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NX 760 A7 : Arts and cultural management : critical and primary sources / edited by Ellen Rosewall and Rachel Shane.; BJL     
      Arts and cultural management : critical and primary sources / edited by Ellen Rosewall and Rachel Sha BJL  BOOK 2018
NX 760 C5 : Arts management / Derrick Chong.; BJL     
      Arts management / Derrick Chong. BJL  BOOK 2010
NX 760 P2 : Arts management and cultural policy research / Jonathan Paquette, Eleonora Redaelli.; BJL     
      Arts management and cultural policy research / Jonathan Paquette, Eleonora Redaelli. BJL  BOOK 2015
NX 760 T6 : The A to Z of arts management : reflections on theory and reality / Ann Tonks.; BJL     
      The A to Z of arts management : reflections on theory and reality / Ann Tonks. BJL  BOOK 2016
NX 760 V9 : Introduction to arts management / Jim Volz.; BJL     
      Introduction to arts management / Jim Volz. BJL  BOOK 2017
NX 765 B9    
      Management and the arts / William J. Byrnes. BJL  BOOK c2003
      Management and the arts / William J. Byrnes ; foreword by Dan J. Martin. BJL  BOOK c2009
NX 765 R3 : Don't just applaud - send money! : the most successful strategies for funding and marketing the arts.; BJL     
      Don't just applaud - send money! : the most successful strategies for funding and marketing the arts. BJL  BOOK 1995
NX 765 S5 : Arts administration and management : a guide for arts administrators and their staffs.; BJL     
      Arts administration and management : a guide for arts administrators and their staffs. BJL  BOOK 1987
NX 770 A8 R1 : Arts management : a practical guide / Jennifer Radbourne and Margaret Fraser.; BJL     
      Arts management : a practical guide / Jennifer Radbourne and Margaret Fraser. BJL  BOOK 1996
NX 770 E8 E9 / q : Explorations in cultural policy and research / edited by Stephen and Barbara Mennell.; BJL     
      Explorations in cultural policy and research / edited by Stephen and Barbara Mennell. BJL  BOOK 1978
NX 770 E8 M6 : Professional managers in the arts and culture? : the training of cultural administrators and arts managers in Europe- trends and perspectives.; BJL     
      Professional managers in the arts and culture? : the training of cultural administrators and arts man BJL  BOOK 1992
NX 770 G7 A7 : Training arts administrators : report of the committee of enquiry into arts administrationtraining.; BJL     
      Training arts administrators : report of the committee of enquiry into arts administrationtraining. BJL  BOOK 1972
NX 770 G7 P5    
      Arts administration / John Pick and Malcolm Anderton. BJL  BOOK 1996
      Managing the arts? : the British experience. BJL  BOOK 1986
NX 770 R9 P5 : Off Gorky Street : arts administration in the USSR.; BJL     
      Off Gorky Street : arts administration in the USSR. BJL  BOOK 1981
NX 800 S3 / q : Place for the arts.; BJL     
      Place for the arts. BJL  BOOK 1970
ZV O1    
      Magdalen College School Library handbook / by R.C.A.Oates and J.V.M.Sturdy. BJL  BOOK 1950
      The new secondary schools and the selection of their pupils. BJL  BOOK 1946
      Secondary education in Ireland. BJL  BOOK 1958
JEA O2 : Teacher, pupil and task : elements of social psychology applied to education.; BJL     
      Teacher, pupil and task : elements of social psychology applied to education. BJL  BOOK 1955
JHH O3    
      Achieving good behaviour in schools : a report. BJL  BOOK 1993
      The articled teacher scheme : September 1990-July 1992 : a report from the Office of Her Majesty's Ch BJL  BOOK 1993
      The development of double qualification courses in secondary schools in North Rhine Westphalia : a re BJL  BOOK 1994
      First class : the standards and quality if education in reception classes : a report from the Office BJL  BOOK 1993
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JQA O4    
      Education for girls. BJL  BOOK 1961
      The effectiveness of G.C.E. Advanced level as a criterion for university selection. BJL  BOOK 1960
      An Experimental examination in general studies. BJL  BOOK 1955
      A General paper in the General Certificate of Education examination. BJL  BOOK 1954
12 additional entries    
JCB O5    
      About the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. BJL  BOOK 1967
      The Emergent university, with special reference to Nigeria. BJL  BOOK 1960
      English vocabulary; French vocabulary for use in discussions of child development. BJL  BOOK 1962
      On education : a dialogue after the manner of Cicero's philosophical disquisitions. BJL  BOOK 1811
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PQL O6    
      A brief description of the national grid and reference system. BJL  BOOK 1946
      Decision-making in educational systems : the experience in three OECD countries. BJL  BOOK 1976
      Education and training for distribution / by R.G. Magnus Hannaford. Published by the European Product BJL  BOOK 1959
      Educational policy and planning : goals for educational policy in sweden : a status report on compuls BJL  BOOK 1979
9 additional entries    
JGJ O7    
      Children with special needs : a guide for parents. BJL  BOOK 1985
      Dependence of transition proportions in the educational system on observed social factors and school BJL  BOOK 1972
      Resource allocation within universities : based on a seminar held 27 February 1974. BJL  BOOK 1985?
      Ward-Stress and sentence-stress : a practical and theoretical guide for teachers of basic Englis....B BJL  BOOK  
JUAH O8    
      Access to mathematics science and technology. BJL  BOOK 1989
      Schleiermachen and religious education. BJL  BOOK 1934
JSeb O9    
      A history of Oxford University. BJL  BOOK 1974
      An address delivered on the First of January, 1816, on opening the Institution for the Formation of C BJL  BOOK 1816
      Age and performance in Olympic games. BJL  BOOK  
      British aid - 5, colonial development. BJL  BOOK 1964
25 additional entries    
      Interpreting the 'hidden social geographies' of mental health : ethnogeographies of inclusion and exc Departmental Locations  BOOK CHAPTER  
      Negotiating memory and identity : the Hyde Park Holocaust Memorial, London. Departmental Locations  JOURNAL ARTICLE  
      Urban environmental management and welfare regimes : some speculation. Departmental Locations  JOURNAL ARTICLE  
Online article    
      "And they ate the zoo" : relating gastronomic exoticism in the siege of Paris. BJL  JOURNAL ARTICLE  
      Brain drain [electronic resource] / Jennifer Reingold, Diane Brady. BJL  COMPUTER FILE  
      Business-to-business marketing and the World Wide Web : planning, managing and assessing web sites / BJL  JOURNAL ARTICLE  
      Choosing personhood : intentionality and the theory of nursing as caring. BJL  JOURNAL ARTICLE  
20 additional entries    
OR : Glimpses of family life : Books 1-5.; BJL     
      Glimpses of family life : Books 1-5. BJL  BOOK  
OUK2 U5 : Research and publications.; BJL     
      Research and publications. BJL  BOOK 1974
Oversize : Shaping the future : working with the under threes, professional development pack / Lesley Abbott ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Shaping the future : working with the under threes, professional development pack / Lesley Abbott ... BJL  BOOK 2000
JUAC P1    
      Adult education in a free society. BJL  BOOK 1962
      Agricultural chemicals and wildlife. BJL  BOOK 1980
      The changing role of the teacher and its influence on the preparation for the profession and an in-se BJL  BOOK 1975
      Communication in French : level 4/5 : paroles. BJL  CASSETTE 1984
13 additional entries    
P 1 A1 A65 : Aquila : Chestnut Hill studies in modern languages and literatures.; BJL     
      Aquila : Chestnut Hill studies in modern languages and literatures. BJL  PERIODICAL  
P1 A1 I2 : Iral : International review of applied linguistics in language teaching.; BJL     
      Iral : International review of applied linguistics in language teaching. BJL  PERIODICAL 1987
P 1 A1 U92 / q : Utrecht working papers in linguistics.; BJL     
      Utrecht working papers in linguistics. BJL  PERIODICAL  
P 1 A15 : Acta linguistica Academiae Scientarun Hungariae.; BJL     
      Acta linguistica Academiae Scientarun Hungariae. BJL  PERIODICAL  
P 1 A6    
      Archivum linguisticum. BJL  PERIODICAL  
      Archivum linguisticum [New Series] : a review of comparative philology and general linguistics. BJL  PERIODICAL  
P 1 A61 : Annuale mediaevale.; BJL     
      Annuale mediaevale. BJL  PERIODICAL 1982
P 1 A63 : Annual review of applied linguistics.; BJL     
      Annual review of applied linguistics. BJL  PERIODICAL 2003
P 1 A65 : Applied linguistics.; BJL     
      Applied linguistics. BJL  PERIODICAL 2009
P1 A66 : Archiv für das studium der neueren Sprachen / begrundet von L. Herrig.; BJL     
      Archiv für das studium der neueren Sprachen / begrundet von L. Herrig. BJL  PERIODICAL 1932
P 1 A67 : Archivio Glottologico Italiano.; BJL     
      Archivio Glottologico Italiano. BJL  PERIODICAL 1988
P 1 A67 S9 : Supplementi periodici all' Archivio glottologico italiano.; BJL     
      Supplementi periodici all' Archivio glottologico italiano. BJL  PERIODICAL  
P 1 C73 : Communications : l'analyse structurale du recit.; BJL     
      Communications : l'analyse structurale du recit. BJL  PERIODICAL  
P 1 F45 : Forum for modern language studies.; BJL     
      Forum for modern language studies. BJL  PERIODICAL  
P 1 F77 S9(1) : The verb "be" and its synonyms : philosophical and grammmatical studies.; BJL     
      The verb "be" and its synonyms : philosophical and grammmatical studies. BJL  BOOK 1967
P 1 F77 S9(10) : Studies in syntax and semantics.; BJL     
      Studies in syntax and semantics. BJL  BOOK 1969
P 1 F77 S9(11) : An eleventh - century Buddhist logic of exists : Ratnakirti's Ksanabhangasiddhih vyatirekatmika / edited by A. C. S. McDermott.; BJL     
      An eleventh - century Buddhist logic of exists : Ratnakirti's Ksanabhangasiddhih vyatirekatmika / edi BJL  BOOK 1969
P 1 F77 S9(12) : The concepts of value : foundations of value theory.; BJL     
      The concepts of value : foundations of value theory. BJL  BOOK 1970
P 1 F77 S9(13) : Generative grammar in Europe.; BJL     
      Generative grammar in Europe. BJL  BOOK 1973
P 1 F77 S9(15) : On the compositional nature of the aspects.; BJL     
      On the compositional nature of the aspects. BJL  BOOK 1972
P 1 F77 S9(17) : The structure underlying measure phrase sentences.; BJL     
      The structure underlying measure phrase sentences. BJL  BOOK 1972
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