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T/H 2000 Ph.D. L8    
      Computer simulation techniques of pseudopotential theory and molecular dynamics. BJL  THESIS 2000
      The constitutional position of the British Civil Service : an assessment of the impact of manageriali BJL  THESIS 2000
      Musical improvisation as the place where being speaks : Heidegger, language and sources of Christian BJL  THESIS 2000
T/H 2000 Ph.D. L9 : Preparation, type and stability of emulsions stabilised by solid particles.; BJL     
      Preparation, type and stability of emulsions stabilised by solid particles. BJL  THESIS 2000
T/H 2000 Ph.D. M2    
      Impact of the contemporary manufacturing environment on cost accounting information systems "an Egypt BJL  THESIS 2000
      One country, two systems : the use by the People's Republic of China of United Front work in the 1978 BJL  THESIS 2000
T/H 2000 Ph.D. M4 : Knowledge-based expert support in an assembly-oriented CAD environment.; BJL     
      Knowledge-based expert support in an assembly-oriented CAD environment. BJL  THESIS 2000
T/H 2000 Ph.D. M5    
      Leather inspection and characterization using non-destructive techniques. BJL  THESIS 2000
      Politics in Trinidad and Tobago, 1956-2000 : toward an understanding of politics in a "Half-made Soci BJL  THESIS 2000
T/H 2000 Ph.D. N4 : An investigation of chemiluminescent miniaturised analytical systems.; BJL     
      An investigation of chemiluminescent miniaturised analytical systems. BJL  THESIS 2000
T/H 2000 Ph.D. N6    
      Process and property effects in hybrid/duplex plasma treatments using vacuum deposition and electroly BJL  THESIS 2000
      Surfactant properties in oil solvents. BJL  THESIS 2000
T/H 2000 Ph.D. O3 : A practical evaluation of the analysis of credit and the legal processes of corporate recovery.; BJL     
      A practical evaluation of the analysis of credit and the legal processes of corporate recovery. BJL  THESIS 2001
T/H 2000 Ph.D. O8 : Symmetric submanifolds in symmetric spaces.; BJL     
      Symmetric submanifolds in symmetric spaces. BJL  THESIS 2000
T/H 2000 Ph.D. P1 : The threshold rotational characterization of electrorheological fluids with particular reference to liquid crystalline based materials.; BJL     
      The threshold rotational characterization of electrorheological fluids with particular reference to l BJL  THESIS 2000
T/H 2000 Ph.D. P2    
      Antiferroelectric liquid crystals : hosts and binary mixtures. BJL  THESIS 2000
      An investigation of the mechanical performance of diamond coated materials by finite element analysis BJL  THESIS 2000
T/H 2000 Ph.D. P3    
      The accession of the Republic of Cyprus to the European Union : constitutional problems and complexit BJL  THESIS 2000
      Developing the quality of personal and social education-related transition to to adulthood courses fo BJL  THESIS 2000
T/H 2000 Ph.D. P4 : Micro-flow injection analysis for environmental studies.; BJL     
      Micro-flow injection analysis for environmental studies. BJL  THESIS 2000
T/H 2000 Ph.D. Q1 : Bayesian multivariate time series models for forecasting European macroeconomic series.; BJL     
      Bayesian multivariate time series models for forecasting European macroeconomic series. BJL  THESIS 2000
T/H 2000 Ph.D. R3    
      Molecular genetic analysis of contemporary populations and resting egg banks of Daphnia. BJL  THESIS 2000
      The tool : workpiece interaction when machining welded hardfacing using PCBN tools / Xuejun Ren. BJL  THESIS 2000
T/H 2000 Ph.D. R6 : Changing institutions in an evolving political system : committees in Mexico's Chamber of Deputies (1988-1999).; BJL     
      Changing institutions in an evolving political system : committees in Mexico's Chamber of Deputies (1 BJL  THESIS 2000
T/H 2000 Ph.D. S1 : UNTEA and UNRWI : United Nations involvement in West New Guinea during the 1960's.; BJL     
      UNTEA and UNRWI : United Nations involvement in West New Guinea during the 1960's. BJL  THESIS 2000
T/H 2000 Ph.D. S4 : To the brink of empire : Rusk, Kissinger and the transformation of American foreign policy / Lawrence William Serewicz.; BJL     
      To the brink of empire : Rusk, Kissinger and the transformation of American foreign policy / Lawrence BJL  THESIS 2000
T/H 2000 Ph.D. S5 : The specifications and role of a virtual environment system for knee arthroscopy training.; BJL     
      The specifications and role of a virtual environment system for knee arthroscopy training. BJL  THESIS 2000
T/H 2000 Ph.D. S6    
      Childhood embodiment : an ethnography of SEN provision / Brenda Margaret Simpson. BJL  THESIS 2000
      An investigation of synthetic and cominatorial reactions in miniaturised devices. BJL  THESIS 2000
      A sense of freedom : a study of Virginia Woolf's short fiction. BJL  THESIS 2000
      Studies on the role of malic enzyme in lip accumulation in mucor circinelloides. BJL  THESIS 2000
      Topics in the geometry and physics of galilei invariant quantum and classical dynamics. BJL  THESIS 2000
T/H 2000 Ph.D. S7 : Educational technology : towards an understanding of effective technologies, with particular reference to literacy.; BJL     
      Educational technology : towards an understanding of effective technologies, with particular referenc BJL  THESIS 2000
T/H 2000 Ph.D. S8 : A study of the evolution of cardiac rehabilitation in the United Kingdom, from the 1940s to the 1990s.; BJL     
      A study of the evolution of cardiac rehabilitation in the United Kingdom, from the 1940s to the 1990s BJL  THESIS 2000
T/H 2000 Ph.D. T1    
      Culture in the public domain and the challenge of multiculturalism : a critical examination of Taylor BJL  THESIS 2000
      Is there a conflict between liberty and social welfare? : an historical perspective on Sen's "Impossi BJL  THESIS 2000
T/H 2000 Ph.D. T2 : Lifeworld perspective transformations in student nurses during the period of a three year nursing course.; BJL     
      Lifeworld perspective transformations in student nurses during the period of a three year nursing cou BJL  THESIS 2000
T/H 2000 Ph.D. W2 : Optical and ion beam studies of excimer laser irradiated hexagonal silicon carbide / Christopher Derek Walton.; BJL     
      Optical and ion beam studies of excimer laser irradiated hexagonal silicon carbide / Christopher Dere BJL  THESIS 2000
T/H 2000 Ph.D. W3 : Primary schools at the crossroads : a study of primary schools abilities to implement educational change, with a particular focus on small primary schools.; BJL     
      Primary schools at the crossroads : a study of primary schools abilities to implement educational cha BJL  THESIS 2000
T/H 2000 Ph.D. Z6 : An analysis of the characteristics of the production technology in Zimbabwe's engineering industry.; BJL     
      An analysis of the characteristics of the production technology in Zimbabwe's engineering industry. BJL  THESIS 2000
T/H 2000 Psy.D. E4 : The client, counsellor and organisational components of an external workplace counselling service : an evaluation.; BJL     
      The client, counsellor and organisational components of an external workplace counselling service : a BJL  THESIS 2000
T/H 2001 D.Clin.Psy. C9 : Experiences of menorrhagia and hysterectomy : an exploratory study / Rebecca Crook.; BJL     
      Experiences of menorrhagia and hysterectomy : an exploratory study / Rebecca Crook. BJL  THESIS 2001
T/H 2001 D.Clin.Psy. D2 : Psychological factors that influence patient participation in cancer clinical trials.; BJL     
      Psychological factors that influence patient participation in cancer clinical trials. BJL  THESIS 2001
T/H 2001 D.Clin.Psy. D6 : The psychology of chronic cough.; BJL     
      The psychology of chronic cough. BJL  THESIS 2001
T/H 2001 D.Clin.Psy. F9 : A biopsychosocial approach to the rehabilitation of automatic implanted cardioverter defibrillator patients.; BJL     
      A biopsychosocial approach to the rehabilitation of automatic implanted cardioverter defibrillator pa BJL  THESIS 2001
T/H 2001 D.Clin.Psy. H9    
      Assessing cognitive ability in adults with Down's syndrome : an exploration of the validity of two ne BJL  THESIS 2001
      A comparison of attention and executive functioning of sexually abusive adolescents and non-offending BJL  THESIS 2001
T/H 2001 D.Clin.Psy. L1 : A personal construct theory approach to addressing adherence in an adolescent asthmatic population.; BJL     
      A personal construct theory approach to addressing adherence in an adolescent asthmatic population. BJL  THESIS 2001
T/H 2001 D.Clin.Psy. M1 : Evaluating the quality of care within residential services for older people.; BJL     
      Evaluating the quality of care within residential services for older people. BJL  THESIS 2001
T/H 2001 D.Clin.Psy. S8 : Nurses' management of deliberate self-harm in an acute residential setting.; BJL     
      Nurses' management of deliberate self-harm in an acute residential setting. BJL  THESIS 2001
T/H 2001 D.Ed. D3 : Religious education and religious instruction in the Irish post-primary school curriculum in the aftermath of the introduction of an examinable, non-denominational syllabus for religious education / Thomas J. Deenihan.; BJL     
      Religious education and religious instruction in the Irish post-primary school curriculum in the afte BJL  THESIS 2001
T/H 2001 M.A. B4 : The experience of English exiles in the Dutch Republic 1660s-1680s.; BJL     
      The experience of English exiles in the Dutch Republic 1660s-1680s. BJL  THESIS 2001
T/H 2001 M.A. B9    
      Pictures of the imagination and statements of fact : middle class narratives of working class living BJL  THESIS 2001
      A social history of the British Army in Ireland 1916-22. BJL  THESIS 2001
T/H 2001 M.A. J1 : A mind of its own.; BJL     
      A mind of its own. BJL  THESIS 2001
T/H 2001 M.A. L4 : A long way from home? : English garrisons in Scotland, 1335-1342.; BJL     
      A long way from home? : English garrisons in Scotland, 1335-1342. BJL  THESIS 2001
T/H 2001 M.A. W3 : Examine the representation of our subjectivity in philosophical accounts of mind.; BJL     
      Examine the representation of our subjectivity in philosophical accounts of mind. BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2001 M.D. O3 : Interleukin-12 a pivotal cytokine in cell mediated immunity : the role in colorectal cancer.; BJL     
      Interleukin-12 a pivotal cytokine in cell mediated immunity : the role in colorectal cancer. BJL  THESIS 2001
T/H 2001 M.D. R4 : Progestogen-only contraception : the role of desogestrel.; BJL     
      Progestogen-only contraception : the role of desogestrel. BJL  THESIS 2001
T/H 2001 M.Eng. E2 : Investigation into the failure of the bodymaker primary connecting rod.; BJL     
      Investigation into the failure of the bodymaker primary connecting rod. BJL  THESIS 2001
T/H 2001 M.Phil. C6 : The pale criminal : a thematic investigation into the work of Will Self.; BJL     
      The pale criminal : a thematic investigation into the work of Will Self. BJL  THESIS 2001
T/H 2001 M.Phil. E2 : Kant and contemporary post-Kantians on subjectivity, objectivity and embodiment.; BJL     
      Kant and contemporary post-Kantians on subjectivity, objectivity and embodiment. BJL  THESIS 2001
T/H 2001 M.Phil. G2 : Rectal function assessment : development and application of new impedance planimetry system.; BJL     
      Rectal function assessment : development and application of new impedance planimetry system. BJL  THESIS 2001
T/H 2001 M.Phil. K9 : Assessment of freshness quality and storage life of farm-raised gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) and European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) by sensory, chemical, microbiological and physical methods.; BJL     
      Assessment of freshness quality and storage life of farm-raised gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) an BJL  THESIS 2001
T/H 2001 M.Sc. B6 : The female anal sphincter pre and post delivery.; BJL     
      The female anal sphincter pre and post delivery. BJL  THESIS 2001
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