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KT 206 S4    
      From good will to civil rights : transforming federal disability policy. BJL  BOOK 2001
      The ugly laws : disability in public / Susan M. Schweik. BJL  BOOK 2009
KT 210 C2 : The crimes of womanhood : defining femininity in a court of law / A. Cheree Carlson.; BJL     
      The crimes of womanhood : defining femininity in a court of law / A. Cheree Carlson. BJL  BOOK c2009
KT 210 M1 : Feminism unmodified : discourses on life and law.; BJL     
      Feminism unmodified : discourses on life and law. BJL  BOOK 1987
KT 210 R4 : Justice and gender : sex discrimination and the law.; BJL     
      Justice and gender : sex discrimination and the law. BJL  BOOK 1989
KT 210 T6 : Women, sex, and the law.; BJL     
      Women, sex, and the law. BJL  BOOK 1983
KT 230 A4 : Legal rights of prisoners : an analysis of legal aid / Geoffrey P. Alpert.; BJL     
      Legal rights of prisoners : an analysis of legal aid / Geoffrey P. Alpert. BJL  BOOK 1978
KT 230 B2 : Psychology and law : research and practice / Curt R. Bartol, Anne M. Bartol.; BJL     
      Psychology and law : research and practice / Curt R. Bartol, Anne M. Bartol. BJL  BOOK 2015
KT 230 B9 : Bargaining for justice : case disposition and reform in the criminal courts / by S.R.T. Buckle and L.G. Buckle.; BJL     
      Bargaining for justice : case disposition and reform in the criminal courts / by S.R.T. Buckle and L. BJL  BOOK 1977
KT 230 C2 : Judicial policies : implementation and impact / Bradley C. Canon, Charles A. Johnson.; BJL     
      Judicial policies : implementation and impact / Bradley C. Canon, Charles A. Johnson. BJL  BOOK c1999
KT 230 C3 : Cases and materials on law and poverty / by George Cooper ... [et al.]; BJL     
      Cases and materials on law and poverty / by George Cooper ... [et al.] BJL  BOOK 1973
KT 230 C7 : Competence in the law : from legal theory to clinical application / Michael L. Perlin ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Competence in the law : from legal theory to clinical application / Michael L. Perlin ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK c2008
KT 230 D5    
      Federal jury practice and instructions : civil and criminal / by E.J. Devitt, C.B. Blackmar and K.F. BJL  BOOK 1990
      Federal jury practice and instructions : civil and criminal Vol.1, sections 1-20/ by Edward J. Devitt BJL  BOOK c1992
KT 230 D6 : Justice in time of crisis.; BJL     
      Justice in time of crisis. BJL  BOOK 1969
KT 230 E3 : Felony justice : an organizational analysis of criminal courts.; BJL     
      Felony justice : an organizational analysis of criminal courts. BJL  BOOK 1977
KT 230 E5 : Justice for the poor : a study of criminal defense work.; BJL     
      Justice for the poor : a study of criminal defense work. BJL  BOOK 2003
KT 230 F8 : Courts on trial : myth and reality in American justice / Jerome Frank.; BJL     
      Courts on trial : myth and reality in American justice / Jerome Frank. BJL  BOOK 1973
KT 230 G6    
      Dispute resolution / Stephen B. Goldberg, Eric D. Green, Frank E.A. Sander. BJL  BOOK 1985
      Due process of law. BJL  BOOK 1977
      Legal reasoning. BJL  BOOK c2001
KT 230 H1 : In the court of public opinion : winning your case with public relations.; BJL     
      In the court of public opinion : winning your case with public relations. BJL  BOOK c2003
KT 230 H2    
      Handbook of eyewitness psychology / edited by Michael P. Toglia ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 2007
      Lawyers and the pursuit of legal rights. BJL  BOOK 1978
KT 230 H3 : Failed evidence : why law enforcement resists science / David A. Harris.; BJL     
      Failed evidence : why law enforcement resists science / David A. Harris. BJL  BOOK c2012
KT 230 I2 : Standards relating to prosecution, recommended by the IJA-ABA Joint Commission on Juvenile Justice Standards.; BJL     
      Standards relating to prosecution, recommended by the IJA-ABA Joint Commission on Juvenile Justice St BJL  BOOK 1977
KT 230 J6 : Justice and reform : the formative years of the American Legal Services Program.; BJL     
      Justice and reform : the formative years of the American Legal Services Program. BJL  BOOK 1978
KT 230 K9 : The justice broker : lawyers and ordinary litigation.; BJL     
      The justice broker : lawyers and ordinary litigation. BJL  BOOK 1990
KT 230 L6 : Urban politics and the criminal courts.; BJL     
      Urban politics and the criminal courts. BJL  BOOK 1977
KT 230 L7 : The Common Law tradition : deciding appeals.; BJL     
      The Common Law tradition : deciding appeals. BJL  BOOK 1960
KT 230 L8    
      Eyewitness testimony. BJL  BOOK 1979
      Eyewitness testimony : with a new preface by the author / Elizabeth F. Loftus. BJL  BOOK 1996
KT 230 M1 : American legal processes.; BJL     
      American legal processes. BJL  BOOK 1977
KT 230 M4 : Mediation ethics : cases and commentaries / Ellen Waldman, editor.; BJL     
      Mediation ethics : cases and commentaries / Ellen Waldman, editor. BJL  BOOK c2011
KT 230 M9 : Processes of dispute resolution : the role of lawyers / J.S. Murray, A.S. Rau, E.F. Sherman.; BJL     
      Processes of dispute resolution : the role of lawyers / J.S. Murray, A.S. Rau, E.F. Sherman. BJL  BOOK 1989
KT 230 N2 : The courtroom elite : an organizational perspective on criminal justice.; BJL     
      The courtroom elite : an organizational perspective on criminal justice. BJL  BOOK 1978
KT 230 O2 : Toward a just and effective sentencing system : agenda for legislative reform / by P. O'Donnell, M.J. Churgin and D.E. Curtis.; BJL     
      Toward a just and effective sentencing system : agenda for legislative reform / by P. O'Donnell, M.J. BJL  BOOK 1977
KT 230 P4 : The child witness : legal issues and dilemmas / Nancy Walker Perry, Lawrence S. Wrightsman.; BJL     
      The child witness : legal issues and dilemmas / Nancy Walker Perry, Lawrence S. Wrightsman. BJL  BOOK 1991
KT 230 P7    
      Plea-bargaining / edited by William F. McDonald, James A. Cramer. BJL  BOOK 1980
      Political thought and the American judiciary / edited by H.L. Pohlman. BJL  BOOK 1993
KT 230 P9 : The psychology of evidence and trial procedure / edited by S.M. Kassin, L.S. Wrightsman.; BJL     
      The psychology of evidence and trial procedure / edited by S.M. Kassin, L.S. Wrightsman. BJL  BOOK 1985
KT 230 R6 : Rough justice : perspectives on lower criminal courts.; BJL     
      Rough justice : perspectives on lower criminal courts. BJL  BOOK 1974
KT 230 R8 : Justice by consent : plea bargains in the American courthouse / by A. Rosett and D.R. Cressey.; BJL     
      Justice by consent : plea bargains in the American courthouse / by A. Rosett and D.R. Cressey. BJL  BOOK 1976
KT 230 S3 : Exclusionary injustice : the problem of illegally obtained evidence.; BJL     
      Exclusionary injustice : the problem of illegally obtained evidence. BJL  BOOK 1977
KT 230 S9 : Evidence of the law enforcement officer.; BJL     
      Evidence of the law enforcement officer. BJL  BOOK 1974
KT 230 T4 : Bail reform in America.; BJL     
      Bail reform in America. BJL  BOOK 1976
KT 230 U9 : Settling the facts : discretion and negotiation in criminal court.; BJL     
      Settling the facts : discretion and negotiation in criminal court. BJL  BOOK 1978
KT 230 W2 : Principles of alternative dispute resolution / by Stephen J. Ware.; BJL     
      Principles of alternative dispute resolution / by Stephen J. Ware. BJL  BOOK c2007
KT 230 W5 : Criminal evidence for police / by P.B. Weston and K.M. Wells.; BJL     
      Criminal evidence for police / by P.B. Weston and K.M. Wells. BJL  BOOK 1976
KT 230 W9 : Wrightsman's psychology and the legal system / Edie Greene ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Wrightsman's psychology and the legal system / Edie Greene ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK c2007
KT 230 Y7 : The people's panel : the grand jury in the United States, 1634-1941.; BJL     
      The people's panel : the grand jury in the United States, 1634-1941. BJL  BOOK 1963
KT 243 A1 : The liability century : insurance and tort law from the Progressive Era to 9/11 / Kenneth S. Abraham.; BJL     
      The liability century : insurance and tort law from the Progressive Era to 9/11 / Kenneth S. Abraham. BJL  BOOK 2008
KT 243 C1 : The costs of accidents : a legal and economic analysis.; BJL     
      The costs of accidents : a legal and economic analysis. BJL  BOOK 1970
KT 243 F5 : The American tort process.; BJL     
      The American tort process. BJL  BOOK 1988
KT 243 G3 : Tort law and social morality / Peter M. Gerhart.; BJL     
      Tort law and social morality / Peter M. Gerhart. BJL  BOOK 2010
KT 243 H2 : The law of torts.; BJL     
      The law of torts. BJL  BOOK 1986
KT 243 H2v.001 : The law of torts.; BJL     
      The law of torts. BJL  BOOK 1986
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