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TN 870 C4 : Fundamentals of petroleum and petrochemical engineering / by Uttam Ray Chaudhuri.; BJL     
      Fundamentals of petroleum and petrochemical engineering / by Uttam Ray Chaudhuri. BJL  BOOK 2011
TN870 .F327 : Introduction to petroleum engineering / John R. Fanchi and Richard L. Christiansen.; BJL     
      Introduction to petroleum engineering / John R. Fanchi and Richard L. Christiansen. BJL  BOOK 2017
TN870 .F327 2017 : Introduction to petroleum engineering / John R. Fanchi and Richard L. Christiansen.; Online materials     
      Introduction to petroleum engineering / John R. Fanchi and Richard L. Christiansen. Online materials  EBOOKS 2017
TN 870 W1 / q : Pertroleum exploitation : inaugural lectures.; BJL     
      Pertroleum exploitation : inaugural lectures. BJL  BOOK 1979
TN 870.5 C2 : Carbonate petroleum reservoirs / dited by P.O. Roehl and P.W. Choquette.; BJL     
      Carbonate petroleum reservoirs / dited by P.O. Roehl and P.W. Choquette. BJL  BOOK 1985
TN 870.5 H9 : Petroleum geochemistry and geology.; BJL     
      Petroleum geochemistry and geology. BJL  BOOK 1979
TN 870.5 O6 : Organic maturation studies and fossil fuel exploration : based on the proceedings of a symposium held at the 5th International Palynological Conference, Cambridge, 3-5 July, 1980.; BJL     
      Organic maturation studies and fossil fuel exploration : based on the proceedings of a symposium held BJL  BOOK 1981
TN 871 S9 : Surfactants : fundamentals and applications in the petroleum industry / [edited by] Laurier L. Schramm.; BJL     
      Surfactants : fundamentals and applications in the petroleum industry / [edited by] Laurier L. Schram BJL  BOOK 2000
TN871.2 .E58 2016 : Environmental and health issues in unconventional oil and gas development / edited by Debra Kaden, Tracie Rose.; BJL     
      Environmental and health issues in unconventional oil and gas development / edited by Debra Kaden, Tr BJL  BOOK 2016
TN 871.2 R2 / q : Raw materials for the oilwell drilling Industry : an Industrial minerals consumer survey.; BJL     
      Raw materials for the oilwell drilling Industry : an Industrial minerals consumer survey. BJL  BOOK 1978
TN 871.4 J8 : Shell, Greenpeace, and Brent Spar / Grant Jordan.; BJL     
      Shell, Greenpeace, and Brent Spar / Grant Jordan. BJL  BOOK c2001
TN 871.4 R4 : Decommissioning the Brent Spar / Tony Rice and Paula Owen.; BJL     
      Decommissioning the Brent Spar / Tony Rice and Paula Owen. BJL  BOOK 1999
TN 876 B8 H2 : The discovery and development of the Seria oilfield.; South East Asian Collection     
      The discovery and development of the Seria oilfield. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1975
TN 876 B82 T9 / p : Agreement with the British Malayan Petroleum Company Limited for grant of prospecting licence and mining lease in the Tutong District of the above-named state.; South East Asian Collection     
      Agreement with the British Malayan Petroleum Company Limited for grant of prospecting licence and min South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1925
TN 880.5 W7 : Pipelines and permafrost : physical geography and development in the circumpolar north.; BJL     
      Pipelines and permafrost : physical geography and development in the circumpolar north. BJL  BOOK 1979
TN900 .K87 : Salt : a world history / Mark Kurlansky.; BJL     
      Salt : a world history / Mark Kurlansky. BJL  BOOK 2003
TN 913 P5 : Phosphorite research and development / edited by A.J.G. Notholt & I. Jarvis.; BJL     
      Phosphorite research and development / edited by A.J.G. Notholt & I. Jarvis. BJL  BOOK 1990
TN 939 M8 : Black sands : a history of the mineral sand mining industry in eastern Australia.; BJL     
      Black sands : a history of the mineral sand mining industry in eastern Australia. BJL  BOOK 1981
TN 939 S4 / q : Sand, gravel and quarry aggregate resources : Colorado front range counties / by S.D. Schwochow, R.R. Shroba and P.C. Wicklein.; BJL     
      Sand, gravel and quarry aggregate resources : Colorado front range counties / by S.D. Schwochow, R.R. BJL  BOOK 1974
TN 948 C5 G8 / pq : Hessle whiting mill.; BJL     
      Hessle whiting mill. BJL  BOOK 1984
TN 948 P8 P9 : Pyrite smelting / edited by by T.A. Rickard.; Departmental Locations     
      Pyrite smelting / edited by by T.A. Rickard. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1905
TN953.A1 W49 1992 : Coastal superquarries to supply South-East England aggregate requirements / Michael Whitbread, Andrew Marsay.; BJL     
      Coastal superquarries to supply South-East England aggregate requirements / Michael Whitbread, Andrew BJL  BOOK 1992
TN 958 L6 : Llechi = Slate.; Departmental Locations     
      Llechi = Slate. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1976
TN 958 W3 : Slate waste : engineering and environmental aspects.; BJL     
      Slate waste : engineering and environmental aspects. BJL  BOOK 1980
TO3 K6 : Accounting : a century of development.; BJL     
      Accounting : a century of development. BJL  BOOK 1978
TP 1 C49 : Chem tech : the innovator's magazine.; Departmental Locations     
      Chem tech : the innovator's magazine. Departmental Locations  PERIODICAL 1984
TP 1 S6 J8    
      Chemistry and industry : journal of the Society of Chemical Industry. Departmental Locations  PERIODICAL 2005
      Decennial index to the Journal vols. 15-24, 1896-1905. BJL  BOOK  
TP 1 S6 R4 : Reports on the progress of applied chemistry.; Departmental Locations     
      Reports on the progress of applied chemistry. Departmental Locations  PERIODICAL  
TP 9 E5 : Encyclopedia of chemical technology.; BJL     
      Encyclopedia of chemical technology. BJL  BOOK 1998
TP 9 G2 : Gardner's chemical synonyms and trade names / edited by M. Ash and I. Ash.; BJL     
      Gardner's chemical synonyms and trade names / edited by M. Ash and I. Ash. BJL  BOOK 1994
TP 9 H8 / q : Dictionary of chemical names and synonyms / Philip H. Howard, Michael Neal.; BJL     
      Dictionary of chemical names and synonyms / Philip H. Howard, Michael Neal. BJL  BOOK 1992
TP 9 L9 : Dictionary of chemical engineering : English, German, Spanish, French / Aksel L. Lydersen, Ingrid Dahlo.; BJL     
      Dictionary of chemical engineering : English, German, Spanish, French / Aksel L. Lydersen, Ingrid Dah BJL  BOOK 1992
TP 12 C51 / q : Chemical industry directory and who's who.; BJL     
      Chemical industry directory and who's who. BJL  PERIODICAL 1965
TP 59.3 S7 : Chemical engineering in Ireland.; BJL     
      Chemical engineering in Ireland. BJL  BOOK 1984
TP 130 H4 : One hundred years, 1848-1948.; BJL     
      One hundred years, 1848-1948. BJL  BOOK  
TP 144 S7 : Statistical methods in applied chemistry / Jurand Czerminski ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Statistical methods in applied chemistry / Jurand Czerminski ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 1990
TP 145 C1 : The origins and purpose of chemical engineering.; BJL     
      The origins and purpose of chemical engineering. BJL  BOOK  
TP 145 C5 : Survey of industrial chemistry.; BJL     
      Survey of industrial chemistry. BJL  BOOK 1992
TP 145 C6 : Principles of industrial chemistry.; BJL     
      Principles of industrial chemistry. BJL  BOOK 1978
TP 145 M7 : Formulation technology : emulsions, suspensions, solid forms / Hans Mollet, Arnold Grubenmann ; translated by H.R. Payne.; BJL     
      Formulation technology : emulsions, suspensions, solid forms / Hans Mollet, Arnold Grubenmann ; trans BJL  BOOK c2001
TP 145 S5 : Chemical process industries; BJL     
      Shreve's Chemical process industries. BJL  BOOK c1984
TP 145 W3 / q : Chemical technology; prepared for the Technology Foundation Course Team.; BJL     
      Chemical technology; prepared for the Technology Foundation Course Team. BJL  BOOK 1974
TP 145 W5 : Introduction to industrial chemistry.; BJL     
      Introduction to industrial chemistry. BJL  BOOK 1986
TP149 .E45 2012 : Introductory chemical engineering thermodynamics / J. Richard Elliott, Carl T. Lira.; Online materials     
      Introductory chemical engineering thermodynamics / J. Richard Elliott, Carl T. Lira. Online materials  EBOOKS 2012
TP 149 H2 : Handbook of applied surface and colloid chemistry / edited by Krister Holmberg ; associate editors, Dinesh O. Shah, Milan J. Schwuger.; Departmental Locations     
      Handbook of applied surface and colloid chemistry / edited by Krister Holmberg ; associate editors, D Departmental Locations  BOOK 2002
TP 149 K5 : King's Safety in the process industries / Ralph King, Ronald Hirst, with contributions from Glynne Evans.; BJL     
      King's Safety in the process industries / Ralph King, Ronald Hirst, with contributions from Glynne Ev BJL  BOOK 1998
TP 149 K6 : Hazop and Hazan : identifying and assessing process industry hazards / Trevor Kletz.; BJL     
      Hazop and Hazan : identifying and assessing process industry hazards / Trevor Kletz. BJL  BOOK 1999
TP 149 R2 : Chemical engineering design project : a case study approach : production of phthalic anhydride / by Martin S. Ray and Martin G. Sneesby.; BJL     
      Chemical engineering design project : a case study approach : production of phthalic anhydride / by M BJL  BOOK 1998
TP 149 S6 : Process safety analysis : an introduction / Bob Skelton.; BJL     
      Process safety analysis : an introduction / Bob Skelton. BJL  BOOK c1997
TP 150 S24 : Lees' process safety essentials : hazard identification, assessment and control / by Sam Mannan.; BJL     
      Lees' process safety essentials : hazard identification, assessment and control / by Sam Mannan. BJL  BOOK 2013
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