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KZ6398.M46 J6 : The military commander's necessity : the law of armed conflict and its limits / Sigrid Redse Johansen.; BJL     
      The military commander's necessity : the law of armed conflict and its limits / Sigrid Redse Johansen BJL  BOOK 2021
KZ 6405 N66 L9 : Extraterritorial use of force against non-state actors / Noam Lubell.; BJL     
      Extraterritorial use of force against non-state actors / Noam Lubell. BJL  BOOK 2010
KZ6405.N66 M87 2016 : Human rights obligations of non-state armed groups / Daragh Murray.; BJL     
      Human rights obligations of non-state armed groups / Daragh Murray. BJL  BOOK 2016
KZ6415 .J64 2019 : The military commander's necessity : the law of armed conflict and its limits / Sigrid Redse Johansen, Norwegian Defence University College.; Online materials     
      The military commander's necessity : the law of armed conflict and its limits / Sigrid Redse Johansen Online materials  EBOOKS 2019
KZ 6418 T6 : State control over private military and security companies in armed conflict / Hannah Tonkin.; BJL     
      State control over private military and security companies in armed conflict / Hannah Tonkin. BJL  BOOK 2011
KZ6418.5 .M69 2015 : The privatized art of war : private military and security companies and state responsibility for their unlawful conduct in conflict areas / Evgeni Moyakine.; BJL     
      The privatized art of war : private military and security companies and state responsibility for thei BJL  BOOK 2015
KZ6422 .A58 : Non-participation in armed conflict : continuity and modern challenges to the law of neutrality / Constantine Antonopoulos, Democritus University of Thrace.; BJL     
      Non-participation in armed conflict : continuity and modern challenges to the law of neutrality / Con BJL  BOOK 2022
KZ 6422 N3 : The rights and duties of neutrals : a general history.; BJL     
      The rights and duties of neutrals : a general history. BJL  BOOK 2000
KZ 6429 B4    
      The international law of occupation / Eyal Benvenisti ; with a new preface by the author. BJL  BOOK 2004
      The international law of occupation / Eyal Benvenisti. BJL  BOOK 2012
KZ6429 .D56 : The international law of belligerent occupation / Yoram Dinstein.; BJL     
      The international law of belligerent occupation / Yoram Dinstein. BJL  BOOK 2019
KZ6429 .L66 : The use of armed force in occupied territory / Marco Longobardo.; BJL     
      The use of armed force in occupied territory / Marco Longobardo. BJL  BOOK 2020
KZ6429 .L66 2018 : The use of armed force in occupied territory / Marco Longobardo.; Online materials     
      The use of armed force in occupied territory / Marco Longobardo. Online materials  EBOOKS 2018
KZ 6442 Y3    
      Yearbook of international humanitarian law vol.1, 1998 / general editor, Horst Fischer ; managing edi BJL  BOOK c1998
      Yearbook of international humanitarian law vol.2, 1999 / general editor, Horst Fischer ; managing edi BJL  BOOK 2000
      Yearbook of international humanitarian law vol.3, 2000 / general editor, Horst Fischer ; managing edi BJL  BOOK 2002
      Yearbook of international humanitarian law vol.4, 2001 / general editor, H. Fischer ; managing editor BJL  BOOK 2004
3 additional entries    
KZ 6454.2 D5 / q : Final record of the Diplomatic Conference of Geneva of 1949 .; BJL     
      Final record of the Diplomatic Conference of Geneva of 1949 . BJL  BOOK 2004
KZ 6454.2 D7 : The Red Cross conventions.; BJL     
      The Red Cross conventions. BJL  BOOK 1958
KZ 6456.2 P9 : Protocols additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 ; Resolutions of the 1974-77 Diplomatic Conference ; Extracts from the final act of the 1974-77 Diplomatic Conference.; BJL     
      Protocols additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 ; Resolutions of the 1974-77 Diploma BJL  BOOK 1977
KZ 6464 G3 : The Geneva Conventions of August 12 1949.; BJL     
      The Geneva Conventions of August 12 1949. BJL  BOOK 1987
KZ6464.3 1949 .C66 : Commentary on the First Geneva Convention : Convention (I) for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field / editorial committee: Knut Dörmann, Liesbeth Lijnzaad, Marco Sassòli and Philip Spoerri ; project team: Jean-Marie Henckaerts, Head of Project [and 5 others].; BJL     
      Commentary on the First Geneva Convention : Convention (I) for the Amelioration of the Condition of t BJL  BOOK 2016
KZ6464.4 1949 .C66 : Commentary on the second Geneva Convention : Convention (II) for the Amelioration of the condition of counded, sick, and shipwrecked members of armed forces at sea / editorial committee, Knut Dörmann, Liesbeth Lijnzaad, Marco Sassòli and Philip Spoerri ; project team, Jean-Marie Henckaerts, Head of Project; Lindsey Cameron, Bruno Demeyere, Eve La Haye and Heike Niebergall-Lackner.; BJL     
      Commentary on the second Geneva Convention : Convention (II) for the Amelioration of the condition of BJL  BOOK 2017
KZ 6467 C4 : The challenge of conflict : international law responds / edited by Ustinia Dolgopol and Judith Gardam.; BJL     
      The challenge of conflict : international law responds / edited by Ustinia Dolgopol and Judith Gardam BJL  BOOK c2006
KZ 6467 I6 : Proceedings of the third international humanitarian law dialogs : August 31-September 1, 2009 at the Chautauqua Institution / edited by Elizabeth Andersen and David M. Crane.; BJL     
      Proceedings of the third international humanitarian law dialogs : August 31-September 1, 2009 at the BJL  BOOK 2010
KZ 6467 N5 : The new challenges of humanitarian law in armed conflicts : in honour of Professor Juan Antonio Carrillo-Salcedo / edited by Pablo Antonio Fernández-Sánchez.; BJL     
      The new challenges of humanitarian law in armed conflicts : in honour of Professor Juan Antonio Carri BJL  BOOK c2005
KZ6471 : International humanitarian law [electronic resource] / rules, controversies, and solutions to problems arising in warfare / Marco Sassoli with the assistance of Patrick S Nagler.; Online materials     
      International humanitarian law [electronic resource] / rules, controversies, and solutions to problem Online materials  EBOOKS 2019
KZ 6471 A3 : Implementing international humanitarian law : from the ad hoc tribunals to a permanent International Criminal Court.; BJL     
      Implementing international humanitarian law : from the ad hoc tribunals to a permanent International BJL  BOOK 2004
KZ 6471 B7 : The practical guide to humanitarian law / Françoise Bouchet-Saulnier ; edited and translated by Laura Brav and Clémentine Olivier.; BJL     
      The practical guide to humanitarian law / Françoise Bouchet-Saulnier ; edited and translated by BJL  BOOK c2007
KZ6471 .C73 : International humanitarian law / Emily Crawford, Alison Pert.; BJL     
      International humanitarian law / Emily Crawford, Alison Pert. BJL  BOOK 2020
KZ6471 .C73 2020 : International humanitarian law / Dr. Emily Crawford, Dr. Alison Pert.; Online materials     
      International humanitarian law / Dr. Emily Crawford, Dr. Alison Pert. Online materials  EBOOKS 2020
KZ6471 .C739 2024 : International Humanitarian Law / Emily Crawford and Alison Pert.; Online materials     
      International Humanitarian Law / Emily Crawford and Alison Pert. Online materials  EBOOKS 2024
KZ 6471 C9    
      The concept of non-international armed conflict in international humanitarian law / Anthony Cullen. BJL  BOOK 2010
      Crimes of war : what the public should know / edited by Roy Gutman and David Rieff. BJL  BOOK 1999
      Custom as a source of international humanitarian law : proceedings of the conference to mark the publ BJL  BOOK 2006
      Customary international humanitarian law / International Committee of the Red Cross ; [edited by] Jea BJL  BOOK 2005
KZ 6471 D2 : Judges, law and war : the judicial development of international humanitarian law / Shane Darcy.; BJL     
      Judges, law and war : the judicial development of international humanitarian law / Shane Darcy. BJL  BOOK 2014
KZ 6471 D7 / p : International humanitarian law and human rights law / Louise Doswald-Beck, Sylvain Vité.; BJL     
      International humanitarian law and human rights law / Louise Doswald-Beck, Sylvain Vité. BJL  BOOK  
KZ 6471 G2 : Non-combatant immunity as a norm of international humanitarian law.; BJL     
      Non-combatant immunity as a norm of international humanitarian law. BJL  BOOK 1993
KZ 6471 H2    
      The handbook of humanitarian law in armed conflicts / edited by Dieter Fleck ; in collaboration with BJL  BOOK 1995
      The handbook of international humanitarian law / edited by Dieter Fleck, in collaboration with Michae BJL  BOOK 2008
      The handbook of international humanitarian law / edited by Dieter Fleck ; in collaboration with Micha BJL  BOOK 2013
KZ 6471 H9    
      Humanitarian law / edited by Judith Gardam. BJL  BOOK 1999
      Humanitarian law in armed conflicts : manual / edited by the Federal Ministry of Defence of the Feder BJL  BOOK 1992
KZ6471 .I5 2017 : International humanitarian law / edited by John Cerone.; BJL     
      International humanitarian law / edited by John Cerone. BJL  BOOK 2017
KZ6471 .I5687 : International humanitarian law and human rights law : towards a new merger in international law / edited by Roberta Arnold and Noëlle Quénivet.; BJL     
      International humanitarian law and human rights law : towards a new merger in international law / edi BJL  BOOK 2008
KZ6471 .I5687 2008 : International humanitarian law and human rights law [electronic resource] : towards a new merger in international law / edited by Roberta Arnold and Noëlle Quénivet.; Online materials     
      International humanitarian law and human rights law [electronic resource] : towards a new merger in i Online materials  EBOOKS 2008
KZ 6471 I6 : International humanitarian law, vol.3 Prospects / edited by John Carey, William V. Dunlap, R. John Pritchard.; BJL     
      International humanitarian law, vol.3 Prospects / edited by John Carey, William V. Dunlap, R. John Pr BJL  BOOK 2006
KZ 6471 K1    
      Constraints on the waging of war. BJL  BOOK 1987
      Constraints on the waging of war. BJL  BOOK 1991
      Constraints on the waging of war : an introduction to international humanitarian law : Frits Kalshove BJL  BOOK 2001
      Constraints on the waging of war : an introduction to international humanitarian law / Frits Kalshove BJL  BOOK 2011
      Reflections on the law of war : collected essays / by Frits Kalshoven. BJL  BOOK c2007
KZ 6471 L4 : The laws of war : constraints on warfare in the Western world / edited by Michael Howard, George J. Andreopoulos and Mark R. Shulman.; BJL     
      The laws of war : constraints on warfare in the Western world / edited by Michael Howard, George J. A BJL  BOOK 1994
KZ 6471 M1    
      The idea of war crimes and crimes against peace since 1945. BJL  BOOK 1992
      International humanitarian law : modern developments in the limitation of warfare. BJL  BOOK 1998
      International humanitarian law : the regulation of armed conflicts. BJL  BOOK 1990
      Protection of creed and opinion in the laws of armed conflict. BJL  BOOK 1993
KZ 6471 M5 : The humanization of international law / by Theodor Meron.; BJL     
      The humanization of international law / by Theodor Meron. BJL  BOOK c2006
KZ6471 .O94 : The Oxford guide to international humanitarian law / edited by Ben Saul and Dapo Akande.; BJL     
      The Oxford guide to international humanitarian law / edited by Ben Saul and Dapo Akande. BJL  BOOK 2020
KZ6471 .O94 2020 : The Oxford guide to international humanitarian law / Ben Saul, Dapo Akande.; Online materials     
      The Oxford guide to international humanitarian law / Ben Saul, Dapo Akande. Online materials  EBOOKS 2020
KZ 6471 P4 : Perspectives on the ICRC study on customary international humanitarian law / edited by Elizabeth Wilmshurst and Susan Breau.; BJL     
      Perspectives on the ICRC study on customary international humanitarian law / edited by Elizabeth Wilm BJL  BOOK 2007
KZ6471 .P44 : The persistence of reciprocity in international humanitarian law / Bryan Peeler.; BJL     
      The persistence of reciprocity in international humanitarian law / Bryan Peeler. BJL  BOOK 2021
KZ6471 .P44 2019 : The persistence of reciprocity in international humanitarian law / Bryan Peeler, University of Manitoba, Canada.; Online materials     
      The persistence of reciprocity in international humanitarian law / Bryan Peeler, University of Manito Online materials  EBOOKS 2019
KZ6471 .P47 2007 : Perspectives on the ICRC study on customary international humanitarian law [electronic resource] / edited by Elizabeth Wilmshurst and Susan Breau.; Online materials     
      Perspectives on the ICRC study on customary international humanitarian law [electronic resource] / ed Online materials  EBOOKS 2007
KZ 6471 P6 : Development and principles of international humanitarian law : course given in July 1982 at the University of Strasbourg as part of the courses organized by the International Institute of Human Rights.; BJL     
      Development and principles of international humanitarian law : course given in July 1982 at the Unive BJL  BOOK 1985
KZ 6471 P9 : International human rights and humanitarian law.; BJL     
      International human rights and humanitarian law. BJL  BOOK 2002
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