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PN 1643 T3 / q : Theatre et societe.; BJL     
      Theatre et societe. BJL  BOOK 197-?
PN 1643 W7 : Drama in a dramatised society : an inaugural lecture / Raymond Williams.; BJL     
      Drama in a dramatised society : an inaugural lecture / Raymond Williams. BJL  BOOK 1975
PN 1647 B1 : Theo-drama : theological dramatic theory / translated by Graham Harrison.; BJL     
      Theo-drama : theological dramatic theory / translated by Graham Harrison. BJL  BOOK 1994
PN 1647 R2 : To act, to do, to perform : drama and the phenomenology of action.; BJL     
      To act, to do, to perform : drama and the phenomenology of action. BJL  BOOK 1994
PN 1647 R5 : Theatre & ethics / Nicholas Ridout.; BJL     
      Theatre & ethics / Nicholas Ridout. BJL  BOOK 2009
PN 1647 T3 : Theatrum Mundi- Gotter, Gott and Spielleiter im Drama.; BJL     
      Theatrum Mundi- Gotter, Gott and Spielleiter im Drama. BJL  BOOK 1981
PN 1650 A6 M7 : Storia di Antigone da Sofocle al living Theatre : un mito nel teatro occidentale.; BJL     
      Storia di Antigone da Sofocle al living Theatre : un mito nel teatro occidentale. BJL  BOOK 1977
PN1650.B55 N35 2022 : Scripts of blackness : early modern performance culture and the making of race / Noémie Ndiaye.; Online materials     
      Scripts of blackness : early modern performance culture and the making of race / Noémie Ndiaye. Online materials  EBOOKS 2022
PN 1650 C1 M4 : The primal curse : the myth of Cain and Abel in the theatre.; BJL     
      The primal curse : the myth of Cain and Abel in the theatre. BJL  BOOK 1967
PN 1650 D2 G7 : Dance-drama : experiments in the art of the theatre.; BJL     
      Dance-drama : experiments in the art of the theatre. BJL  BOOK 1926
PN 1650 D2 S5 : Shadow boxing [videorecording] / Enrique Pardo.; BJL     
      Shadow boxing [videorecording] / Enrique Pardo. BJL  DVD c2006
PN1650.E26 W69 : Ecodramaturgies : theatre, performance and climate change / Lisa Woynarski.; BJL     
      Ecodramaturgies : theatre, performance and climate change / Lisa Woynarski. BJL  BOOK 2021
PN 1650 E8 A1 : Performing research : tensions, triumphs and trade-offs of ethnodrama / Judith Ackroyd and John O'Toole.; BJL     
      Performing research : tensions, triumphs and trade-offs of ethnodrama / Judith Ackroyd and John O'Too BJL  BOOK 2010
PN 1650 F88 K6 : The plot of the future : Utopia and dystopia in modern drama / Dragan Klaić.; BJL     
      The plot of the future : Utopia and dystopia in modern drama / Dragan Klaić. BJL  BOOK 1991
PN 1650 G56 P6 : Ghosts of theatre and cinema in the brain.; BJL     
      Ghosts of theatre and cinema in the brain. BJL  BOOK 2006
PN 1650 G7 R3 : Staging the savage god : the grotesque in performance / Ralf Remshardt.; BJL     
      Staging the savage god : the grotesque in performance / Ralf Remshardt. BJL  BOOK c2004
PN 1650 L3 S2 : Hispanic heroes of discovery and conquest of Spanish America in European drama.; BJL     
      Hispanic heroes of discovery and conquest of Spanish America in European drama. BJL  BOOK 1978
PN 1650 L34 C2 : Speaking in tongues : language at play in the theatre / Marvin Carlson.; BJL     
      Speaking in tongues : language at play in the theatre / Marvin Carlson. BJL  BOOK c2006
PN 1650 M4 K3 : Medea-Dramen : Entmythisierung und Remythisierung : Euripides, Klinger, Grillparzer, Johnn Anouish.; BJL     
      Medea-Dramen : Entmythisierung und Remythisierung : Euripides, Klinger, Grillparzer, Johnn Anouish. BJL  BOOK 1979
PN 1650 M4 M4 : Medea in performance 1500-2000 / edited by Edith Hall, Fiona Macintosh and Oliver Taplin.; BJL     
      Medea in performance 1500-2000 / edited by Edith Hall, Fiona Macintosh and Oliver Taplin. BJL  BOOK 2000
PN 1650 M435 F2 : Memory in play : from Aeschylus to Sam Shepard / Attilio Favorini.; BJL     
      Memory in play : from Aeschylus to Sam Shepard / Attilio Favorini. BJL  BOOK 2008
PN 1650 M44 M2 : Staging masculinities : history, gender, performance / Michael Mangan.; BJL     
      Staging masculinities : history, gender, performance / Michael Mangan. BJL  BOOK 2003
PN 1650 M45 R3 : Madness in drama / edited by James Redmond.; BJL     
      Madness in drama / edited by James Redmond. BJL  BOOK 1993
PN1650.M68 M37 2012eb : The mother in the age of mechanical reproduction : psychoanalysis, photography, deconstruction / Elissa Marder.; Online materials     
      The mother in the age of mechanical reproduction : psychoanalysis, photography, deconstruction / Elis Online materials  EBOOKS 2012
PN 1650 R63 R3 : Automata and mimesis on the stage of theatre history / Kara Reilly.; BJL     
      Automata and mimesis on the stage of theatre history / Kara Reilly. BJL  BOOK 2011
PN1650.S34 C36 : The Cambridge companion to theatre and science / edited by Kirsten E. Shepherd-Barr.; BJL     
      The Cambridge companion to theatre and science / edited by Kirsten E. Shepherd-Barr. BJL  BOOK 2020
PN1650.S48 T67 2010 : Sex, drag, and male roles : investigating gender as performance / Diane Torr and Stephen Bottoms.; BJL     
      Sex, drag, and male roles : investigating gender as performance / Diane Torr and Stephen Bottoms. BJL  BOOK c2010
PN 1650 S52 T2 : The death and resurrection show : from shaman to superstar / by Rogan P. Taylor.; BJL     
      The death and resurrection show : from shaman to superstar / by Rogan P. Taylor. BJL  BOOK 1985
PN 1650 T3 T3 : Terrorism and modern drama / edited by John Orr and Dragan Klaic.; BJL     
      Terrorism and modern drama / edited by John Orr and Dragan Klaic. BJL  BOOK 1990
PN1650.V55 : Metatheatrical dramaturgies of violence [electronic resource] / staging the role of theatre / Emma Willis.; Online materials     
      Metatheatrical dramaturgies of violence [electronic resource] / staging the role of theatre / Emma Wi Online materials  EBOOKS 2021
PN 1650 V55 N5 : Theatre & violence / by Lucy Nevitt.; BJL     
      Theatre & violence / by Lucy Nevitt. BJL  BOOK 2013
PN 1650 W3 M6 : Modern war on stage and screen = Der moderne Krieg auf der Bühne / edited by Wolfgang Görtschacher and Holger Klein.; BJL     
      Modern war on stage and screen = Der moderne Krieg auf der Bühne / edited by Wolfgang Gör BJL  BOOK 1997
PN 1650 W65 R1 : Sexual politics and the male playwright : the portrayal of women in ten contemporary plays.; BJL     
      Sexual politics and the male playwright : the portrayal of women in ten contemporary plays. BJL  BOOK 1996
PN 1650 W65 S6 : Re-dressing the canon : essays on theater and gender.; BJL     
      Re-dressing the canon : essays on theater and gender. BJL  BOOK 1997
PN 1654 A2    
      The contemporary theatre... 1923, 1924, 1925. BJL  BOOK 1924
      The contemporary theatre... 1923, 1924, 1925. BJL  BOOK 1924
      The contemporary theatre... 1923, 1924, 1925. BJL  BOOK 1924
PN 1654 B8 : Parties of the play.; BJL     
      Parties of the play. BJL  BOOK  
PN 1654 F5 : Principles of comedy and dramatic effect.; BJL     
      Principles of comedy and dramatic effect. BJL  BOOK  
PN 1654 G2 : The exemplary theatre / by Harley Granville-Barker.; BJL     
      The exemplary theatre / by Harley Granville-Barker. BJL  BOOK 1922
PN 1654 I7 : Theatre : essays.; BJL     
      Theatre : essays. BJL  BOOK  
PN 1654 J7 : The foundations of a national drama.; BJL     
      The foundations of a national drama. BJL  BOOK  
PN 1654 M7 : Dramatic values.; BJL     
      Dramatic values. BJL  BOOK  
PN 1654 S1 : Theatre : the rediscovery of style / Michel Saint-Denis.; BJL     
      Theatre : the rediscovery of style / Michel Saint-Denis. BJL  BOOK 1960
PN 1654 S3 : Das Drama : Wesen, Werden, Darstellung der dramatischen Kunst.; BJL     
      Das Drama : Wesen, Werden, Darstellung der dramatischen Kunst. BJL  BOOK 1956
PN 1654 S4 : Petits dialogues sur le theatre et l'art dramatique.; BJL     
      Petits dialogues sur le theatre et l'art dramatique. BJL  BOOK  
PN 1654 S5 : Dramatic opinions and essays.; BJL     
      Dramatic opinions and essays. BJL  BOOK  
      Theatre as human action : an introduction to theatre arts / Thomas S. Hischak. BJL  BOOK 2006
      The theory of the modern stage : from Artaud to Zola, an introduction to modern theatre and drama / e BJL  BOOK 2008
PN 1655 A8 : L'art du theatre.; BJL     
      L'art du theatre. BJL  BOOK
PN 1655 B1 : The theatre unbound : a plea on behalf of the ill-used.; BJL     
      The theatre unbound : a plea on behalf of the ill-used. BJL  BOOK 1969
PN 1655 B4    
      The life of the drama. BJL  BOOK 1965
      The life of the drama. BJL  BOOK 1991
PN 1655 B5 : Literatura i teatr : stat'i raznykh let / redaktor B.I. Zingerman.; BJL     
      Literatura i teatr : stat'i raznykh let / redaktor B.I. Zingerman. BJL  BOOK 1969
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