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GN 673.5 C21 A6(14)) : A middle woodland burial complex in the St. Lawrence valley.; BJL     
      A middle woodland burial complex in the St. Lawrence valley. BJL  BOOK 1967
GN 673.5 C21 A6(15) : Ecological factors in changing economy and social organization among the Rupert House Cree.; BJL     
      Ecological factors in changing economy and social organization among the Rupert House Cree. BJL  BOOK 1968
GN 673.5 C21 A6(16) : Debert : a palaeo-Indian site in Central Nova Scotia.; BJL     
      Debert : a palaeo-Indian site in Central Nova Scotia. BJL  BOOK 1968
GN 673.5 C21 A6(17) : The Texas Creek burial site assemblage, British Columbia.; BJL     
      The Texas Creek burial site assemblage, British Columbia. BJL  BOOK 1968
GN 673.5 C21 A6(189 : The Summerstown Station site.; BJL     
      The Summerstown Station site. BJL  BOOK 1968
GN 673.5 C21 A6(19) : Archaeology of Rice Lake, Ontario.; BJL     
      Archaeology of Rice Lake, Ontario. BJL  BOOK 1968
GN 673.5 C21 A6(21) : A bibliography of Ukrainian folklore in Canada, 1902-64.; BJL     
      A bibliography of Ukrainian folklore in Canada, 1902-64. BJL  BOOK 1969
GN 673.5 C21 A6(22) : Historic site archaeology in Canada.; BJL     
      Historic site archaeology in Canada. BJL  BOOK 1969
GN 673.5l N27 P9(7) : Leadership among the southwestern Ojibwa.; BJL     
      Leadership among the southwestern Ojibwa. BJL  BOOK 1973
GN 673.5 N27 P21(1) : Preliminary study of traditional Kutchin clothing in museums.; BJL     
      Preliminary study of traditional Kutchin clothing in museums. BJL  BOOK 1972
GN 673.5 N27 P21(10) : Papers in linguistics from the 1972 Conference on Iroquoian Research / editor. M.K. Foster.; BJL     
      Papers in linguistics from the 1972 Conference on Iroquoian Research / editor. M.K. Foster. BJL  BOOK 1974
GN 673.5 N27 P21(11) : Museocinematography : ethnographic film programs of the National Museum of Man, 1913-1973.; BJL     
      Museocinematography : ethnographic film programs of the National Museum of Man, 1913-1973. BJL  BOOK 1974
GN 673.5 N27 P21(13) : Riding on the frontier's crest : Mahican Indian culture and culture change.; BJL     
      Riding on the frontier's crest : Mahican Indian culture and culture change. BJL  BOOK 1974
GN 673.5 N27 P21(14) : A bibliography of the Athapaskan languages.; BJL     
      A bibliography of the Athapaskan languages. BJL  BOOK 1974
GN 673.5 N27 P21(15) : Some aspects of the grammar of the Eskimo dialects of Cumberland peninsula and north Baffin Island.; BJL     
      Some aspects of the grammar of the Eskimo dialects of Cumberland peninsula and north Baffin Island. BJL  BOOK 1974
GN 673.5 N27 P21(16) : An evaluative ethno-historical bibliography of the Malecite Indians.; BJL     
      An evaluative ethno-historical bibliography of the Malecite Indians. BJL  BOOK 1974
GN 673.5 N27 P21(17) : Proceedings of the first congress, Canadian Ethnology Society, held at Levis, Quebec, February, 1974 / editor J.H. Barkow.; BJL     
      Proceedings of the first congress, Canadian Ethnology Society, held at Levis, Quebec, February, 1974 BJL  BOOK 1974
GN 673.5 N27 P21(18) : Koyukuk river culture.; BJL     
      Koyukuk river culture. BJL  BOOK 1974
GN 673.5 N27 P21(19) : Ethnobotany of the Blackfoot Indians.; BJL     
      Ethnobotany of the Blackfoot Indians. BJL  BOOK 1974
GN 673.5 N27 P21(2) : Sarcee verb paradigms.; BJL     
      Sarcee verb paradigms. BJL  BOOK 1972
GN 673.5 N27 P21(20) : From the earth to beyond the sky : an ethnographic approach to far Longhouse Iroquois speech events.; BJL     
      From the earth to beyond the sky : an ethnographic approach to far Longhouse Iroquois speech events. BJL  BOOK 1974
GN 673.5 N27 P21(21) : Bella Coola ceremony and art.; BJL     
      Bella Coola ceremony and art. BJL  BOOK 1975
GN 673.5 N27 P21(22) : A basketful of Indian culture change.; BJL     
      A basketful of Indian culture change. BJL  BOOK 1975
GN 673.5 N27 P21(23) : Papers of the sixth Algonquian conference, 1974.; BJL     
      Papers of the sixth Algonquian conference, 1974. BJL  BOOK 1975
GN 673.5 N27 P21(24) : Annual review/ Canadian Ethnology Service / editor B. Reynolds.; BJL     
      Annual review/ Canadian Ethnology Service / editor B. Reynolds. BJL  BOOK 1975
GN 673.5 N27 P21(25)    
      A contextual study of the Caribou Eskimo kayak. BJL, Departmental Locations   BOOK 1975
      A contextual study of the Caribou Eskimo kayak. BJL, Departmental Locations   BOOK 1975
GN 673.5 N27 P21(26) : A place of refuge for all time : migration of the American Potawatomi into Upper Canada, 1830 to 1850.; BJL     
      A place of refuge for all time : migration of the American Potawatomi into Upper Canada, 1830 to 1850 BJL  BOOK 1975
GN 673.5 N27 P21(27 i-ii) : Proceedings.; BJL     
      Proceedings. BJL  BOOK 1975
GN 673.5 N27 P21(3) : Gambling music of the coast Salish Indians.; BJL     
      Gambling music of the coast Salish Indians. BJL  BOOK 1972
GN 673.5 N27 P21(4,12) : Annual review/ National Museum of Man, Ottawa. Ethnology Division / editor B. Reynolds.; BJL     
      Annual review/ National Museum of Man, Ottawa. Ethnology Division / editor B. Reynolds. BJL  BOOK 1973
GN 673.5 N27 P21(5) : A thousand words of Mohawk.; BJL     
      A thousand words of Mohawk. BJL  BOOK 1973
GN 673.5 N27 P21(53) / q : Hooper Bay kayak construction.; Departmental Locations     
      Hooper Bay kayak construction. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1979
GN 673.5 N27 P21(6) : Inkonze : magico-religious beliefs of contract-traditional Chipewan trading at Fort Resolution, NWT, Canada.; BJL     
      Inkonze : magico-religious beliefs of contract-traditional Chipewan trading at Fort Resolution, NWT, BJL  BOOK 1973
GN 673.5 N27 P21(7) : The middle ground : social change in an arctic community, 1967-1971 / by J.S. Savishinsky and S.B. Frimmer.; BJL     
      The middle ground : social change in an arctic community, 1967-1971 / by J.S. Savishinsky and S.B. Fr BJL  BOOK 1973
GN 673.5 N27 P21(8) : A grammar of Akwesaone Mohawk.; BJL     
      A grammar of Akwesaone Mohawk. BJL  BOOK 1973
GN 673.5 N27 P21(9) : People of Tetlin, why are you singing.; BJL     
      People of Tetlin, why are you singing. BJL  BOOK 1974
GN 673.5 N27 P9(1) : T'a : t'a : qsapa : a practical orthography for Nootka.; BJL     
      T'a : t'a : qsapa : a practical orthography for Nootka. BJL  BOOK 1970
GN 673.5 N27 P9(10) : Whaling and Eskimos : Hudson Bay, 1860-1915.; BJL     
      Whaling and Eskimos : Hudson Bay, 1860-1915. BJL  BOOK 1975
GN 673.5 N27 P9(2) : The girl who married the bear : a masterpiece of Indian oral tradition.; BJL     
      The girl who married the bear : a masterpiece of Indian oral tradition. BJL  BOOK 1970
GN 673.5 N27 P9(3) : Famille et parente en Acadie / by M.A. Tremblay et M. Laplante.; BJL     
      Famille et parente en Acadie / by M.A. Tremblay et M. Laplante. BJL  BOOK 1971
GN 673.5 N27 P9(4) : Medicine and politics among the Grand River Iroquois : a study of the non-conservatives.; BJL     
      Medicine and politics among the Grand River Iroquois : a study of the non-conservatives. BJL  BOOK 1972
GN 673.5 N27 P9(5) : The quest for food and furs : the Mistassini Cree, 1953-1954.; BJL     
      The quest for food and furs : the Mistassini Cree, 1953-1954. BJL  BOOK 1973
GN 673.5 N27 P9(9) : Labrador Eskimo settlements of the Early Contact peiod.; BJL     
      Labrador Eskimo settlements of the Early Contact peiod. BJL  BOOK 1974
GN 673.5 R5 : Northern nomadic hunter-gatherers : a humanistic approach.; BJL     
      Northern nomadic hunter-gatherers : a humanistic approach. BJL  BOOK 1982
GN 674 C2 C7 / q : Contributions to American anthropology and history.; BJL     
      Contributions to American anthropology and history. BJL  PERIODICAL  
GN 674 M1 : Early man in the New World.; BJL     
      Early man in the New World. BJL  BOOK 1950
GN 674 M8 : Houses and house-life of the American aboriginies.; BJL     
      Houses and house-life of the American aboriginies. BJL  BOOK 1965
GN 674 R8 : Feasting with mine enemy : rank and exchange among northwest coast societies.; BJL     
      Feasting with mine enemy : rank and exchange among northwest coast societies. BJL  BOOK 1971
GN 674 W9 : Races and ethnic groups in American life.; BJL     
      Races and ethnic groups in American life. BJL  BOOK 1933
GN 675 A6 B3 : The Cibecue Apache.; BJL     
      The Cibecue Apache. BJL  BOOK 1970
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