de Oeliasers; geographisch, ethnographisch, politisch en historisch gesc South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1875
GN 638.75 C4 J5 / q : Die drei Strome : Züge aus dem geistigen und religiosen Leben der Wemale, einem Primitiv-Volk in den Molukken.; South East Asian Collection     
      Die drei Strome : Züge aus dem geistigen und religiosen Leben der Wemale, einem Primitiv-Volk i South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1948
GN 638.75 C4 K9 : Van wee en van vree : twee schetsen mit het leven der alfoeren op Ceran.; South East Asian Collection     
      Van wee en van vree : twee schetsen mit het leven der alfoeren op Ceran. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1920
GN 638.75 C4 T2 : Patasiwa und Patalima : vom Molukkeneiland Seran und seinen Bewohnern : ein Beitrag zur Völkerkunde.; South East Asian Collection     
      Patasiwa und Patalima : vom Molukkeneiland Seran und seinen Bewohnern : ein Beitrag zur Völkerk South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1918
GN 638.75 C4 V9 : Bij de berg Alfoeren op West-Seran : zeden, geweonten en mythologie van een oerfolk.; South East Asian Collection     
      Bij de berg Alfoeren op West-Seran : zeden, geweonten en mythologie van een oerfolk. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1927
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