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JA 1 S89 S9(341) : Political legitimacy in new democracies / Richard Gunther and Jose Ramon Montero.; BJL     
      Political legitimacy in new democracies / Richard Gunther and Jose Ramon Montero. BJL  BOOK 2001
JA 1 S89 S9(342) : Public opinion in Moldova.; BJL     
      Public opinion in Moldova. BJL  BOOK 2000
JA 1 S89 S9(343) : Public opinion on European Union enlargement.; BJL     
      Public opinion on European Union enlargement. BJL  BOOK 2001
JA 1 S89 S9(344) : Elections in the Russian federation / Neil Munro and Richard Rose.; BJL     
      Elections in the Russian federation / Neil Munro and Richard Rose. BJL  BOOK 2001
JA 1 S89 S9(345) : Growth and equivocation in support for democracy in Korea and Taiwan / Yun-han Chu, Larry Diamond, Doh Chull Shin.; BJL     
      Growth and equivocation in support for democracy in Korea and Taiwan / Yun-han Chu, Larry Diamond, Do BJL  BOOK 2001
JA 1 S89 S9(346) : Nationality and public opinion in Belarius and Ukraine / Stephen White and Richard Rose.; BJL     
      Nationality and public opinion in Belarius and Ukraine / Stephen White and Richard Rose. BJL  BOOK 2001
JA 1 S89 S9(347) : National context or individual differences? : influences on regime support in post-communist societies.; BJL     
      National context or individual differences? : influences on regime support in post-communist societie BJL  BOOK 2001
JA 1 S89 S9(348) : Determinants of smoking and health in Belarus and Ukraine / Anna B.C. Gilmore ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Determinants of smoking and health in Belarus and Ukraine / Anna B.C. Gilmore ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 2001
JA 1 W52 : Political research quarterly.; BJL     
      Political research quarterly. BJL  Finance 2003
JA 1 W92 : World politics : a quarterly journal of international relations.; BJL     
      World politics : a quarterly journal of international relations. BJL  PERIODICAL  
JA3 .C67 : Comparative politics (Online); Online materials     
      Comparative politics [electronic resource]. Online materials  EJOURNALS 1968-
JA3 G6 : The Conflict of naturalism and humanism.; BJL     
      The Conflict of naturalism and humanism. BJL  BOOK 1910
JA3 H7 : Pädagogischer Humanismus.; BJL     
      Pädagogischer Humanismus. BJL  BOOK 1955
JA3 W2 : Autobiographical literature and educational thought.; BJL     
      Autobiographical literature and educational thought. BJL  BOOK 1959
JA4 : Canadian journal of political science (Online); Online materials     
      Canadian journal of political science [electronic resource] = Revue canadienne de science politique. Online materials  EJOURNALS 1968-
      British journal of political science [electronic resource]. Online materials  EJOURNALS 1971-
      Critical review of international social and political philosophy [electronic resource]. Online materials  EJOURNALS 1998-
      Government and opposition [electronic resource]. Online materials  EJOURNALS 1965-
JA 8 A46 : Alternatives.; BJL     
      Alternatives. BJL  PERIODICAL 2012
JA8 B3 : An introduction to philosophical research.; BJL     
      An introduction to philosophical research. BJL  BOOK 1981
JA8 C5 : A review of educational thought.; BJL     
      A review of educational thought. BJL  BOOK 1936
JA8 .C64 : Critical review of international social and political philosophy (Online); Online materials     
      Critical review of international social and political philosophy [electronic resource]. Online materials  EJOURNALS 1998-
JA 8 D71 / q : The drawler.; Departmental Locations     
      The drawler. Departmental Locations  PERIODICAL  
JA8 .H57 : History of political thought [electronic resource].; Online materials     
      History of political thought [electronic resource]. Online materials  EJOURNALS 1980-
JA 8 P74 : Politics : surveys and debates for students of politics.; BJL     
      Politics : surveys and debates for students of politics. BJL  PERIODICAL 2006
JA 8 P76    
      Politics review. BJL  PERIODICAL 2006
      Social studies review. BJL  PERIODICAL 1991
JA8 R3 : Philosophy and the theory and practice of education : a valedictory lecture delivered at the University of London Institute of Education, 14 June 1962.; BJL     
      Philosophy and the theory and practice of education : a valedictory lecture delivered at the Universi BJL  BOOK 1965
JA 8 R33 : Regional & federal studies : an international journal.; BJL     
      Regional & federal studies : an international journal. BJL  PERIODICAL 1996-
JA 8 R58 / q : RIPA report : newsletter of the Royal Institute of Public Administration.; BJL     
      RIPA report : newsletter of the Royal Institute of Public Administration. BJL  PERIODICAL 1983
JA 8 T14 / q : Talking politics.; BJL     
      Talking politics. BJL  PERIODICAL 2007
JA 8 U52(001) / q : Change, decay and the British constitution.; BJL     
      Change, decay and the British constitution. BJL  BOOK 1978
JA 8 U52(002) / q : Conservative Party attitudes towards the Common Market.; BJL     
      Conservative Party attitudes towards the Common Market. BJL  BOOK 1978
JA 8 U52(003) / q : The House of Commons in the 1970s : three views on reform.; BJL     
      The House of Commons in the 1970s : three views on reform. BJL  BOOK 1978
JA 8 U52(004) bHD 8395 M8 / q : Trade unions and politics : past patterns, future problems.; BJL     
      Trade unions and politics : past patterns, future problems. BJL  BOOK 1978
JA 8 U52(005) / q : Strategic planning processes in regional and local government.; BJL     
      Strategic planning processes in regional and local government. BJL  BOOK 1979
JA 8 U52(006)    
      The Prime Minister's aides. BJL  BOOK 1980
      The Prime Minister's aides. BJL  BOOK 1980
JA 8 U52(007)    
      Constituency attitudes and policy formulation : the role of the Conservative Political Centre. BJL  BOOK 1981
      Constituency attitudes and policy formulation : the role of the Conservative political centre. BJL  BOOK 1981
JA 8 U52(008)    
      Eisenhower and Little Rock : a case study in presidential decision making. BJL  BOOK 1979
      Eisenhower and Little Rock : a case study in presidential decision making. BJL  BOOK 1979
JA 8 U52(009) / q : Presidential power and communication : the Eisenhower and Nixon perspectives.; BJL     
      Presidential power and communication : the Eisenhower and Nixon perspectives. BJL  BOOK 1979
JA 8 U52(010) / q : Constitutional vagaries and American judicial review.; BJL     
      Constitutional vagaries and American judicial review. BJL  BOOK 1979
JA 8 U52(011) / q : Protest and pressure : the public interest and pressure groups in the USA.; BJL     
      Protest and pressure : the public interest and pressure groups in the USA. BJL  BOOK 1979
JA 8 U52(012 / q : British and American policies towards the inner city : does social democracy make a difference?; BJL     
      British and American policies towards the inner city : does social democracy make a difference? BJL  BOOK 1979
JA 8 U52(013) / q : The European elections : a case study : Humberside 1979.; BJL     
      The European elections : a case study : Humberside 1979. BJL  BOOK 1979
JA 8 U52(014) / q : Bipolarity or indeterminacy in a multi-party system? : Swedish politics in the wake of the government crisis of October 1978.; BJL     
      Bipolarity or indeterminacy in a multi-party system? : Swedish politics in the wake of the government BJL  BOOK 1979
JA 8 U52(015) / q : Defining and redefining inner city problems and policies.; BJL     
      Defining and redefining inner city problems and policies. BJL  BOOK 1979
JA 8 U52(016)pt.001 / q : The Caribbean as a subordinate state system, 1945-1976.; BJL     
      The Caribbean as a subordinate state system, 1945-1976. BJL  BOOK 1980
JA 8 U52(017) / q : Rationality and relativism in recent work in the theory of power.; BJL     
      Rationality and relativism in recent work in the theory of power. BJL  BOOK 1980
JA 8 U52(018)    
      Nations in the Ottoman Empire : a case study in devolution. BJL  BOOK 1980
      Nations in the Ottoman Empire : a case study in devolution. BJL  BOOK 1980
JA 8 U52(019) / q : Kingston-upon-Hull Conservative Party : a case study of an urban Tory party in decline.; BJL     
      Kingston-upon-Hull Conservative Party : a case study of an urban Tory party in decline. BJL  BOOK 1980
JA 8 U52(020)    
      Surreptitious factionalism in the French communist party. BJL  BOOK 1981
      Surreptitious factionalism in the French Communist Party. BJL  BOOK 1981
JA 8 U52(021) / q : The West German federal election of 1980 : "security for the '80s" versus "with optimism against socialism".; BJL     
      The West German federal election of 1980 : "security for the '80s" versus "with optimism against soci BJL  BOOK 1981
JA 8 U52(022)    
      Quebec and Canada : the referendum of 20th May, 1980, and its wider context. BJL  BOOK 1981
      Quebec and Canada : the referendum of 20th May, 1980, and its wider context. BJL  BOOK 1981
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