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MT875 .O94 2017 : The Oxford handbook of choral pedagogy [electronic resource] / edited by Frank Abrahams and Paul D. Head.; Online materials     
      The Oxford handbook of choral pedagogy [electronic resource] / edited by Frank Abrahams and Paul D. H Online materials  EBOOKS 2017
MT 875 S4 : Madrigal singing.; BJL     
      Madrigal singing. BJL  BOOK  
MT 875 Y7 : A handbook of choral technique.; BJL     
      A handbook of choral technique. BJL  BOOK 1953
MT 883 A2 : Phonetics and diction in singing : Italian, French, Spanish, German.; BJL     
      Phonetics and diction in singing : Italian, French, Spanish, German. BJL  BOOK 1967
MT 883 L6 : De accentuum ecclesiasticorum exquisita ratione.; BJL     
      De accentuum ecclesiasticorum exquisita ratione. BJL  BOOK 1975
MT 883 M3 : The singer's manual of English diction.; BJL     
      The singer's manual of English diction. BJL  BOOK 1946
MT 883 O2 : German for singers : a textbook of diction and phonetics.; BJL     
      German for singers : a textbook of diction and phonetics. BJL  BOOK 1981
MT 883 R2 : Methode de la prononciation Latine dite vulgaire ou a la francaise : petite methode a l'usage des chanteurs des recitants d'apres le manuscrit de Dom Jacques Le Clerc.; BJL     
      Methode de la prononciation Latine dite vulgaire ou a la francaise : petite methode a l'usage des cha BJL  BOOK 1991
MT 883 S6 : Singing early music : the pronunciation of European languages in the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance / edited by Timothy J. McGee with A.G. Rigg and David N. Klausner.; BJL     
      Singing early music : the pronunciation of European languages in the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance BJL  BOOK 1996
MT 885 C7 / q : Twenty five lessons for the medium part of the voice / edited by A Randegger.; BJL     
      Twenty five lessons for the medium part of the voice / edited by A Randegger. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1888
MT 885 D5 / q : Vocal exercises on tone placing and enunciation for high voices.; BJL     
      Vocal exercises on tone placing and enunciation for high voices. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1938
MT 885 H3 / q : 12 Solfeggi für eine Singstimme oder Instrumente (Bläser oder Streicher) und Basso Continuo / Herausgeber K. Janetzky, Continuo-Einrichtung: D. Knothe.; BJL     
      12 Solfeggi für eine Singstimme oder Instrumente (Bläser oder Streicher) und Basso Contin BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1975
MT 892 S3 : Concert song as seen : kinesthetic aspects of musical interpretation.; BJL     
      Concert song as seen : kinesthetic aspects of musical interpretation. BJL  BOOK 1994
MT 892 S6 : An interpretive guide to operatic arias : a handbook for singers, coaches, teachers, and students / Martial Singher ; lyrics translated by Eta and Martial Singher.; BJL     
      An interpretive guide to operatic arias : a handbook for singers, coaches, teachers, and students / M BJL  BOOK 2003
MT 893 H6 : How to sing / Graham Hewitt.; BJL     
      How to sing / Graham Hewitt. BJL  BOOK 1978
MT 915 Y6 : Young choristers, 650-1700 / edited by Susan Boynton, Eric Rice.; BJL     
      Young choristers, 650-1700 / edited by Susan Boynton, Eric Rice. BJL  BOOK 2008
MT930 : 20-in-10 : linking music and literacy with twenty, ten-minute mini-lessons and activities for primary learners / Luana Mitten ; music by Cathy Fink and Marcy Marxer.; BJL     
      20-in-10 : linking music and literacy with twenty, ten-minute mini-lessons and activities for primary BJL  BOOK c2005
MT 935 J1 : Voice-training and conducting in schools.; BJL     
      Voice-training and conducting in schools. BJL  BOOK 1963
MT 948 B8    
      Musical gestures. BJL  BOOK  
      Rudiments in rhyme. BJL  BOOK  
MT 955 O6 : Opera in context : essays on historical staging from the late Renaissance to the time of Puccini / edited by Mark A. Radice.; BJL     
      Opera in context : essays on historical staging from the late Renaissance to the time of Puccini / ed BJL  BOOK 1998
MT955 .W458 2019 : Staging musicals : an essential guide / Matthew White.; Online materials     
      Staging musicals : an essential guide / Matthew White. Online materials  EBOOKS 2019
MT956 .A454 2019 : The singer acts, the actor sings : a practical guide to living through song / Glenn Seven Allen.; Online materials     
      The singer acts, the actor sings : a practical guide to living through song / Glenn Seven Allen. Online materials  EBOOKS 2019
MT956 .C37 2021 : The reason to sing [electronic resource] / a guide to acting while singing / Craig Carnelia.; Online materials     
      The reason to sing [electronic resource] / a guide to acting while singing / Craig Carnelia. Online materials  EBOOKS 2021
MT 956 D2 : The singing and acting handbook : games and exercises for the performer / Thomas de Mallet Burgess and Nicholas Skilbeck.; BJL     
      The singing and acting handbook : games and exercises for the performer / Thomas de Mallet Burgess an BJL  BOOK 2000
MT956 .D44 : Acting in musical theatre : a comprehensive course / Joe Deer and Rocco Dal Vera.; BJL     
      Acting in musical theatre : a comprehensive course / Joe Deer and Rocco Dal Vera. BJL  BOOK 2021
MT 956 M5 : Singing in musical theatre : the training of singers and actors / Joan Melton ; [foreword by Angela Punch McGregor].; BJL     
      Singing in musical theatre : the training of singers and actors / Joan Melton ; [foreword by Angela P BJL  BOOK c2007
MT 956 O8 : Acting for singers : creating believable singing characters.; BJL     
      Acting for singers : creating believable singing characters. BJL  BOOK 2005
MT956 .R554 2020 : Music fundamentals for musical theatre / Christine Riley.; Online materials     
      Music fundamentals for musical theatre / Christine Riley. Online materials  EBOOKS 2020
MT 956 T2 : Singing for musicals : a practical guide / Millie Taylor.; BJL     
      Singing for musicals : a practical guide / Millie Taylor. BJL  BOOK 2008
MU2 H4 : Modern British History 1485-1939 a short bibliography / compiled by S.H.F. Johnston.; BJL     
      Modern British History 1485-1939 a short bibliography / compiled by S.H.F. Johnston. BJL  BOOK 1952
MU2 H6 : English local history handlist : a short bibliography and list of sources.; BJL     
      English local history handlist : a short bibliography and list of sources. BJL  BOOK  
MU2 L7 : A reading guide to England and the English way of life for the student from overseas.; BJL     
      A reading guide to England and the English way of life for the student from overseas. BJL  BOOK 1962
MU3 K7 : Landscape history.; BJL     
      Landscape history. BJL  BOOK c1983
MU4 C7 : The Old wall of the city of London.; BJL     
      The Old wall of the city of London. BJL  BOOK 1951
MU4 C8 : British archaeology : a book list.; BJL     
      British archaeology : a book list. BJL  BOOK 1960
MU4 P3 : The Roman villa at Rudston, East Yorkshire.; BJL     
      The Roman villa at Rudston, East Yorkshire. BJL  BOOK 1938
MU4 R5 : The Roman pavements from Rudston, East Riding.; BJL     
      The Roman pavements from Rudston, East Riding. BJL  BOOK 1963
MU7 B6 : The Undergrowth of history : some traditional stories of English history reconsidered.; BJL     
      The Undergrowth of history : some traditional stories of English history reconsidered. BJL  BOOK 1955
MV2 M6 : Early modern British history 1485-1760 : a select bibliography.; BJL     
      Early modern British history 1485-1760 : a select bibliography. BJL  BOOK 1970
MW4 C5 : Studying urban history in schools.; BJL     
      Studying urban history in schools. BJL  BOOK 1971
MW4 C7 : Local history exhibitions : how to plan and present them.; BJL     
      Local history exhibitions : how to plan and present them. BJL  BOOK 1970
MW4 C8 : How to read old title deeds, XVI-XIX centuries. Shalfleet Manor, Isle of Wight. Pinhorns.; BJL     
      How to read old title deeds, XVI-XIX centuries. Shalfleet Manor, Isle of Wight. Pinhorns. BJL  BOOK  
MW4 H5 : Beginning local history.; BJL     
      Beginning local history. BJL  BOOK 1970
MW4 N2    
      Introducing local history. BJL  BOOK 1940
      Local history series. BJL  BOOK  
MW4 S3 : Environmental studies 5-13 : the use of historical resources : the report of a working party.; BJL     
      Environmental studies 5-13 : the use of historical resources : the report of a working party. BJL  BOOK 1973
MW5 E5 : County records quarter sessions, petty sessions, clerk of the peace and lieutenancy. / by F.G. Emmison and I. Gray.; BJL     
      County records quarter sessions, petty sessions, clerk of the peace and lieutenancy. / by F.G. Emmiso BJL  BOOK 1961
MW5 H9 : Local history for students.; BJL     
      Local history for students. BJL  BOOK 1966
MW5.2 Y6 : Local record sources in print and in progress, 1972-1976.; BJL     
      Local record sources in print and in progress, 1972-1976. BJL  BOOK 1977
MWR3 H6 : Industrial growth and water supply in north-east Lincolnshire.; BJL     
      Industrial growth and water supply in north-east Lincolnshire. BJL  BOOK  
MWR3 L7 : Lincolnshire studies.; BJL     
      Lincolnshire studies. BJL  BOOK  
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