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M 1300 S738 / q : Motets for eight voices, 1597.; BJL     
      Motets for eight voices, 1597. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1980
M 1300 S8 : The Penguin book of English madrigals, for four voices.; BJL     
      The Penguin book of English madrigals, for four voices. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1967
M 1300 S818 : Three motets (in memoriam Benjamin Britten), op. 36.; BJL     
      Three motets (in memoriam Benjamin Britten), op. 36. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1977
M 1300 S891. / q : Rondedans:volkslied.; BJL     
      Rondedans:volkslied. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1900
M 1300 S9    
      11 cicalamento delle donne al bucato Commedia armonica in cinque parti a 4 e 7 voci. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC  
      Songs of Ceylon. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1956
      Svenska Folkvisor : 94 visor med motter und gitarrackord. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1975
M 1300 S91    
      Ave Maria, S.A.T.B. : Latin Text. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1949
      The dove descending breaks the air for chorus a cappella / words by T.S. Eliot. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1962
      Pater noster, new version with Latin text. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1949
M 1300 S92 / q : Il primo libro de madrigali a sei voci / edited by D.S. Butchart.; BJL     
      Il primo libro de madrigali a sei voci / edited by D.S. Butchart. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1986
M 1300 s97    
      Psalm 90 : a Huguenot psalm for mixed voices. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1941
      Werken. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1968
M 1300 T11 : Ta Di Tren Giong Lich su.; South East Asian Collection     
      Ta Di Tren Giong Lich su. South East Asian Collection  PRINTED MUSIC 1971
M 1300 T14    
      Cantiones sacrae 1575 / Thomas Tallis and William Byrd. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1976
      The lamentations of Jeremiah for unaccompanied male voices A.T.T.B.B. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC  
M 1300 T2 : Ten Venetian motets / edited by D. Arnoold.; BJL     
      Ten Venetian motets / edited by D. Arnoold. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1980
M 1300 T23    
      Audivi vocem for unaccompanied choir SSAA / transcribed and edited by H. Benham. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1969
      In pace in idipsum for unaccompanied choir ATTB / transcribed and edited by H. Benham. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1969
      The "LeRoy" kyrie:(Hear my prayer O Lord) motet for four voices / edited by R.R. Terry. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1921
      Magnificat for unaccompanied choir TTBB / transcribed and edited by H. Benham. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1969
M 1300 T4 / q : Thirty-six chansons by French provincial composers, 1529-1550.; BJL     
      Thirty-six chansons by French provincial composers, 1529-1550. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1981
M 1300 T46 / q : Glory to God in the highest, for four-part chorus of mixed voices (a capella).; BJL     
      Glory to God in the highest, for four-part chorus of mixed voices (a capella). BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1958
M 1300 T5    
      300 years of English partsongs : glees, rounds, catches, partsongs 1600-1900 / selected and edited by BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1983
      Three Mass Proper cycles from Jena 35. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1982
      Three Parisian chansons vous estes trop jeune pour estre m'amye by N. Gombert Ce n'est pas jeu by Pas BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1972
M 1300 T58 / q : Sacre rappresentazioni nel manoscritto 201 della Bibliothique Municipale di Orleans.; BJL     
      Sacre rappresentazioni nel manoscritto 201 della Bibliothique Municipale di Orleans. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1958
M 1300 T627. / q : Time of rejoicing three Spanish carols for S.A.T.B, based on traditional melodies.; BJL     
      Time of rejoicing three Spanish carols for S.A.T.B, based on traditional melodies. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1962
M 1300 T65    
      Adieu, ve city-prisoning towers for mixed chorus a cappella. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1968
      J.B. let me live/ die for true love for mixed chorus SATB. / edited by J. Boyd. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1968
      Too much I once lamented for mixed chorus a cappella / edited by J. Boyd. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1968
M 1300 T88 : Tinh khuc Tu cong Phung.; South East Asian Collection     
      Tinh khuc Tu cong Phung. South East Asian Collection  PRINTED MUSIC 1970
M 1300 T9    
      17 tudjuh belas lagu perdjuangan. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1968
      Tudor Church Music. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC  
      Tudor church music. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC  
      The Tudor church music of the Lumley books / edited by J. Blezzard. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1985
4 additional entries    
M 1300 T955 / q : Sacred and secular songs for three voices / edited by L. J. Wagner.; BJL     
      Sacred and secular songs for three voices / edited by L. J. Wagner. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1970
M 1300 T97    
      The actes of the Apostles : 14 short anthems ; transcribed and edited by Robert W. Weidner. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1975
      The Latin church music / edited by J. Satterfield.. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1972
      The Latin church music / edited by J. Satterfield.. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1972
M 1300 V34    
      Linden lea : a Dorset-song. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1950
      Mass in G Minor for soli (SATB) and double chorus. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1922
      Mass in G. Minor for soli (SATB) and double chorus. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1922
      O taste and see : a motet for unacc. choir SATB with organ introd. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1953
M 1300 V39    
      Battaglia d'Amor e Dispetto; and, Mascherata della Maliconia et Allegrezza / edited by D. Nutter. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1987
      Shepherd maiden fair and graceful, (Pastorella Graziosella) for 5 part chorus of mixed voicesunaccomp BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1968
      Le veglie di Siena 1604 a tre a quattro a cinque a sei voci / trascrizione e interpretazione di B. S BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1940
M 1300 V39 A5    
      L'Amfiparnaso : a new edition of the music with historical and analytical essays. / edited by C. Adki BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1977
      L'Amfiparnaso:comedia harmonica a 5 voci miste. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1953
M 1300 V4 / q : Three Spanish choral anthems / [edited by] Abraham Kaplan..; BJL     
      Three Spanish choral anthems / [edited by] Abraham Kaplan.. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1967
M 1300 V64 / q : Missa "Salve Regina" für achtstimmigen Doppelchor.; BJL     
      Missa "Salve Regina" für achtstimmigen Doppelchor. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1982
M 1300 V68. / q : Ave Maria, op no. 20, four part chorus a cappella.; BJL     
      Ave Maria, op no. 20, four part chorus a cappella. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1948
M 1300 V71 B9 : Il primo e il secondo libro delle toscanelle a quattro voci / introd., testi musical e letterari e apparato critico a cura di F. Bussi.; BJL     
      Il primo e il secondo libro delle toscanelle a quattro voci / introd., testi musical e letterari e ap BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1987
M 1300 V71 G7 / q : Gratiarum actiones in ser.mi alexandri farnesii II natali die a venti voci : aggiunto il mottetto o sacrum convivium a cinque voci / a cua di F. Bussi.; BJL     
      Gratiarum actiones in ser.mi alexandri farnesii II natali die a venti voci : aggiunto il mottetto o s BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1991
M 1300 V75.    
      Mottetti e reicercari a tre voci / by P. Vinci c A IL Verso. Il secondo libro de Motetti e Ricercari BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1972
      Il primo libro di madrigali a cinque voci, 1561. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1985
M 1300 V79 / q : Een karretjen op Een zandweg reed.; BJL     
      Een karretjen op Een zandweg reed. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1900
M 1300 V86 / q : Three masses / edited by E.A. Arias.; BJL     
      Three masses / edited by E.A. Arias. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1978
M 1300 V98 : Tinh Lau.; South East Asian Collection     
      Tinh Lau. South East Asian Collection  PRINTED MUSIC 1970
M 1300 W1 : Deutsche Weinachtslieder, zweistimmig gesetzt von H. Walcha.; BJL     
      Deutsche Weinachtslieder, zweistimmig gesetzt von H. Walcha. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1937
M 1300 W24 / q : What cheer? : a Christmas carol for unaccompanied mixed chorus.; BJL     
      What cheer? : a Christmas carol for unaccompanied mixed chorus. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1961
M 1300 W27 / q : A Cornish carol for Nativity and the New Year :(Kan Kernow)for SATB unacc. / Cornish words by H. Jenner.; BJL     
      A Cornish carol for Nativity and the New Year :(Kan Kernow)for SATB unacc. / Cornish words by H. Jenn BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1973
M 1300 W38    
      Entflieht auf leichten Kahnen für gemischen Chor a cappella / aus einem Gedicht von S. George. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1921
      Entflieht auf leichten Kahnen:In swift light vessels gliding for op 2 for mixed chorus SATB a cappell BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1970
M 1300 W39    
      Magnificat and Nunc dimittis : (the ninth service) / Thomas Weelkes ; reconstructed and edited by Dav BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1979
      Short service morning canticles (Venite-Te Deum Jubilate) for SATB with optional organ / edition by D BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1969
M 1300 W55 / q : O praise God in his holiness.; BJL     
      O praise God in his holiness. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1928
M 1300 W6. / q : Antologia muzyki choralnej reneesansu na chor mieszany a cappella.; BJL     
      Antologia muzyki choralnej reneesansu na chor mieszany a cappella. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1965
M 1300 W68    
      Confiteantur tibi, Domine ownes reges motet for female voices in three parts SSA. / edited by R.L. Be BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1900
      Memento domine David / edited by J. Long. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1969
M 1300 W69.    
      The great O Antiphons of Advent. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1958
      Hodie, Christus natus est:Today Christ is born, words in Latin and English from a Christmas antiphon. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1935
M 1300 W73 / q : Dawn carol for mixed voices a cappella.; BJL     
      Dawn carol for mixed voices a cappella. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1960
M 1300 W88 G7 / q : Great Lord of Lords for double choir A.T.B.; BJL     
      Great Lord of Lords for double choir A.T.B. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1913
M 1300 W9 / q : Repository of sacred music part second.; BJL     
      Repository of sacred music part second. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1964
M 1300 Z66 : Offertoria et communiones totius anni.; BJL     
      Offertoria et communiones totius anni. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1983
M 1330 L34 / q : Exaudi, Deus, orationem mean : neige dein Ohr, Herr, wenn ich dir betend nahe / herausgegeben von R. Budde.; BJL     
      Exaudi, Deus, orationem mean : neige dein Ohr, Herr, wenn ich dir betend nahe / herausgegeben von R. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1973
M 1400 A4    
      Allgemeines deutsches Kommersbuch / ursprunglich hrsg. unter musikalischer Redaktion von F. Silcher u BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1929
      Neue Lieder zur 100 Auft des allgemeinen deutschen Kommersbuches. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1913
M 1400 A6 : Apusskidu : songs for children / chosen by Beatrice Harrop, Peggy Blakeley and David Gadsby.; Education Resources     
      Apusskidu : songs for children / chosen by Beatrice Harrop, Peggy Blakeley and David Gadsby. Education Resources  PRINTED MUSIC 1975
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