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HC 241.25 N4 H3 : Nederland en de Euromarkt.; BJL     
      Nederland en de Euromarkt. BJL  BOOK 1971
HC 241.25 N4 N4 : The Netherlands and EC membership evaluated / edited by Menno Wolters and Peter Coffey.; BJL     
      The Netherlands and EC membership evaluated / edited by Menno Wolters and Peter Coffey. BJL  BOOK 1990
HC 241.25 N4 R8 : Nederland in West-Europa : een plaatsbepaling.; BJL     
      Nederland in West-Europa : een plaatsbepaling. BJL  BOOK 1987
HC 241.25 N5 L8 : The European Community and New Zealand.; BJL     
      The European Community and New Zealand. BJL  BOOK 1982
HC 241.25 N5 N5    
      Britain, New Zealand and the EEC : a New Zealand Government statement. BJL  BOOK 1971
      New Zealand and the EEC : basic acts. BJL  BOOK 1979
HC 241.25 N8 A4 : Norway and Europe in the 1970's.; BJL     
      Norway and Europe in the 1970's. BJL  BOOK 1979
HC 241.25 N8 O7    
      Fears and expectations : Norwegian attutudes toward European integration / ed. by Nils Orvik. BJL  BOOK 1972
      Norway's no to Europe / by N. Orvik, D. Heradstveit and D. L. Larson. BJL  BOOK 1975
HC 241.25 P7 S6 : Socio-economic aspects of Poland's adjustment towards the European Union standards / edited by Bogumiła Mucha-Leszko.; BJL     
      Socio-economic aspects of Poland's adjustment towards the European Union standards / edited by Bogumi BJL  BOOK 1999
HC 241.25 P8 P8    
      Portugal and EC membership evaluated / edited by Jose da Silva Lopes. BJL  BOOK 1993
      Portugal and the internal market of the EEC : proceedings of the International Conference held in Lis BJL  BOOK 1991
HC 241.25 R9 E5 : The elephant and the bear : the European Union, Russia and their near abroads / Michael Emerson, with Nathalie Tocci...[et al.].; BJL     
      The elephant and the bear : the European Union, Russia and their near abroads / Michael Emerson, with BJL  BOOK 2001
HC 241.25 S2 C7 / q : Scandinavia and European integration.; BJL     
      Scandinavia and European integration. BJL  BOOK 1973
HC 241.25 S2 E8 : European integration and national identity : the challenge of the Nordic states / edited by Lene Hansen and Ole Wæver.; BJL     
      European integration and national identity : the challenge of the Nordic states / edited by Lene Hans BJL  BOOK 2002
HC 241.25 S2 I4 : The Nordic states and European unity.; BJL     
      The Nordic states and European unity. BJL  BOOK 1998
HC 241.25 S2 M6    
      The reluctant Europeans : the attitudes of the Nordic countries towards European integration. BJL  BOOK 1977
      The reluctant Europeans : the attitudes of the Nordic countries towardsEuropean integration. BJL  BOOK 1977
HC 241.25 S2 W2 : Forgotten enlargement / Diana Wallis with Stewart Arnold, Ben Idris Jones.; BJL     
      Forgotten enlargement / Diana Wallis with Stewart Arnold, Ben Idris Jones. BJL  BOOK 2002
HC 241.25 S34 N8 : The Nordic countries and the EC / edited by Teija Tiilikainen and Ib Damgaard Petersen.; BJL     
      The Nordic countries and the EC / edited by Teija Tiilikainen and Ib Damgaard Petersen. BJL  BOOK 1993
HC 241.25 S6 H7 : The European community and South Africa : European political co-operation under strain.; BJL     
      The European community and South Africa : European political co-operation under strain. BJL  BOOK 1988
HC 241.25 S67 S7 : Southern Europe and the making of the European Union, 1945-1980s / edited by António Costa Pinto, Nuno Severiano Teixeira.; BJL     
      Southern Europe and the making of the European Union, 1945-1980s / edited by António Costa Pinto, Nun BJL  BOOK 2002
HC 241.25 S7 A4 : Spain and EC membership evaluated / edited by Amparo Almarcha Barbado.; BJL     
      Spain and EC membership evaluated / edited by Amparo Almarcha Barbado. BJL  BOOK 1993
HC 241.25 S7 A9 : La comunidad Europa y la comunidad autonoma del pais Vasco.; BJL     
      La comunidad Europa y la comunidad autonoma del pais Vasco. BJL  BOOK 1989
HC 241.25 S7 H7 : Integrating Southern Europe : EC expansion and the transnationalization of Spain.; BJL     
      Integrating Southern Europe : EC expansion and the transnationalization of Spain. BJL  BOOK 1996
HC 241.25 S7 M7 / q : Why Europe needs Spain : a European Policy Group paper.; BJL     
      Why Europe needs Spain : a European Policy Group paper. BJL  BOOK 1977
HC 241.25 S7 T1 : Guia del Mercado Comun Europeo : Espana en la Europa de los Doce.; BJL     
      Guia del Mercado Comun Europeo : Espana en la Europa de los Doce. BJL  BOOK 1986
HC 241.25 S9 A9 : Swedish social democracy and European integration : the people's home on the market.; BJL     
      Swedish social democracy and European integration : the people's home on the market. BJL  BOOK 1999
HC 241.25 S9 E8 : Europa och Sverige : EG-fragen infor 90-talet / C.B. Hamilton (red) ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Europa och Sverige : EG-fragen infor 90-talet / C.B. Hamilton (red) ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 1989
HC 241.25 S9 M6    
      Sweden and European integration. BJL  BOOK 1997
      Swedish priorities for the IGC. BJL  BOOK 1997
HC 241.25 S9 S9 : Sweden partner in Europe : stability and strength in foreign and military affairs.; BJL     
      Sweden partner in Europe : stability and strength in foreign and military affairs. BJL  BOOK 1962
HC 241.25 S93 S4 / q : EC internal market : the challenges and opportunities for Switzerland.; BJL     
      EC internal market : the challenges and opportunities for Switzerland. BJL  BOOK 1989
HC 241.25 T9 G8 : Trials of Europeanization : Turkish political culture and the European Union / Ioannis N. Grigoriadis.; BJL     
      Trials of Europeanization : Turkish political culture and the European Union / Ioannis N. Grigoriadis BJL  BOOK 2009
HC 241.25 T9 R3 : The next Mediterranean enlargement of the European Community : Turkey, Cyprus, and Malta?; BJL     
      The next Mediterranean enlargement of the European Community : Turkey, Cyprus, and Malta? BJL  BOOK 1993
HC 241.25 U4 C7 / q : The European Community and the Third World 1975.; BJL     
      The European Community and the Third World 1975. BJL  BOOK 1975
HC 241.25 U4 C8 : A framework for development : the EEC and the ACP.; BJL     
      A framework for development : the EEC and the ACP. BJL  BOOK 1981
HC 241.25 U4 D2    
      Europe : 1992 and the developing world / by Michael Davenport with Sheila Page. BJL  BOOK 1991
      Europe's preferred partners? : the Lome countries in world trade / M. Davenport, A. Hewitt, A. Koning BJL  BOOK 1995
HC 241.25 U4 E2 : EEC and the Third World : a survey / edited by C. Stevens.; BJL     
      EEC and the Third World : a survey / edited by C. Stevens. BJL  BOOK 1984
HC 241.25 U4 G7 : The European Community and the developing countries.; BJL     
      The European Community and the developing countries. BJL  BOOK 1993
HC 241.25 U4 K8 : The European Common market and the developing countries.; BJL     
      The European Common market and the developing countries. BJL  BOOK 1963
HC 241.25 U4 L7    
      A enlarged European community and the less developed countries / by M.Lipton, R. Pryce and M. Stone. BJL  BOOK 1970
      The European Community and the developing world : the role of the Lome Convention. BJL  BOOK 1988
HC 241.25 U4 M4 : The common agricultural policy and less developed countries.; BJL     
      The common agricultural policy and less developed countries. BJL  BOOK 1985
HC 241.25 U4 N7 : The 1992 European single market and the Third World / edited by Sandro Sideri and J. Sengupta.; BJL     
      The 1992 European single market and the Third World / edited by Sandro Sideri and J. Sengupta. BJL  BOOK 1992
HC 241.25 U4 R2 : Collective clientelism : the Lome Conventions and North-South relations.; BJL     
      Collective clientelism : the Lome Conventions and North-South relations. BJL  BOOK 1985
HC 241.25 U5 B4 : Europe at sixes and sevens : the Common Market, the Free Trade Association, and the United States.; BJL     
      Europe at sixes and sevens : the Common Market, the Free Trade Association, and the United States. BJL  BOOK 1961
HC 241.25 U5 C6 : The EC and the United States / Peter Coffey.; BJL     
      The EC and the United States / Peter Coffey. BJL  BOOK 1993
HC 241.25 U5 C7 / q : The United States and the European Community.; BJL     
      The United States and the European Community. BJL  BOOK 1971
HC 241.25 U5 E8 : Europe and the United States : competition & cooperation in the 1990s / edited by Glennon J. Harrison.; BJL     
      Europe and the United States : competition & cooperation in the 1990s / edited by Glennon J. Harrison BJL  BOOK 1994
HC 241.25 U5 H6 : The European Community and American trade : a study in Atlantic economics and policy.; BJL     
      The European Community and American trade : a study in Atlantic economics and policy. BJL  BOOK 1964
HC 241.25 U5 N5 : The new interdependence : the European Community and the United States / edited by G.K.Douglass.; BJL     
      The new interdependence : the European Community and the United States / edited by G.K.Douglass. BJL  BOOK 1979
HC 241.25 U5 P4 : Europe and America in the 1990s : the prospects of partnership.; BJL     
      Europe and America in the 1990s : the prospects of partnership. BJL  BOOK 1993
HC 241.25 U5 S6 : The United States and the European Community in a transformed world / Michael Smith and Stephen Woolcock.; BJL     
      The United States and the European Community in a transformed world / Michael Smith and Stephen Woolc BJL  BOOK 1993
HC 241.25 U5 W9 / q : The Uruguay round : issues for the European Community and the United States.; BJL     
      The Uruguay round : issues for the European Community and the United States. BJL  BOOK 1990
HC 241.25 Y8 E8 : European Community -- Yugoslav relations : debates and documents that mattered, (1968-1992) / edited by Branislav Radeljić.; BJL     
      European Community -- Yugoslav relations : debates and documents that mattered, (1968-1992) / edited BJL  BOOK 2017?
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