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PS 338 N4 A1 : Negro playwrights in the American theatre, 1925-1959.; BJL     
      Negro playwrights in the American theatre, 1925-1959. BJL  BOOK 1969
PS 338 N4 C8 : Black drama of the Federal Theatre era : beyond the formal horizons.; BJL     
      Black drama of the Federal Theatre era : beyond the formal horizons. BJL  BOOK 1980
PS338.P6 S28 1992 : Communists, cowboys, and queers : the politics of masculinity in the work of Arthur Miller and Tennessee Williams / David Savran.; BJL     
      Communists, cowboys, and queers : the politics of masculinity in the work of Arthur Miller and Tennes BJL  BOOK c1992
PS 338 P7 M9 : Congressional theatre : dramatizing McCarthyism on stage, film, and television / Brenda Murphy.; BJL     
      Congressional theatre : dramatizing McCarthyism on stage, film, and television / Brenda Murphy. BJL  BOOK 1999
PS 338 P7 R1 : Drama and commitment : politics in the American theatre of the thirties.; BJL     
      Drama and commitment : politics in the American theatre of the thirties. BJL  BOOK 1964
PS 338 R42 M9 : American realism and American drama, 1880-1940.; BJL     
      American realism and American drama, 1880-1940. BJL  BOOK 1987
PS 338 R42 R2 : Realism and the American dramatic tradition / edited by William W. Demastes.; BJL     
      Realism and the American dramatic tradition / edited by William W. Demastes. BJL  BOOK 1996
PS 338 S6 H5 : The small town in American drama.; BJL     
      The small town in American drama. BJL  BOOK 1969
PS338.S63 : Theatre, society, and the nation : staging American identities / S.E. Wilmer.; BJL     
      Theatre, society, and the nation : staging American identities / S.E. Wilmer. BJL  BOOK c2002
PS 338 S63 W7 : Theatre, society and the nation : staging American identities / S.E. Wilmer.; BJL     
      Theatre, society and the nation : staging American identities / S.E. Wilmer. BJL  BOOK 2008
PS338.W6 : Lives in play : autobiography and biography on the feminist stage / Ryan Claycomb.; Online materials     
      Lives in play : autobiography and biography on the feminist stage / Ryan Claycomb. Online materials  EBOOKS c2012
PS 338 W6 B8 : Feminist drama : definition & critical analysis.; BJL     
      Feminist drama : definition & critical analysis. BJL  BOOK 1979
PS 338 W6 M2 : Making a spectacle : feminist essays on contemporary women's theatre / edited and with an introduction by Lynda Hart.; BJL     
      Making a spectacle : feminist essays on contemporary women's theatre / edited and with an introductio BJL  BOOK 1989
PS 338 W6 S3 : The feminist possibilities of dramatic realism.; BJL     
      The feminist possibilities of dramatic realism. BJL  BOOK 1996
PS338.W6 V65 2003 : Voices made flesh : performing women's autobiography / edited by Lynn C. Miller, Jacqueline Taylor, and M. Heather Carver.; BJL     
      Voices made flesh : performing women's autobiography / edited by Lynn C. Miller, Jacqueline Taylor, a BJL  BOOK c2003
PS 338 W67 W4 : Staging the war : American drama and World War II.; BJL     
      Staging the war : American drama and World War II. BJL  BOOK c2004
PS 343 H6 : Yankee theatre : the image of America on the stage 1825-1850.; BJL     
      Yankee theatre : the image of America on the stage 1825-1850. BJL  BOOK 1964
      A companion to twentieth-century American drama / edited by David Krasner. BJL  BOOK 2005
      The playwright's muse / edited by Joan Herrington. BJL  BOOK c2002
PS 350 A5 : American drama / edited by Clive Bloom.; BJL     
      American drama / edited by Clive Bloom. BJL  BOOK 1995
PS 350 B5    
      American drama of the twentieth century. BJL  BOOK 1992
      Modern American drama, 1945-1990. BJL  BOOK 1992
      Modern American drama, 1945-2000. BJL  BOOK 2000
PS 350 C6 : Playwrights in rehearsal : the seduction of company.; BJL     
      Playwrights in rehearsal : the seduction of company. BJL  BOOK 2001
PS 350 R6 : The other American drama.; BJL     
      The other American drama. BJL  BOOK 1994
PS 350 S6 : Contemporary American drama : a study in the plays of Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller and Edward Albee.; BJL     
      Contemporary American drama : a study in the plays of Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller and Edward Al BJL  BOOK 1998
PS 351 A5 : American playwrights, 1880-1945 : a research and production sourcebook / edited by William W. Demastes.; BJL     
      American playwrights, 1880-1945 : a research and production sourcebook / edited by William W. Demaste BJL  BOOK 1995
PS 351 B5    
      Confrontation and commitment : a study of contemporary American drama, 1959-66. BJL  BOOK 1967
      A critical introduction to twentieth-century American drama. BJL  BOOK 1985
      The strands entwined : a new direction in American drama. BJL  BOOK 1980
PS 351 B6 / q : A pictorial history of the American theatre, 1900-1956.; BJL     
      A pictorial history of the American theatre, 1900-1956. BJL  BOOK 1956
PS 351 B8 : American drama: : contemporary allegory from Eugene O'Neill to Tennessee Williams.; BJL     
      American drama: : contemporary allegory from Eugene O'Neill to Tennessee Williams. BJL  BOOK 1962
PS 351 C6.    
      Dialogue in American drama. BJL  BOOK 1971
      New American dramatists 1960-1990. BJL  BOOK 1991
PS 351 D5 : Playwrights of the new American Theater.; BJL     
      Playwrights of the new American Theater. BJL  BOOK 1925
PS 351 D7    
      American drama and its critics : a collection of critical essays. BJL  BOOK 1965
      Fifty years of American drama, 1900-1950. BJL  BOOK 1951
      Recent American drama. BJL  BOOK 1961
PS 351 D8 : American dramatists, 1918-1945, excluding O'Neill.; BJL     
      American dramatists, 1918-1945, excluding O'Neill. BJL  BOOK 1984
PS 351 F8    
      American drama in social context. BJL  BOOK 1971
      American playwrights on drama. BJL  BOOK 1965
PS 351 G1 : Revolution in American drama.; BJL     
      Revolution in American drama. BJL  BOOK 1947
PS 351 G6    
      The death of Tinker Bell : the American theater in the 20th century. BJL  BOOK 1967
      The political stage : American drama and theater of the Great Depression. BJL  BOOK 1974
PS 351 H3 : Modern drama in America and England, 1950-1970 : a guide to information sources.; BJL     
      Modern drama in America and England, 1950-1970 : a guide to information sources. BJL  BOOK 1982
PS 351 H6 : Drama was a weapon : the left-wing theatre in New York, 1929-1941.; BJL     
      Drama was a weapon : the left-wing theatre in New York, 1929-1941. BJL  BOOK 1963
PS 351 H8 : American playwrights, 1945-75.; BJL     
      American playwrights, 1945-75. BJL  BOOK 1976
PS 351 K1 : Expressionismus in Amerika : Rezeption und Innovation.; BJL     
      Expressionismus in Amerika : Rezeption und Innovation. BJL  BOOK 1975
PS 351 K3 : The modern American theater : a collection of critical essays.; BJL     
      The modern American theater : a collection of critical essays. BJL  BOOK 1967
PS 351 K5 : Ten modern American playwrights : an annotated bibliography.; BJL     
      Ten modern American playwrights : an annotated bibliography. BJL  BOOK 1982
PS 351 K9 : The American drama since 1918 : an informal history.; BJL     
      The American drama since 1918 : an informal history. BJL  BOOK 1957
PS 351 M3 : American playwrights : a critical survey.; BJL     
      American playwrights : a critical survey. BJL  BOOK 1981
PS 351 M5 : Discussions of modern American drama.; BJL     
      Discussions of modern American drama. BJL  BOOK 1966
PS 351 N2 : National playwrights directory / edited by P.J. Kaye.; BJL     
      National playwrights directory / edited by P.J. Kaye. BJL  BOOK 1977
PS 351 O3 : Today in American drama.; BJL     
      Today in American drama. BJL  BOOK 1969
PS 351 S6 : The drama of attack : didactic plays of the American depression.; BJL     
      The drama of attack : didactic plays of the American depression. BJL  BOOK 1972
PS 351 T2    
      Elements of German expressions in American drama 1920-1940 : (thesis) submitted in New York Universit BJL  BOOK 1973
      Modern American drama : essays in criticism. BJL  BOOK 1968
PS 351 V1 : Accelerated grimace : expressionism in the American drama of the 1920s.; BJL     
      Accelerated grimace : expressionism in the American drama of the 1920s. BJL  BOOK
PS 351 W3 : Amerikanisches Drama und Theater im 20. Jahrhundert.; BJL     
      Amerikanisches Drama und Theater im 20. Jahrhundert. BJL  BOOK 1974
      American drama 1945-2000 : an introduction / David Krasner. BJL  BOOK 2006
      The playwright's voice : American dramatists on memory, writing, and the politics of culture / David BJL  BOOK 1999
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