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HB 116 S9 J1 : A life for sound money : Per Jacobsson : his biography.; BJL     
      A life for sound money : Per Jacobsson : his biography. BJL  BOOK 1979
HB 116 S9 W6    
      Economic doctrines of Knut Wicksell. BJL  BOOK 1960
      Knut Wicksell : rebell i det nya riket. BJL  BOOK 1956
      The theoretical contributions of Knut Wicksell. BJL  BOOK 1979
HB 117 A2 C7 : Biblioteca de los economistas espanoles de los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII.; BJL     
      Biblioteca de los economistas espanoles de los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII. BJL  BOOK 1954
HB 117.5 C3 : O pensamento economico no Portugal moderno (de fins do seculo XVIII a comecos do seculo XX).; BJL     
      O pensamento economico no Portugal moderno (de fins do seculo XVIII a comecos do seculo XX). BJL  BOOK 1980
HB 118 S6 L5 : A characterization of economic romanticism.; BJL     
      A characterization of economic romanticism. BJL  BOOK 1951
HB 118 W2 J2 : Essays on Walras / edited by D.A. Walker.; BJL     
      Essays on Walras / edited by D.A. Walker. BJL  BOOK 1983
HB 119 A2 F7 : Foundations of the American economy : the American colonies from inception to independence / edited by Marianne Johnson, Steven G. Medema, Warren J. Samuels.; BJL     
      Foundations of the American economy : the American colonies from inception to independence / edited b BJL  BOOK 2003
HB 119 A2 T6 : The new economics one decade older.; BJL     
      The new economics one decade older. BJL  BOOK 1974
HB 119 A2 W2 : Toward a critical political economics : a critique of liberal and radical economic thought.; BJL     
      Toward a critical political economics : a critique of liberal and radical economic thought. BJL  BOOK 1977
HB 119 A7 A7    
      Arrow and the ascent of modern economic theory / edited by G.R. Feiwel. BJL  BOOK 1987
      Arrow and the foundations of the theory of economic policy / edited by R. Feiwel. BJL  BOOK 1987
HB 119 C4 R6 : Edward H. Chamberlin.; BJL     
      Edward H. Chamberlin. BJL  BOOK 1971
HB 119 C5 H6 : J.M. Clark.; BJL     
      J.M. Clark. BJL  BOOK 1975
HB 119 C9 : This Sheba self : the conceptualization of economic life in eighteenth-century America.; BJL     
      This Sheba self : the conceptualization of economic life in eighteenth-century America. BJL  BOOK 1974
HB 119 D6    
      The economic mind in American civilization. BJL  BOOK 1959
      Institutional economics : Veblen, Commons, and Mitchell reconsidered; a series of lectures / by J. Do BJL  BOOK 1963
      Thorstein Veblen and his America. BJL  BOOK 1935
HB 119 E5 : Ground under our feet : an autobiography.; BJL     
      Ground under our feet : an autobiography. BJL  BOOK 1938
HB 119 F5 F5 : My father, Irving Fisher.; BJL     
      My father, Irving Fisher. BJL  BOOK 1956
HB 119 F93 B9 : Milton Friedman : a guide to his economic thought.; BJL     
      Milton Friedman : a guide to his economic thought. BJL  BOOK 1985
HB 119 F93 H6 : Milton Friedman : economics in theory and practice / Abraham Hirsch and Neil de Marchi.; BJL     
      Milton Friedman : economics in theory and practice / Abraham Hirsch and Neil de Marchi. BJL  BOOK 1990
HB 119 G1    
      The current state of Chinese economic studies. BJL  BOOK 1967
      The Galbraith reader : from the works of John Kenneth Galbraith / selected and arranged with narrativ BJL  BOOK 1979
HB 119 G1 D9 : The economics of John Kenneth Galbraith : introduction, persuasion, and rehabilitation / Stephen P. Dunn.; BJL     
      The economics of John Kenneth Galbraith : introduction, persuasion, and rehabilitation / Stephen P. D BJL  BOOK 2011
HB 119 G1 F9 : From Galbraith to economic freedom.; BJL     
      From Galbraith to economic freedom. BJL  BOOK 1977
HB 119 G1 R3 : Galbraith and market capitalism.; BJL     
      Galbraith and market capitalism. BJL  BOOK 1980
HB 119 G1 S5 : John Kenneth Galbraith and the lower economics.; BJL     
      John Kenneth Galbraith and the lower economics. BJL  BOOK 1973
HB 119 G3 B2 : Henry George.; BJL     
      Henry George. BJL  BOOK 1955
HB 119 G3 B6 : Single-tax George.; BJL     
      Single-tax George. BJL  BOOK 1939
HB 119 G3 C7 : Henry George : dreamer or realist.; BJL     
      Henry George : dreamer or realist. BJL  BOOK 1965
HB 119 G3 G3    
      The life of Henry George. BJL  BOOK 1900
      The philosophy of Henry George. BJL  BOOK 1933
HB 119 G3 L4 : Henry George in the British Isles.; BJL     
      Henry George in the British Isles. BJL  BOOK 1957
HB 119 G3 M6 : Mr. Henry George, the orthodox : an examination of Mr. George's position as a systematic economist.; BJL     
      Mr. Henry George, the orthodox : an examination of Mr. George's position as a systematic economist. BJL  BOOK 1885
HB 119 G74 : The age of turbulence : adventures in a new world / Alan Greenspan.; BJL     
      The age of turbulence : adventures in a new world / Alan Greenspan. BJL  BOOK 2008
HB 119 H2 C6 : Industrial and commercial correspondence of Alexander Hamilton anticipating his report on manufacturers. / ed. by Arthur Harrison Cole.; BJL     
      Industrial and commercial correspondence of Alexander Hamilton anticipating his report on manufacture BJL  BOOK 1968
HB 119 H2 M1 : Papers on public credit, commerce and finance / ed. by S. McKee.; BJL     
      Papers on public credit, commerce and finance / ed. by S. McKee. BJL  BOOK 1934
HB 119 J6 : American economic thought in the 17th century.; BJL     
      American economic thought in the 17th century. BJL  BOOK 1932
HB 119 M1 B8 : Breadth and depth in economics : Fritz Machlup.; BJL     
      Breadth and depth in economics : Fritz Machlup. BJL  BOOK 1978
HB119.M48 W73 2016 : Why Minsky matters : an introduction to the work of a maverick economist / L. Randall Wray.; BJL     
      Why Minsky matters : an introduction to the work of a maverick economist / L. Randall Wray. BJL  BOOK 2016
HB 119 M6 B9 : Wesley Clair Mitchell : the economic scientist.; BJL     
      Wesley Clair Mitchell : the economic scientist. BJL  BOOK 1952
HB 119 N8 : The spirit of American economics : a study in the history of economic ideas in the United States prior to the great depression; with a supplement The development of Canadian ideas / by A.R.M. Lower.; BJL     
      The spirit of American economics : a study in the history of economic ideas in the United States prio BJL  BOOK 1943
HB119.O88 .W355 2017 : Elinor Ostrom's rules for radicals : cooperative alternatives beyond markets and states / Derek Wall.; Online materials     
      Elinor Ostrom's rules for radicals : cooperative alternatives beyond markets and states / Derek Wall. Online materials  EBOOKS 2017
HB 119 S3 E9 : Evolutionary economics : applications of Schumpeter's ideas / edited by Horst Hanusch.; BJL     
      Evolutionary economics : applications of Schumpeter's ideas / edited by Horst Hanusch. BJL  BOOK 2008
HB 119 S3 S9 : Joseph A. Schumpeter : his life and thought.; BJL     
      Joseph A. Schumpeter : his life and thought. BJL  BOOK 1993
HB 119 S8 : Joseph Stiglitz and the World Bank : the rebel within / selected speeches by Joseph Stiglitz ; with a commentary by Ha-Joon Chang.; BJL     
      Joseph Stiglitz and the World Bank : the rebel within / selected speeches by Joseph Stiglitz ; with a BJL  BOOK 2001
HB 119 T2 : Histoire de la pensee economique aux Etats-Unis au dix-neuvienne siecle.; BJL     
      Histoire de la pensee economique aux Etats-Unis au dix-neuvienne siecle. BJL  BOOK 1928
HB 119 V3 D7 : Thorstein Veblen : a critical reappraisal / ed. by Douglas F. Dowd.; BJL     
      Thorstein Veblen : a critical reappraisal / ed. by Douglas F. Dowd. BJL  BOOK 1958
HB 119 V3 Q1 : Thorstein Veblen : the Carleton College Veblen seminar essays / edited by C.C. Qualey.; BJL     
      Thorstein Veblen : the Carleton College Veblen seminar essays / edited by C.C. Qualey. BJL  BOOK 1968
HB 119 V3 R5 : Thorstein Veblen : a critical interpretation.; BJL     
      Thorstein Veblen : a critical interpretation. BJL  BOOK 1953
HB 119 V3 S4 : Thorstein Veblen and the Institutionalists : a study in the social philosophy of economics.; BJL     
      Thorstein Veblen and the Institutionalists : a study in the social philosophy of economics. BJL  BOOK 1975
HB 119 W1 N5 : The economics of Francis Amasa Walker : American economics in transition.; BJL     
      The economics of Francis Amasa Walker : American economics in transition. BJL  BOOK 1968
HB 121 G6 : Canadian economic thought : the political economy of a developing nation, 1814-1914.; BJL     
      Canadian economic thought : the political economy of a developing nation, 1814-1914. BJL  BOOK 1961
HB121.I6 H37 1999eb : Harold Innis in the new century : reflections and refractions / edited by Charles R. Acland and William J. Buxton.; Online materials     
      Harold Innis in the new century : reflections and refractions / edited by Charles R. Acland and Willi Online materials  EBOOKS 1999
HB 121 T2 : Fifty years of Canadian economics; jubilee lecture University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon September 28th, 1959.; BJL     
      Fifty years of Canadian economics; jubilee lecture University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon September 28 BJL  BOOK  
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