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NA 7110 L4 : Housing, dwellings and homes : design theory, research and practice.; BJL     
      Housing, dwellings and homes : design theory, research and practice. BJL  BOOK 1987
NA 7110 P7 : Architectural designs for rustic cottages, picturesque dwellings, villas, &c.; BJL     
      Architectural designs for rustic cottages, picturesque dwellings, villas, &c. BJL  BOOK 1972
NA 7110 W6 : The small house, today and tomorrow.; BJL     
      The small house, today and tomorrow. BJL  BOOK 1957
NA 7110 Y8 : The modern house / 3rd edition.; BJL     
      The modern house / 3rd edition. BJL  BOOK 1937
NA 7115 A2 : The homes we live in.; Education Resources     
      The homes we live in. Education Resources  BOOK 1967
NA 7115 D7 : Houses / J. Drummond, J. Mackay.; Education Resources     
      Houses / J. Drummond, J. Mackay. Education Resources  BOOK
NA 7115 E7 / q : A design guide for residential areas.; BJL     
      A design guide for residential areas. BJL  BOOK 1973
NA 7115 K5 : Houses and homes / D. Kincaid, P.S. Coles.; Education Resources     
      Houses and homes / D. Kincaid, P.S. Coles. Education Resources  BOOK 1974
NA 7115 M3 : Housing as if people mattered : site design guidelines for medium-density family housing / Clare Cooper Marcus and Wendy Sarkissian; with Sheena Wilson, Donald Perlgut.; BJL     
      Housing as if people mattered : site design guidelines for medium-density family housing / Clare Coop BJL  BOOK c1986
NA 7115 M6 : Take a look at home / D. Milman, C. Milman.; Education Resources     
      Take a look at home / D. Milman, C. Milman. Education Resources  BOOK 1984
NA 7115 P8 : Homes.; Education Resources     
      Homes. Education Resources  BOOK 1972
NA 7117 S1 P1 / q : Child safety and housing : practical design guidelines for commissioning agencies, architects, designers and builders.; BJL     
      Child safety and housing : practical design guidelines for commissioning agencies, architects, design BJL  BOOK 1986
NA 7123 M1 : Recording old houses : a guide.; BJL     
      Recording old houses : a guide. BJL  BOOK 1980
NA 7132 B8 / q : Bungalows and country residences a series of designs.; BJL     
      Bungalows and country residences a series of designs. BJL  BOOK 1891
NA 7175 J1 : The half-timber house : its origin, design, modern plan and construction.; BJL     
      The half-timber house : its origin, design, modern plan and construction. BJL  BOOK 1912
NA 7195 Y6 H4 : Houses for young people : Maisons pour la jounesse.; BJL     
      Houses for young people : Maisons pour la jounesse. BJL  BOOK 1960
NA 7203 A1 A2    
      The evolution of the English house. BJL  BOOK 1910
      The evolution of the English house. BJL  BOOK 1933
NA 7203 A1 A3 : A catalogue of cruck buildings.; BJL     
      A catalogue of cruck buildings. BJL  BOOK 1973
NA 7203 A1 A6 : The literature of British domestic architecture 1715-1842.; BJL     
      The literature of British domestic architecture 1715-1842. BJL  BOOK 1985
NA 7203 A1 A9 / q : Domestic interiors : the British tradition, 1500-1850.; BJL     
      Domestic interiors : the British tradition, 1500-1850. BJL  BOOK c2003
NA 7203 A1 B5 / q : The modern home : a book of British domestic architecture for moderate incomes : a companion volume to "The British home of today" / ... by W.H. Bidlake, H. Ricardo and J. Cash; edited by W.S. Sparrow.; BJL     
      The modern home : a book of British domestic architecture for moderate incomes : a companion volume t BJL  BOOK 1906
NA 7203 A1 B8    
      The British home of today : a book of modern domestic architecture and the applied arts / edited by W BJL  BOOK 1904
      New housing in Great Britain. BJL  BOOK 1960
      Traditional buildings of Britain : an introduction to vernacular architecture. BJL  BOOK 1981
NA 7203 A1 E5 : Discovering medieval houses in England and Wales / Anthony Emery.; BJL     
      Discovering medieval houses in England and Wales / Anthony Emery. BJL  BOOK 2007
NA 7203 A1 G5    
      The Englishman's castle : a history of houses, large and small. BJL  BOOK 1949
      Our building inheritance : are we to use or lose it? BJL  BOOK 1944
NA 7203 A1 G6 : The growth of the English house : a short history of its architectural development from 1100 to 1800.; BJL     
      The growth of the English house : a short history of its architectural development from 1100 to 1800. BJL  BOOK 1909
NA 7203 A1 H1 : A bibliography on vernacular architecture / edited by R. de Z. Hall.; BJL     
      A bibliography on vernacular architecture / edited by R. de Z. Hall. BJL  BOOK 1972
NA 7203 A1 H3 / q : Recent English domestic architecture / edited by C. Hastings.; BJL     
      Recent English domestic architecture / edited by C. Hastings. BJL  BOOK 1929
NA 7203 A1 H4 : English rooms and their decoration at a glance; a simple review in pictures.; BJL     
      English rooms and their decoration at a glance; a simple review in pictures. BJL  BOOK 1925
NA 7203 A1 I6 : Discovering your old house / line drawings by Geoffrey Buchan.; BJL     
      Discovering your old house / line drawings by Geoffrey Buchan. BJL  BOOK 1977
NA 7203 A1 J8 / q : English interiors in smaller houses,from the Restoration to the Regency 1660-1830.; BJL     
      English interiors in smaller houses,from the Restoration to the Regency 1660-1830. BJL  BOOK 1923
NA 7203 A1 L8 : The Edwardian house : the middle-class home in Britain, 1880-1914.; BJL     
      The Edwardian house : the middle-class home in Britain, 1880-1914. BJL  BOOK 1993
NA 7203 A1 M9    
      The English house / by Hermann Muthesius ; edited with an introduction by Dennis Sharp ; and a prefac BJL  BOOK 1979
      The English terraced house. BJL  BOOK 1982
NA 7203 A1 P5 : Small family houses.; BJL     
      Small family houses. BJL  BOOK 1924
NA 7203 A1 P8 : The English house.; BJL     
      The English house. BJL  BOOK 1929
NA 7203 A1 P9 : The English home.; BJL     
      The English home. BJL  BOOK 1970
NA 7203 A1 Q7 : House and home : a history of the small English house / Anthony Quiney.; BJL     
      House and home : a history of the small English house / Anthony Quiney. BJL  BOOK 1986
NA 7203 A1 R1 / q : Small houses of the late Georgian period 1750-1820 / by S.C. Ramseyand J.M. Harvey.; BJL     
      Small houses of the late Georgian period 1750-1820 / by S.C. Ramseyand J.M. Harvey. BJL  BOOK 1919
NA 7203 A1 R2 : The place of home : English domestic environments, 1914-2000 / Alison Ravetz with Richard Turkington.; BJL     
      The place of home : English domestic environments, 1914-2000 / Alison Ravetz with Richard Turkington. BJL  BOOK 1995
NA 7203 A1 R3 : A second book of architecture : military and domestic.; BJL     
      A second book of architecture : military and domestic. BJL  BOOK 1936
NA 7203 A1 S6    
      Houses of the Wren and early Georgian periods. BJL  BOOK 1928
      The smaller house. BJL  BOOK 1924
NA 7203 A1 W8 : The English mediaeval house.; BJL     
      The English mediaeval house. BJL  BOOK 1965
NA 7203 A1 Y4 / q : Small modern English houses.; BJL     
      Small modern English houses. BJL  BOOK 1929
NA 7203 D9 : The Victorian home : some aspects of nineteenth century taste and manners.; BJL     
      The Victorian home : some aspects of nineteenth century taste and manners. BJL  BOOK 1954
NA 7203 E8 F7 : The timber-framed houses of Essex : a short review of their types and details, 14th to 18th centuries.; BJL     
      The timber-framed houses of Essex : a short review of their types and details, 14th to 18th centuries BJL  BOOK 1975
NA 7203 F91 L4 : Early industrial housing : the Trinity area of Frome.; BJL     
      Early industrial housing : the Trinity area of Frome. BJL  BOOK 1981
NA 7203 F98 W3 : Traditional houses of the Fylde / by Richard C. Watson and Marion E. McClintock.; BJL     
      Traditional houses of the Fylde / by Richard C. Watson and Marion E. McClintock. BJL  BOOK 1979
NA 7203 H3 / q : Vernacular houses in North Yorkshire and Cleveland / B. Harrison, B. Hutton.; BJL     
      Vernacular houses in North Yorkshire and Cleveland / B. Harrison, B. Hutton. BJL  BOOK 1984
NA 7203 H5 S6 : English houses, 1200-1800 : the Hertfordshire evidence.; BJL     
      English houses, 1200-1800 : the Hertfordshire evidence. BJL  BOOK 1992
NA 7203 H9 B6 / q : Blaydes House High Street, Hull.; BJL     
      Blaydes House High Street, Hull. BJL  BOOK 1978
NA 7203 H9 C7 / q : Once in a lifetime : an evaluation of lifetime homes in Hull / Charlie Cooper and Mike Walton.; BJL     
      Once in a lifetime : an evaluation of lifetime homes in Hull / Charlie Cooper and Mike Walton. BJL  BOOK 1995
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