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HD 6331 H9 : Labour problems of technological change.; BJL     
      Labour problems of technological change. BJL  BOOK 1970
HD 6331 I6 : Unemployment and the machine.; BJL     
      Unemployment and the machine. BJL  BOOK 1934
HD 6331 J7 : Sleepers, wake! : technology and the future of work.; BJL     
      Sleepers, wake! : technology and the future of work. BJL  BOOK 1982
HD 6331 M4    
      The human problems of an industrial civilization. BJL  BOOK 1960
      The mechanization of work. BJL  BOOK 1982
HD 6331 M5 : Whose brave new world? : the information highway and the new economy.; BJL     
      Whose brave new world? : the information highway and the new economy. BJL  BOOK 1996
HD 6331 N5 : New technology and the labour process / edited by D. Knights and H. Willmott.; BJL     
      New technology and the labour process / edited by D. Knights and H. Willmott. BJL  BOOK 1988
HD 6331 N53 : New technology, work and employment.; BJL     
      New technology, work and employment. BJL  PERIODICAL 2006
HD 6331 P4 : People's reactions to technology : in factories, offices, and aerospace / Stuart Oskamp, Shirlynn Spacapan, editors.; BJL     
      People's reactions to technology : in factories, offices, and aerospace / Stuart Oskamp, Shirlynn Spa BJL  BOOK 1990
HD 6331 R5 : The end of work : the decline of the global labor force and the dawn of the post-market era.; BJL     
      The end of work : the decline of the global labor force and the dawn of the post-market era. BJL  BOOK 1995
HD 6331 W7 : A job to live : the impact of tomorrow's technology on work and society.; BJL     
      A job to live : the impact of tomorrow's technology on work and society. BJL  BOOK 1985
HD 6331 Z9 : In the age of the smart machine : the future of work and power / Shoshana Zuboff.; BJL     
      In the age of the smart machine : the future of work and power / Shoshana Zuboff. BJL  BOOK 1988
HD 6331.2 A8 F9 : The future impact of technology on work and education / edited by G. Burke and R.W. Rumberger.; BJL     
      The future impact of technology on work and education / edited by G. Burke and R.W. Rumberger. BJL  BOOK 1987
HD 6331.2 E8 E5 : Employment and technical change in Europe : work organization, skills, and training / edited by Ken Ducatel.; BJL     
      Employment and technical change in Europe : work organization, skills, and training / edited by Ken D BJL  BOOK 1994
HD 6331.2 E85 N5 : New technologies and work : capitalist and socialist perspectives / edited by Arthur Francis and Peter Grootings for the European Co-ordination Centre for Research and Documentation in Social Sciences.; BJL     
      New technologies and work : capitalist and socialist perspectives / edited by Arthur Francis and Pete BJL  BOOK 1989
HD 6331.2 G7 B8 / q : Monitoring new technology and employment / T. Brady, S. Liff.; BJL     
      Monitoring new technology and employment / T. Brady, S. Liff. BJL  BOOK 1983
HD 6331.2 G7 C7 : Microelectronics : capitalist technology and the working class.; BJL     
      Microelectronics : capitalist technology and the working class. BJL  BOOK 1980
HD 6331.2 G7 E4 / q : Trade unions, technology and the environment / prepared for the Course Team by D. Elliott, K. Green, and F. Steward.; BJL     
      Trade unions, technology and the environment / prepared for the Course Team by D. Elliott, K. Green, BJL  BOOK 1978
HD 6331.2 G7 H3 / q : The effects of microprocessors on industry society and employment.; BJL     
      The effects of microprocessors on industry society and employment. BJL  BOOK 1979
HD 6331.2 G7 M1 : Technological change at work / Ian McLoughlin and Jon Clark.; BJL     
      Technological change at work / Ian McLoughlin and Jon Clark. BJL  BOOK 1994
HD 6331.2 G7 M2 / q : The Manpower Implications of Micro-electronic Technology : a report.; BJL     
      The Manpower Implications of Micro-electronic Technology : a report. BJL  BOOK 1979
HD 6331.2 G7 M9 : Values, technology and work.; BJL     
      Values, technology and work. BJL  BOOK 1981
HD 6331.2 G7 N8 / q : Innovation and new technology in small rural firms / David North, David Smallbone and Robert Baldock.; BJL     
      Innovation and new technology in small rural firms / David North, David Smallbone and Robert Baldock. BJL  BOOK 1997
HD 6331.2 G7 T7 : Employment and technology.; BJL     
      Employment and technology. BJL  BOOK 1979
HD 6331.2 N4 A6 / q : Arbeid op de tweesprong : opstellen, uitgegeven ter gelegenheid van het vijfenzeventigjarig bestaan der Arbeidsinspectie.; BJL     
      Arbeid op de tweesprong : opstellen, uitgegeven ter gelegenheid van het vijfenzeventigjarig bestaan d BJL  BOOK 1965
HD 6331.2 U5 R7 : Administering changes : a case study of human relations in a factory / by Harriet O. Ronken and Paul Roger Lawrence.; BJL     
      Administering changes : a case study of human relations in a factory / by Harriet O. Ronken and Paul BJL  BOOK 1952
HD 6338 B3 : The priority of labor : a commentary on 'Laborem exercens', encyclical letter of Pope John Paul II.; BJL     
      The priority of labor : a commentary on 'Laborem exercens', encyclical letter of Pope John Paul II. BJL  BOOK 1982
HD 6338 C4 : Apostalato cattolico e condizione operaia : testimonianze e documenti sui preti operai.; BJL     
      Apostalato cattolico e condizione operaia : testimonianze e documenti sui preti operai. BJL  BOOK 1955
HD 6338 G9 : La Iglesia y el obrero.; BJL     
      La Iglesia y el obrero. BJL  BOOK 1908
HD 6338 I4 : The Christian doctrine of work.; BJL     
      The Christian doctrine of work. BJL  BOOK 1950
HD 6338 J6 : Encyclical "Laborem exercens"... on human work...; BJL     
      Encyclical "Laborem exercens"... on human work... BJL  BOOK 1981
HD 6338 L1 : Labour's dynamic : being reports of speeches...; BJL     
      Labour's dynamic : being reports of speeches... BJL  BOOK 1922
HD 6338 L5    
      Encyclical letter (Rerum novarum),on the condition of the working classes. BJL  BOOK 1960
      The workers' charter : a translation of the famous encyclical on the condition of the working classes BJL  BOOK 1941
HD 6338 M1 : The social record of Christianity.; BJL     
      The social record of Christianity. BJL  BOOK 1935
HD 6338 P8 : Millhands and preachers : a study of Gastonia.; BJL     
      Millhands and preachers : a study of Gastonia. BJL  BOOK 1942
HD 6338 S7 : The proletarian gospel of Galilee in some of its phases.; BJL     
      The proletarian gospel of Galilee in some of its phases. BJL  BOOK 1922
HD 6338.2 F8 C5 : Christianisme et monde ouvrier : études / oordonnées par François Bédarida et Jean Maitron ; avec J. Baubérot ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Christianisme et monde ouvrier : études / oordonnées par François Bédarida et BJL  BOOK 1975
HD 6338.2 F8 P6    
      1848 [Dix-huit cent quarante-huit] : les pauvres, l'evangile et la revolution. BJL  BOOK 1977
      L'église et les ouvriers en France (1840-1940). BJL  BOOK 1984
      L'eglise et les ouvriers en France (1840-1940). BJL  BOOK 1984
      L'eglise et les ouvriers en France (1940-90). BJL  BOOK 1991
HD 6338.2 G7 C5 : Christianity and the working classes / edited by G. Haw.; BJL     
      Christianity and the working classes / edited by G. Haw. BJL  BOOK 1906
HD 6338.2 G7 S9 : Dog-collar democracy : the Industrial Christian Fellowship, 1919-1929.; BJL     
      Dog-collar democracy : the Industrial Christian Fellowship, 1919-1929. BJL  BOOK 1982
HD 6338.2 N42 M12 : Roomsche kinine tegen roode koorts : arbeidersbeweging en katholieke kerk in Maastricht 1880-1920.; BJL     
      Roomsche kinine tegen roode koorts : arbeidersbeweging en katholieke kerk in Maastricht 1880-1920. BJL  BOOK 1983
HD 6338.2 S7 A5 : Pensamiento y accion social de la Iglesia en Espana.; BJL     
      Pensamiento y accion social de la Iglesia en Espana. BJL  BOOK 1984
HD 6338.2 S7 M7 : El primer catolicismo social y la "Rerum novarum" en Espana (1889-1902).; BJL     
      El primer catolicismo social y la "Rerum novarum" en Espana (1889-1902). BJL  BOOK 1983
HD 6338.2 S7 V6 : Socialismo y anarquismo / estudio, notas y comentarios de texto por J.M. Cuenca Toribio.; BJL     
      Socialismo y anarquismo / estudio, notas y comentarios de texto por J.M. Cuenca Toribio. BJL  BOOK 1972
HD 6338.2 S9 P1 : Frikyrkorna, arbetarfragan och klasskampen : frikyrkororelsens hallning till arbetarnas fackliga och politiska kamp aren kring sekelskiftet.; BJL     
      Frikyrkorna, arbetarfragan och klasskampen : frikyrkororelsens hallning till arbetarnas fackliga och BJL  BOOK 1982
HD 6338.2 U5 L4 : Religion and the working class in antebellum America.; BJL     
      Religion and the working class in antebellum America. BJL  BOOK 1995
HD 6451 L8 : Spearheads of democracy : labor in the developing countries.; BJL     
      Spearheads of democracy : labor in the developing countries. BJL  BOOK 1962
HD 6456 B8 : On the history and development of gilds, and the origin of trade-unions.; BJL     
      On the history and development of gilds, and the origin of trade-unions. BJL  BOOK 1890
HD 6456 D6 : The story of the city companies.; BJL     
      The story of the city companies. BJL  BOOK 1926
HD 6456 G8 : The Gild merchant.; BJL     
      The Gild merchant. BJL  BOOK 1890
HD 6456 K1 : The development of London Livery Companies.; BJL     
      The development of London Livery Companies. BJL  BOOK 1960
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