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PS 6 L5 : A bibliographical introduction to seventy five modern American authors.; BJL     
      A bibliographical introduction to seventy five modern American authors. BJL  BOOK 1976
PS 6 N7 : Bibliographies in American literature.; BJL     
      Bibliographies in American literature. BJL  BOOK 1970
PS 6 U5 : American literature catalogue.; BJL     
      American literature catalogue. BJL  BOOK 1956
PS 6 W3 / q : American literature and language : a selected and annotated bibliography.; BJL     
      American literature and language : a selected and annotated bibliography. BJL  BOOK 1980
PS 6 W8 : Dissertations in American literature, 1891-1955.; BJL     
      Dissertations in American literature, 1891-1955. BJL  BOOK 1957
PS 15 M8 : American literature and the American imagination.; Departmental Locations     
      American literature and the American imagination. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1964
PS 15 R4 : Revue des langues vivantes = Tijdschrift voor levende talen.; BJL     
      Revue des langues vivantes = Tijdschrift voor levende talen. BJL  BOOK 1976
PS 15 S7 : The houses that James built and other literary studies.; BJL     
      The houses that James built and other literary studies. BJL  BOOK 1961
PS 15 S9 : Studies in American literature : essays in honour of William Mulder.; BJL     
      Studies in American literature : essays in honour of William Mulder. BJL  BOOK 1976
PS 21 A5    
      American authors 1600-1900 : a biographical dictionary of American literature / edited by S.J. Kunitz BJL  BOOK 1938
      American authors, 1600-1900 : a biographical dictionary of American literature. BJL  BOOK 1938
PS 21 B9    
      American authors and books, 1640 to the present / by W. J. Burke and W. D. Howe. BJL  BOOK 1962
      American authors and books, 1640 to the present day. BJL  BOOK 1972
PS 21 C1 : The Cambridge handbook of American literature.; BJL     
      The Cambridge handbook of American literature. BJL  BOOK 1986
PS 21 E5 : Encyclopedia of American literature / Steven R. Serafin, general editor ; Alfred Bendixen, associate editor.; BJL     
      Encyclopedia of American literature / Steven R. Serafin, general editor ; Alfred Bendixen, associate BJL  BOOK 1999
PS 21 H3    
      The Oxford companion to American literature. BJL  BOOK 1965
      The Oxford companion to American literature. BJL  BOOK 1948
      The Oxford companion to American literature. BJL  BOOK 1983
      The Oxford companion to American literature / with revisions and additions by Phillip W. Leininger. BJL  BOOK 1995
PS 21 H5 : The reader's encyclopedia of American literature / by M. J. Herzberg and the staff of the Thomas Y. Crowell Company.; BJL     
      The reader's encyclopedia of American literature / by M. J. Herzberg and the staff of the Thomas Y. C BJL  BOOK 1963
PS 25 R3    
      Reconceptualizing American literary/cultural studies : rhetoric, history, and politics in the humanit BJL  BOOK 1996
      The unusable past : theory and the study of American literature / Russell J. Reising. BJL  BOOK 1986
PS 25 T4 : The new historicism : and other old-fashioned topics.; BJL     
      The new historicism : and other old-fashioned topics. BJL  BOOK 1991
PS 29 G28 A3 : Colored people / Henry Louis Gates.; Departmental Locations     
      Colored people / Henry Louis Gates. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1995
PS 35 U5 / q : Two mementoes from the Poe-Ingram collection : an anniversary keepsake for members of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, 1946-1971.; BJL     
      Two mementoes from the Poe-Ingram collection : an anniversary keepsake for members of the Bibliograph BJL  BOOK 1971
PS 41 N2 : The teacher and American literature : papers presented at the 1964 Convention.; BJL     
      The teacher and American literature : papers presented at the 1964 Convention. BJL  BOOK 1965
PS 41 R3 : Reconstructing American literature : courses, syllabi, issues.; BJL     
      Reconstructing American literature : courses, syllabi, issues. BJL  BOOK 1983
PS41 .T43 2015 : Teaching tainted lit : popular american fiction in today's classroom / edited by Janet G. Casey.; Online materials     
      Teaching tainted lit : popular american fiction in today's classroom / edited by Janet G. Casey. Online materials  EBOOKS 2015
PS 58 B8 : The achievement of American criticism : representative selections from three hundred years of American criticism / edited selected by C. A. Brown, with a forward by H. H. Clark.; BJL     
      The achievement of American criticism : representative selections from three hundred years of America BJL  BOOK 1954
PS 58 R1 : Literature in America : an anthology of literary criticism / selected and introduced by P. Rahv.; BJL     
      Literature in America : an anthology of literary criticism / selected and introduced by P. Rahv. BJL  BOOK 1957
PS 58 V2    
      Literary criticism in America / edited with an introd by A. D. Van Nostrand. BJL  BOOK 1957
      Literary criticism in America / edited by A. D. Van Nostrand. BJL  BOOK 1957
PS 58 W7    
      The shock of recognition : the development of literature in the United States. BJL  BOOK 1965
      The shock of recognition : the development of literature in the United States. BJL  BOOK 1955
      The shock of recognition : the development of literature in the United States. BJL  BOOK 1956
PS 62 C9 / q : Critical Theory in the American Renaissance / edited by D. Abel.; BJL     
      Critical Theory in the American Renaissance / edited by D. Abel. BJL  BOOK 1969
PS 62 D3 : Literary criticism in America : a preliminary survey.; BJL     
      Literary criticism in America : a preliminary survey. BJL  BOOK 1967
PS 62 F6 : American criticism : a study in literary theory from Poe to the present.; BJL     
      American criticism : a study in literary theory from Poe to the present. BJL  BOOK 1928
PS 62 P9 : Criticism in America : an account of the development of critical techniques.; BJL     
      Criticism in America : an account of the development of critical techniques. BJL  BOOK 1956
PS 62 S8 : The development of American literary criticism.; BJL     
      The development of American literary criticism. BJL  BOOK 1955
PS 65 C46 C3 : Censored books : critical viewpoints / edited by Nicholas J. Karolides, Lee Burress, John M. Kean.; BJL     
      Censored books : critical viewpoints / edited by Nicholas J. Karolides, Lee Burress, John M. Kean. BJL  BOOK 1993
PS 71 G9 : The American colonial mind and the classical tradition : essays in comparative culture.; BJL     
      The American colonial mind and the classical tradition : essays in comparative culture. BJL  BOOK 1963
PS 74 C4 : The origins of American critical thought, 1810-1835.; BJL     
      The origins of American critical thought, 1810-1835. BJL  BOOK 1968
PS 78 B7 : Destructive poetics : Heidegger and modern American poetry.; BJL     
      Destructive poetics : Heidegger and modern American poetry. BJL  BOOK 1980
PS 78 D5 : Double agent : the critic and society.; BJL     
      Double agent : the critic and society. BJL  BOOK 1992
PS 78 O1    
      An age of Criticism, 1900-1950. BJL  BOOK 1952
      Seven modern American novelists : an introduction / edited by W. Van O'Connor. BJL  BOOK 1959
PS 78 P7 : Doings and undoings : the fifties and after in American writing.; BJL     
      Doings and undoings : the fifties and after in American writing. BJL  BOOK 1964
PS 78 W5 : Flesh of stell : literature and the machine in American culture.; BJL     
      Flesh of stell : literature and the machine in American culture. BJL  BOOK 1967
PS 78 Z1 : Literary opinion in America : essays illustrating the status, methods and problems of criticism in the United States.; BJL     
      Literary opinion in America : essays illustrating the status, methods and problems of criticism in th BJL  BOOK 1951
PS 79 B3    
      American critical essays : twentieth century / selected with an introd by Harold Beaver. BJL  BOOK 1959
      American critical essays : twentieth century / selected, with an introduction by H. Beaver. BJL  BOOK 1959
PS 79 C8 : Critics and criticism ancient and modern / edited with an introd by R. S. Crane.; BJL     
      Critics and criticism ancient and modern / edited with an introd by R. S. Crane. BJL  BOOK 1952
PS 79 C9 : Criticism in America : its function and status / essays by I. Babbitt and others.; BJL     
      Criticism in America : its function and status / essays by I. Babbitt and others. BJL  BOOK 1924
PS 79 H8 : Celebrations and attacks : thirty years of literary and cultural commentary.; BJL     
      Celebrations and attacks : thirty years of literary and cultural commentary. BJL  BOOK 1979
PS 79 N9    
      A library of literary criticism : modern American literature / compiled and edited by Dorothy Nyren. BJL  BOOK 1961
      A library of literary criticism : modern American literature / compiled and edited by D. Nyren. BJL  BOOK 1964
PS 79 S1 : On not being good enough : writings of a working critic.; BJL     
      On not being good enough : writings of a working critic. BJL  BOOK 1979
PS 85 B6 : American literature as an expression of the national mind.; BJL     
      American literature as an expression of the national mind. BJL  BOOK 1934
PS 85 B8 / q : Our literary heritage, a pictorial history of the writer in America / by V.W. Brooks and O.T. Bettmann.; BJL     
      Our literary heritage, a pictorial history of the writer in America / by V.W. Brooks and O.T. Bettman BJL  BOOK 1956
PS 85 C9 : The literature of the United States.; BJL     
      The literature of the United States. BJL  BOOK 1961
PS 85 H6 : A history of American literature / edited by W.P. Trent.; BJL     
      A history of American literature / edited by W.P. Trent. BJL  BOOK 1921
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