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HE 5664 L8 M6 / q : Car ownersship in London.; BJL     
      Car ownersship in London. BJL  BOOK 1970
HE 5664 S9 D4 / q : Study of rural transport in West Suffolk.; BJL     
      Study of rural transport in West Suffolk. BJL  BOOK 1971
HE 5664 S9 M8 : One man bus operation.; BJL     
      One man bus operation. BJL  BOOK 1969
HE 5664 T9 T9 : Joint policy statement of the Tyneside passenger transport authority and Tyneside passenger transport executive.; BJL     
      Joint policy statement of the Tyneside passenger transport authority and Tyneside passenger transport BJL  BOOK 1970
HE 5664 Y6 G4 : East Yorkshire Motor Services Ltd., 1926-1983.; BJL     
      East Yorkshire Motor Services Ltd., 1926-1983. BJL  BOOK 1983
HE 5664 Y6 J5 / q : 'Twixt wold, carr and coast : East Yorkshire Motor Services Ltd and its associates.; BJL     
      'Twixt wold, carr and coast : East Yorkshire Motor Services Ltd and its associates. BJL  BOOK 1992
HE 5664 Y6 L7 : First bus in West Yorkshire : the history of Ezra Laycock of Cowling.; BJL     
      First bus in West Yorkshire : the history of Ezra Laycock of Cowling. BJL  BOOK 1975
HE 5671 A6 N3 / q : De invloed van de vervoersafstand en de partijgrootte op de Keuze tussen eigen vervoer en beroepsvervoer over de weg.; BJL     
      De invloed van de vervoersafstand en de partijgrootte op de Keuze tussen eigen vervoer en beroepsverv BJL  BOOK 1973
HE 5671 A6 N46 / q : Statistiek der motorrijtuigen.; BJL     
      Statistiek der motorrijtuigen. BJL  PERIODICAL  
HE 5671 Z7 V1 : Honderdvijftig jaren : Van Gend & Loos, 1796-1946.; BJL     
      Honderdvijftig jaren : Van Gend & Loos, 1796-1946. BJL  BOOK 1946
HE 5676 V6 : Suomen linja-autoliikenteen historia tutkimuskohteena.; BJL     
      Suomen linja-autoliikenteen historia tutkimuskohteena. BJL  BOOK 1983
HE 5698 A2 S64 / (WM) : Annual report/ Singapore. Registry of Vehicles.; South East Asian Collection     
      Annual report/ Singapore. Registry of Vehicles. South East Asian Collection  PERIODICAL  
HE 5698 A2 S66 / (WM)q : Annual report/ Singapore Bus Service (1978) Ltd.; South East Asian Collection     
      Annual report/ Singapore Bus Service (1978) Ltd. South East Asian Collection  PERIODICAL 1983
HE 5702 A6 B4 : Energy, transportation and urban environment in Africa : the case of Rabat-Sale, Morocco.; BJL     
      Energy, transportation and urban environment in Africa : the case of Rabat-Sale, Morocco. BJL  BOOK 1998
HE 5704 N6 H3 : Road transport in Nigeria a study of African enterprise.; BJL     
      Road transport in Nigeria a study of African enterprise. BJL  BOOK 1958
HE 5813 D4 : The "Channel Ferry" : advantages and feasibility of a train-ferry between England and France.; Departmental Locations     
      The "Channel Ferry" : advantages and feasibility of a train-ferry between England and France. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1905
HE 5813 W8 : Ferries and ferrymen.; BJL     
      Ferries and ferrymen. BJL  BOOK 1969
HE 5814 F2 K5 / p : King Harry Steam Ferry Company Ltd., 1888-1988 / edited and compiled by L.D. Champion and V.H. Simmons-Hodge.; Departmental Locations     
      King Harry Steam Ferry Company Ltd., 1888-1988 / edited and compiled by L.D. Champion and V.H. Simmon Departmental Locations  BOOK 1988
HE 5814 H9 D7 : The Humber ferries.; BJL, Departmental Locations      
      The Humber ferries. BJL, Departmental Locations   BOOK 1968
HE 5814 H9 H3    
      The Barton ferry. BJL  BOOK 1994
      The Humber ferries and the rise of New Holland, 1800-1960. BJL  BOOK  
HE 5814 H9 H95 / q : Newsletter/ Humber Paddle Steamer Group.; BJL     
      Newsletter/ Humber Paddle Steamer Group. BJL  PERIODICAL 1974-
HE 5814 H9 M2 : Passage of Humber ...; BJL     
      Passage of Humber ... BJL  BOOK 1984
HE 5814 H9 M3 / q : Ferries across the Humber : the story of the Humber Ferries and the last coal-burning paddle steamers in regular service in Britain / Kirk Martin.; BJL     
      Ferries across the Humber : the story of the Humber Ferries and the last coal-burning paddle steamers BJL  BOOK 2014
HE 5814 H9 M6 : Superferries.; BJL     
      Superferries. BJL  BOOK 1987
HE 5814 S4 J8 : Severn enterprise : the story of the old and new passenger ferries.; Departmental Locations     
      Severn enterprise : the story of the old and new passenger ferries. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1977
HE 5933 P5 T9 : Traffic and transport : an economic history of Pickfords.; BJL     
      Traffic and transport : an economic history of Pickfords. BJL  BOOK 1979
HE 6003 R44 / q : The review : journal of the Society of Post Office Executives.; BJL     
      The review : journal of the Society of Post Office Executives. BJL  PERIODICAL 1987
HE 6015 M9 : Museu dos Correios.; Departmental Locations     
      Museu dos Correios. Departmental Locations  BOOK 198-?
HE 6071 H6 : The life of Sir Rowland Hill, and, The history of penny postage.; BJL     
      The life of Sir Rowland Hill, and, The history of penny postage. BJL  BOOK 1880
HE 6071 H6 S6 : Sir Rowland Hill The story of a great reform told by his daughter.; BJL     
      Sir Rowland Hill The story of a great reform told by his daughter. BJL  BOOK 1907
HE 6071 N5 : Report/ Newfoundland, Postal and Telegraph Department.; BJL     
      Report/ Newfoundland, Postal and Telegraph Department. BJL  PERIODICAL  
HE 6071 R1 : The life and letters of Henry Cecil Raikes.; BJL     
      The life and letters of Henry Cecil Raikes. BJL  BOOK 1898
HE 6071 R6 : The British post office a history.; BJL     
      The British post office a history. BJL  BOOK 1948
HE 6175 N6    
      Night Mail [videorecording] / produced by John Grierson. West Highland / directed and produced by Jo BJL  DVD c2004
      Night Mail 2 [videorecording] / produced and directed by David Thomas. BJL  DVD c2004
HE 6185 B9 K1 / p : An abridged history of the various issues of the postage stamps issued during the Japanese occupation of Burma.; South East Asian Collection     
      An abridged history of the various issues of the postage stamps issued during the Japanese occupation South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1945
HE 6185 B9 M4 / q : An annotated bibliography of Burma philately.; South East Asian Collection     
      An annotated bibliography of Burma philately. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1993
HE 6185 G7 S6 : James Chalmers inventor of the adhesive postage stamp.; BJL     
      James Chalmers inventor of the adhesive postage stamp. BJL  BOOK 1970
HE 6185 I42 K2 : Katalog prangko Indonesia 1992 : Indonesian postage stamp catalogue.; South East Asian Collection     
      Katalog prangko Indonesia 1992 : Indonesian postage stamp catalogue. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1991
HE 6185 I42 O3 : Officiele postzegelcatalogus Indonesie 1979.; South East Asian Collection     
      Officiele postzegelcatalogus Indonesie 1979. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1979
HE 6185 M23 S2    
      The Library. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1991
      The stamps and postal history of Sarawak. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1959
HE 6185 M23 S21 / q : Sarawak journal.; South East Asian Collection     
      Sarawak journal. South East Asian Collection  PERIODICAL 1969-
HE 6185 N42 S7    
      Speciale catalogus van de postzegels van Nederland, Indonesie, Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, Ned. Antillen South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1956
      Speciale catalogus van de postzegels van Nederland, Nederlands-Indie, Indonesie, Nederlands Nieuw-Gui South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1976
HE 6185 S2 B3 : Sarawak : the issues of 1871 and 1875 : plating studies and postal history / W. de B.P. Batty-Smith, W.N. Watterson.; South East Asian Collection     
      Sarawak : the issues of 1871 and 1875 : plating studies and postal history / W. de B.P. Batty-Smith, South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1990
HE 6185 S72 T1    
      Standard catalogue of Malaysia - Singapore - Brunei stamps and postal stationery 1991. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1991
      Standard catalogue of Malaysia - Singapore - Brunei stamps and postal stationery 1992. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1992
HE6185.U5 J634 : Spreading the news : the American postal system from Franklin to Morse / Richard R. John.; BJL     
      Spreading the news : the American postal system from Franklin to Morse / Richard R. John. BJL  BOOK 1998
HE6185.U5 J634 1995 : Spreading the news [electronic resource] : the American postal system from Franklin to Morse / Richard R. John.; Online materials     
      Spreading the news [electronic resource] : the American postal system from Franklin to Morse / Richar Online materials  EBOOKS 1995
HE 6209 G7 G4 : The Stanley Gibbons centenary 1856-1956.; BJL     
      The Stanley Gibbons centenary 1856-1956. BJL  BOOK 1956
HE 6215 S9 : Mari mengumpulkan prangko.; South East Asian Collection     
      Mari mengumpulkan prangko. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1971
HE 6371 F9 : The American mail enlarger of the common life.; BJL     
      The American mail enlarger of the common life. BJL  BOOK 1972
HE 6371 S7 : The economics of the postal system : alternatives and reform.; BJL     
      The economics of the postal system : alternatives and reform. BJL  BOOK 1980
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