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QH 91 F4 : Basic marine biology.; Departmental Locations     
      Basic marine biology. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1984
QH 91 F5 : The biology of the sea-shore / by F.W. Flatteley and C.L. Walton.; BJL     
      The biology of the sea-shore / by F.W. Flatteley and C.L. Walton. BJL  BOOK 1922
QH 91 F7 : Science of the sea, an elementary handbook of practical oceanography / edited for the Challenger Society by G. Herbert Fowler.; BJL     
      Science of the sea, an elementary handbook of practical oceanography / edited for the Challenger Soci BJL  BOOK 1928
QH 91 G7 / q : Marine biodiversity : patterns, threats and conservation needs.; BJL     
      Marine biodiversity : patterns, threats and conservation needs. BJL  BOOK 1997
QH 91 H2 : The open sea : its natural history / Alistair C. Hardy.; BJL     
      The open sea : its natural history / Alistair C. Hardy. BJL  BOOK 1956-
QH 91 H5 : The biology of the deep ocean / Peter Herring.; BJL     
      The biology of the deep ocean / Peter Herring. BJL  BOOK 2001
QH 91 H9 / q : Case studies in marine biology.; BJL     
      Case studies in marine biology. BJL  BOOK 1996
QH 91 J7    
      Conditions of life in the sea. BJL  BOOK  
      Life in the sea. BJL  BOOK 1930
QH 91 K1 / q : Introduction to marine biology.; BJL     
      Introduction to marine biology. BJL  BOOK 1998
QH 91 L1 : Biological oceanography : an introduction / Carol M. Lalli and Timothy R. Parsons.; BJL     
      Biological oceanography : an introduction / Carol M. Lalli and Timothy R. Parsons. BJL  BOOK 1997
QH91 .L427 : Marine biology : function, biodiversity, ecology / Jeffrey S. Levinton, Stony Brook University.; BJL     
      Marine biology : function, biodiversity, ecology / Jeffrey S. Levinton, Stony Brook University. BJL  BOOK 2017
QH 91 L6 / q : Marine biology : function, biodiversity, ecology / Jeffrey S. Levinton.; BJL     
      Marine biology : function, biodiversity, ecology / Jeffrey S. Levinton. BJL  BOOK 2009
QH 91 M3    
      Experimental marine biology / edited by R.N. Mariscal. BJL  BOOK 1974
      Marine pollution : functional responses : proceedings of the Symposium Pollution and Physiology of Ma BJL  BOOK 1979
QH 91 M34    
      Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. BJL, Departmental Locations   PERIODICAL  
      Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. BJL, Departmental Locations   PERIODICAL  
      Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. BJL, Departmental Locations   PERIODICAL  
      Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. BJL, Departmental Locations   PERIODICAL  
28 additional entries    
QH 91 M34 R4 / q : Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom : annual report.; BJL     
      Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom : annual report. BJL  PERIODICAL  
QH 91 N2 / q : Contaminants in marine top predators : a report to the Marine Pollution Management Group of the Department of the Environment, June, 1982.; BJL     
      Contaminants in marine top predators : a report to the Marine Pollution Management Group of the Depar BJL  BOOK 1983
QH 91 N5 : Life by the seashore : an introduction to natural history.; BJL     
      Life by the seashore : an introduction to natural history. BJL  BOOK 1931
QH 91 N9    
      Marine biology : an ecological approach / James W. Nybakken. BJL  BOOK 1997
      Marine biology : an ecological approach / James W. Nybakken, Mark Bertness. BJL  BOOK c2005
QH 91 O61 S9(1) : Relationship and exchange between the pelagic and benthic biota : proceedings of the 6th Symposium of the Baltic Marine Biologists.; BJL     
      Relationship and exchange between the pelagic and benthic biota : proceedings of the 6th Symposium of BJL  BOOK 1980
QH 91 O7 : The fertile sea : being the Buckland lectures for 1957 / by A.P. Orr and S.M. Marshall.; BJL     
      The fertile sea : being the Buckland lectures for 1957 / by A.P. Orr and S.M. Marshall. BJL  BOOK 1969
QH 91 P5 : Physiological responses of marine biota to pollutants : proceedings of a symposium.; BJL     
      Physiological responses of marine biota to pollutants : proceedings of a symposium. BJL  BOOK 1977
QH 91 P7 : Pollution and physiology of marine organisms / ed. by F.J. Vernberg and W.B. Vernberg.; BJL     
      Pollution and physiology of marine organisms / ed. by F.J. Vernberg and W.B. Vernberg. BJL  BOOK 1974
QH 91 R6 : The sea-side companion, or, Marine natural history / with illustration woodcuts by Baxter.; BJL     
      The sea-side companion, or, Marine natural history / with illustration woodcuts by Baxter. BJL  BOOK 1835
QH 91 R9 : The seas : our knowledge of life in the sea and how it is gained / by F.S. Russell and C.M. Yonge.; BJL, Departmental Locations      
      The seas : our knowledge of life in the sea and how it is gained / by F.S. Russell and C.M. Yonge. BJL, Departmental Locations   BOOK 1928
QH 91 S38 A6 / q : Annual report/ Scottish Marine Biological Association.; BJL     
      Annual report/ Scottish Marine Biological Association. BJL  PERIODICAL 1990
QH 91 S4 : Sealife : a complete guide to the marine environment / edited by Geoffrey Waller ; principal contributors Michael Burchett and Marc Dando ; illustrated by Marc Dando and Richard Hull.; BJL     
      Sealife : a complete guide to the marine environment / edited by Geoffrey Waller ; principal contribu BJL  BOOK 1996
QH 91 S4 C7 : Contributions/ Scripps Institution of Oceanography.; BJL     
      Contributions/ Scripps Institution of Oceanography. BJL  PERIODICAL  
QH 91 S8 : Seashore life and pattern.; BJL     
      Seashore life and pattern. BJL  BOOK 1944
QH 91 S9    
      An introduction to the biology of marine life / James L Sumich ; contributing authors, Sneed Collard BJL  BOOK 1999
      Physiological mechanisms of marine pollutant toxicity : proceedings of a Symposium ... held at the Un BJL  BOOK 1982
QH 91 T5 : The living ocean : understanding and protecting marine biodiversity / Boyce Thorne-Miller ; foreword by Sylvia Earle.; BJL     
      The living ocean : understanding and protecting marine biodiversity / Boyce Thorne-Miller ; foreword BJL  BOOK 1999
QH 91.15 A5 / q : The family water naturalist / H. Angel, P. Wolseley.; BJL     
      The family water naturalist / H. Angel, P. Wolseley. BJL  BOOK 1982
QH 91.15 B6 : Blue planet (Television program); BJL     
      The blue planet [videorecording] : a natural history of the oceans / a BBC/Discovery Channel co-produ BJL  DVD c2005
QH 91.15 H1 : Was lebt im Meer? English; BJL     
      The young specialist looks at marine life / Werner de Haas and Fredy Knorr; translated by Heather J. BJL  BOOK 1966
QH 91.15 M3 : Ocean life in colour / Norman B. Marshall ; illustrated by Olga Marshall.; BJL     
      Ocean life in colour / Norman B. Marshall ; illustrated by Olga Marshall. BJL  BOOK 1971
QH 91.16 S4 / q : Sea life / editor Sarah Miller.; Education Resources     
      Sea life / editor Sarah Miller. Education Resources  BOOK 1992
QH 91.3 M67 M8 : Listening to whales : what the orcas have taught us.; BJL     
      Listening to whales : what the orcas have taught us. BJL  BOOK 2002
QH 91.5 L4 : Marine life of coastal waters, Western Europe.; BJL     
      Marine life of coastal waters, Western Europe. BJL  BOOK 1957
QH 91.5 L6 : Sea-side studies of Ilfracombe, Tenby, the Scilly Isles, and Jersey.; BJL     
      Sea-side studies of Ilfracombe, Tenby, the Scilly Isles, and Jersey. BJL  BOOK 1860
QH 91.5 S8 : The sea coast.; BJL     
      The sea coast. BJL  BOOK 1953
QH 91.5 S9 : Between the tides.; BJL     
      Between the tides. BJL  BOOK 1952
QH 91.57 A1 K2 / q : Guidelines for establishing marine protected areas / Graeme Kelleher and Richard Kenchington.; BJL     
      Guidelines for establishing marine protected areas / Graeme Kelleher and Richard Kenchington. BJL  BOOK 1992
QH 91.57 A1 M3 : Marine biodiversity : patterns and processes / edited by Rupert F.G. Ormond, John D. Gage and Martin V. Angel.; BJL     
      Marine biodiversity : patterns and processes / edited by Rupert F.G. Ormond, John D. Gage and Martin BJL  BOOK 1997
QH 91.57 A1 M7    
      Monitoring life in the ocean : report of working group 29. BJL  BOOK 1973
      Monitoring the marine environment : proceedings of a symposium / ed. byD. Nichols. BJL  BOOK 1979
QH 91.57 A1 S3 : Research methods in marine biology / ed. by C. Schlieper.; BJL     
      Research methods in marine biology / ed. by C. Schlieper. BJL  BOOK 1972
QH 91.57 B5 H5 / q : Emerging technologies in biological sampling.; BJL     
      Emerging technologies in biological sampling. BJL  BOOK 1993
QH 91.57 D7 M5 : Methods for the study of marine benthos / edited by Anastasios Eleftheriou and Alasdair McIntyre.; BJL     
      Methods for the study of marine benthos / edited by Anastasios Eleftheriou and Alasdair McIntyre. BJL  BOOK 2005
QH 91.57 P5 L8 / q : Determination of chlorophyll in seawater : report.; BJL     
      Determination of chlorophyll in seawater : report. BJL  BOOK 1980
QH 91.57 S75 H7 / q : Report on some statistical aspects of marine biological sampling, based on a UNESCO-sponsored training course.; BJL     
      Report on some statistical aspects of marine biological sampling, based on a UNESCO-sponsored trainin BJL  BOOK 1979
QH 91.6 R8 : Guide to the marine stations of the North Atlantic and European waters / compiled by J.E. Webb.; BJL     
      Guide to the marine stations of the North Atlantic and European waters / compiled by J.E. Webb. BJL  BOOK 1974
QH 91.65 U5 M6 : University of Miami Marine Laboratory : fisheries, oceanography, marine biology.; BJL     
      University of Miami Marine Laboratory : fisheries, oceanography, marine biology. BJL  BOOK 1954
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