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HF 499 U58(52) : Market access and transport problems as constraints to Asian regional integration.; BJL     
      Market access and transport problems as constraints to Asian regional integration. BJL  BOOK 1984
HF 499 U58(54) : On the appropriate interpretation of the revealed comparative advantage index : implications of a methodology based on industry sector analysis.; BJL     
      On the appropriate interpretation of the revealed comparative advantage index : implications of a met BJL  BOOK 1985
HF 499 U58(57) : China's recent export performance : some basic features and policy implications.; BJL     
      China's recent export performance : some basic features and policy implications. BJL  BOOK 1986
HF 499 U58(58) : Africa's commodity trade and structure of marketing and distribution of primary commodities.; BJL     
      Africa's commodity trade and structure of marketing and distribution of primary commodities. BJL  BOOK 1984
HF 499 U58(59) : Brazil's search for stabilisation.; BJL     
      Brazil's search for stabilisation. BJL  BOOK 1986
HF 499 U58(60) : On the analysis of tariff escalation : is there a methodological bias against the interest of developing countries?; BJL     
      On the analysis of tariff escalation : is there a methodological bias against the interest of develop BJL  BOOK 1986
HF 499 U58(61) : A two-front attack to overcome the payments crisis of developing countries.; BJL     
      A two-front attack to overcome the payments crisis of developing countries. BJL  BOOK 1986
HF 499 U58(62) : Tied aid and the paradoxes of donor-enrichment and recipient-improvement / M.C. Kemp and S. Kojima.; BJL     
      Tied aid and the paradoxes of donor-enrichment and recipient-improvement / M.C. Kemp and S. Kojima. BJL  BOOK 1986
HF 499 U58(63) : Reflections on the security of small island countries.; BJL     
      Reflections on the security of small island countries. BJL  BOOK 1987
HF 499 U58(64) : The spectre of third world debt.; BJL     
      The spectre of third world debt. BJL  BOOK 1988
HF 499 U58(66) : On the potential contribution of trade policy initiatives for alleviating the international debt crises.; BJL     
      On the potential contribution of trade policy initiatives for alleviating the international debt cris BJL  BOOK 1988
HF 499 U58(67) : Tariff-cutting formulas - and complications / S. Laird and A. Yeats.; BJL     
      Tariff-cutting formulas - and complications / S. Laird and A. Yeats. BJL  BOOK 1988
HF 499 U58(69) : The military burden in developing countries / E.Dommen and A. Maizels.; BJL     
      The military burden in developing countries / E.Dommen and A. Maizels. BJL  BOOK 1989
HF 499 U58(7) : Contribution of agricultural insurance toward economic development.; BJL     
      Contribution of agricultural insurance toward economic development. BJL  BOOK 1982
HF 499 U58(70) : Cambios estructurales y Nueva Dinamica del comercio mundial.; BJL     
      Cambios estructurales y Nueva Dinamica del comercio mundial. BJL  BOOK 1991
HF 499 U58(71) : Rouble convertibility and the Soviet economic reform : an interdependent paradigm.; BJL     
      Rouble convertibility and the Soviet economic reform : an interdependent paradigm. BJL  BOOK 1991
HF 499 U58(72) : Counterpurchase : a potential instrument for debt relief in selected African countries / V. Monaldi and Klaus Netter.; BJL     
      Counterpurchase : a potential instrument for debt relief in selected African countries / V. Monaldi a BJL  BOOK 1991
HF 499 U58(73) : Latin American integration and the enterprise for the Americas initiative / Eduardo Gitli and Gunilla Ryd.; BJL     
      Latin American integration and the enterprise for the Americas initiative / Eduardo Gitli and Gunilla BJL  BOOK 1992
HF 499 U58(74) : Globalization, regionalization and new dilemmas in trade policy for development : Manuel R. Agosin and Diana Tussie.; BJL     
      Globalization, regionalization and new dilemmas in trade policy for development : Manuel R. Agosin an BJL  BOOK 1992
HF 499 U58(75) : Import shortages and the inflationary impact of devalution in developing countries.; BJL     
      Import shortages and the inflationary impact of devalution in developing countries. BJL  BOOK 1993
HF 499 U58(76) : Convergencia y coordinacion de politicas en el SME.; BJL     
      Convergencia y coordinacion de politicas en el SME. BJL  BOOK 1994
HF 499 U58(77) : Future of the shipping dialogue in UNCTAD.; BJL     
      Future of the shipping dialogue in UNCTAD. BJL  BOOK 1994
HF 499 U58(78) : Risks of further marginalization of sub-Saharan Africa in international trade.; BJL     
      Risks of further marginalization of sub-Saharan Africa in international trade. BJL  BOOK 1996
HF 499 U58(79) : Prospects for Iraq's economy : facing the new reality.; BJL     
      Prospects for Iraq's economy : facing the new reality. BJL  BOOK 1998
HF 499 U58(8) : Impact of the integrated program for commodities on selected mining economies.; BJL     
      Impact of the integrated program for commodities on selected mining economies. BJL  BOOK 1982
HF 499 U58(81) : Is China's accession to WTO threatening exports of developing countries?; BJL     
      Is China's accession to WTO threatening exports of developing countries? BJL  BOOK 2004
HF 499 U58(9) : The developing countries after Cancun.; BJL     
      The developing countries after Cancun. BJL  BOOK 1982
HF 499 W4 : International economics : a general text book.; BJL     
      International economics : a general text book. BJL  BOOK 1969
HF 499 W5 : The trade of the world.; BJL     
      The trade of the world. BJL  BOOK 1911
HF 499 W6    
      East West trade and our economic crisis. BJL  BOOK 1952
      The economics and politics of East-West trade : a study of trade between developed market economies a BJL  BOOK 1969
HF 499 W9 : Trade and trade barriers in the Pacific.; BJL     
      Trade and trade barriers in the Pacific. BJL  BOOK 1935
HF 499 Y3 : Forty years of foreign trade : a statistical handbook with special reference to primary products and under-developed countries.; BJL, Departmental Locations      
      Forty years of foreign trade : a statistical handbook with special reference to primary products and BJL, Departmental Locations   BOOK 1959
HF 499 Z8 : Economic development and international trade : a perspective / ed. by P.D. Zook.; BJL     
      Economic development and international trade : a perspective / ed. by P.D. Zook. BJL  BOOK 1959
HF 561 P11 A6 / q : Annual report P&O.; BJL     
      Annual report P&O. BJL  PERIODICAL 2004
HF 1001 C4 : The Chartered Management Institute dictionary of business and management.; BJL     
      The Chartered Management Institute dictionary of business and management. BJL  BOOK 2003
HF 1001 C7 : The concise international encyclopedia of business and management / edited by Malcolm Warner.; BJL     
      The concise international encyclopedia of business and management / edited by Malcolm Warner. BJL  BOOK 1997
HF 1001 E5 / q : Encyclopedia of geographic information sources : international volume : a bibliographic guide to approximately 13,000 citations for publications and organizations of interest to business personnel, covering more than 160 cities, countries, and regions / Jennifer Mossman, editor.; BJL     
      Encyclopedia of geographic information sources : international volume : a bibliographic guide to appr BJL  BOOK 1988
HF 1001 N5 : The new Penguin business dictionary / Graham Bannock ... [et al.].; BJL     
      The new Penguin business dictionary / Graham Bannock ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 2002
HF 1001 R3 : Regional encyclopedia of business and management / edited by Malcolm Warner.; BJL     
      Regional encyclopedia of business and management / edited by Malcolm Warner. BJL  BOOK 2000
HF 1001 S9 : Key concepts in business practice / Jonathan Sutherland and Diane Canwell.; BJL     
      Key concepts in business practice / Jonathan Sutherland and Diane Canwell. BJL  BOOK c2004
HF 1001 U4 : The ultimate business dictionary : defining the world of work.; BJL     
      The ultimate business dictionary : defining the world of work. BJL  BOOK 2003
HF 1002 A8 : Six language business dictionary.; BJL     
      Six language business dictionary. BJL  BOOK 1991
HF 1002 B6 : German-English and English-German commercial dictionary.; BJL     
      German-English and English-German commercial dictionary. BJL  BOOK 1927
HF 1002 D5    
      Diccionario empresarial : on definición del término : español-inglés, inglés-español / director de o BJL  BOOK 1988
      Dictionary of international economics : German, Russian, English, French, Spanish / edited by S. Kohl BJL  BOOK 1976
HF 1002 E1 : ECON-Wirtschafts-Wörterbuch : all wichtigen Begriffe in einem Band.; BJL     
      ECON-Wirtschafts-Wörterbuch : all wichtigen Begriffe in einem Band. BJL  BOOK 1989
HF 1002 H1 : English-Arabic business dictionary / M.A.A. Haleem and E. Kay.; BJL     
      English-Arabic business dictionary / M.A.A. Haleem and E. Kay. BJL  BOOK 1984
HF 1002 H2    
      Harrap's business French-English dictionary... / edited by Françoise Collin, Jane Pratt, and Peter C BJL, Departmental Locations   BOOK 1986
      Harrap's French and English business dictionary / edited by F. Collin, J. Pratt [and] P. Collin. BJL  BOOK 1981
HF 1002 H5 : Dictionary of commercial, financial and legal terms... / by R. Herbst and A.G. Readett.; BJL     
      Dictionary of commercial, financial and legal terms... / by R. Herbst and A.G. Readett. BJL  BOOK 1989
HF 1002 H7 : Dictionary for foreign trade and international co-operation : [English, Dutch, French, German].; BJL     
      Dictionary for foreign trade and international co-operation : [English, Dutch, French, German]. BJL  BOOK 1991
HF 1002 K4 : French-English and English-French dictionary of commercial and financial terms, phrases and practice ...; BJL     
      French-English and English-French dictionary of commercial and financial terms, phrases and practice BJL  BOOK 1949
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