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BX 7619 F9 S9(34) : The Bible and the light within.; BJL     
      The Bible and the light within. BJL  BOOK 1973
BX 7619 F9 S9(35) : Seeking and finding in the Society of Friends.; BJL     
      Seeking and finding in the Society of Friends. BJL  BOOK 1974
BX 7619 F9 S9(6) : Study outline on the Quaker faith.; BJL     
      Study outline on the Quaker faith. BJL  BOOK 1956
BX 7619 N5 : Called to be a people : Children of the Light and of the day : [material for use in groups].; BJL     
      Called to be a people : Children of the Light and of the day : [material for use in groups]. BJL  BOOK 1983?
BX 7619 S9 / q : Committed to Quakerism / Sylvia and Barry Sutcliffe.; Education Resources     
      Committed to Quakerism / Sylvia and Barry Sutcliffe. Education Resources  BOOK 1995
BX 7630 B8 : The second period of Quakerism.; BJL     
      The second period of Quakerism. BJL  BOOK 1961
BX 7630 S5    
      The history of the rise, increase and progress of a Christian people called Quakers. BJL  BOOK 1722
      The history of the rise, increase, and progress of the Christian people called Quakers, intermixed wi BJL  BOOK 1722
BX 7631 E6 : A short history of Quakerism : earlier periods / by Elizabeth Braithwaite Emmott.; BJL     
      A short history of Quakerism : earlier periods / by Elizabeth Braithwaite Emmott. BJL  BOOK 1923
BX 7631 G8 : Quaker thought and history : a volume of essays.; BJL     
      Quaker thought and history : a volume of essays. BJL  BOOK 1925
BX 7631 J7 : The later periods of Quakerism.; BJL     
      The later periods of Quakerism. BJL  BOOK 1921
BX 7631.2 E5 : William Penn and early Quakerism.; BJL     
      William Penn and early Quakerism. BJL  BOOK 1973
BX 7631.2 S6 : Constancy and change in the Society of Friends.; BJL     
      Constancy and change in the Society of Friends. BJL  BOOK 1967
BX 7631.3 S7 : The spirit of the Quakers / selected and introduced by Geoffrey Durham.; BJL     
      The spirit of the Quakers / selected and introduced by Geoffrey Durham. BJL  BOOK c2010
BX 7635 B7 : The history of the Society of Friends in America.; BJL     
      The history of the Society of Friends in America. BJL  BOOK 1972
BX 7635 E4 : Quakers on the American frontier.; BJL     
      Quakers on the American frontier. BJL  BOOK 1969
BX 7636 C8 : Holy nation : the transatlantic Quaker ministry in an age of revolution / Sarah Crabtree.; Departmental Locations     
      Holy nation : the transatlantic Quaker ministry in an age of revolution / Sarah Crabtree. Departmental Locations  BOOK 2015
BX 7636 F9 : The Quarter family in colonial America : a portrait of the Society of Friends.; BJL     
      The Quarter family in colonial America : a portrait of the Society of Friends. BJL  BOOK 1973
BX 7636 J7 : The Quakers in the American colonies / by R.M. Jones assisted by I. Sharpless and A.M. Tolles.; BJL     
      The Quakers in the American colonies / by R.M. Jones assisted by I. Sharpless and A.M. Tolles. BJL  BOOK 1966
BX 7636 L3 : Daughters of light : Quaker women preaching and prophesying in the colonies and abroad, 1700-1775.; BJL     
      Daughters of light : Quaker women preaching and prophesying in the colonies and abroad, 1700-1775. BJL  BOOK 1999
BX 7637 A5 : American Quakers today / Edwin B. Bronner, editor.; BJL     
      American Quakers today / Edwin B. Bronner, editor. BJL  BOOK  
BX 7649 B6 S4 : Quakers in Boston, 1656-1964 : three centuries of Friends in Boston and Cambridge.; BJL     
      Quakers in Boston, 1656-1964 : three centuries of Friends in Boston and Cambridge. BJL  BOOK 1976
BX 7649 P5 T6 : Meeting House and counting house : the Quaker merchants of Colonial Philadelphia, 1682-1765 / by Frederick B. Tolles.; BJL, Departmental Locations      
      Meeting House and counting house : the Quaker merchants of Colonial Philadelphia, 1682-1765 / by Fred BJL, Departmental Locations   BOOK 1963
BX 7676 A2 B5    
      A collection of the sufferings of the people called Quakers, for the testimony of a good conscience, BJL  BOOK 1753
      Sufferings of early Quakers : Westmorland 1615 to 1690, Cumberland 1653 to 1690, Durham & Northumberl BJL  BOOK 2000
      Sufferings of early Quakers in Yorkshire, 1652-1690 : facsimile of part of the 1753 edition / by Jose BJL  BOOK c1998
BX 7676 A2 C6    
      A collection of acts of Parliament, and clauses of acts of Parliament, relative to those Protestant d BJL  BOOK 1757
      A collection of acts of Parliament, and clauses of acts of Parliament, relative to those Protestant d BJL  BOOK 1776
BX 7676 A2 F5 : "The first publishers of truth" : being early records (now first printed) of the introduction of Quakerism into the counties of England and Wales / edited by Norman Penney.; BJL     
      "The first publishers of truth" : being early records (now first printed) of the introduction of Quak BJL  BOOK 1907
BX 7676 A2 H8 : The Quakers and the English legal system, 1660-1688.; BJL     
      The Quakers and the English legal system, 1660-1688. BJL  BOOK 1988
BX 7676 A2 M1 : Visionary women : ecstatic prophecy in seventeenth-century England.; BJL     
      Visionary women : ecstatic prophecy in seventeenth-century England. BJL  BOOK 1992
BX 7676 A2 S9 / s : The suffering case of several people commonly called Quakers, on suits mostly commenced for tythes, in the Court of Exchequer, since the Acts made for the more easie recovery of tythes, in the 7th and 8th of King William the Third.; BJL     
      The suffering case of several people commonly called Quakers, on suits mostly commenced for tythes, i BJL  BOOK 1709
BX 7676 B8    
      The beginnings of Quakerism. BJL  BOOK 1955
      The Quakers : their story and message. BJL  BOOK 1927
BX 7676 D2 : A digest of legislative enactments, relating to the Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers, in England : with occasional observations and notes / By Joseph Davis, conveyancer.; BJL     
      A digest of legislative enactments, relating to the Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers, in E BJL  BOOK 1849
BX 7676 E5    
      The story of Quakerism. BJL  BOOK 1908
      The story of Quakerism. BJL  BOOK 1929
BX 7676 F5 : The lighted mind : the challenge of adult education to Quakerism.; BJL     
      The lighted mind : the challenge of adult education to Quakerism. BJL  BOOK 1929
BX 7676 H3 : The rise of the Quakers.; BJL     
      The rise of the Quakers. BJL  BOOK 1905
BX 7676.2 B2 : The Quakers in Puritan England.; BJL     
      The Quakers in Puritan England. BJL  BOOK 1964
BX 7676.2 B3 : Let your words be few : symbolism of speaking and silence among seventeenth-century Quakers.; BJL     
      Let your words be few : symbolism of speaking and silence among seventeenth-century Quakers. BJL  BOOK 1983
BX 7676.2 B6 : Quakerism and its Manchester connexions : an exhibition held in the John Rylands Library, 6 February - 23 May 1991 / text by David Blamires.; BJL     
      Quakerism and its Manchester connexions : an exhibition held in the John Rylands Library, 6 February BJL  BOOK 1991
BX 7676.2 D2 : The Quakers in English society, 1655-1725.; BJL     
      The Quakers in English society, 1655-1725. BJL  BOOK 2000
BX 7676.2 H5    
      The British Quakers, 1647-1997 : highlights of their history. BJL  BOOK c1997
      Quakers in Britain : a century of change, 1895-1995. BJL  BOOK 1995
BX 7676.2 I8 : Victorian Quakers.; BJL     
      Victorian Quakers. BJL  BOOK 1970
BX 7676.2 M6 : My ancestors were Quakers : how can I find out more about them? / by Edward H. Milligan, Malcolm J. Thomas.; BJL     
      My ancestors were Quakers : how can I find out more about them? / by Edward H. Milligan, Malcolm J. T BJL  BOOK 1983
BX 7676.2 V2    
      Friends in life and death : the British and Irish Quakers in the demographic transition, 1650-1900 / BJL  BOOK 1992
      The social development of English Quakerism 1655-1755. BJL  BOOK 1969
BX 7676.2 W2 : The Quakers : money and morals.; BJL     
      The Quakers : money and morals. BJL  BOOK 1997
BX 7676.3 W7 : Manchester, Manchester and Manchester again : from "Sound doctrine" to "A free ministry" : the theological travail of London Yearly Meeting throughout the nineteenth century.; BJL     
      Manchester, Manchester and Manchester again : from "Sound doctrine" to "A free ministry" : the theolo BJL  BOOK c1990
BX 7677 B4 G5 : Friends in Bedfordshire and West Hertfordshire / by Joyce Godber; BJL     
      Friends in Bedfordshire and West Hertfordshire / by Joyce Godber BJL  BOOK 1975
BX 7677 N78 S8 : Early Friends in the north.; BJL     
      Early Friends in the north. BJL  BOOK 1905
BX 7677 N8 V8 : The birthplace of Quakerism : a handbook for the 1652 country.; BJL     
      The birthplace of Quakerism : a handbook for the 1652 country. BJL  BOOK 1957
BX 7677 Y6 R6    
      Researching Yorkshire Quaker history : a guide to sources / compiled by Helen E. Roberts for the York BJL  BOOK 2003
      Researching Yorkshire Quaker history : a guide to sources / compiled by Helen E. Roberts for the York BJL  BOOK 2003
BX 7677 Y6 R8 / p : Yorkshire Friends in historical perspective : an introduction.; BJL     
      Yorkshire Friends in historical perspective : an introduction. BJL  BOOK 2005
BX 7677 Y6 S6    
      An epistle from the Women's Quarterly Meeting for the County of York, held at Leeds, the 26th and 27t BJL  BOOK 1782
      The Society of Friends in mid-Wharfedale and Craven, 1650-1790 / edited by Moira H. Long and May F. P BJL  BOOK c1998
BX 7677 Y6 T4    
      The Quaker meeting houses of Yorkshire, 1647-1980 : a gazetteer : a supplement. BJL  BOOK 1982
      Yorkshire Quarterly Meeting (of the Society of Friends) 1665-1966. BJL  BOOK 1979
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