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GC 301 D6 : Admiralty manual of tides / by A.J. Doodson and H.D. Warburg.; BJL     
      Admiralty manual of tides / by A.J. Doodson and H.D. Warburg. BJL  BOOK  
GC 301.2 P9 : Tides, surges and mean sea-level : [a handbook for engineers and scientists].; BJL     
      Tides, surges and mean sea-level : [a handbook for engineers and scientists]. BJL  BOOK 1987
GC303 .B66 2011 : Secrets of the tide : tide and tidal current analysis and applications, storm surges and sea level trends / John D. Boon ; cover design by Jim Wilkie.; Online materials     
      Secrets of the tide : tide and tidal current analysis and applications, storm surges and sea level tr Online materials  EBOOKS 2011
GC 303 G5 : The analysis of tides.; BJL     
      The analysis of tides. BJL  BOOK 1972
GC 306 S4 / q : An intercomparison of open sea tidal pressure sensors.; BJL     
      An intercomparison of open sea tidal pressure sensors. BJL  BOOK 1975
GC 346 C3 / q : La marge deformee du Nord-Ouest de l'Espagne : campagne Cybere du submersible Cyana, aout 1982 ...; BJL     
      La marge deformee du Nord-Ouest de l'Espagne : campagne Cybere du submersible Cyana, aout 1982 ... BJL  BOOK 1984
GC 380 H7 : Holocene Tidal Sedimentation.; BJL     
      Holocene Tidal Sedimentation. BJL  BOOK 1976
GC 380 K6 : Clastic tidal facies.; BJL     
      Clastic tidal facies. BJL  BOOK 1977
GC 380 S9 : Suspended solids in water / edited by R.J. Gibbs.; BJL     
      Suspended solids in water / edited by R.J. Gibbs. BJL  BOOK 1974
GC 380 T5 : Tidal deposits : a casebook of recent examples and fossil counterparts / edited by R.N. Ginsberg.; BJL     
      Tidal deposits : a casebook of recent examples and fossil counterparts / edited by R.N. Ginsberg. BJL  BOOK 1975
GC 380.15 D5 : Diagenesis of Deep-Sea Biogenic Sediments / edited by G. J. van der Lingen.; BJL     
      Diagenesis of Deep-Sea Biogenic Sediments / edited by G. J. van der Lingen. BJL  BOOK 1977
GC 380.15 D9 : Coastal and estuarine sediment dynamics.; BJL     
      Coastal and estuarine sediment dynamics. BJL  BOOK 1986
GC 380.15 O3 : Offshore tidal sands : processes and deposits / edited by A.H. Stride.; BJL     
      Offshore tidal sands : processes and deposits / edited by A.H. Stride. BJL  BOOK 1982
GC 380.15 S4 / q : Sedimentation in Submarine Canyons, Fans and Trenches / edited by D.J.Stanley.; BJL     
      Sedimentation in Submarine Canyons, Fans and Trenches / edited by D.J.Stanley. BJL  BOOK 1978
GC380.15 .T478 2021 : Ecology of coastal marine sediments : form, function, and change in the anthropocene / Simon F Thrush, Judi E Hewitt, Conrad A Pilditch.; Online materials     
      Ecology of coastal marine sediments : form, function, and change in the anthropocene / Simon F Thrush Online materials  EBOOKS 2021
GC 380.2 S4 M3 / q : Marine Sediment Transport and Environmental Management.; BJL     
      Marine Sediment Transport and Environmental Management. BJL  BOOK 1976
GC 383 E8 : European margin sediment dynamics : side-scan sonar and seismic images / Jürgen Mienert, Philip Weaver. eds.; BJL     
      European margin sediment dynamics : side-scan sonar and seismic images / Jürgen Mienert, Philip BJL  BOOK c2003
GC 387 H7 : Holocene marine sedimentation in the North Sea basin / edited by S.D. Nio, R.T.E. Shuttenhelm and Tj.C.E. van Weering.; BJL     
      Holocene marine sedimentation in the North Sea basin / edited by S.D. Nio, R.T.E. Shuttenhelm and Tj. BJL  BOOK 1981
GC 389 S7 / q : The Mediterranean Sea : a natural sedimentation laboratory.; BJL     
      The Mediterranean Sea : a natural sedimentation laboratory. BJL  BOOK 1972
GC 397 M5 : Marine geology of the Pacific.; BJL     
      Marine geology of the Pacific. BJL  BOOK 1964
GC 401 D8 / q : The seas of the Canadian north.; BJL     
      The seas of the Canadian north. BJL  BOOK 1986
GC 401 N1 / q : Oceanography of N. Polar basin.; BJL     
      Oceanography of N. Polar basin. BJL  BOOK  
GC 451 N1 : Northern waters.; BJL     
      Northern waters. BJL  BOOK  
GC 481 K2 : The Atlantic ocean.; BJL     
      The Atlantic ocean. BJL  BOOK  
GC 481 S3 : Geographie des Atlantischen ozeans.; BJL     
      Geographie des Atlantischen ozeans. BJL  BOOK  
GC 481 W7 : Atlantic : a vast ocean of a million stories / Simon Winchester.; Departmental Locations     
      Atlantic : a vast ocean of a million stories / Simon Winchester. Departmental Locations  BOOK c2010
GC 491 H4 / q : Bibliography of estuarine research.; BJL     
      Bibliography of estuarine research. BJL  BOOK 1976
GC 551 B8 : The British and Foreign coasters guide.; BJL     
      The British and Foreign coasters guide. BJL  BOOK 1850
GC 591 B8 / q : The North Sea, and the law of the continental shelf.; BJL     
      The North Sea, and the law of the continental shelf. BJL  BOOK 1964
GC 591 N2 : North sea science : Nato North Sea Science Conference, Aviemore, Scotland, 15-20 November 1971 / E. D. Goldberg, editor.; BJL     
      North sea science : Nato North Sea Science Conference, Aviemore, Scotland, 15-20 November 1971 / E. D BJL  BOOK 1973
GC 591 N8 / q : North Sea quality status report, 1993.; BJL     
      North Sea quality status report, 1993. BJL  BOOK 1993
GC 591 U5 : Understanding the North Sea system / edited by H. Charnock ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Understanding the North Sea system / edited by H. Charnock ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 1994
GC 601 C6, / q : The Clyde Estuary and Firth.; BJL     
      The Clyde Estuary and Firth. BJL  BOOK 1974
GC 601 E82 / q : Estuaries and coastal waters of the British Isles : A bibliography of recent scientific papers.; BJL     
      Estuaries and coastal waters of the British Isles : A bibliography of recent scientific papers. BJL  PERIODICAL 2011
GC 601 I4 : Industrialised Embayments and their Environmental Problems : a case study of Swansea Bay / edited by M.B.Collins and others.; BJL     
      Industrialised Embayments and their Environmental Problems : a case study of Swansea Bay / edited by BJL  BOOK 1980
GC 601 L7 / q : Liverpool Bay : an assessment of present knowledge.; BJL     
      Liverpool Bay : an assessment of present knowledge. BJL  BOOK 1975
GC 601 R6 / q : Estuaries of the British Isles : a bibliography of recent scientific papers.; BJL     
      Estuaries of the British Isles : a bibliography of recent scientific papers. BJL  BOOK 1977
GC 601 S6 / q : The Solent estuarine System.; BJL     
      The Solent estuarine System. BJL  BOOK 1980
GC 631 C3 / q : Rapport final, du Comite Scientifique pour l'Environment de l'Estuaire de la Loire.; BJL     
      Rapport final, du Comite Scientifique pour l'Environment de l'Estuaire de la Loire. BJL  BOOK 1984
GC 691 P5 / q : Physical Oceanography of the Tropical Atlantic during Gate / ed by W.Duing,F.Ostapoff and J.Merle,prepared by V.Lee.; BJL     
      Physical Oceanography of the Tropical Atlantic during Gate / ed by W.Duing,F.Ostapoff and J.Merle,pre BJL  BOOK 1980
GC 691 S72 : Hydrological station list.; BJL     
      Hydrological station list. BJL  BOOK 1968
GC 691 S9 : Proceedings of the symposium on the Oceanography and Fisheries Resources of the Tropical Atlantic.; BJL     
      Proceedings of the symposium on the Oceanography and Fisheries Resources of the Tropical Atlantic. BJL  BOOK 1969
GC 711 S7 : South African ocean colour and upwelling experiment.; BJL     
      South African ocean colour and upwelling experiment. BJL  BOOK 1985
GC 721 I6 : International Indian Ocean Expedition.; BJL     
      International Indian Ocean Expedition. BJL  BOOK 1965
GC 741 W9 / q : Marine science programme for the Red Sea : recommendations of the Workshop.; BJL     
      Marine science programme for the Red Sea : recommendations of the Workshop. BJL  BOOK 1976
GC 751 M3 / q : Marine sciences in the Gulf area.; BJL     
      Marine sciences in the Gulf area. BJL  BOOK 1976
GC 751 N2 : A summary of temperature-salinity characteristics of the Persian Gulf / from papers by G. Schott and others eited by H.W. Dubach.; BJL     
      A summary of temperature-salinity characteristics of the Persian Gulf / from papers by G. Schott and BJL  BOOK 1964
GC 771 B2 / q : Oceanographic atlas of the Pacific Ocean.; Departmental Locations     
      Oceanographic atlas of the Pacific Ocean. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1968
GC 771 M9 / q : The depth and marine deposits of the Pacific.; BJL     
      The depth and marine deposits of the Pacific. BJL  BOOK  
GC 791 L5 : Preliminary report on Ambon survey, 1970.; South East Asian Collection     
      Preliminary report on Ambon survey, 1970. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1971
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