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PN 1992.77 F696 : Forbrydelsen [videorecording] / directed by Birger Larsen ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Forbrydelsen [videorecording] / directed by Birger Larsen ... [et al.]. BJL  DVD 2011
PN 1992.77 F7356    
      The Forsyte saga [videorecording] / directed by David Giles and James Cellan Jones. BJL  DVD c2004
      The Forsyte saga [videorecording]. Series 1 / directed by Christopher Menaul and David Moore. BJL  DVD 2003
      The Forsyte saga [videorecording]. Series 2 / directed by Andy Wilson. BJL  DVD 2003
PN 1992.77 F7735 : Les fourberies de Scapin [videorecording] / de Molière.; BJL     
      Les fourberies de Scapin [videorecording] / de Molière. BJL  DVD c2008
PN 1992.77 F9113    
      Friends [videorecording] : season 1 / directed by James Burrows ... [et al.]. BJL  DVD 2009
      Friends [videorecording] : season 2 / directed by Michael Lembeck ... [et al.]. BJL  DVD 2009
      Friends [videorecording] : season 3 / directed by Gail Mancuso ... [et al.]. BJL  DVD 2009
      Friends [videorecording] : season 4 / directed by Peter Bonerz ... [et al.]. BJL  DVD 2009
6 additional entries    
PN 1992.77 F9115 : Friends & crocodiles [videorecording] / written and directed by Stephen Poliakoff.; BJL     
      Friends & crocodiles [videorecording] / written and directed by Stephen Poliakoff. BJL  DVD 2006
PN 1992.77 G11 : G.B.H. [videorecording] / directed by Robert Young.; BJL     
      G.B.H. [videorecording] / directed by Robert Young. BJL  DVD 2006
PN 1992.77 G197 : Gangsters [videorecording] : the complete series / written by Philip Martin ; produced by David Rose and Barry Hanson; BJL     
      Gangsters [videorecording] : the complete series / written by Philip Martin ; produced by David Rose BJL  DVD 2006
PN 1992.77 G3474 : George Dandin [videorecording] / de Molière.; BJL     
      George Dandin [videorecording] / de Molière. BJL  DVD c2008
PN1992.77.G35 G36 2012 : Game of thrones and philosophy : logic cuts deeper than swords / edited by Henry Jacoby.; BJL     
      Game of thrones and philosophy : logic cuts deeper than swords / edited by Henry Jacoby. BJL  BOOK 2012
PN1992.77.G35 H35 2017 : You win or you die : the ancient world of Game of Thrones / Ayelet Haimson Lushkov.; BJL     
      You win or you die : the ancient world of Game of Thrones / Ayelet Haimson Lushkov. BJL  BOOK 2017
PN 1992.77 G3944 : Get Smart (Television program : 1965-1970); BJL     
      Get Smart [videorecording]. Season 1 / directed by Gary Nelson... [and others] BJL  DVD c2008
PN 1992.77 G3947    
      Getting on [videorecording] : series one / directed by Peter Capaldi. BJL  DVD 2009
      Getting on [videorecording] : series two / directed by Peter Capaldi. BJL  DVD 2010
PN 1992.77 G4275 : Ghostwatch [videorecording] / directed by Lesley Manning; BJL     
      Ghostwatch [videorecording] / directed by Lesley Manning BJL  DVD 2011
PN 1992.77 G453    
      Gideon's daughter [videorecording] / written and directed by Stephen Poliakoff. BJL  DVD 2006
      Gideon's daughter [videorecording] / written and directed by Stephen Poliakoff. BJL  DVD 2007
PN 1992.77 G525 : Girls [videorecording]. the complete first season / directed by Lena Dunham ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Girls [videorecording]. the complete first season / directed by Lena Dunham ... [et al.]. BJL  DVD 2012
PN 1992.77 G652 : The Goodies [videorecording] : the complete LWT series / produced and directed by Bob Spiers.; BJL     
      The Goodies [videorecording] : the complete LWT series / produced and directed by Bob Spiers. BJL  DVD 2007
PN 1992.77 G653 : Goodness gracious me [videorecording] : series 1 & 2.; BJL     
      Goodness gracious me [videorecording] : series 1 & 2. BJL  DVD c2002
PN 1992.77 G679 : Gossip girl [videorecording] : the complete first season / directed by Mark Piznarski, Norman Buckley and others.; BJL     
      Gossip girl [videorecording] : the complete first season / directed by Mark Piznarski, Norman Buckley BJL  DVD 2010
PN 1992.77 H1493 : Haibane-Renmei [videorecording] / directed by Tomokazu Tokoro.; BJL     
      Haibane-Renmei [videorecording] / directed by Tomokazu Tokoro. BJL  DVD c2006
PN 1992.77 H1933 : Halloweentown [videorecording].; BJL     
      Halloweentown [videorecording]. BJL  DVD 2005
PN 1992.77 H223    
      Hamlet [videorecording] / directed by Rodney Bennett. BJL  DVD c2005
      Hamlet [videorecording] / directed by Rodney Bennett. BJL  DVD c2004
      Hamlet [videorecording] / by William Shakespeare ; directed by Gregory Doran. BJL  DVD 2010
PN 1992.77 H2355 : Hancock's half hour [videorecording]. Vol. 3.; BJL     
      Hancock's half hour [videorecording]. Vol. 3. BJL  DVD c2006
PN 1992.77 H245 : Hannibal (Television program). Season 1-3; BJL     
      Hannibal. Season 1-3 / developed for television by Bryan Fuller ; producer, Jennifer Schuur ; produce BJL  DVD 2015
PN 1992.77 H2582 : Hard times [videorecording]/ directed by Peter Barnes.; BJL     
      Hard times [videorecording]/ directed by Peter Barnes. BJL  DVD c2006
PN1992.77.H336 B43 2019 : Becoming : genre, queerness, and transformation in NBC's Hannibal / edited by Kavita Mudan Finn and EJ Nielsen ; with a foreword by Janice Poon.; Online materials     
      Becoming : genre, queerness, and transformation in NBC's Hannibal / edited by Kavita Mudan Finn and E Online materials  EBOOKS 2019
PN 1992.77 H389 : Hawaii Five-0 [videorecording] : first season, discs 1-4 / directed by Paul Wendkos ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Hawaii Five-0 [videorecording] : first season, discs 1-4 / directed by Paul Wendkos ... [et al.]. BJL  DVD c2007
PN 1992.77 H4 A4 : Hazell : the making of a TV series / by M. Alvarado and E. Buscombe.; BJL     
      Hazell : the making of a TV series / by M. Alvarado and E. Buscombe. BJL  BOOK 1978
PN 1992.77 H4743 : Helen of Troy [videorecording] / directed by John Kent Harrison.; BJL     
      Helen of Troy [videorecording] / directed by John Kent Harrison. BJL  DVD c2003
PN 1992.77 H52141 : Henry IV. Part one [videorecording] / directed by David Giles.; BJL     
      Henry IV. Part one [videorecording] / directed by David Giles. BJL  DVD c2005
PN 1992.77 H52142 : Henry IV. Part two [videorecording] / directed by David Giles.; BJL     
      Henry IV. Part two [videorecording] / directed by David Giles. BJL  DVD c2005
PN 1992.77 H5215 : Henry V [videorecording] / directed by David Giles.; BJL     
      Henry V [videorecording] / directed by David Giles. BJL  DVD c2005
PN 1992.77 H52161 : Henry VI. Part one [videorecording] / directed by Jane Howell.; BJL     
      Henry VI. Part one [videorecording] / directed by Jane Howell. BJL  DVD c2005
PN 1992.77 H52162 : Henry VI. Part two [videorecording] / directed by Jane Howell.; BJL     
      Henry VI. Part two [videorecording] / directed by Jane Howell. BJL  DVD c2005
PN 1992.77 H52163 : Henry VI. Part three [videorecording] / directed by Jane Howell.; BJL     
      Henry VI. Part three [videorecording] / directed by Jane Howell. BJL  DVD c2005
PN 1992.77 H5218 : Henry VIII [videorecording] / directed by Kevin Billington.; BJL     
      Henry VIII [videorecording] / directed by Kevin Billington. BJL  DVD c2005
PN 1992.77 H6485 : Hill Street blues [videorecording] : the complete season 1 / directed by Gregory Hoblit ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Hill Street blues [videorecording] : the complete season 1 / directed by Gregory Hoblit ... [et al.]. BJL  DVD 2006
PN 1992.77 H74532 : Henry IV (Television proramme : 2012); BJL     
      Henry IV / by William Shakespeare ; adapted and directed by Richard Eyre BJL  DVD 2012
PN 1992.77 H842    
      House M.D. [videorecording] : season 1 / directed by Greg Yaitanes ... [et al.] BJL  DVD 2007
      House M.D. [videorecording] : season 1 / directed by Greg Yaitanes ... [et al.] BJL  DVD 2005
      House M.D. [videorecording] : season 2 / directed by Greg Yaitanes ... [et al.] BJL  DVD 2007
      House M.D. [videorecording] : season 3 / directed by Greg Yaitanes ... [et al.] BJL  DVD 2007
2 additional entries    
PN 1992.77 I29 : I love Lucy (Television program). Selections; BJL     
      The best of I love Lucy. BJL  DVD 2015
PN 1992.77 I343 : L'impromptu de Versailles [videorecording] / de Molière.; BJL     
      L'impromptu de Versailles [videorecording] / de Molière. BJL  DVD c2008
PN 1992.77 I89 : It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown [videorecording] / produced and directed by Bill Melendez.; BJL     
      It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown [videorecording] / produced and directed by Bill Melendez. BJL  DVD 2000
PN 1992.77 I93 : Ivanhoe [videorecording] / directed by Stuart Orme.; BJL     
      Ivanhoe [videorecording] / directed by Stuart Orme. BJL  DVD c2008
PN 1992.77 J331 : Jane Eyre [videorecording] / directed by Susanna White.; BJL     
      Jane Eyre [videorecording] / directed by Susanna White. BJL  DVD c2007
PN 1992.77 J94 : Julius Caesar [videorecording] / directed by Herbert Wise.; BJL     
      Julius Caesar [videorecording] / directed by Herbert Wise. BJL  DVD 2005
PN 1992.77 K36 : The Kenny Everett video show. Selections; BJL     
      Kenny Everett's naughty bits [videorecording] / produced and directed by David Mallet and Royston May BJL  DVD 2004
PN 1992.77 K535    
      King Lear [videorecording] / directed by Jonathan Miller. BJL  DVD 2005
      King Lear [videorecording] / directed by Trevor Nunn and Chris Hunt. BJL  DVD c2008
      King Lear [videorecording] / directed by Michael Elliott. BJL  DVD c2007
PN 1992.77 L3244 : Lark Rise to Candleford [videorecording]. The complete series one / directed by John Greening, Charles Palmer and Marc Jobst.; BJL     
      Lark Rise to Candleford [videorecording]. The complete series one / directed by John Greening, Charle BJL  DVD c2008
PN 1992.77 L415 B8 : Law and order / Charlotte Brunsdon.; BJL     
      Law and order / Charlotte Brunsdon. BJL  BOOK 2010
PN 1992.77 L5115 : The legend of Robin Hood [videorecording] / directed by Eric Davidson.; BJL     
      The legend of Robin Hood [videorecording] / directed by Eric Davidson. BJL  DVD c2006
PN1992.77.L54 L54 2012eb : Life on Mars : From Manchester to New York / edited by Stephen Lacey and Ruth McElroy.; Online materials     
      Life on Mars : From Manchester to New York / edited by Stephen Lacey and Ruth McElroy. Online materials  EBOOKS 2012
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