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Mark   Media Year
T/H 2003 Ph.D. T9    
      Hydroacoustic abundance estimation and population characteristics of Rastrineobola Argenea in Lake Vi BJL  THESIS 2003
      A longitudinal investigation into the influence of atypical antipsychotics on cognitive function in s BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. U6 : A critical study of neuro-fuzzy and decoupling approaches to monitoring of dynamic systems.; BJL     
      A critical study of neuro-fuzzy and decoupling approaches to monitoring of dynamic systems. BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. V7 : Heterocyclic liquid crystal materials for organic light emitting diodes.; BJL     
      Heterocyclic liquid crystal materials for organic light emitting diodes. BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. W2    
      Carbon-carbon bond formation in challenging environments scope and limitations. BJL  THESIS 2003
      Saudara (1928-1941) : its contribution to the debate on issues in Malay society and the development o BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. W3 : Reconceptualising panregions at the end of the 20th century : a Pakistani perspective of world politics at the turn of the millenium.; BJL     
      Reconceptualising panregions at the end of the 20th century : a Pakistani perspective of world politi BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. W5 : Evaluation and analysis of wear in progressive cavity pumps.; BJL     
      Evaluation and analysis of wear in progressive cavity pumps. BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. W6 : Organic synthesis within a micro reactor.; BJL     
      Organic synthesis within a micro reactor. BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. W7 : Prisoners of gender : the representation of women in the 1950s films of J. Lee Thompson.; BJL     
      Prisoners of gender : the representation of women in the 1950s films of J. Lee Thompson. BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Ph.D. Y2 : Evaluation of rolling contact fatigue resistance for coated components.; BJL     
      Evaluation of rolling contact fatigue resistance for coated components. BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 Psy.D. S4 : Unilateral termination of psychotherapy and the Decision Action Pathway Interactive Network (DAPIN) model.; BJL     
      Unilateral termination of psychotherapy and the Decision Action Pathway Interactive Network (DAPIN) m BJL  THESIS 2003
P/L H 2004 : Larkinesque.; Departmental Locations     
      Larkinesque. Departmental Locations  BOOK 2004
T/H 2004 Clin.Psy.D. A2 : The experiences of homelessness in individuals with learning disabilities : an exploratory study.; BJL     
      The experiences of homelessness in individuals with learning disabilities : an exploratory study. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Clin.Psy.D. B7 : Understanding the help-seeking process among male problem drinkers : an exploratory study.; BJL     
      Understanding the help-seeking process among male problem drinkers : an exploratory study. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Clin.Psy.D. F9 : Cognitive function after implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) surgery : a neuropsychological perspective.; BJL     
      Cognitive function after implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) surgery : a neuropsychological BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Clin.Psy.D. H6 : Posttraumatic Growth in intensive care unit patients.; BJL     
      Posttraumatic Growth in intensive care unit patients. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Clin.Psy.D. K1 : An exploration of the relationship between early maladaptive schemas, poor parenting styles, early experiences and personality disorders.; BJL     
      An exploration of the relationship between early maladaptive schemas, poor parenting styles, early ex BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Clin.Psy.D. M4 : Adherence to stimulant medication in ADHD : the role of parental cognitions.; BJL     
      Adherence to stimulant medication in ADHD : the role of parental cognitions. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Clin.Psy.D. O1 : 'The role of control and cause cognitions in the psychological adjustment of chronic pain patients'.; BJL     
      'The role of control and cause cognitions in the psychological adjustment of chronic pain patients'. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Clin.Psy.D. P2 : Life history and teenage pregnancy : a phenomenological analysis.; BJL     
      Life history and teenage pregnancy : a phenomenological analysis. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Clin.Psy.D. R6 : Teenage mothers' experience of the postnatal period : an exploratory study.; BJL     
      Teenage mothers' experience of the postnatal period : an exploratory study. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Clin.Psy.D. S6 : An exploration of psychological factors influencing women's entry to the sex industry.; BJL     
      An exploration of psychological factors influencing women's entry to the sex industry. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 D.Clin.Psy. G7 : An exploration of people's models of chronic pain before and after a pain management programme.; BJL     
      An exploration of people's models of chronic pain before and after a pain management programme. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 D.Clin.Psy. R6 : Maternal views of children diagnosed as having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or conduct disorder : a comparison and exploration.; BJL     
      Maternal views of children diagnosed as having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or conduct di BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 .Ed.D B1 : Orientation of post registered nurses towards continuing education and lifelong learning.; BJL     
      Orientation of post registered nurses towards continuing education and lifelong learning. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ed.D. D2 : An investigation into the development of a strategically focused primary school.; BJL     
      An investigation into the development of a strategically focused primary school. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ed.D. F1 : Has Catholic education contributed to the personal fulfilment and occupational success of its recipient, with special reference to Salesian Secondary School, Fernbank, North Circular Road, Limerick, Ireland?; BJL     
      Has Catholic education contributed to the personal fulfilment and occupational success of its recipie BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ed.D. L4 : Building a preliminary conceptual framework for strategic leadership in the independent sector : what can school leaders tell us?; BJL     
      Building a preliminary conceptual framework for strategic leadership in the independent sector : what BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ed.D. R4 : A case study of an academic skills development unit established by an English university in response to the policy on widening participation, from the viewpoint of three stakeholder groups.; BJL     
      A case study of an academic skills development unit established by an English university in response BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 M.A. A3 : The development of western attitutes towards the Muslims during the period of the Crusades, 1095-1291.; BJL     
      The development of western attitutes towards the Muslims during the period of the Crusades, 1095-1291 BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 M.A. B6 : New perspectives on Roman-British landscapes : settlement change and dislocation within the territory of the Parisi, East Yorkshire.; BJL     
      New perspectives on Roman-British landscapes : settlement change and dislocation within the territory BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 M.A. B8 : Deconstructing dualism to reconstruct the embodied mind.; BJL     
      Deconstructing dualism to reconstruct the embodied mind. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 M.A. C3 : Revolution or Evolution? Was there an 'agricultural revolution' in the period 1750-1850, or was increased agricultural productivity from 1150 onwards the result of a continuing process of 'evolution', punctuated by periods of more rapid change?; BJL     
      Revolution or Evolution? Was there an 'agricultural revolution' in the period 1750-1850, or was incre BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 M.A. C4 : Sixteenth-century Venice and nineteenth-century France : comparing the "art" of prostitution.; BJL     
      Sixteenth-century Venice and nineteenth-century France : comparing the "art" of prostitution. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 M.A. C7 : The men of the Einsatzgruppen in the Soviet Union.; BJL     
      The men of the Einsatzgruppen in the Soviet Union. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 M.A. G7 : An examination of the origins of the Cold War from a psychological/historical perspective, 1917-1953.; BJL     
      An examination of the origins of the Cold War from a psychological/historical perspective, 1917-1953. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 M.A. H3 : A text-critical examination of the vorlagen of modern English bible translations of Jeremiah.; BJL     
      A text-critical examination of the vorlagen of modern English bible translations of Jeremiah. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 M.A. K4 : Emotion : the fact of matter.; BJL     
      Emotion : the fact of matter. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 M.A. L8 : Roman, teutonic or vernacular? The influence of Italian fascism and German Nazism on Mosley and the BUF.; BJL     
      Roman, teutonic or vernacular? The influence of Italian fascism and German Nazism on Mosley and the B BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 M.A. P5 : Arras - East Yorkshire. The archaeology and history of a lost landscape.; BJL     
      Arras - East Yorkshire. The archaeology and history of a lost landscape. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 M.A. R8 : High-society 1870-1914, with special reference to Hull and East Yorkshire.; BJL     
      High-society 1870-1914, with special reference to Hull and East Yorkshire. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 M.A. S5 : The purposes of medieval visions of the afterlife.; BJL     
      The purposes of medieval visions of the afterlife. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 M.A. S6 : Scots in English Service, 1296-1356.; BJL     
      Scots in English Service, 1296-1356. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 M.A. T9 : British attempts at closer association in South East Asia between the years 1957-1965.; BJL     
      British attempts at closer association in South East Asia between the years 1957-1965. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 M.D. A3 : Pre-treatment of patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass with hyperbaric oxygen : a prospective randomised double-blind evaluation of inflammatory response and neurocognitive outcome.; BJL     
      Pre-treatment of patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass with hyperbaric oxygen : a prospective ra BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 M.D. B1 : Genetic analysis of colorectal cancer : a study of genetic aberrations in colorectal cancer examining for areas of prognostic significance, with an emphasis on chromosome 13.; BJL     
      Genetic analysis of colorectal cancer : a study of genetic aberrations in colorectal cancer examining BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 M.D. E1 : The measurement of vascular endothelial growth factor-A, endostatin and neuropilin-1 in colorectal cancer.; BJL     
      The measurement of vascular endothelial growth factor-A, endostatin and neuropilin-1 in colorectal ca BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 M.D. J4 : Studies on insulin resistance in conditions associated with the metabolic syndrome.; BJL     
      Studies on insulin resistance in conditions associated with the metabolic syndrome. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 M.D. K6 : The role of dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging and electrical impedance mammography in the management of breast microcalcification.; BJL     
      The role of dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging and electrical impedance mammography BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 M.D. N7 : Radioresistant laryngeal cancer.; BJL     
      Radioresistant laryngeal cancer. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 M.D. S6 : Role of chromosome 13 in colorectal cancer.; BJL     
      Role of chromosome 13 in colorectal cancer. BJL  THESIS 2004
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