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HD 4967 G5 : Rural and urban income inequalities in Indonesia,Mexico,Pakistan,Tangania and Tunisia.; South East Asian Collection     
      Rural and urban income inequalities in Indonesia,Mexico,Pakistan,Tangania and Tunisia. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1976
HD 4967 W9 : Work, income and inequality : payments systems in the Third World / edited by F. Stewart.; BJL     
      Work, income and inequality : payments systems in the Third World / edited by F. Stewart. BJL  BOOK  
HD 4975 B7 : Response error in survey reports of earnings information. Reproduced Journal of the American Statistical Association Sept, 1966.; BJL     
      Response error in survey reports of earnings information. Reproduced Journal of the American Statisti BJL  BOOK 1967
HD 4975 C7 : Wage policy in our expanding economy.; BJL     
      Wage policy in our expanding economy. BJL  BOOK 1951
HD 4975 I3 : An incomes policy for the United States : new approaches.; BJL     
      An incomes policy for the United States : new approaches. BJL  BOOK 1981
HD 4975 L6 : Union relative wage effects : a survey.; BJL     
      Union relative wage effects : a survey. BJL  BOOK 1986
HD 4975 M1 : Wages and the worker : an outline for study and discussion.; BJL     
      Wages and the worker : an outline for study and discussion. BJL  BOOK 1934
HD 4975 R3 : Workers and wages in an urban labor market / by Albert Rees and George P.Shultz.; BJL     
      Workers and wages in an urban labor market / by Albert Rees and George P.Shultz. BJL  BOOK 1970
HD 4975 S5    
      For a cost-plus wage. BJL  BOOK 1943
      Guidelines, informal controls and the market place : policy choices in a full employment economy. BJL  BOOK 1966
      The wage-price guideposts. BJL  BOOK 1967
HD 4975 W3    
      In pursuit of price stability : the wage-price freeze of 1971. BJL  BOOK 1973
      The Pay Board's progress : wage controls in phase II. BJL  BOOK 1978
HD 4977 C2 : Review of employment and average wages and salaries,1957-67.; BJL     
      Review of employment and average wages and salaries,1957-67. BJL  BOOK 1969
HD 4979 K9 : Long-run changes in the labour share of national income in Canada, 1926-1966.; BJL     
      Long-run changes in the labour share of national income in Canada, 1926-1966. BJL  BOOK 1971
HD 4999 C8 / q : Trends in real wages in Argentina, 1880-1910.; BJL     
      Trends in real wages in Argentina, 1880-1910. BJL  BOOK 1976
HD 5000 W7 : Some aspects of wage determination in New Zealand.; BJL     
      Some aspects of wage determination in New Zealand. BJL  BOOK 1962
HD 5014 P3 : Pay and employment in the new Europe / edited by D. Marsden.; BJL     
      Pay and employment in the new Europe / edited by D. Marsden. BJL  BOOK 1992
HD 5014 R2 : Real wages in 19th and 20th century Europe : historical and comparative perspectives / edited by Peter Scholliers.; BJL     
      Real wages in 19th and 20th century Europe : historical and comparative perspectives / edited by Pete BJL  BOOK 1989
HD 5014 S2    
      Pay inequalities in the European Community / [by] C. Saunders [and] D. Marsden. BJL  BOOK 1981
      A six-country comparison of the distribution of industrial earnings in the 1970s / by C. Saunders and BJL  BOOK 1979
HD 5014 U4 : Wage restraint : a study of incomes policies in western Europe.; BJL     
      Wage restraint : a study of incomes policies in western Europe. BJL  BOOK 1971
HD 5015 A8 : Whatever happened to our wages ? : the anatomy of a wage packet 1938-68.; BJL     
      Whatever happened to our wages ? : the anatomy of a wage packet 1938-68. BJL  BOOK 1969
HD5015 .B5 : Hired : six months undercover in low-wage Britain / James Bloodworth.; BJL     
      Hired : six months undercover in low-wage Britain / James Bloodworth. BJL  BOOK 2019
HD 5015 D4    
      New earnings survey. BJL  PERIODICAL 2000
      Prices and earnings in 1951-69 : an econometric assessment. BJL  BOOK 1971
      Productivity,prices and incomes policy after 1969. BJL  BOOK 1969
      Productivity,prices and incomes policy after 1969. BJL  BOOK 1969
HD 5015 D5 / q : The Guardian wage indexes.; BJL     
      The Guardian wage indexes. BJL  BOOK 1962
HD 5015 G7 : The wages of labour.; BJL     
      The wages of labour. BJL  BOOK 1924
HD 5015 I4 : The report of proceedings and papers.; BJL, Departmental Locations      
      The report of proceedings and papers. BJL, Departmental Locations   BOOK 1968
HD 5015 M6 T58    
      Standard time rates of wages and hours of labour in Great Britain and Northern Ireland ... / [issued BJL  PERIODICAL  
      Time rates of wages and hours of labour. BJL  PERIODICAL  
HD 5015 S6 : Wages and prices : an inquiry into the wages system and the relation of wages and prices.; BJL     
      Wages and prices : an inquiry into the wages system and the relation of wages and prices. BJL  BOOK 1920
HD 5015 T7    
      Incomes policy : the next step. BJL  BOOK 1962
      National Incomes Commission. BJL  BOOK 1962
      The price and pay code : a consultative document. BJL  BOOK 1973
HD 5017 A2 : Electors' knowledge of pay limits under the Social Contract.; BJL     
      Electors' knowledge of pay limits under the Social Contract. BJL  BOOK 1975
HD 5017 A3 : A socialist wages plan : the politics of the pay packet / by K. Alexander and J. Hughes.; BJL     
      A socialist wages plan : the politics of the pay packet / by K. Alexander and J. Hughes. BJL  BOOK 1959?
HD 5017 A6 : Are low wages inevitable?; BJL     
      Are low wages inevitable? BJL  BOOK 1976
HD 5017 A7 : The War and wages.; BJL     
      The War and wages. BJL  BOOK 1916?
HD 5017 A8 : A declaration of dissent : technicians' unions and incomes policy.; BJL     
      A declaration of dissent : technicians' unions and incomes policy. BJL  BOOK 1960
HD 5017 B1 : Incomes policy and the public sector.; BJL     
      Incomes policy and the public sector. BJL  BOOK 1972
HD 5017 B2 : Wages councils and incomes policy reprinted from British journal of industrial relations.; BJL     
      Wages councils and incomes policy reprinted from British journal of industrial relations. BJL  BOOK 1967
HD 5017 B4    
      A national survey of attitudes to inflation and incomes policy. BJL  BOOK 1966
      Rates for the job. BJL  BOOK 1974
HD 5017 B5 : A better way / A. Allen... [et al].; BJL     
      A better way / A. Allen... [et al]. BJL  BOOK 1978?
HD 5017 B6 : An incomes policy for Britain : policy proposals and research needs / ed. by F.Blackaby for the National Institute of Economic and Social Research and the Social Science Research Council.; BJL     
      An incomes policy for Britain : policy proposals and research needs / ed. by F.Blackaby for the Natio BJL  BOOK 1972
HD 5017 B7 : Wages in the United Kingdom in the nineteenth century : notes for the use of students of social and economic questions.; BJL     
      Wages in the United Kingdom in the nineteenth century : notes for the use of students of social and e BJL  BOOK 1900
HD 5017 B8    
      Cheap labour : Britain's false economy : the costs of a low wage economy versus a national minimum wa BJL  BOOK 1987
      The delusion of incomes policy. BJL  BOOK 1977
      Equity and family incomes : [an analysis of current tax and benefit policy]. BJL  BOOK 1980
      Guidelines for growth and for incomes in the United Kingdom : some possible lessons for the United St BJL  BOOK 1966
HD 5017 C3 / q : Cash with incentives : how the Chancellor should help the lower paid / by Ian Clarke... and others.; BJL     
      Cash with incentives : how the Chancellor should help the lower paid / by Ian Clarke... and others. BJL  BOOK 1972
HD 5017 C4 / q : Wages and salaries in the United Kingdom, 1920-1938.; BJL     
      Wages and salaries in the United Kingdom, 1920-1938. BJL  BOOK 1953
HD 5017 C5    
      Cheap labour : the current crisis. BJL  BOOK 1984
      An incomes policy. BJL  BOOK 1967
HD 5017 C6    
      How to run an incomes policy, and why we made such a mess of the last one. BJL  BOOK 1971
      Incomes policy,legislation and shop stewards. BJL  BOOK 1966
HD 5017 C7    
      Higher wages and full employment : a memorandum. BJL  BOOK 1944
      Income policy in crisis : an overview, 1973-4. BJL  BOOK 1974
      Pay : the choice ahead : CBl proposals for reforming pay determination. BJL  BOOK 1979
      Prices and incomes theory. BJL  BOOK 1968
HD 5017 D2 : The split society.; BJL     
      The split society. BJL  BOOK 1964
HD 5017 D4    
      Labour costs in Great Britain in 1964. BJL  BOOK 1968
      Prices and incomes : an "early warning" system. BJL  BOOK 1965
      Prices and incomes policy. BJL  BOOK 1965
      Prices and incomes policy after 30th June 1967 : presented to Parliament March 1967. BJL  BOOK 1967
3 additional entries    
HD 5017 D6 : Wage politics in Britain,1945-1967.; BJL     
      Wage politics in Britain,1945-1967. BJL  BOOK 1974
HD 5017 D9    
      The dynamics of low pay and unemployment in early 1990s Britain / Amanda Gosling ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 1997
      Socialism and the living wage. BJL  BOOK 1927
HD 5017 E1 : Economist, Personal incomes 1938-1950.; BJL     
      Economist, Personal incomes 1938-1950. BJL  BOOK  
HD 5017 E4 : Pay in the public sector / by R.F. Elliot and J.L. Fallick.; BJL     
      Pay in the public sector / by R.F. Elliot and J.L. Fallick. BJL  BOOK 1981
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