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T/H 2004 M.Sc. V7 : Using HAZOP results in a real-time monitor.; BJL     
      Using HAZOP results in a real-time monitor. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 M.Sc. W2    
      Equivalence of proctored computer-based and unproctored web-based testing in comparison to paper-penc BJL  THESIS 2004
      The relationship between job stressors and voluntary work behaviour : an emotion-centred model and pe BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 M.Sc. Z6    
      A biochemical study of malic enzyme in mucor circinelloides. BJL  THESIS 2004
      The structured face-to-face interview versus the telephone interview in relation to interviewee's per BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. A1 : Designing electrophilic palladium and platinum complexes as alkane C-H activating catalysts.; BJL     
      Designing electrophilic palladium and platinum complexes as alkane C-H activating catalysts. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. A3    
      Charge-transporting and electroluminescent liquid crystals for organic light-emitting diodes. BJL  THESIS 2004
      Drugs and drug policies in Oman with special reference to the death penalty. BJL  THESIS 2004
      Microfabricated chemical reactors for gas-phase catalytic reactions and micrototal analytical systems BJL  THESIS 2004
      The political changes in Oman from 1970 : transition towards democracy. BJL  THESIS 2004
      Socio-economic change in a Saudi village : a social anthropological study of Assfan. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. A4    
      Elements of myth in the modern theatre, with special reference to current theatre in Oman. BJL  THESIS 2004
      The integration of information and communication technology into basic education schools in Oman : a BJL  THESIS 2004
      Specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte immunity against hTERT in breast cancer and optimisation of dendritic BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. A8 : Eugenic attitudes amongst professional in learning disability services.; BJL     
      Eugenic attitudes amongst professional in learning disability services. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. B1 : Fiscal federalism : the study of federal-state fiscal relations in Malaysia.; BJL     
      Fiscal federalism : the study of federal-state fiscal relations in Malaysia. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. B2    
      Novel analytical applications of immobilised enzyme reactors. BJL  THESIS 2004
      Sexual selection and the genetics of reproductive isolation in Lake Malawi cichlid fishes. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. B3 : Rough set clustering using local and global data knowledge.; BJL     
      Rough set clustering using local and global data knowledge. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. B4    
      The construction sector in the UAE : genesis and development. BJL  THESIS 2004
      Morphology and mobility in photoalignment layers. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. B5    
      Evaporation of liquids from structured and non-structured mixtures. BJL  THESIS 2004
      Resistance to chemotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. C2 : The synthesis of potential inhibitors of dihydroorotate dehydrogenase from the malaria parasite plasmodium falciparum.; BJL     
      The synthesis of potential inhibitors of dihydroorotate dehydrogenase from the malaria parasite plasm BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. C4    
      An empirical study of the departmental leadership of heads of physical education departments in Hong BJL  THESIS 2004
      Nationalism and regional integration arrangements : a case study of Indonesia and the ASEAN free trad BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. C5    
      An assessment of the potential for in situ preservation of buried organic archaeological remains at S BJL  THESIS 2004
      Evaluation of narrative interview as an assessment method. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. C6 : Interaction with rule-bound systems : introducing a new 'ideal-type' problem context.; BJL     
      Interaction with rule-bound systems : introducing a new 'ideal-type' problem context. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. C7 : Developing the region in the information age : information society technologies in Ireland and Europe.; BJL     
      Developing the region in the information age : information society technologies in Ireland and Europe BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. C9 : Density functional studies of sulfur-nitrogen and period 2 fluoride molecules.; BJL     
      Density functional studies of sulfur-nitrogen and period 2 fluoride molecules. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. D4 : Assessing personality disorder through storymaking : a reliability and validity study of the 6-part story method / Kim Dent-Brown.; BJL, Online materials      
      Assessing personality disorder through storymaking : a reliability and validity study of the 6-part s BJL, Online materials   THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. D6 : A matrix isolation study of the vapour phase species of transition metal halides and their reactivity.; BJL     
      A matrix isolation study of the vapour phase species of transition metal halides and their reactivity BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. D9 : Nanoparticles as emulsion stabilisers and their behaviour at liquid-liquid interfaces.; BJL     
      Nanoparticles as emulsion stabilisers and their behaviour at liquid-liquid interfaces. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. E1 : The construct of psychological fatigue : a psychometric and experimental analysis.; BJL     
      The construct of psychological fatigue : a psychometric and experimental analysis. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. F8 : Identity, war and the state in India : the case of the Nagas.; BJL     
      Identity, war and the state in India : the case of the Nagas. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. G1 : The international criminal court : friend or foe of international criminal justice?; BJL     
      The international criminal court : friend or foe of international criminal justice? BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. G8 : Changes in UK alcohol consumption.; BJL     
      Changes in UK alcohol consumption. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. H1 : The EU Presidency and the Northern Dimension Initiative : applying international regime theory.; BJL     
      The EU Presidency and the Northern Dimension Initiative : applying international regime theory. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. H4 : Foaming and anti-foaming of nonionic surfactant solutions.; BJL     
      Foaming and anti-foaming of nonionic surfactant solutions. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. H8 : Targeted PDT : development of site-specific photosensitisers.; BJL     
      Targeted PDT : development of site-specific photosensitisers. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. H9 : Mining-induced subsidence under the Northeast coast of England : the implications for coastal zone management.; BJL     
      Mining-induced subsidence under the Northeast coast of England : the implications for coastal zone ma BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. J1 : An investigation into the bioactivity of coumpounds within the non-oil component of sesame seed oil.; BJL     
      An investigation into the bioactivity of coumpounds within the non-oil component of sesame seed oil. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. K3 : The link between mental health, social and emotional vulnerability and life chances : school based early identification of socially and emotionally vulnerable adolescents in a deprived urban community.; BJL     
      The link between mental health, social and emotional vulnerability and life chances : school based ea BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. K5 : Computer simulations of hybrid aligned nematic liquid crystal cells and liquid droplets.; BJL     
      Computer simulations of hybrid aligned nematic liquid crystal cells and liquid droplets. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. K7 : Transmission line matrix (TLM) based thermal management and control of spatially distributed systems.; BJL     
      Transmission line matrix (TLM) based thermal management and control of spatially distributed systems. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. L1 : Optical characterisation of quantum well infrared photodetectors (QWIPs) for gas sensing applications.; BJL     
      Optical characterisation of quantum well infrared photodetectors (QWIPs) for gas sensing applications BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. L2    
      The Anglican organist in Victorian and Edwardian England (c.1800 - c.1910). BJL  THESIS 2004
      Self organisation in braided systems : DEM analysis of the River Feshie, Scotland. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. L3    
      The defendant, the state and the International Criminal Court : propsals for a viable interdependence BJL  THESIS 2004
      Girls will be boys? Problematising the link between masculinity and violence. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. L6    
      Asymptotical behaviour of 2D stochastic Navier-Stokes equations. BJL  THESIS 2004
      Computational models of emotion and affect. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. L7 : Molecular characterisation of Cryptosporidium parvum genotypes using phage display antibodies as the main tool.; BJL     
      Molecular characterisation of Cryptosporidium parvum genotypes using phage display antibodies as the BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. M4    
      Data input for scientific visualization. BJL  THESIS 2004
      The influence of a petrochemical discharge on the bioturbation and erosion potential of an intertidal BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. O3 : Management education and development processes : an analysis of their effectiveness in the workplace.; BJL     
      Management education and development processes : an analysis of their effectiveness in the workplace. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. P1 : Birth and boundaries - a qualitative case study.; BJL     
      Birth and boundaries - a qualitative case study. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. P2 : The ideas of perfection in the works of Jan Van Ruusbroec : a Darwinian approach.; BJL     
      The ideas of perfection in the works of Jan Van Ruusbroec : a Darwinian approach. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. P3 : Legality versus morality : a conceptual model of value disharmony in the National Health Service with a proposed way forward using a habermasian approach.; BJL     
      Legality versus morality : a conceptual model of value disharmony in the National Health Service with BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. P5 : John Hardyng's Chronicle : a study of the two versions and a critical edition of both for the period 1327-1464.; BJL     
      John Hardyng's Chronicle : a study of the two versions and a critical edition of both for the period BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. P8 : Preparation and characterisation of polymer films from polymerizable microemulsions.; BJL     
      Preparation and characterisation of polymer films from polymerizable microemulsions. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. R2    
      Evolution of South American cichlid fishes with an emphasis on the genus apistogramma. BJL  THESIS 2004
      Financial reporting and contemporary changes in the Egyptian environment. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. R6    
      Contributions to multidisciplinary engineering education and training. BJL  THESIS 2004
      Longitudinal examination of neurocognitive function and community functioning in patients with recent BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. R7    
      Authorship, form and narrative in the television plays of Alan Clarke, 1967-89 / David Robert Rolinso BJL  THESIS 2004
      Evaluating micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) development programmes in Mexico : a pra BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D S3    
      Optical characterisation of silicon carbide : a model-based computational approach BJL  THESIS 2004
      The static and dynamic structural bulk properties of fibrous media / Ho-Chul Shin. BJL  THESIS 2004
T/H 2004 Ph.D. S4 : Factionalism and patron-client relationships in Sarawak politics : the Iban perspective.; BJL     
      Factionalism and patron-client relationships in Sarawak politics : the Iban perspective. BJL  THESIS 2004
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