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T/H 1994 M.Sc. S8 : Eating for two? : the effects of pregnancy on eating attitudes and behaviour in a community sample.; BJL     
      Eating for two? : the effects of pregnancy on eating attitudes and behaviour in a community sample. BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 M.Sc. S9 : An assessment of the usefulness of a respiratory symptoms questionnaire as an aid to diagnosing asthma in older people.; BJL     
      An assessment of the usefulness of a respiratory symptoms questionnaire as an aid to diagnosing asthm BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 M.Sc. T1 : A study of brackish water aquaculture pond (Tambak) development in Indonesia and its development management plan.; BJL     
      A study of brackish water aquaculture pond (Tambak) development in Indonesia and its development mana BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 M.Sc. T3 : The sexually abused child victim within the criminal justice system : a comparison of England and Germany.; BJL     
      The sexually abused child victim within the criminal justice system : a comparison of England and Ger BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 M.Sc. T6    
      The link between domestic violence and child abuse. BJL  THESIS 1994
      Think global act local : the media's role in advancing the environmental cause. BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 M.Sc. T9 : Evaluation of sex education groups for people with a learning disability : implications for the provision and delivery of sexuality-related services.; BJL     
      Evaluation of sex education groups for people with a learning disability : implications for the provi BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 M.Sc. V5 : A study of single braided coaxial cables.; BJL     
      A study of single braided coaxial cables. BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 M.Sc. W1 : Design and development of a low cost spectrum analyser.; BJL     
      Design and development of a low cost spectrum analyser. BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 M.Sc. W3 : The reasons for the non-response of a sample of people aged ovr seventy five to an invitation for a health check by the doctors in a general practice in a small market town.; BJL     
      The reasons for the non-response of a sample of people aged ovr seventy five to an invitation for a h BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 M.Sc. W5 : Alcohol use and depression : is there a significant incidence in elderly, orthopaedic patients?; BJL     
      Alcohol use and depression : is there a significant incidence in elderly, orthopaedic patients? BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 M.Sc. W6 : An evaluation of the work experience programme in a special school.; BJL     
      An evaluation of the work experience programme in a special school. BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 M.Sc. W7    
      Deskilling or reskilling nurses : a study of the implementation of health care assistants to support BJL  THESIS 1994
      The development of a database system for the Hull University head leasing scheme. BJL  THESIS 1994
      An evaluation of the changing role of the ward based G grade charge nurse. BJL  THESIS 1994
      Problems experienced in a differential global positioning system. BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. A1 : Student, teacher and home variables associated with students' attitudes to and achievement in science in the third year of intermediate schools of Southwestern Saudi Arabia.; BJL     
      Student, teacher and home variables associated with students' attitudes to and achievement in science BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. A2 : Macroeconomic adjustment in open economies and labour mobility.; BJL     
      Macroeconomic adjustment in open economies and labour mobility. BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. A3    
      Adolescents in Makkah : a study of creative thinking in relation to certain variables. BJL  THESIS 1994
      Asymptotics for solutions of the Schrodinger Equation. BJL  THESIS 1994
      Factors influencing advancement of technical education and vocational training and their impact on ec BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. A4 : The British aircraft industry post-1989 : threats and opportunities on the institutional merry-go-round.; BJL     
      The British aircraft industry post-1989 : threats and opportunities on the institutional merry-go-rou BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. A7 : Application of artificial intelligence techniques to probeless fault diagnosis of printed circuit boards / Tughrul Sati Arslan.; BJL, Online materials      
      Application of artificial intelligence techniques to probeless fault diagnosis of printed circuit boa BJL, Online materials   THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. A8    
      Alluvial sediments of the Humber Estuary : geochemical composition and pedogenesis. BJL  THESIS 1994
      Prediction of initial involvement of first grade Greek school children in an out-of-school, organized BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. B1 : The contribution of accounting information to investor decisions in the Saudi stock market.; BJL     
      The contribution of accounting information to investor decisions in the Saudi stock market. BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. B2 : Private property, public access : a critique of the legal framework governing the enforcement and exercise of public rights of access to land.; BJL     
      Private property, public access : a critique of the legal framework governing the enforcement and exe BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. B3    
      Molecular recognition by novel macrocyclic compounds. BJL  THESIS 1994
      The synthesis and evaluation of poly- and mono-domain elastomers based on polysiloxanes. BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. B4 : An exploration of the philosophy and interrelations between personal, social, moral and religious education in state primary schools and the implications of recent educational reforms on their position, philosophies and methodologies.; BJL     
      An exploration of the philosophy and interrelations between personal, social, moral and religious edu BJL  THESIS 1995
T/H 1994 Ph.D. B7 : A role for ATP : citrate lyase in higher plants.; BJL     
      A role for ATP : citrate lyase in higher plants. BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D C4 : Extracellular enzyme activity in freshwaters.; BJL     
      Extracellular enzyme activity in freshwaters. BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. C5 : Fluorinated toland and dioxane liquid crystals for ferroelectric display applications.; BJL     
      Fluorinated toland and dioxane liquid crystals for ferroelectric display applications. BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. C7    
      The elected European parliament and its impact on the process of European integration / Richard Graha BJL  THESIS 1994
      Token or full member of the team? : an examination of the utilization and status of women in combat a BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. C8 : Responses to the human condition in the prose fiction of Jean Genet.; BJL     
      Responses to the human condition in the prose fiction of Jean Genet. BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. D2    
      Gender relations and networks in a West Sumatran Minangkabau village. BJL  THESIS 1994
      An investigation into the effect of process parameters on carbon film physical properties produced by BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. D4 : Valine catabolism and higher alcohol formation in chemostat-grown yeasts.; BJL     
      Valine catabolism and higher alcohol formation in chemostat-grown yeasts. BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. D6 : The synthesis of fractal terrain and its application to flight and space simulation.; BJL     
      The synthesis of fractal terrain and its application to flight and space simulation. BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. D7    
      Promoting the quality of life of elderly people in nursing home care : a hermeneutical approach. BJL  THESIS 1994
      Towards extracting artistic sketches and maps from digital elevation models. BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. D8 : Development of ZnTe and Zn1-xMn1-xTe epilayers for quantum well structures.; BJL     
      Development of ZnTe and Zn1-xMn1-xTe epilayers for quantum well structures. BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. E5 : Married to the state : mothering on welfare : survival strategies of single mothers in a UK public housing estate.; BJL     
      Married to the state : mothering on welfare : survival strategies of single mothers in a UK public ho BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. E7 : The hypersensitive response in leaves of potato (Solanum Tuberosum L.) to avirulent races of Phytophthora Infestans (Mont.) de Bary.; BJL     
      The hypersensitive response in leaves of potato (Solanum Tuberosum L.) to avirulent races of Phytopht BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. E9 : Sea trout (Salmo Trutta L.) : studies of the River Twyi, South Wales.; BJL     
      Sea trout (Salmo Trutta L.) : studies of the River Twyi, South Wales. BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. F1 : Code design and analysis for multiple access communications.; BJL     
      Code design and analysis for multiple access communications. BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. F2    
      Excimer laser ablation characterisation for superconducting thin film applications. BJL  THESIS 1994
      Formative influences on the evolution of international law : a case study of territorial waters (1550 BJL  THESIS 1995
T/H 1994 Ph.D. F4 : Design and operation of a compact gas flow system for a high power excimer laser.; BJL     
      Design and operation of a compact gas flow system for a high power excimer laser. BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. F7 : Long-chain alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenase activities in Acinetobacter Calcoaceticus strain HO1-N.; BJL     
      Long-chain alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenase activities in Acinetobacter Calcoaceticus strain HO1-N. BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. F8 : Sample introduction into ICP-MS systems.; BJL     
      Sample introduction into ICP-MS systems. BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. G2 : The subjective/objective dichotomy in personal identity : the necessity of embodiment.; BJL     
      The subjective/objective dichotomy in personal identity : the necessity of embodiment. BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. G6    
      Finite geometry and computer algebra, with applications. BJL  THESIS 1994
      The socialisation of gendered fear among 11-16 year olds : a case study in a northern English school. BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. G8    
      The modelling of fabric behaviour for automated handling. BJL  THESIS 1994
      Organisational evaluation : a complementarist approach / Amanda Jayne Gregory. BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. H1 : Dynamic error recovery in an autonomous assembly workcell.; BJL     
      Dynamic error recovery in an autonomous assembly workcell. BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. H3    
      The reform of the economies of developing countries under the influence of international financial in BJL  THESIS 1994
      The role of religion and literary art in the development of Wittgenstein's philosophical thought. BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. H4 : Simulation studies of interconnected token rings employing IEEE 802.2 LLC protocol.; BJL     
      Simulation studies of interconnected token rings employing IEEE 802.2 LLC protocol. BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. H7 : Sulphones in the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds.; BJL     
      Sulphones in the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds. BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. I7    
      Electrochemically modified chemiluminescence detection. BJL  THESIS 1994
      Theory and practice of supplier development for small and medium sized enterprises. BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. J6    
      Comparative educational policies under two military governments : the case of Argentina (1976-1983) a BJL  THESIS 1994
      The development of welfare programmes : the cases of the Republic of Korea and Taiwan. BJL  THESIS 1994
T/H 1994 Ph.D. K4 : An adaptive data compression system for environmental telemetry applications.; BJL     
      An adaptive data compression system for environmental telemetry applications. BJL  THESIS 1994
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