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GT 737 T1 : The rise and fall of the sleeve 1825-1840 : a catalogue of the costume and accessories in the Charles Stewart and Royal Scottish Museum collections.; BJL     
      The rise and fall of the sleeve 1825-1840 : a catalogue of the costume and accessories in the Charles BJL  BOOK
GT 737 W9 : Clothing and landscape in Victorian England : working-class dress and rural life / Rachel Worth.; BJL     
      Clothing and landscape in Victorian England : working-class dress and rural life / Rachel Worth. BJL  BOOK 2019
GT 738 C9 : The cutting edge : 50 years of British fashion, 1947-1997 / edited by Amy de la Haye.; BJL     
      The cutting edge : 50 years of British fashion, 1947-1997 / edited by Amy de la Haye. BJL  BOOK 1998
GT 738 P7 : Streetstyle / Ted Polhemus.; BJL     
      Streetstyle / Ted Polhemus. BJL  BOOK c2010
GT 741 Y6 W1 : The costume of Yorkshire / George Walker.; BJL     
      The costume of Yorkshire / George Walker. BJL  BOOK 1978
GT 742 L8 B8 : Fashioning London : clothing and the modern metropolis / Christopher Breward.; BJL     
      Fashioning London : clothing and the modern metropolis / Christopher Breward. BJL  BOOK 2004
GT 810 R3 : Österreichs Trachtenbuchlein.; BJL     
      Österreichs Trachtenbuchlein. BJL  BOOK 1967
GT 841 S6 B6 : The functions of folk costume in Moravian Slovakia.; BJL     
      The functions of folk costume in Moravian Slovakia. BJL  BOOK 1971
GT 850 R7 : French provincial costumes : paper dolls.; BJL     
      French provincial costumes : paper dolls. BJL  BOOK 1944
GT 857 R6 : La culture des apparences : une histoire du vêtement (XVII-XVIII siècle).; BJL     
      La culture des apparences : une histoire du vêtement (XVII-XVIII siècle). BJL  BOOK 1991
GT 871 P4 : Fashioning the Bourgeoisie : a history of clothing in the nineteenth century / translated by Richard Bienvenu.; BJL     
      Fashioning the Bourgeoisie : a history of clothing in the nineteenth century / translated by Richard BJL  BOOK 1994
GT 880 P9 : Telles qu'Elle : cinquante ans d'histoire des femmes a travers le journal Elle.; BJL     
      Telles qu'Elle : cinquante ans d'histoire des femmes a travers le journal Elle. BJL  BOOK 1995
GT 880 V4 : La mode sous l'Occupation : débrouillardise et coquetterie dans la France en guerre (1939-1945).; BJL     
      La mode sous l'Occupation : débrouillardise et coquetterie dans la France en guerre (1939-1945) BJL  BOOK 1990
GT 887 S8 : Paris fashion : a cultural history.; BJL     
      Paris fashion : a cultural history. BJL  BOOK 1988
GT 900 B3 : Deutsche Trachlen / Aufnahmen von E. Retzlaff.; BJL     
      Deutsche Trachlen / Aufnahmen von E. Retzlaff. BJL  BOOK 1958
GT 911 G9 : Nazi chic? : fashioning women in the Third Reich / Irene Guenther.; BJL     
      Nazi chic? : fashioning women in the Third Reich / Irene Guenther. BJL  BOOK 2004
GT 964 N5 : The dress of the Venetians, 1495-1525.; BJL     
      The dress of the Venetians, 1495-1525. BJL  BOOK 1988
GT 966 V1 : I cicisbei : contributo alla storia del costume italiano nel sec XVIII / a cura di L. Piccioni.; BJL     
      I cicisbei : contributo alla storia del costume italiano nel sec XVIII / a cura di L. Piccioni. BJL  BOOK 1927
GT 1000 P7 : De Nederlandse belastingdientst door de eeuwen : klederdrachten en distinctieven.; BJL     
      De Nederlandse belastingdientst door de eeuwen : klederdrachten en distinctieven. BJL  BOOK 1958
GT 1037 L4 : Kleding in Nederland 1813-1920.; BJL     
      Kleding in Nederland 1813-1920. BJL  BOOK 1992
GT 1100 M2 / q : Iconic costumes : Scandinavian late Iron Age costume iconography / by Ulla Mannering.; BJL     
      Iconic costumes : Scandinavian late Iron Age costume iconography / by Ulla Mannering. BJL  BOOK 2017
GT 1170 A7 : Folkdrakter och bygdedrakter fran hela Sverige / av J. Arno-Berg och G. Hazelius-Berg; fotografier av C. Lindhe; under medverkan av Svenska ungdomsringen for bygdekultur och Svenska hemslojdforeningarnas riksforbund.; BJL     
      Folkdrakter och bygdedrakter fran hela Sverige / av J. Arno-Berg och G. Hazelius-Berg; fotografier av BJL  BOOK 1985
GT 1204 B5 : Trajes y modas en la España de los Reyes Católicos v.1 / por Carmen Bernis.; BJL     
      Trajes y modas en la España de los Reyes Católicos v.1 / por Carmen Bernis. BJL  BOOK 1978
GT 1211 B3 E8 : Indumentaria baska.; BJL     
      Indumentaria baska. BJL  BOOK 1935
GT 1267 M1 / lf : Sketches of character and costume in Constantinople, Ionian islands and c. from the original drawings made on the spot.; BJL     
      Sketches of character and costume in Constantinople, Ionian islands and c. from the original drawings BJL  BOOK 1854
GT 1330 H9 W6 / q : Historic Hungarian costume fron Budapest.; BJL     
      Historic Hungarian costume fron Budapest. BJL  BOOK 1979
GT 1370 A9 / q : Oriental costume.; BJL     
      Oriental costume. BJL  BOOK 1974
GT 1380 R2 / q : Palestinian costume.; BJL     
      Palestinian costume. BJL  BOOK 1989
GT 1465 H2 : Some costumes of highland Burma at the Ethnological Museum of Gothenburg.; South East Asian Collection     
      Some costumes of highland Burma at the Ethnological Museum of Gothenburg. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1960
GT 1535 O9 : Outward appearances : dressing state and society in Indonesia / edited by Henk Schulte Nordholt.; South East Asian Collection     
      Outward appearances : dressing state and society in Indonesia / edited by Henk Schulte Nordholt. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1997
GT 1539 J4 B1 : Een kleur van heiligheid : wereldbeeld en kleding van de Baduy.; South East Asian Collection     
      Een kleur van heiligheid : wereldbeeld en kleding van de Baduy. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1992
GT 1540 F3 / q : Jamming on an old saya / photos by Wig Tysmans.; South East Asian Collection     
      Jamming on an old saya / photos by Wig Tysmans. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1995
GT 1555 C9 / q : Clothing and ornaments of China's Miao people / editors Kuang Shizhao ... [et al.]; translation Zhu Guanya, Wang Rongda.; South East Asian Collection     
      Clothing and ornaments of China's Miao people / editors Kuang Shizhao ... [et al.]; translation Zhu G South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1985
GT1555 .F56 2007 : Changing clothes in China : fashion, history, nation / Antonia Finnane.; BJL     
      Changing clothes in China : fashion, history, nation / Antonia Finnane. BJL  BOOK 2007
GT 1555 S8 / q : China chic : East meets West / Valerie Steele & John S. Major.; BJL     
      China chic : East meets West / Valerie Steele & John S. Major. BJL  BOOK c1999
GT 1555 W9 : Chinese fashion : from Mao to now / Juanjuan Wu.; BJL     
      Chinese fashion : from Mao to now / Juanjuan Wu. BJL  BOOK 2009
GT 1560 E5 : A historical sketch of Japanese customs and costumes.; BJL     
      A historical sketch of Japanese customs and costumes. BJL  BOOK 1936
GT 1560 K2 : Fashioning Japanese subcultures / Yuniya Kawamura.; BJL     
      Fashioning Japanese subcultures / Yuniya Kawamura. BJL  BOOK 2012
GT 1580 C6 : Clothing and difference : embodied identities in colonial and post-colonial Africa / edited by Hildi Hendrickson.; BJL     
      Clothing and difference : embodied identities in colonial and post-colonial Africa / edited by Hildi BJL  BOOK 1996
GT 1588 S9 : Fashion in South Africa 1652-1900 : an illustrated history of styles and materials for men, women and children, with notes on footwear, hairdressing, accessories and jewellery / Daphne H. Strutt.; Departmental Locations     
      Fashion in South Africa 1652-1900 : an illustrated history of styles and materials for men, women and Departmental Locations  BOOK 1975
GT 1589 S7 T2 / q : Yesterdays dress a history of costume in South Africa.; BJL     
      Yesterdays dress a history of costume in South Africa. BJL  BOOK  
GT 1710 B8 : The hidden consumer : masculinities, fashion and city life 1860-1914.; BJL     
      The hidden consumer : masculinities, fashion and city life 1860-1914. BJL  BOOK 1999
GT 1710 E2 : Men in the mirror : men's fashion, masculinity and consumer society.; BJL     
      Men in the mirror : men's fashion, masculinity and consumer society. BJL  BOOK 1997
GT1710 .E3 : How to read a suit : a guide to changing men's fashion from the 17th to the 20th century / Lydia Edwards.; BJL     
      How to read a suit : a guide to changing men's fashion from the 17th to the 20th century / Lydia Edwa BJL  BOOK 2020
GT 1710 P3 / q : Men's fashion : the complete sourcebook / John Peacock.; BJL     
      Men's fashion : the complete sourcebook / John Peacock. BJL  BOOK c1996
GT 1710 W3 : The cut of men's clothes, 1600-1900.; BJL     
      The cut of men's clothes, 1600-1900. BJL  BOOK 1964
GT1720 .E39 : How to read a dress : a guide to changing fashion from the 16th to the 20th century / Lydia Edwards.; BJL     
      How to read a dress : a guide to changing fashion from the 16th to the 20th century / Lydia Edwards. BJL  BOOK 2018
GT1720 .E39 2017 : How to read a dress : a guide to changing fashion from the 16th to the 20th century / Lydia Edwards.; Online materials     
      How to read a dress : a guide to changing fashion from the 16th to the 20th century / Lydia Edwards. Online materials  EBOOKS 2017
GT 1730 C9 : Children's costume in England : from the fourteenth to the end of the nineteenth century / edited by P. Cunnington and A. Buck.; BJL     
      Children's costume in England : from the fourteenth to the end of the nineteenth century / edited by BJL  BOOK 1965
GT 1745 F8 D7 : Le costume allegorique au temps de Louis XIV; extraits d'un memoire de professorat.; BJL     
      Le costume allegorique au temps de Louis XIV; extraits d'un memoire de professorat. BJL  BOOK 1956
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