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ML 136 V4 s2 : Venezia : S. Maria della Consolazione, detta della fave, gia sede della congreguzione di S. Filippo Neri:catologo del fonds musicale.; BJL     
      Venezia : S. Maria della Consolazione, detta della fave, gia sede della congreguzione di S. Filippo N BJL  BOOK 1969
ML 136 V6 M6 : Das Musikarchis im Minoritenkonvent zu Wien : Katalog des alteren Bestandes von 1784.; BJL     
      Das Musikarchis im Minoritenkonvent zu Wien : Katalog des alteren Bestandes von 1784. BJL  BOOK 1963
ML 136 V6 O8 : Die Lautentabulaturhandschriften der österreichisches Nationalbibliothek (17 und 18 Jahrhundert).; BJL     
      Die Lautentabulaturhandschriften der österreichisches Nationalbibliothek (17 und 18 Jahrhundert). BJL  BOOK 1974
ML 136 V6 P5    
      Das Musikarchiv der Pfarrkirche St Karl Borromaus in Wien. BJL  BOOK 1968
      Das Musikarchiv der Pfarrkirche St Karl Borromaus in Wien. BJL  BOOK 1968
ML 136 V6 W6 : Verzeichnis der Schubert-Handschriften in der Musiksammlung der Wiener Stadt-und Landesbibliothek.; BJL     
      Verzeichnis der Schubert-Handschriften in der Musiksammlung der Wiener Stadt-und Landesbibliothek. BJL  BOOK 1978
ML 136 W6 Z8 : Das Notenarchiv der Musiksammlung in Zisterzienserstift Wilhering (Drucke und Handschriften) / herausgegeben von K. Mitterschiffthaler.; BJL     
      Das Notenarchiv der Musiksammlung in Zisterzienserstift Wilhering (Drucke und Handschriften) / heraus BJL  BOOK 1979
ML 136 W7 W7, / q : The musical manuscripts of St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle : a descriptive catalogue.; BJL     
      The musical manuscripts of St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle : a descriptive catalogue. BJL  BOOK 1973
ML 136 W8 H5 : Libretti : Verzeichnis der bis 1800 erschinenen Textbücher / zusammengestellt von E. Thiel unter Mitarbeit von G Rohn.; BJL     
      Libretti : Verzeichnis der bis 1800 erschinenen Textbücher / zusammengestellt von E. Thiel unter Mita BJL  BOOK 1970
ML 136 Y6 M6 / q : A catalogue of the printed music published before 1850 in York Minster Library.; BJL     
      A catalogue of the printed music published before 1850 in York Minster Library. BJL  BOOK 1977
ML 136 Y6 S5 : A study of the Bing-Gostling part books in the Library of York Minster, together with a systematic catalogue.; BJL     
      A study of the Bing-Gostling part books in the Library of York Minster, together with a systematic ca BJL  BOOK 1986
ML 138 J1 P9 : The music library of Erwin R. Jacobi : rare editions and manuscripts catalogue.; BJL     
      The music library of Erwin R. Jacobi : rare editions and manuscripts catalogue. BJL  BOOK 1973
ML 138 K5 : Some British collectors of music, c.1600-1960.; BJL     
      Some British collectors of music, c.1600-1960. BJL  BOOK 1963
ML 138 M6 L6    
      Collection musicale Andre Meyer. / edited by F. Lesure. BJL  BOOK 1960
      Collection musicale Andre Meyer. / edited by F. Lesure. BJL  BOOK 1960
ML 138 S1 / q : The catalogue of manuscripts in the library of St.Michael's College Tenbury / compiled by E.H.Fellowes.; BJL     
      The catalogue of manuscripts in the library of St.Michael's College Tenbury / compiled by E.H.Fellowe BJL  BOOK 1934
ML 138 S7 : Catalogue of English song books forming a portion of the history of Sir John Stainer.; BJL     
      Catalogue of English song books forming a portion of the history of Sir John Stainer. BJL  BOOK 1891
ML 141 B8 : Henry Purcell, 1659(i)-1695; George Frideric Handel, 1685-1759.; BJL     
      Henry Purcell, 1659(i)-1695; George Frideric Handel, 1685-1759. BJL  BOOK  
ML 141 G7 : Die Handschriften der Meister.; BJL     
      Die Handschriften der Meister. BJL  BOOK 1966
ML 141 H9 : De Belgische vioolschool.; BJL     
      De Belgische vioolschool. BJL  BOOK 1978
ML 141 K9 : Musikhandschriften in Basel, aus verschiededen Sammlungen. / Katalog von T. Seebass.; BJL     
      Musikhandschriften in Basel, aus verschiededen Sammlungen. / Katalog von T. Seebass. BJL  BOOK 1975
ML 145 A7 W4 : Vollstardiges Verlagsverzeichnis Artaria & Co..; BJL     
      Vollstardiges Verlagsverzeichnis Artaria & Co.. BJL  BOOK 1952
ML 145 L8L4 : Katalog des Augsburger Verlegers Lotter von 1753 / by A. Layer.; BJL     
      Katalog des Augsburger Verlegers Lotter von 1753 / by A. Layer. BJL  BOOK 1964
ML 155 C5 : Fine musical instruments and composers autograph letters.; BJL     
      Fine musical instruments and composers autograph letters. BJL  BOOK 1973
ML 155 M9 : The Musician's piano atlas / edited by S.K. Taylor.; BJL     
      The Musician's piano atlas / edited by S.K. Taylor. BJL  BOOK 1981
ML 155.34 M9 R9    
      British music hall on record. BJL  BOOK 1979
      London musical shows on record, 1897-1976. / by B Rust with R. Bunnett. BJL  BOOK 1977
ML 155.34 V7 S7 : The grand tradition : seventy years of singing on record.; BJL     
      The grand tradition : seventy years of singing on record. BJL  BOOK 1974
ML 155.5 H6 : A complete list of "His master's voice" records issued during the war years 1939-1945.; BJL     
      A complete list of "His master's voice" records issued during the war years 1939-1945. BJL  BOOK 1946
ML 155.52 G39 : Das Gesprochene Wort : Jahresverzeichnis der deutschen literarischen Schallplatten.; BJL     
      Das Gesprochene Wort : Jahresverzeichnis der deutschen literarischen Schallplatten. BJL  PERIODICAL 1974
ML 155.52 H3 / q : Spoken poetry on records and tapes : an index of currently available recordings.; BJL     
      Spoken poetry on records and tapes : an index of currently available recordings. BJL  BOOK 1957
ML 155.52 U5 : Poetry and speech recordings.; BJL     
      Poetry and speech recordings. BJL  BOOK  
ML 156 B5    
      Bibliography of discographies. BJL  BOOK 1977
      Bibliography of Discographies. BJL  BOOK 1983
ML 156 C6    
      The worlds encyclopaedia of recorded music / by F.F. Clough and G.J. Cuming. BJL  BOOK 1952
      The worlds encyclopaedia of recorded music / by F.F. Clough and G.J. Cuming. BJL  BOOK 1952
      The worlds encyclopaedia of recorded music / by F.F. Clough and G.J. Cuming. BJL  BOOK 1952
ML 156 F7    
      Discographies : a bibliography of catalogues of recordings. BJL  BOOK 1973
      Systematic discography. BJL  BOOK 1974
ML 156 G6 : A further guide to long play, or, How to buy and enjoy records of opera, chamber music, oratorio and Lieder, and modern music.; BJL     
      A further guide to long play, or, How to buy and enjoy records of opera, chamber music, oratorio and BJL  BOOK 1958
ML 156 G7 : Gramophone.; BJL     
      Gramophone. BJL  PERIODICAL 2005
ML 156 G72 : The Gramophone long playing classical record catalogue.; BJL     
      The Gramophone long playing classical record catalogue. BJL  PERIODICAL 1990
ML 156 G721 : The Classical catalogue.; BJL     
      The Classical catalogue. BJL  PERIODICAL 2003
ML 156 H63 / q : High fidelity.; BJL     
      High fidelity. BJL  PERIODICAL  
ML 156 M9 / q : Music Master big red book / edited by L. O'Connor.; BJL     
      Music Master big red book / edited by L. O'Connor. BJL  BOOK 1994
ML 156 S1    
      The record guide / by E. Sackville-West and D. Shawe-Taylor. BJL  BOOK 1955
      The record guide / by E. Sackville-West and D. Shawe-Taylor. BJL  BOOK 1951
      The record guide / E. Sackville-West and D. Shawe-Taylor. BJL  BOOK 1955
      The record year : a guide to the years gramophone records. / by E. Sackville-West and D. Shawe-Taylor BJL  BOOK  
ML 156 S8 : Stereo Record Guide / by E. Greenfield, I March (and) D. Stevens; edited by I. March.; BJL     
      Stereo Record Guide / by E. Greenfield, I March (and) D. Stevens; edited by I. March. BJL  BOOK 1961
ML 156 U5    
      Recordings and musical scores. BJL  BOOK 1955
      Recordings of music by Americans in the library, United States Information Service. BJL  BOOK 1958
ML 156.2 C9 / q : Early music discography.; BJL     
      Early music discography. BJL  BOOK 1981
ML 156.2 G1 : Music on record : a critical guide / P.Gammond with B.James.; BJL     
      Music on record : a critical guide / P.Gammond with B.James. BJL  BOOK 1963
ML 156.2 G7 : Catalogo della discoteca storica "Arrigo ed Egle Agosti" di Reggio Emilia.; BJL     
      Catalogo della discoteca storica "Arrigo ed Egle Agosti" di Reggio Emilia. BJL  BOOK 1985
ML 156.2 P2 : Catalogo della discoteca storica "Arrigo ed Egle Agosti" di Reggio Emilia : pezzi staccati e recitals.; BJL     
      Catalogo della discoteca storica "Arrigo ed Egle Agosti" di Reggio Emilia : pezzi staccati e recitals BJL  BOOK 2001
ML 156.4 A2 A2 / q : Gramphone records of African music and semi-African music, recorded in many different territories on the continent of Africa / by Africa Music Research, ddirected by H. Tracey.; BJL     
      Gramphone records of African music and semi-African music, recorded in many different territories on BJL  BOOK 1951
ML 156.4 A5 C6 : The collectors twentieth century music in the Western hemisphere.; BJL     
      The collectors twentieth century music in the Western hemisphere. BJL  BOOK 1961
ML 156.4 A7 E9 : Music inspired by art : a guide to recordings.; BJL     
      Music inspired by art : a guide to recordings. BJL  BOOK 2002
ML 156.4 O46 C1 : Glyndebourne recorded : sixty years of recordings 1934-1994 / Paul Campion and Rosy Runciman.; BJL     
      Glyndebourne recorded : sixty years of recordings 1934-1994 / Paul Campion and Rosy Runciman. BJL  BOOK 1994
ML 156.4 O46 M8 : A guide to opera recordings.; BJL     
      A guide to opera recordings. BJL  BOOK 1987
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