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HC 290.5 E5 H8 : How green were the Nazis? : nature, environment, and nation in the Third Reich / edited by Franz-Josef Brüggemeier, Mark Cioc, and Thomas Zeller.; BJL     
      How green were the Nazis? : nature, environment, and nation in the Third Reich / edited by Franz-Jose BJL  BOOK 2005
HC 290.5 E5 S2 : Marktorientierte Instrumente der Umweltpolitik : die Durchsetzbarkeit von Mengen-und Preislosungen am Biespiel der Abfallpolitik.; BJL     
      Marktorientierte Instrumente der Umweltpolitik : die Durchsetzbarkeit von Mengen-und Preislosungen am BJL  BOOK 1994
HC 290.5 E5 S5 : The conflicts between labor and environmentalism in the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States.; BJL     
      The conflicts between labor and environmentalism in the Federal Republic of Germany and the United St BJL  BOOK 1985
HC 290.5 E5 U5 : Umweltpolitische Steuerung / Hrsg. Axel Görlitz.; BJL     
      Umweltpolitische Steuerung / Hrsg. Axel Görlitz. BJL  BOOK 1994
HC 290.5 P6 T5 : Time and poverty in western welfare states : United Germany in perspective / Lutz Leisering and Stephan Leibfried ; translation by John Veit-Wilson and Lutz Leisering.; BJL     
      Time and poverty in western welfare states : United Germany in perspective / Lutz Leisering and Steph BJL  BOOK 1999
HC 290.78 G3 / q : Law on the seven year plan for the development of the national economy of the German Democratic Republic from 1959 to 1965...; BJL     
      Law on the seven year plan for the development of the national economy of the German Democratic Repub BJL  BOOK 1959
HC 290.78 K7    
      Geographie der DDR. BJL  BOOK 1978
      Geography of the German Democratic Republic. BJL  BOOK 1986
HC 290.78 K8 : The politics of economic decline in East Germany, 1945-1989 / by Jeffrey Kopstein.; BJL     
      The politics of economic decline in East Germany, 1945-1989 / by Jeffrey Kopstein. BJL  BOOK 1997
HC 290.78 N5 : The next steps in the national economy of the GDR on the road to the completion of socialism.; BJL     
      The next steps in the national economy of the GDR on the road to the completion of socialism. BJL  BOOK 1968?
HC 290.78 S8 : The plans that failed : an economic history of the GDR / André Steiner ; translated from the German by Ewald Osers.; BJL     
      The plans that failed : an economic history of the GDR / André Steiner ; translated from the Ge BJL  BOOK 2010
HC 290.782 S9 : Successful transformations? : the creation of market economies in Eastern Germany and the Czech Republic / Martin Myant ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Successful transformations? : the creation of market economies in Eastern Germany and the Czech Repub BJL  BOOK 1997
HC 290.795 C6 L2 : Dictatorship and demand : the politics of consumerism in East Germany / Mark Landsman.; BJL     
      Dictatorship and demand : the politics of consumerism in East Germany / Mark Landsman. BJL  BOOK c2005
HC 290.95 I5 L9 / q : Low cost but acceptable : a minimum income standard for the UK : families with young children, January 1998 prices / edited by Hermione Parker ; research: Michael Nelson ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Low cost but acceptable : a minimum income standard for the UK : families with young children, Januar BJL  BOOK 1998
HC 291 G79    
      Economic and statistical bulletin/ National Bank of Greece. BJL  PERIODICAL 1981
      Greece today : monthly review of economic and business conditions. BJL  PERIODICAL  
HC 291 V9 : The changing economy of Northern Greece since world war II.; BJL     
      The changing economy of Northern Greece since world war II. BJL  BOOK 1962
HC 294 H3 : Economic expansion in the Byzantine Empire, 900-1200.; BJL     
      Economic expansion in the Byzantine Empire, 900-1200. BJL  BOOK 1989
HC 295 G7    
      Five years of economic progress, 1967-1972. BJL  BOOK 1972
      The Greek political economy. 2000-2015 / Spyros A. Roukanas, Pantelis G. Sklias (Eds.) BJL  BOOK 2017
HC 295 M4 : Greece and the inter-war economic crisis.; BJL     
      Greece and the inter-war economic crisis. BJL  BOOK 1991
HC 295 M9    
      Modern Greece : facets of underdevelopment. BJL  BOOK 1978
      Post-Marxist alternatives : the construction of social orders. BJL  BOOK 1990
HC 295 O6 : Economic surveys : Greece.; BJL     
      Economic surveys : Greece. BJL  PERIODICAL  
HC 295 Z8 : Monetary equilibrium and economic development, with special reference to the experiance of Greece, 1950-1963.; BJL     
      Monetary equilibrium and economic development, with special reference to the experiance of Greece, 19 BJL  BOOK 1965
HC 300.24 B4 : Hungary, a century of economic development / I.T. [i.e. T.I.] Berend and G. Ranki.; BJL     
      Hungary, a century of economic development / I.T. [i.e. T.I.] Berend and G. Ranki. BJL  BOOK 1974
HC 300.26 B9 : Dismembered Hungary.; BJL     
      Dismembered Hungary. BJL  BOOK 1922
HC 300.26 H9 / q : Hungary before and after the war in economic-statistical maps.; BJL     
      Hungary before and after the war in economic-statistical maps. BJL  BOOK 1926
HC 300.26 P1 : Hungary and the European economy in early modern times.; BJL     
      Hungary and the European economy in early modern times. BJL  BOOK 1994
HC 300.27 H9 : The Hungarian economic yearbook / edited by G.Gratz.; BJL     
      The Hungarian economic yearbook / edited by G.Gratz. BJL  BOOK 1939
HC 300.28 B4    
      The Hungarian economic reforms 1953-1988 / Ivan T. Berend. BJL  BOOK 1990
      The Hungarian economy in the twentieth century / Ivan T. Berend and György Ránki. BJL  BOOK 1985
HC 300.28 B7 : Economic reform in Hungary since 1968.; BJL     
      Economic reform in Hungary since 1968. BJL  BOOK 1991
HC 300.28 F5 : The Five-Year Plan of the Hungarian People's Republic.; BJL     
      The Five-Year Plan of the Hungarian People's Republic. BJL  BOOK 1950
HC 300.28 H9 : Hungary : a decade of economic reform / edited by P.G.Hanse, H.K.Radice and N.,Swain.; BJL     
      Hungary : a decade of economic reform / edited by P.G.Hanse, H.K.Radice and N.,Swain. BJL  BOOK 1981
HC 300.28 J1 : Trip to Hungary.; BJL     
      Trip to Hungary. BJL  BOOK 1954?
HC 300.28 K8 : The dilemmas of a socialist economy : the Hungarian experience.; BJL     
      The dilemmas of a socialist economy : the Hungarian experience. BJL  BOOK 1979
HC 300.28 M3 : Market economy and civil society in Hungary / edited by C.M. Hann.; BJL     
      Market economy and civil society in Hungary / edited by C.M. Hann. BJL  BOOK 1990
HC 300.28 R1 : Hungary's economic policy ...; BJL     
      Hungary's economic policy ... BJL  BOOK 1953
HC 300.28 R3 : Reform of the economic mechanism in Hungary, development 1968-71.; BJL     
      Reform of the economic mechanism in Hungary, development 1968-71. BJL  BOOK 1972
HC 300.28 R4 : Perestroika in Eastern Europe : Hungary's economic transformation, 1945-1988.; BJL     
      Perestroika in Eastern Europe : Hungary's economic transformation, 1945-1988. BJL  BOOK 1990
HC 300.28 R6 : The pattern of reform in Hungary, a political, economic and cultural analysis.; BJL     
      The pattern of reform in Hungary, a political, economic and cultural analysis. BJL  BOOK 1973
HC 300.283 K8 : Struggle and hope : essays on stabilization and reform in a post-socialist economy.; BJL     
      Struggle and hope : essays on stabilization and reform in a post-socialist economy. BJL  BOOK 1997
HC 300.295 I52 P6 : A stochastic frontier approach to firm level efficiency, technological change and productivity during the early transition in Hungary / Jenifer Piesse and Colin Thirtle.; BJL     
      A stochastic frontier approach to firm level efficiency, technological change and productivity during BJL  BOOK 1999
HC 300.295 P6 A4 / q : Alleviating poverty : analysis and recommendations 2000-2002 : human development report : Hungary, 2000-2002 / edited by Klara Foti ; authors of the report : Klára Fóti ... [et al.]; BJL     
      Alleviating poverty : analysis and recommendations 2000-2002 : human development report : Hungary, 20 BJL  BOOK 2003
HC 300.295 T4 K7 : Innovation movement in Hungary.; BJL     
      Innovation movement in Hungary. BJL  BOOK 1950
HC 301 : Power using industries of Italy.; BJL     
      Power using industries of Italy. BJL  BOOK  
HC 301 A1 B2 : Review of economic conditions in Italy.; BJL     
      Review of economic conditions in Italy. BJL  PERIODICAL 2011
HC 301 A1 I8 : Italian economic papers.; BJL     
      Italian economic papers. BJL  PERIODICAL 1992
HC 301 A1 I87 : Annual report : abridged version/ Istituto per la Ricostruzione Industriale.; BJL     
      Annual report : abridged version/ Istituto per la Ricostruzione Industriale. BJL  PERIODICAL  
HC 301 Al B2 : Review of the economic conditions in Italy : ten years of Italian economy 1947-1956; special number.; BJL     
      Review of the economic conditions in Italy : ten years of Italian economy 1947-1956; special number. BJL  BOOK 1957
HC 301 C1 : Nuova antologia della Questione Meridionale.; BJL     
      Nuova antologia della Questione Meridionale. BJL  BOOK 1962
HC 301 H4 : Genes au XVe. siecle : activite economique et problemes sociaux.; BJL     
      Genes au XVe. siecle : activite economique et problemes sociaux. BJL  BOOK 1961
HC 301 I875 / q : The Italian economy.; BJL     
      The Italian economy. BJL  PERIODICAL 1988-
HC 301 I89 / q : The Italian economy : selected issues.; BJL     
      The Italian economy : selected issues. BJL  PERIODICAL 1995
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