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T/H 2003 Ph.D. H1 : Women in maritime communities : a socio-historical study of continuity and change in the domestic lives of seafare's wives in the Åland Islands, from 1930 into the new millennium.; BJL     
      Women in maritime communities : a socio-historical study of continuity and change in the domestic liv BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. H2 : Introduction of multimedia project-based learning in a technology-rich environment : a study of teacher attitudes and influencing factors in basic education schools in Oman.; BJL     
      Introduction of multimedia project-based learning in a technology-rich environment : a study of teach BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. H3 : Contraceptive service use in adolescents : defining the "right" course of action.; BJL     
      Contraceptive service use in adolescents : defining the "right" course of action. BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. H4    
      Entertainment and education : a comparative study of an English and a German provincial theatre : the BJL  THESIS 2003
      Metatheatre as a political tool in Yugoslav drama in the 1980s and 1990s / Dušanka Radosavljevi BJL  THESIS 2003
      The synthesis of columnar liquid crystals for photoconductors and light emitting diodes. BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. H7 : Implementation in the EU : an investigation into the implementation of utility reform directives in five European Union member states.; BJL     
      Implementation in the EU : an investigation into the implementation of utility reform directives in f BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. H9 : The political economy of Anglo-American naval relations : pirates, slavers and the equatorial Atlantic, 1819 to 1863 / Mark Clyde Hunter.; BJL     
      The political economy of Anglo-American naval relations : pirates, slavers and the equatorial Atlanti BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. J5 : Contested space : heritage and identity reconstructions : an enquiry into conservation strategies within a developing Asian city, George Town, Penang, Malaysia.; BJL     
      Contested space : heritage and identity reconstructions : an enquiry into conservation strategies wit BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. J6    
      Conformability analysis for the control of quality costs in electronic systems / David Robert Johnson BJL  THESIS 2003
      To study the relevance of the involvement of a woman's partner in the development of postpartum depre BJL, Online materials   THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. J7 : A social history of paediatric nursing 1920-1970.; BJL     
      A social history of paediatric nursing 1920-1970. BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. K2 : Perspectives on parenthood, subfertility and fertility treatments : a comparative study of British and Greek sub-fertile and fertile couples.; BJL     
      Perspectives on parenthood, subfertility and fertility treatments : a comparative study of British an BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. K4 : Living from hand to mouth provided there is happiness : life-dynamics of Tomohonese women, Minahasa, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.; BJL     
      Living from hand to mouth provided there is happiness : life-dynamics of Tomohonese women, Minahasa, BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. L2 : Catholic education in the Salford Diocese 1870-1944.; BJL     
      Catholic education in the Salford Diocese 1870-1944. BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. L7 : The application of chemometrics to spectroscopic and process analytical data.; BJL     
      The application of chemometrics to spectroscopic and process analytical data. BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. L9 : Four literary protégées of the Lake Poets : Caroline Bowles, Maria Gowen Brooks, Sara Coleridge and Maria Jane Jewsbury / Dennis Jun-Yu Low.; BJL     
      Four literary protégées of the Lake Poets : Caroline Bowles, Maria Gowen Brooks, Sara Col BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. M1    
      Reducing the carbon intensity of city-regions. BJL  THESIS 2003
      Water resources management in the eastern Caribbean : a study of the two small island developing stat BJL  THESIS 2003
      "We're all individuals" : postmodernity and alternative health practices in Northern England. BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. M2    
      An evaluation of residential housing programmes in the USA for rehabilitation of clients suffering fr BJL  THESIS 2003
      An investigation into the relationship between speaking-in-class anxiety with instructor behaviour an BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. M3 : Comparison of the complete sequences of the M and F genomes of Mytilus edulis.; BJL     
      Comparison of the complete sequences of the M and F genomes of Mytilus edulis. BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. M4    
      Preparation and applications in confectionery of co-crystalline sugar products and a novel hydrated f BJL  THESIS 2003
      Spatio-temporal dynamics of soil moisture in an agricultural watershed. BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. M5 : An investigation of patients' expectations of outpatient physiotherapy for peripheral musculoskeletal conditions and their effect on treatment outcome.; BJL     
      An investigation of patients' expectations of outpatient physiotherapy for peripheral musculoskeletal BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. M8 : Feeling nature : naturism, camping, environment and the body in Britain, 1920-1960.; BJL     
      Feeling nature : naturism, camping, environment and the body in Britain, 1920-1960. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2003 Ph.D. M9 : Physiological climates of south-western Saudi Arabic.; BJL     
      Physiological climates of south-western Saudi Arabic. BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. N1 : A comparative and empirical evaluation of the contribution of information and communication technology to tourism management education.; BJL     
      A comparative and empirical evaluation of the contribution of information and communication technolog BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. N5    
      Between 'still society' and 'moving society' : life choices and value orientations of Hanoi Universit BJL  THESIS 2003
      The job satisfaction of physical education teachers in Hong Kong : a model approach. BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. N7 : The factors affecting the availability of fish to bitterns (Botaurus stellaris (L.)) : implications for the management of reedbeds.; BJL     
      The factors affecting the availability of fish to bitterns (Botaurus stellaris (L.)) : implications f BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. O4 : The effectiveness of the religious dimension of Catholic voluntary secondary schools in the Cork County Borough (Republic of Ireland) : a comparative study.; BJL     
      The effectiveness of the religious dimension of Catholic voluntary secondary schools in the Cork Coun BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. O5 : The history of Boné A.D. 1775-1795 : the diary of Sultan Ahmad as-Salleh Syamsuddin.; BJL     
      The history of Boné A.D. 1775-1795 : the diary of Sultan Ahmad as-Salleh Syamsuddin. BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. O9 : An investigation of alternating-direction implicit finite-difference time-domain (ADI-FDTD) method in numerical electromagnetics.; BJL     
      An investigation of alternating-direction implicit finite-difference time-domain (ADI-FDTD) method in BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. P1 : Development of novel methods for the detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus in seafood.; BJL     
      Development of novel methods for the detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus in seafood. BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. P3 : Professional development in the British Fire Service : an illusion of change?; BJL     
      Professional development in the British Fire Service : an illusion of change? BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. P4 : Comparative analysis of the WTO dispute settlement mechanism with other mechanisms of settling international trade and investment disputes : a protectionist view.; BJL     
      Comparative analysis of the WTO dispute settlement mechanism with other mechanisms of settling intern BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. R6    
      Changing tack : defining a strategic direction for innovation in the United Kingdom shipping industry BJL  THESIS 2003
      Lesbian identities : a comparison of two sets of female friends in the early twentieth century. BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. S5    
      Combinatorial synthesis of unsymmetrically functionalised tetraarylporphyrins. BJL  THESIS 2003
      Exploring the possibility of using Action Learning and Action Science to develop the quality of teach BJL  THESIS 2003
      Human error in the design of a safety-critical system / Nick Shryane. BJL  THESIS 2003
      Patient specific spine models : the development of a laboratory validation spine. BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. S6 : Elemental speciation in the composting process by ICPMS.; BJL     
      Elemental speciation in the composting process by ICPMS. BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. S9 : Margins of appreciation, cultural relativity and the European Court of Human Rights.; BJL     
      Margins of appreciation, cultural relativity and the European Court of Human Rights. BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. T8    
      Development of PVD metallic nanocomposite and glassy-metal coatings. BJL  THESIS 2003
      A simple, rare, truly elect soul : the troubled life of Richard Waldo Sibthorp, 1792-1897. BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. T9    
      Hydroacoustic abundance estimation and population characteristics of Rastrineobola Argenea in Lake Vi BJL  THESIS 2003
      A longitudinal investigation into the influence of atypical antipsychotics on cognitive function in s BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. U6 : A critical study of neuro-fuzzy and decoupling approaches to monitoring of dynamic systems.; BJL     
      A critical study of neuro-fuzzy and decoupling approaches to monitoring of dynamic systems. BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. V7 : Heterocyclic liquid crystal materials for organic light emitting diodes.; BJL     
      Heterocyclic liquid crystal materials for organic light emitting diodes. BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. W2    
      Carbon-carbon bond formation in challenging environments scope and limitations. BJL  THESIS 2003
      Saudara (1928-1941) : its contribution to the debate on issues in Malay society and the development o BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. W3 : Reconceptualising panregions at the end of the 20th century : a Pakistani perspective of world politics at the turn of the millenium.; BJL     
      Reconceptualising panregions at the end of the 20th century : a Pakistani perspective of world politi BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. W5 : Evaluation and analysis of wear in progressive cavity pumps.; BJL     
      Evaluation and analysis of wear in progressive cavity pumps. BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. W6 : Organic synthesis within a micro reactor.; BJL     
      Organic synthesis within a micro reactor. BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. W7 : Prisoners of gender : the representation of women in the 1950s films of J. Lee Thompson.; BJL     
      Prisoners of gender : the representation of women in the 1950s films of J. Lee Thompson. BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. Y2 : Evaluation of rolling contact fatigue resistance for coated components.; BJL     
      Evaluation of rolling contact fatigue resistance for coated components. BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Psy.D. S4 : Unilateral termination of psychotherapy and the Decision Action Pathway Interactive Network (DAPIN) model.; BJL     
      Unilateral termination of psychotherapy and the Decision Action Pathway Interactive Network (DAPIN) m BJL  THESIS 2003
P/L H 2004 : Larkinesque.; Departmental Locations     
      Larkinesque. Departmental Locations  BOOK 2004
T/H 2004 Clin.Psy.D. A2 : The experiences of homelessness in individuals with learning disabilities : an exploratory study.; BJL     
      The experiences of homelessness in individuals with learning disabilities : an exploratory study. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Clin.Psy.D. B7 : Understanding the help-seeking process among male problem drinkers : an exploratory study.; BJL     
      Understanding the help-seeking process among male problem drinkers : an exploratory study. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Clin.Psy.D. F9 : Cognitive function after implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) surgery : a neuropsychological perspective.; BJL     
      Cognitive function after implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) surgery : a neuropsychological BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Clin.Psy.D. H6 : Posttraumatic Growth in intensive care unit patients.; BJL     
      Posttraumatic Growth in intensive care unit patients. BJL  THESIS 2004
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