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HV 6083 S3 : Automatism, insanity, and the psychology of criminal responsibility : a philosophical inquiry.; BJL     
      Automatism, insanity, and the psychology of criminal responsibility : a philosophical inquiry. BJL  BOOK 1991
HV 6083 W7 : The mental element in crime.; BJL     
      The mental element in crime. BJL  BOOK 1965
HV 6089 C6 : Psychological survival : the experience of long-term imprisonment / [ by] S. Cohen and L. Taylor.; BJL     
      Psychological survival : the experience of long-term imprisonment / [ by] S. Cohen and L. Taylor. BJL  BOOK 1972
HV 6089 D9 : Romantic outlaws, beloved prisons : the unconscious meanings of crime and punishment.; BJL     
      Romantic outlaws, beloved prisons : the unconscious meanings of crime and punishment. BJL  BOOK 1996
HV 6089 G7 : Unlocking the facts : a review of prison psychologists' research which has had a bearing on managerial decisions.; BJL     
      Unlocking the facts : a review of prison psychologists' research which has had a bearing on manageria BJL  BOOK 1979
HV 6089 H3 : Young men in prison : surviving and adapting to life inside / Joel Harvey.; BJL     
      Young men in prison : surviving and adapting to life inside / Joel Harvey. BJL  BOOK c2007
HV 6089 H76 R4(1,25) / q : A review of the literature on hostage incidents.; BJL     
      A review of the literature on hostage incidents. BJL  BOOK 1986
HV 6089 H76 R4(I,11) / q : Neighbourhood borstals : interim papers on their evaluation / by S. Speirs and D Grayson.; BJL     
      Neighbourhood borstals : interim papers on their evaluation / by S. Speirs and D Grayson. BJL  BOOK 1977
HV 6089 H76 R4(I,12) / q : A systematic approach to the evaluation of training.; BJL     
      A systematic approach to the evaluation of training. BJL  BOOK 1978
HV 6089 H76 R4(I,13) / q : Alcohol abuse and the treatment of young offenders : a progress report.; BJL     
      Alcohol abuse and the treatment of young offenders : a progress report. BJL  BOOK 1979
HV 6089 H76 R4(I,15) / q : The application of a behavioural regime to disturbed young offenders / by J.E. Cullen and J.W. Seddon.; BJL     
      The application of a behavioural regime to disturbed young offenders / by J.E. Cullen and J.W. Seddon BJL  BOOK 1980
HV 6089 H76 R4(I,16) / q : Report on the effectiveness of an anti-vandalism programme at Low Newton Remand Centre.; BJL     
      Report on the effectiveness of an anti-vandalism programme at Low Newton Remand Centre. BJL  BOOK 1980
HV 6089 H76 R4(I,18) / q : Prisoners' problems as viewed by prisoners and probation officers at Acklington Prison.; BJL     
      Prisoners' problems as viewed by prisoners and probation officers at Acklington Prison. BJL  BOOK 1980
HV 6089 H76 R4(I,19) / q : An abortive attempt to examine the institutional climates of twenty three British prisons / [by] B.J. McGurk, F. Graham [and] A.W. McEwan.; BJL     
      An abortive attempt to examine the institutional climates of twenty three British prisons / [by] B.J. BJL  BOOK 1980
HV 6089 H76 R4(I,20) / q : The Risley bail project : a study of remand decisions.; BJL     
      The Risley bail project : a study of remand decisions. BJL  BOOK 1980
HV 6089 H76 R4(I,21) / q : Reconviction figures for Taylor House Hostel.; BJL     
      Reconviction figures for Taylor House Hostel. BJL  BOOK 1980
HV 6089 H76 R4(I,22) / q : The psychological effects of social density : a study at Winson Green Prison.; BJL     
      The psychological effects of social density : a study at Winson Green Prison. BJL  BOOK 1981
HV 6089 H76 R4(I,23) / q : The vocational interests of female prisoners / B. McGurk, C. Stewart and I. Ray.; BJL     
      The vocational interests of female prisoners / B. McGurk, C. Stewart and I. Ray. BJL  BOOK 1984
HV 6089 H76 R4(I,24) / q : A study of suicides and attempted suicides at HMP Brixton, 1973-1983.; BJL     
      A study of suicides and attempted suicides at HMP Brixton, 1973-1983. BJL  BOOK 1986
HV 6089 H76 R4(I,26) / q : Selecting prison officers in Great Britain : a summary of research / b.J. McGurk and N.L. Fludger.; BJL     
      Selecting prison officers in Great Britain : a summary of research / b.J. McGurk and N.L. Fludger. BJL  BOOK 1986
HV 6089 H76 R4(I,27)    
      Research by staff in the Directorate of Psychological Services : a bibliography / D. Lee and B.J. McG BJL  BOOK 1987
      Research by staff in the Directorate of Psychological Services : a bibliography / D. Lee and B.J. McG BJL  BOOK 1990
HV 6089 H76 R4(I,28) / q : The potential of personality data for the classification of criminal offenders.; BJL     
      The potential of personality data for the classification of criminal offenders. BJL  BOOK
HV 6089 H76 R4(I,29) / q : The proceedings of the Prison Psychologists Conference 1987. editors / editors. S. Avis.; BJL     
      The proceedings of the Prison Psychologists Conference 1987. editors / editors. S. Avis. BJL  BOOK 1988
HV 6089 H76 R4(I,30) : Prisoners' welfare and social work procedures : an evaluation of the shared working scheme at Stocken Prison, 1985-1988 / R. Evans, L. Wilson and M. Creamer.; BJL     
      Prisoners' welfare and social work procedures : an evaluation of the shared working scheme at Stocken BJL  BOOK 1988
HV 6089 H76 R4(I,31) / q : HIV counselling in prison / L. Curran, M. McHugh, K. Nooney.; BJL     
      HIV counselling in prison / L. Curran, M. McHugh, K. Nooney. BJL  BOOK 1989
HV 6089 H76 R4(I,32) / q : A longitudinal study of custodial adjustment at Feltham.; BJL     
      A longitudinal study of custodial adjustment at Feltham. BJL  BOOK 1989
HV 6089 H76 R4(I,33) / q : Assessing the statistical significance of rare events / H. Cookson and M. Williams.; BJL     
      Assessing the statistical significance of rare events / H. Cookson and M. Williams. BJL  BOOK 1990
HV 6089 H76 R4(I,34) / q : The proceedings of the Prison Psychologists' Conference 1989 / N.L. Fludger, I.P. Simmons, editors.; BJL     
      The proceedings of the Prison Psychologists' Conference 1989 / N.L. Fludger, I.P. Simmons, editors. BJL  BOOK 1990
HV 6089 J5 : Captive audience : media, masculinity and power in prisons.; BJL     
      Captive audience : media, masculinity and power in prisons. BJL  BOOK 2002
HV 6089 M2 : The time game : two views of a prison.; BJL     
      The time game : two views of a prison. BJL  BOOK 1970
HV 6089 P1 : The pains of imprisonment / edited by Robert Johnson, Hans Toch.; BJL     
      The pains of imprisonment / edited by Robert Johnson, Hans Toch. BJL  BOOK 1982
HV6089 .P757 2021 : Prison stories : women scholars' experiences doing research behind bars / edited by Jennifer A. Schlosser.; Online materials     
      Prison stories : women scholars' experiences doing research behind bars / edited by Jennifer A. Schlo Online materials  EBOOKS 2021
HV 6089 P9    
      Prison masculinities / edited by Don Sabo, Terry A. Kupers, and Willie London. BJL  BOOK 2001
      Psychiatric aspects of imprisonment / by J.Gunn. BJL  BOOK 1978
      Psychological research in prisons / edited by Graham J. Towl. BJL  BOOK 2006
HV 6089 Q5    
      Quiet rage [videorecording] : the Stanford prison experiment / written and produced by Philip G. Zimb BJL  DVD 200-?
      Quiet rage : the Stanford prison experiment [videorecording] / written and produced by Philip G. Zimb BJL  DVD c2004
HV 6089 T7 / q : No winners : the reality of short term prison sentences : a report written for the Howard League for Penal Reform / by Julie Trebilcock.; BJL     
      No winners : the reality of short term prison sentences : a report written for the Howard League for BJL  BOOK 2011
HV 6089 U2 : Correction of a correctional psychologist in treatment of the criminal offender.; BJL     
      Correction of a correctional psychologist in treatment of the criminal offender. BJL  BOOK 1973
HV 6093 M9 : Criminal intelligence.; BJL     
      Criminal intelligence. BJL  BOOK 1926
HV 6097 P2 : The man inside : an anthology of writing and conversational comment by men in prison / ed. by T.Parker.; BJL     
      The man inside : an anthology of writing and conversational comment by men in prison / ed. by T.Parke BJL  BOOK 1973
HV 6105 H4 : Pathological lying, accusastion, and swindling.; BJL     
      Pathological lying, accusastion, and swindling. BJL  BOOK 1915
HV 6105 R3 : Remorse and reparation / edited by Murray Cox.; BJL     
      Remorse and reparation / edited by Murray Cox. BJL  BOOK 1997
HV 6115 B6    
      Biology and Crime. BJL  BOOK 1979
      Biosocial Bases of Criminal Behavior / ed. by S.A.Mednick and K.O.Christiansen. BJL  BOOK 1977
HV 6115 C9 : Crime in biological, social, and moral contexts / edited by Lee Ellis and Harry Hoffman.; BJL     
      Crime in biological, social, and moral contexts / edited by Lee Ellis and Harry Hoffman. BJL  BOOK 1990
HV 6115 E5 : Violence in the streets / ed. by S.Endleman.; BJL     
      Violence in the streets / ed. by S.Endleman. BJL  BOOK 1968
HV 6115 F4 : Causes of crime : biological theories in the United States, 1800-1915.; BJL     
      Causes of crime : biological theories in the United States, 1800-1915. BJL  BOOK 1962
HV 6115 G5    
      Delinquents and nondelinquents in perspective. BJL  BOOK 1968
      Predicting delinquency and crime / by S.S.Glueck & E.T.Glueck. BJL  BOOK 1959
HV 6115 G6 : Aggression and crimes of violence.; BJL     
      Aggression and crimes of violence. BJL  BOOK 1975
HV 6115 G9 : Rogues, rebels, and reformers : a political history of urban crime and conflict.; BJL     
      Rogues, rebels, and reformers : a political history of urban crime and conflict. BJL  BOOK 1976
HV 6115 L2 : Crime as destiny : a study of criminal twins.; BJL     
      Crime as destiny : a study of criminal twins. BJL  BOOK 1931
HV 6115 L4 : The Lawbreakers : patterns of behaviour and problems of treatment / edited by Allison Morris.; BJL     
      The Lawbreakers : patterns of behaviour and problems of treatment / edited by Allison Morris. BJL  BOOK 1974
HV 6115 M1 : Origins of crime : a new evaluation of the Cambridge-Somerville Youth Study.; BJL     
      Origins of crime : a new evaluation of the Cambridge-Somerville Youth Study. BJL  BOOK 1959
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