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PN2053 .T48 2019 : Directing professionally : a practical guide to developing a successful career in today's theatre / Kent Thompson.; BJL     
      Directing professionally : a practical guide to developing a successful career in today's theatre / K BJL  BOOK 2019
PN 2053 U6 : So you want to be a theatre director?; BJL     
      So you want to be a theatre director? BJL  BOOK 2004
PN 2053 V5 : Modern stage production.; BJL     
      Modern stage production. BJL  BOOK 1923
PN2053 .V6 : Les Voies de la création théâtrale : Etudes de Odette Aslan [et al.] / Réunies et présentées par Jean Jacquot.; BJL     
      Les Voies de la création théâtrale : Etudes de Odette Aslan [et al.] / Réunie BJL  BOOK 1994
PN 2053 V9 : How to run a theatre : a witty, practical, and fun guide to arts management / Jim Volz.; BJL     
      How to run a theatre : a witty, practical, and fun guide to arts management / Jim Volz. BJL  BOOK 2010
PN 2053 W5 : Technical theatre : a practical introduction / Christine A. White.; BJL     
      Technical theatre : a practical introduction / Christine A. White. BJL  BOOK 2001
      Alexander technique for actors [electronic resource] / a practical course / Penny O'Connor. Online materials  EBOOKS 2021
      The Applied Theatre Artist [electronic resource] / Responsivity and Expertise in Practice / Kay Heppl Online materials  EBOOKS 2020
PN 2055 B2 : The theatre : an art and an industry / introductory notes by Sybil Thorndike and C.B. Cochran.; BJL     
      The theatre : an art and an industry / introductory notes by Sybil Thorndike and C.B. Cochran. BJL  BOOK 1924
PN 2055 R9 : Acting : make it your business : avoid mistakes and achieve success as a working actor / by Paul Russell.; BJL     
      Acting : make it your business : avoid mistakes and achieve success as a working actor / by Paul Russ BJL  BOOK 2008
PN 2055 V7 : La prostitution de l'acteur.; BJL     
      La prostitution de l'acteur. BJL  BOOK 1946
PN2058 : And then, you act : making art in an unpredictable world / Anne Bogart.; BJL     
      And then, you act : making art in an unpredictable world / Anne Bogart. BJL  BOOK 2007
PN2058 .C36 2013 : Acting in documentary theatre / Tom Cantrell.; Online materials     
      Acting in documentary theatre / Tom Cantrell. Online materials  EBOOKS 2013
PN2058 .G66 2008 : Stage presence / Jane Goodall.; BJL     
      Stage presence / Jane Goodall. BJL  BOOK 2008
      The actor in you : sixteen simple steps to understand the art of acting / Robert Benedetti. BJL  BOOK 2005
      Michael Chekhov technique in the twenty-first century [electronic resource] / new pathways / edited b Online materials  EBOOKS 2021
      The purpose of playing : modern acting theories in perspective / Robert Gordon. BJL  BOOK c2006
PN 2061 A1    
      Acting (re)considered : a theoretical and practical guide / edited by Phillip B. Zarrilli. BJL  BOOK 2002
      Acting (re)considered : theories and practices / edited by Phillip B. Zarrilli. BJL  BOOK 1995
      The actor's co-ordination [videorecording] / Grzegorz Bral and Anna Zubrzycka. BJL  DVD c2006
PN 2061 A2 : Stella Adler : the art of acting / compiled & edited by Howard Kissel.; BJL     
      Stella Adler : the art of acting / compiled & edited by Howard Kissel. BJL  BOOK c2000
PN 2061 A3 : Different every night : freeing the actor / Mike Alfreds.; BJL     
      Different every night : freeing the actor / Mike Alfreds. BJL  BOOK 2007
PN 2061 A6 : Masks or faces? a study in the psychology of acting.; BJL     
      Masks or faces? a study in the psychology of acting. BJL  BOOK 1888
PN2061 .A665 2013 : Then what happens? : storytelling and adapting for the theatre / Mike Alfreds.; BJL     
      Then what happens? : storytelling and adapting for the theatre / Mike Alfreds. BJL  BOOK 2013
PN 2061 A7 : Théorie de l'art du comédien, ou, Manuel théâtral / par Aristippe.; BJL     
      Théorie de l'art du comédien, ou, Manuel théâtral / par Aristippe. BJL  BOOK 2010
PN 2061 B2    
      About acting : (with a bit of name-dropping and a few golden rules) / [introduction by John Fernald]. BJL  BOOK 1980
      Theatre games : a new approach to drama training. BJL  BOOK 1977
      Theatre games : a new approach to drama training / Clive Barker. BJL  BOOK 2010
PN2061 .B388 2007 : The art of the actor : the essential history of acting, from classical times to the present day / Jean Benedetti.; BJL     
      The art of the actor : the essential history of acting, from classical times to the present day / Jea BJL  BOOK c2007
PN 2061 B4    
      The actor at work. BJL  BOOK 1990
      The art of the actor : the essential history of acting, from classical times to the present day / Jea BJL  BOOK 2005
PN2061 .B44513 2012eb : Toneelspelen in de tegenwoordige tijd. English; Online materials     
      Acting in real time / Paul Binnerts ; translated by Paul Binnerts and Stephen Wangh. Online materials  EBOOKS 2012
PN 2061 B5    
      The actor and the text / Cicely Berry. BJL  BOOK 2000
      The modern actor. BJL  BOOK 1973
      Text in action BJL  BOOK 2001
PN 2061 B6    
      Acting : the first six lessons / Richard Boleslavsky. BJL  BOOK 2003
      Games for actors and non-actors / translated by Adrian Jackson. BJL  BOOK 1991
      Games for actors and non-actors / translated by Adrian Jackson. BJL  BOOK 1992
      Games for actors and non-actors / Augusto Boal ; translated by Adrian Jackson. BJL  BOOK 2002
      The rainbow of desire : the Boal method of theatre and therapy / translated by Adrian Jackson. BJL  BOOK 1995
PN 2061 B7 : Possessions et simulacres : aux sources de la theatralite.; BJL     
      Possessions et simulacres : aux sources de la theatralite. BJL  BOOK 1973
PN 2061 C1 : Actions : the actors' thesaurus / Marina Caldarone and Maggie Lloyd-Williams.; BJL     
      Actions : the actors' thesaurus / Marina Caldarone and Maggie Lloyd-Williams. BJL  BOOK 2004
PN 2061 C5    
      Lessons for the professional actor / Michael Chekhov ; from a collection of notes transcribed and arr BJL  BOOK 1985
      On the technique of acting / by Michael Chekhov ; edited and with an introduction by Mel Gordon. BJL  BOOK c1991
      To the actor. BJL  BOOK 2002
PN 2061 C6 : Actors on acting : the theories, techniques and practices of the great actors as told in their own words / edition by T. Cole and H.K. Chinoy.; BJL     
      Actors on acting : the theories, techniques and practices of the great actors as told in their own wo BJL  BOOK 1970
PN 2061 C7 : The art of the actor / translation with an introduction by E. Fogerty with an interview with Dame Madge Kendal.; BJL     
      The art of the actor / translation with an introduction by E. Fogerty with an interview with Dame Mad BJL  BOOK 1932
PN 2061 C8 : Acting in person and in style / Jerry L. Crawford, Joan Snyder.; BJL     
      Acting in person and in style / Jerry L. Crawford, Joan Snyder. BJL  BOOK 1976
PN 2061 D5 : The student actor's handbook : theatre games and exercises.; BJL     
      The student actor's handbook : theatre games and exercises. BJL  BOOK 1975
PN 2061 D6    
      The actor and the target / Declan Donnellan. BJL  BOOK 2005
      Play-acting : a guide to theatre workshops / Luke Dixon. BJL  BOOK c2003
PN 2061 E4 : Acting characters : 20 essential steps from rehearsal to performance / Paul Elsam.; BJL     
      Acting characters : 20 essential steps from rehearsal to performance / Paul Elsam. BJL  BOOK 2011
PN 2061 E5 : Practical illustrations of rhetorical gesture and action; adapted / by H. Siddons.; BJL     
      Practical illustrations of rhetorical gesture and action; adapted / by H. Siddons. BJL  BOOK 1968
PN 2061 F5 : The art of acting.; BJL     
      The art of acting. BJL  BOOK  
PN 2061 F8 : Respect for acting / [by] Uta Hagen, with Haskel Frankel.; BJL     
      Respect for acting / [by] Uta Hagen, with Haskel Frankel. BJL  BOOK 1973
PN 2061 G8    
      Acting through exercises : a synthesis of classical and contemporary approaches. BJL  BOOK 1992
      Towards a poor theatre / edited by Eugenio Barba. BJL  BOOK 1969
      Towards a poor theatre / edited by Eugenio Barba. BJL  BOOK c1968
PN 2061 G9 : Tyrone Guthrie on acting.; BJL     
      Tyrone Guthrie on acting. BJL  BOOK 1971
PN 2061 H1 : Respect for acting / Uta Hagen with Haskel Frankel.; BJL     
      Respect for acting / Uta Hagen with Haskel Frankel. BJL  BOOK 1973
PN 2061 H2 : Handbook of acting techniques / edited by Arthur Bartow.; BJL     
      Handbook of acting techniques / edited by Arthur Bartow. BJL  BOOK 2008
PN 2061 H4 : Techniques of acting / by Ronald Hayman.; BJL     
      Techniques of acting / by Ronald Hayman. BJL  BOOK 1969
PN 2061 H6 : Performance.; BJL     
      Performance. BJL  BOOK 1987
PN 2061 H8 : The end of acting : a radical view / Richard Hornby.; BJL     
      The end of acting : a radical view / Richard Hornby. BJL  BOOK 1995
PN 2061 J8 : Le comedien desincarne.; BJL     
      Le comedien desincarne. BJL  BOOK 1954
PN 2061 K8 : An actor's craft : the art and technique of acting / David Krasner.; BJL     
      An actor's craft : the art and technique of acting / David Krasner. BJL  BOOK 2012
PN 2061 L6 : Advice to the players.; BJL     
      Advice to the players. BJL  BOOK 1989
PN2061 .L68 2009 : The physical actor : exercises for action and awareness / Annie Loui.; BJL     
      The physical actor : exercises for action and awareness / Annie Loui. BJL  BOOK 2009
PN 2061 L7 : Costume in the drama of Shakespeare and his contemporaries.; BJL     
      Costume in the drama of Shakespeare and his contemporaries. BJL  BOOK  
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