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NA 324 C5 : The houses of Roman Italy, 100 B.C.-A.D. 250 : ritual, space, and decoration.; BJL     
      The houses of Roman Italy, 100 B.C.-A.D. 250 : ritual, space, and decoration. BJL  BOOK 1991
NA 325 H8 R5 : Roman granaries and store buildings.; BJL     
      Roman granaries and store buildings. BJL  BOOK 1971
NA 325 T5 H2 / q : Roman theater-temples.; BJL     
      Roman theater-temples. BJL  BOOK  
NA 327 T6 M1 : Hadrian's villa and its legacy / William L. MacDonald and John A. Pinto.; BJL     
      Hadrian's villa and its legacy / William L. MacDonald and John A. Pinto. BJL  BOOK 1995
NA 335 E85 S6 : Roman villas : a study in social structure / drawings by A.T. Adams.; BJL     
      Roman villas : a study in social structure / drawings by A.T. Adams. BJL  BOOK 1997
NA 350 A5 : The mediaeval builder and his methods.; BJL     
      The mediaeval builder and his methods. BJL  BOOK 1974
NA 350 B7 / q : Picturesque architecture in Paris, Ghent, Antwerp, Rouen, etc., drawn from nature on stone by Thomas Shotter Boys, 1839 : a re-issue of the complete set of these exceedingly scarce and beautiful delineations of continental cities, printed in colours / with descriptive notes to each plate, and an introduction by E. Beresford Chancellor.; BJL     
      Picturesque architecture in Paris, Ghent, Antwerp, Rouen, etc., drawn from nature on stone by Thomas BJL  BOOK  
NA 350 C6    
      Medieval architecture / Nicola Coldstream. BJL  BOOK 2002
      Medieval craftsmen : masons and sculptors. BJL  BOOK 1991
      Medieval craftsmen masons and sculptors. BJL  BOOK 1993
NA 350 J1 : Byzantine and Romanesque architecture.; BJL     
      Byzantine and Romanesque architecture. BJL  BOOK 1920
NA 350 N4 / f : Specimens of mediaeval architecture chiefly selected from examples of the 12th and 13th centuries in France and Italy.; BJL     
      Specimens of mediaeval architecture chiefly selected from examples of the 12th and 13th centuries in BJL  BOOK 1862
NA350 .O978 2019 : Eastern medieval architecture : the building traditions of Byzantium and neighboring lands / Robert G. Ousterhout.; Online materials     
      Eastern medieval architecture : the building traditions of Byzantium and neighboring lands / Robert G Online materials  EBOOKS 2019
NA 350 R1 : Medieval architecture, medieval learning : builders and masters in the age of Romanesque and Gothic / Charles M. Radding and William W. Clark.; BJL     
      Medieval architecture, medieval learning : builders and masters in the age of Romanesque and Gothic / BJL  BOOK 1992
NA 350 S1 : Medieval architecture : European architecture, 600-1200.; BJL     
      Medieval architecture : European architecture, 600-1200. BJL  BOOK 1962
NA 350 S4 : Lecture on the rise and development of Mediaeval architecture.; BJL     
      Lecture on the rise and development of Mediaeval architecture. BJL  BOOK  
NA 350 S7 : Early medieval architecture / Roger Stalley.; BJL     
      Early medieval architecture / Roger Stalley. BJL  BOOK 1999
NA 350 S9 : Medeltida byggmastare.; BJL     
      Medeltida byggmastare. BJL  BOOK 1994
NA 350 V4 / q : Architecture civile et domestique au moyen age et a la renaissance dessinee et decrite / par A. Verdier et par F. Cattois.; BJL     
      Architecture civile et domestique au moyen age et a la renaissance dessinee et decrite / par A. Verdi BJL  BOOK 1972
NA 360 D2 : The origin and development of early Christian church architecture.; BJL     
      The origin and development of early Christian church architecture. BJL  BOOK  
NA 360 M2 : La fin du paganisme en Gaule et les plus anciennes basiliques chretiennes.; BJL     
      La fin du paganisme en Gaule et les plus anciennes basiliques chretiennes. BJL  BOOK 1950
NA 365 H4 : L'architecture religieuscarolingienne : les formes et leurs fonctions...; BJL     
      L'architecture religieuscarolingienne : les formes et leurs fonctions... BJL  BOOK 1980
NA 370 H6 / q : Early Byzantine churches in Macedonia and Southern Serbia.; BJL     
      Early Byzantine churches in Macedonia and Southern Serbia. BJL  BOOK 1963
NA 388 A2 C3 : Displaying the Orient : architecture of Islam at nineteenth-century world's fairs.; BJL     
      Displaying the Orient : architecture of Islam at nineteenth-century world's fairs. BJL  BOOK 1992
NA 390 B3 / q : Romanesque architecture in France.; BJL     
      Romanesque architecture in France. BJL  BOOK  
NA 390 C5 : Romanesque architecture in western Europe.; BJL     
      Romanesque architecture in western Europe. BJL  BOOK  
NA 390 C8 : L'architecture romane.; BJL     
      L'architecture romane. BJL  BOOK  
NA 390 F3 / q : Romanesque architecture : the first style of the European age / Eric Fernie.; BJL     
      Romanesque architecture : the first style of the European age / Eric Fernie. BJL  BOOK 2014
NA 390 K9 / q : Romanesque architecture.; BJL     
      Romanesque architecture. BJL  BOOK 1975
NA 390 R6 / q : Lombardic architecture.; BJL     
      Lombardic architecture. BJL  BOOK  
NA 397 N96(1) : Bourgogne romane / par J. Baudry Ec.; BJL     
      Bourgogne romane / par J. Baudry Ec. BJL  BOOK 1958
NA 397 N96(10) : Quercy roman / par M. Vidal, J. Maury and J. Porcher.; BJL     
      Quercy roman / par M. Vidal, J. Maury and J. Porcher. BJL  BOOK 1959
NA 397 N96(11) : Limousin roman / par J. Maury, M.M.S. Gauthier and J. Porcher.; BJL     
      Limousin roman / par J. Maury, M.M.S. Gauthier and J. Porcher. BJL  BOOK 1960
NA 397 N96(16) : L'art cistercien : France / [par] A.Dimier [et] J. Porcher; ... traduction anglaise de P. Veyriras; traduction allemande de H. de Vos.; BJL     
      L'art cistercien : France / [par] A.Dimier [et] J. Porcher; ... traduction anglaise de P. Veyriras; t BJL  BOOK 1974
NA 397 N96(25) : Normandie Romane : la Basse-Normandie / par L. Musset.; BJL     
      Normandie Romane : la Basse-Normandie / par L. Musset. BJL  BOOK 1975
NA 397 N96(3) : Val de Loire Roman.; BJL     
      Val de Loire Roman. BJL  BOOK 1980
NA 397 N96(34) : L'art cistercien : hors de France / [par] A. Dimier; ... traduction anglaise de P. Veyriras et M.-T. Blanchon; traduction allemande de H. de Vos.; BJL     
      L'art cistercien : hors de France / [par] A. Dimier; ... traduction anglaise de P. Veyriras et M.-T. BJL  BOOK 1971
NA 397 N96(41) : Normandie Romane : la Haute-Normandie.; BJL     
      Normandie Romane : la Haute-Normandie. BJL  BOOK 1974
NA 397 N96(43) : Languedoc roman : le Languedoc mediteraneen / J. Lugand ... [et al.]; traduction anglaise de P. Veyriras et J.P. Britz; traduction allemande de G. Schecher.; BJL     
      Languedoc roman : le Languedoc mediteraneen / J. Lugand ... [et al.]; traduction anglaise de P. Veyri BJL  BOOK 1975
NA 397 N96(49) : Haut-Languedoc Roman / par M. Durliat.; BJL     
      Haut-Languedoc Roman / par M. Durliat. BJL  BOOK 1978
NA 397 N96(5) : Poitou roman / introduced de R. Crozet.; BJL     
      Poitou roman / introduced de R. Crozet. BJL  BOOK 1957
NA 397 N96(6) : Tairaine romane / par Dom Odilon Aynard Ec.; BJL     
      Tairaine romane / par Dom Odilon Aynard Ec. BJL  BOOK 1957
NA 397 N96(9) : Anjou roman.; BJL     
      Anjou roman. BJL  BOOK 1959
NA 400 M6 / q : Die Pramonstratenser-Klosterkirchen Arnstein, Beselich und Brunnenburg im Lahntal.; BJL     
      Die Pramonstratenser-Klosterkirchen Arnstein, Beselich und Brunnenburg im Lahntal. BJL  BOOK 1956
NA 423 R9 / q : L'architecture normande aux XIe et XIIe siecles en Normandie et en Angleterre.; BJL     
      L'architecture normande aux XIe et XIIe siecles en Normandie et en Angleterre. BJL  BOOK 1971
NA 440 B7 : Gothic architecture in England.; BJL     
      Gothic architecture in England. BJL  BOOK  
NA 440 B8    
      An analysis of Gothic architecture / by R. and J.A. Brandon. BJL  BOOK 1903
      Burgundian Gothic architecture. BJL  BOOK 1960
      Gothic architecture. BJL  BOOK 1906
      Gothic architecture. BJL  BOOK 1961
      Gothic architecture. BJL  BOOK 1961
NA 440 C3 : Domestic Gothic of the Tudor period.; BJL     
      Domestic Gothic of the Tudor period. BJL  BOOK  
NA 440 C8    
      L'architecture gothique. BJL  BOOK  
      Gothic architecture. BJL  BOOK  
NA 440 F5 / q : The construction of Gothic cathedrals : a study of Medieval vault erection.; BJL     
      The construction of Gothic cathedrals : a study of Medieval vault erection. BJL  BOOK 1961
NA 440 F8 : The gothic : literary sources and interpretations through eight centuries.; BJL     
      The gothic : literary sources and interpretations through eight centuries. BJL  BOOK 1960
NA 440 G8    
      Ancient Gothic churches, their proportions and chromatics. BJL  BOOK  
      Gothic architecture / [by] L. Grodecki in collaboration with A. Prache and R. Recht; translated from BJL  BOOK 1977
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