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HN740.Z9 I56744 2016 : The internet, social media, and a changing China / edited by Jacques deLisle, Avery Goldstein, and Guobin Yang.; Online materials     
      The internet, social media, and a changing China / edited by Jacques deLisle, Avery Goldstein, and Gu Online materials  EBOOKS 2016
HN 741.2 G9 / (WL) : Malay society in the late nineteenth century : the beginnings of change.; South East Asian Collection     
      Malay society in the late nineteenth century : the beginnings of change. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1987
HN 741.2 J2 : South Indians on the plantation frontier in Malaysia.; South East Asian Collection     
      South Indians on the plantation frontier in Malaysia. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1970
HN 741.2 N5 : Treacherous river : a study of the rural Chinese in North Malaya.; South East Asian Collection     
      Treacherous river : a study of the rural Chinese in North Malaya. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1962
HN 741.25 H9 / q : Patterns of rural leadership in Malaya : report of research carried out under the sponsorship of UNESCO Research Centre.; South East Asian Collection     
      Patterns of rural leadership in Malaya : report of research carried out under the sponsorship of UNES South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1966
HN 741.25 M3 / p : The problem of the new villages in Malaya.; South East Asian Collection     
      The problem of the new villages in Malaya. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1954
HN 741.25 N2 : The communal edge to plural societies : India and Malaysia.; South East Asian Collection     
      The communal edge to plural societies : India and Malaysia. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1980
HN 741.25 T5 : Three Malay Villages : a sociology of paddy growers in West Malaysia / edited by M. Kuchiba, Y. Tsubouchi and N. Meada.; South East Asian Collection     
      Three Malay Villages : a sociology of paddy growers in West Malaysia / edited by M. Kuchiba, Y. Tsubo South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1979
HN 741.5 N5 : Malaya-Gaya hidup antara 1900-1930 = Malaya lifestyles, 1900-1930.; South East Asian Collection     
      Malaya-Gaya hidup antara 1900-1930 = Malaya lifestyles, 1900-1930. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1989
HN 741.9 B14 H9 : Social stratification in Kampong Bagan : a study of class, status, conflict and mobility in a rural Malay community.; South East Asian Collection     
      Social stratification in Kampong Bagan : a study of class, status, conflict and mobility in a rural M South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1964
HN 741.9 K2 M6 / p : The Siamese of Aril : a study of an ethnic minority village.; South East Asian Collection     
      The Siamese of Aril : a study of an ethnic minority village. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1980
HN 741.9 K5 L8    
      Beyond the tin mines : coolies, squatters and new villages in the Kinta Valley Malaysia c.1880-1980. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1988
      Beyond the tin mines : the political economy of Chinese squatter farmers in the Kinta new villages. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1981
HN 741.9 K9 N9 : Into a new age : a study of church and society in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.; South East Asian Collection     
      Into a new age : a study of church and society in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1973
HN 741.9 L1 E5 / q : Zwischen Tratsch und Anpassung : der Prozess der Feldforschung in einen malaiischen Dorf.; South East Asian Collection     
      Zwischen Tratsch und Anpassung : der Prozess der Feldforschung in einen malaiischen Dorf. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1984
HN 741.9 N3 L6 : The Minangkabau Malay of Negri Sembilan.; South East Asian Collection     
      The Minangkabau Malay of Negri Sembilan. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1962
HN 741.9 P38 L4 : Some socio-economic aspects of Perak society, Malaysia / by Lee Poh Ping and Lee Kam Hing.; South East Asian Collection     
      Some socio-economic aspects of Perak society, Malaysia / by Lee Poh Ping and Lee Kam Hing. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1978
HN 741.9 P38 S9 : Social relations of dependence in a Malay state : nineteenth century Perak.; South East Asian Collection     
      Social relations of dependence in a Malay state : nineteenth century Perak. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1982
HN 741.9 P38 W2    
      Kesedaran kelas dan konflik kelas dalam sebuah komuniti nelayan. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1982
      A Malay peasant community in upper Perak : integration and transformations. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1978
HN 741.9 P4 J3 / p : Social stratification in Petaling Jaya.; South East Asian Collection     
      Social stratification in Petaling Jaya. South East Asian Collection  BOOK  
HN 741.9 R3 A1 : Rembau : a study in integration and conflict in a village in Negri Sembilan, Malaysia.; South East Asian Collection     
      Rembau : a study in integration and conflict in a village in Negri Sembilan, Malaysia. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1967
HN 741.9 R3 P3 / q : Social history and evolution in the interelationship of adat and Islam in Rembau, Negeri Sembilan.; South East Asian Collection     
      Social history and evolution in the interelationship of adat and Islam in Rembau, Negeri Sembilan. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1981
HN 741.9 S4 S5    
      Formal organizations in a Malay "administrative village" : an ethnographic portrait. BJL  BOOK 1991
      From British to bumiputera rule : local politics and rural development in peninsular Malaysia. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1986
HN 741.9 S5 B1 : Broker, mediator, patron and kinsman : an historical analysis of key leadership roles in a rural Malaysian district.; South East Asian Collection     
      Broker, mediator, patron and kinsman : an historical analysis of key leadership roles in a rural Mala South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1976
HN 741.9 S9 R7 / q : Sungai Raya : a sociopolitical study of a rural Malay community.; South East Asian Collection     
      Sungai Raya : a sociopolitical study of a rural Malay community. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1977
HN 741.9 Z9 C6 / p : Report on community development in the Federation of Malaya.; South East Asian Collection     
      Report on community development in the Federation of Malaya. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1954
HN 741.9 Z9 E4 : Intellectuals, religion and politics in a divided society : Malaysia.; South East Asian Collection     
      Intellectuals, religion and politics in a divided society : Malaysia. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1981
HN 742 C73 : Commentary : civil society vol 11, no 1, 1993.; South East Asian Collection     
      Commentary : civil society vol 11, no 1, 1993. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1993
HN 742.15 P43    
      Community development in Singapore. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1973
      Culture and our society. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1973
      The first twenty years of the People's Association / edited by J. Sam. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1980
      Kindergarten. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1973
3 additional entries    
HN 742.15 P43 A63 / (WM)q : Annual report/ People's Association (Singapore).; South East Asian Collection     
      Annual report/ People's Association (Singapore). South East Asian Collection  PERIODICAL 1981
HN 742.2 C5 : Social development in Singapore : a selected bibliography.; South East Asian Collection     
      Social development in Singapore : a selected bibliography. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1976
HN 742.2 K2 : Upper Nankin Street, Singapore : a sociological study of Chinese households living in a densely populated area.; South East Asian Collection     
      Upper Nankin Street, Singapore : a sociological study of Chinese households living in a densely popul South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1960
HN 742.2 T8 : Opium and empire : Chinese society in Colonial Singapore, 1800-1910.; South East Asian Collection     
      Opium and empire : Chinese society in Colonial Singapore, 1800-1910. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1990
HN 742.25 C5    
      Singapore : ideology, society, culture. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1985
      Social change and the Chinese in Singapore : a socio-economic geography with special reference to ban South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1985
HN 742.25 H3 : Social status and bureaucratic contacts among the public housing tenants in Singapore.; South East Asian Collection     
      Social status and bureaucratic contacts among the public housing tenants in Singapore. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1972
HN 742.25 M6 / (WM) : Modernization in Singapore : impact on the individual : a seminar organized by Kesatuan Akademis Univers Singapura, Nanyang University Staff Academic Association. Singapore National Academy of Science, June 1972 / edited by Tham Se.; South East Asian Collection     
      Modernization in Singapore : impact on the individual : a seminar organized by Kesatuan Akademis Univ South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1972
HN 742.25 N9 : The kingdom and the country : a study of church and society in Singapore.; South East Asian Collection     
      The kingdom and the country : a study of church and society in Singapore. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1972
HN 742.25 S6    
      Singapore : society in transition / edited by Riaz Hassan. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1976
      A social survey of Singapore : a preliminary study. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1947
HN 742.25 T7 / (WM) : The political economy of social control in Singapore.; South East Asian Collection     
      The political economy of social control in Singapore. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1996
HN 742.5 S6 : Urban incomes and housing : a report on the social survey of Singapore. 1953-54.; South East Asian Collection     
      Urban incomes and housing : a report on the social survey of Singapore. 1953-54. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1956
HN 742.9 P9 C5 : Fishermen in flats.; South East Asian Collection     
      Fishermen in flats. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1982
HN 742.9 S67 L2 : Language, society and education in Singapore : issues and trends / edited by S. Gopinathan ... [et al.].; South East Asian Collection     
      Language, society and education in Singapore : issues and trends / edited by S. Gopinathan ... [et al South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1994
HN 743.25 D6 : Rural settlement in Sarawak : a dissertation.; South East Asian Collection     
      Rural settlement in Sarawak : a dissertation. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1972
HN 743.25 H7 : Natives of Sarawak : survival in Borneo's vanishing forest.; South East Asian Collection     
      Natives of Sarawak : survival in Borneo's vanishing forest. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1987
HN 743.25 S4    
      The potential for rural development in the new Seventh Division of Sarawak : a preliminary background South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1973
      Village and regional determinants of family innovativeness among the rural Iban of Sarawak, Malaysia. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1981
HN 743.9 K8 L8 / (WNb) : From kampung to city : a social history of Kuching, Malaysia, 1820-1970.; South East Asian Collection     
      From kampung to city : a social history of Kuching, Malaysia, 1820-1970. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1987
HN 743.9 S5 J9 : Sosioekonomi komuniti Kadayan : satu kajian kes.; South East Asian Collection     
      Sosioekonomi komuniti Kadayan : satu kajian kes. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1991
HN 744.9 Z9 S66 / p : Social ethics of Brunei Darussalam.; South East Asian Collection     
      Social ethics of Brunei Darussalam. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1995?
HN 745.1 N86 / (WNa) : Report/ North Borneo .Department of Labour and Welfare.; South East Asian Collection     
      Report/ North Borneo .Department of Labour and Welfare. South East Asian Collection  PERIODICAL  
HN 745.1 N861 / (WNa) : Social development report.; South East Asian Collection     
      Social development report. South East Asian Collection  PERIODICAL  
HN 745.25 H4 / q : A report on the Muruts living in the Labuan and Interior residency.; South East Asian Collection     
      A report on the Muruts living in the Labuan and Interior residency. South East Asian Collection  BOOK  
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