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PR 658 M27 B9 : Magic on the early English stage / Philip Butterworth.; BJL     
      Magic on the early English stage / Philip Butterworth. BJL  BOOK 2005
PR 658 M275 A6 : Manly mechanicals on the early modern English stage / Ronda Arab.; BJL     
      Manly mechanicals on the early modern English stage / Ronda Arab. BJL  BOOK c2011
PR 658 M3 H4 : Writing and reading royal entertainments : from George Gascoigne to Ben Jonson / Gabriel Heaton.; BJL     
      Writing and reading royal entertainments : from George Gascoigne to Ben Jonson / Gabriel Heaton. BJL  BOOK 2010
PR 658 M3 S9 : Masques in Jacobean tragedy.; BJL     
      Masques in Jacobean tragedy. BJL  BOOK 1983
PR 658 M33 B9 : Masters and servants in English renaissance drama and culture : authority and obedience.; BJL     
      Masters and servants in English renaissance drama and culture : authority and obedience. BJL  BOOK 1997
PR 658 M45 S9 : Memory and forgetting in English Renaissance drama : Shakespeare, Marlowe, Webster / Garrett A. Sullivan.; BJL     
      Memory and forgetting in English Renaissance drama : Shakespeare, Marlowe, Webster / Garrett A. Sulli BJL  BOOK 2005
PR658.M68 : Mothers and meaning on the Early Modern English stage.; Online materials     
      Mothers and meaning on the Early Modern English stage. Online materials  EBOOKS 2010
PR 658 M68 D9 : Mothers and meaning on the early modern English stage / Felicity Dunworth.; BJL     
      Mothers and meaning on the early modern English stage / Felicity Dunworth. BJL  BOOK 2010
PR 658 M68 P4 : Performing maternity in early modern England / edited by Kathryn M. Moncrief and Kathryn R. McPherson.; BJL     
      Performing maternity in early modern England / edited by Kathryn M. Moncrief and Kathryn R. McPherson BJL  BOOK c2007
PR 658 M8 F3 : The morality patterned comedy of the Renaissance.; BJL     
      The morality patterned comedy of the Renaissance. BJL  BOOK 1970
PR 658 O3 M4 : Renaissance magic and the return of the Golden Age : the occult tradition and Marlowe, Jonson, and Shakespeare.; BJL     
      Renaissance magic and the return of the Golden Age : the occult tradition and Marlowe, Jonson, and Sh BJL  BOOK 1989
PR 658 O75 P2 : Orthography in Shakespeare and Elizabethan drama : a study of colloquial contractions, elision, prosody and punctuation...; BJL     
      Orthography in Shakespeare and Elizabethan drama : a study of colloquial contractions, elision, proso BJL  BOOK 1964
PR 658 P25 P1 : Pageantry in the Shakespearean theater / edited by D.M. Bergeron.; BJL     
      Pageantry in the Shakespearean theater / edited by D.M. Bergeron. BJL  BOOK 1981
PR 658 P6 Q1 : The disguised ruler in Shakespeare and his contemporaries / Kevin A. Quarmby.; BJL     
      The disguised ruler in Shakespeare and his contemporaries / Kevin A. Quarmby. BJL  BOOK 2012
PR 658 P65 A9 : The queen's two bodies : drama and the Elizabethan succession.; BJL     
      The queen's two bodies : drama and the Elizabethan succession. BJL  BOOK 1977
PR 658 P65 B9 : Tragedies of tyrants : political thought and theater in the English Renaissance / Rebecca W. Bushnell.; BJL     
      Tragedies of tyrants : political thought and theater in the English Renaissance / Rebecca W. Bushnell BJL  BOOK 1990
PR 658 P65 C4 : "The noise of threatening drum" : dramatic strategy and political ideology in Shakespeare and the English chronicle plays.; BJL     
      "The noise of threatening drum" : dramatic strategy and political ideology in Shakespeare and the Eng BJL  BOOK 1990
PR 658 P65 G6 : James I and the politics of literature : Jonson, Shakespeare, Donne and their contemporaries / Jonathan Goldberg.; BJL     
      James I and the politics of literature : Jonson, Shakespeare, Donne and their contemporaries / Jonath BJL  BOOK 1989
PR 658 P65 H7 : Drama and the succession to the crown, 1561-1633 / by Lisa Hopkins.; BJL     
      Drama and the succession to the crown, 1561-1633 / by Lisa Hopkins. BJL  BOOK 2011
PR 658 P67 Y6 : The English prodigal son plays : a theatrical fashion of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries / by Alan R. Young.; BJL     
      The English prodigal son plays : a theatrical fashion of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries / by BJL  BOOK 1982
PR 658 P68 B9 : Prologues to Shakespeare's theatre : performance and liminality in early modern drama / Douglas Bruster and Robert Weimann.; BJL     
      Prologues to Shakespeare's theatre : performance and liminality in early modern drama / Douglas Brust BJL  BOOK 2004
PR 658 P724 S9 : Protestantism and drama in early modern England / Adrian Streete.; BJL     
      Protestantism and drama in early modern England / Adrian Streete. BJL  BOOK 2009
PR 658 R34 B7 : Barbarous play : race on the English Renaissance stage / Lara Bovilsky.; BJL     
      Barbarous play : race on the English Renaissance stage / Lara Bovilsky. BJL  BOOK 2008
PR 658 R4 T5 : The triumph of realism in Elizabethan drama, 1558-1612.; BJL     
      The triumph of realism in Elizabethan drama, 1558-1612. BJL  BOOK 1965
PR658.R43 B7 1984 : Tudor drama and religious controversy.; BJL     
      Tudor drama and religious controversy. BJL  BOOK c1984
PR 658 R43 H3 : Renaissance drama and the English church year.; BJL     
      Renaissance drama and the English church year. BJL  BOOK 1979
PR 658 R43 K6 : Shakespeare's tribe : church, nation, and theater in Renaissance England.; BJL     
      Shakespeare's tribe : church, nation, and theater in Renaissance England. BJL  BOOK 2002
PR 658 R43 S6 : Performance and religion in early modern England : stage, cathedral, wagon, street / Matthew J. Smith.; BJL     
      Performance and religion in early modern England : stage, cathedral, wagon, street / Matthew J. Smith BJL  BOOK 2019
PR658.R43 S65 2019 : Performance and religion in early modern England : stage, cathedral, wagon, street / Matthew J. Smith.; Online materials     
      Performance and religion in early modern England : stage, cathedral, wagon, street / Matthew J. Smith Online materials  EBOOKS 2019
PR 658 R43 W8 : Divinity and state / David Womersley.; BJL     
      Divinity and state / David Womersley. BJL  BOOK 2010
PR 658 R43 Z9 : Shadow and substance : Eucharistic controversy and English drama across the Reformation divide / Jay Zysk.; BJL     
      Shadow and substance : Eucharistic controversy and English drama across the Reformation divide / Jay BJL  BOOK 2017
PR 658 R45 A4 : Jacobean revenge tragedy and the politics of virtue.; BJL     
      Jacobean revenge tragedy and the politics of virtue. BJL  BOOK 1999
PR 658 R45 C5 : Revenge tragedies of the Renaissance / Janet Clare.; BJL     
      Revenge tragedies of the Renaissance / Janet Clare. BJL  BOOK 2006
PR 658 R45 M5 : Hamlet and the acting of revenge.; BJL     
      Hamlet and the acting of revenge. BJL  BOOK 1987
PR 658 R45 R4 : Revenge tragedy / edited by Stevie Simkin.; BJL     
      Revenge tragedy / edited by Stevie Simkin. BJL  BOOK 2001
PR 658 R45 T5 : Three Jacobean revenge tragedies : The revenger's tragedy, Women beware women, The changeling : a casebook / edited by R.V. Holdsworth.; BJL     
      Three Jacobean revenge tragedies : The revenger's tragedy, Women beware women, The changeling : a cas BJL  BOOK 1990
PR 658 R45 W8 : English revenge drama : money, resistance, equality / Linda Woodbridge.; BJL     
      English revenge drama : money, resistance, equality / Linda Woodbridge. BJL  BOOK c2010
PR 658 R65 S7 : Staging early modern romance : prose fiction, dramatic romance, and Shakespeare / edited by Mary Ellen Lamb and Valerie Wayne.; BJL     
      Staging early modern romance : prose fiction, dramatic romance, and Shakespeare / edited by Mary Elle BJL  BOOK 2009
PR 658 S3 S8 : Wars of the theatres : the poetics of personation in the age of Jonson.; BJL     
      Wars of the theatres : the poetics of personation in the age of Jonson. BJL  BOOK 1998
PR 658 S39 H1 : Desire and dramatic form in early modern England / Judith Haber.; BJL     
      Desire and dramatic form in early modern England / Judith Haber. BJL  BOOK 2009
PR 658 S4 B9 : Horrid spectacle : violation in the theater of early modern England.; BJL     
      Horrid spectacle : violation in the theater of early modern England. BJL  BOOK c2003
PR 658 S42 B4 : The subject of tragedy : identity and difference in Renaissance drama.; BJL     
      The subject of tragedy : identity and difference in Renaissance drama. BJL  BOOK 1985
PR 658 S42 E5 : Enacting gender on the English Renaissance stage / edited by Viviana Comensoli & Anne Russell.; BJL     
      Enacting gender on the English Renaissance stage / edited by Viviana Comensoli & Anne Russell. BJL  BOOK c1999
PR 658 S42 E7 : Erotic politics : desire on the English Renaissance stage / edited by Susan Zimmerman.; BJL     
      Erotic politics : desire on the English Renaissance stage / edited by Susan Zimmerman. BJL  BOOK c1992
PR658.S42 .G46 2016 : Gender and song in early modern England / edited by Leslie C. Dunn, Vassar College, USA and Katherine R. Larson, University of Tornto, Canada.; Online materials     
      Gender and song in early modern England / edited by Leslie C. Dunn, Vassar College, USA and Katherine Online materials  EBOOKS 2016
PR 658 S42 L6 : Men in women's clothing : anti-theatricality and effeminization, 1579-1642.; BJL     
      Men in women's clothing : anti-theatricality and effeminization, 1579-1642. BJL  BOOK 1994
PR 658 S46 D5 : Theatre, court and city, 1595-1610 : drama and social space in London.; BJL     
      Theatre, court and city, 1595-1610 : drama and social space in London. BJL  BOOK 2000
PR 658 S46 W5 : Seizures of the will in early modern English drama.; BJL     
      Seizures of the will in early modern English drama. BJL  BOOK 1996
PR 658 S59 D4 : A dictionary of stage directions in English drama, 1580-1642 / Alan C. Dessen and Leslie Thomson.; BJL     
      A dictionary of stage directions in English drama, 1580-1642 / Alan C. Dessen and Leslie Thomson. BJL  BOOK 1999
PR 658 S59 M1 : The voice of Elizabethan stage directions : the evolution of a theatrical code.; BJL     
      The voice of Elizabethan stage directions : the evolution of a theatrical code. BJL  BOOK c1999
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