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M 2079 A2 E1(60) / q : Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary : as observed daily in the Lady Chapel and weekly in the Choir according to the Use of Salisbury / edited by John Harper with Sally Harper & Matthew Cheung Salisbury.; BJL     
      Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary : as observed daily in the Lady Chapel and weekly in the Choir accord BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 2019
M 2079 A2 E1(61) / q : Vocal music. Selections; BJL     
      Sacred music / Henry Lawes ; transcribed and edited by Jonathan P. Wainwright. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 2020
M 2079 A2 E1(62) / f : Fragments of English polyphonic music c. 1390-1475 : a facsimile edition / edited with an introduction by Margaret Bent & Andrew Wathey.; BJL     
      Fragments of English polyphonic music c. 1390-1475 : a facsimile edition / edited with an introductio BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 2022
M 2079 A2 E1(63) / q : Nathaniel Giles. II, English sacred music / transcribed and edited by Joseph Sargent.; BJL     
      Nathaniel Giles. II, English sacred music / transcribed and edited by Joseph Sargent. BJL  BOOK 2021
M 2079 A2 E1(64) / q : Choral music. Selections; BJL     
      Latin church music. 1. Mass Salve intemerata & Antiphons Contrafactum Se Lord and behold / Thomas Tal BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 2022
M 2079 A2 E1(7, 31) / q : English sacred music ; Latin sacred music.; BJL     
      English sacred music ; Latin sacred music. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1967
M 2079 A2 E1(7, etc.) / q : Robert Ramsey ...; BJL     
      Robert Ramsey ... BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1967
M 2079 A2 E1(8)    
      Fifteenth-century liturgical music. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC c2017
      Fifteenth-century liturgical music. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC c2017
M 2079 A2 E1(Suppl.1)    
      The sources of English church music, 1549-1660. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1972
      The sources of English church music, 1549-1660. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1972
M 2079 A2 E1(Suppl.2) / q : Latin music in British sources, c.1485-c.1610 / compiled by M. Hofman and J. Morehen.; BJL     
      Latin music in British sources, c.1485-c.1610 / compiled by M. Hofman and J. Morehen. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1987
M 2079 A2 G6 / q : The Gostling Manuscript.; BJL     
      The Gostling Manuscript. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1977
M 2079 A2 J1 / q : Anthems for choirs.; BJL     
      Anthems for choirs. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1973
M 2079 A2 K7 / q : The treasury of English church music.; BJL     
      The treasury of English church music. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1965
M 2079 A2 L4 / q : Machaut : la messe de Notre Dame.; BJL     
      Machaut : la messe de Notre Dame. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1990
M 2079 A2 R7    
      Antiphonale Sacrosanctae romance. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1949
      Graduale sacrosanctae Romance. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1961
      Graduale Sarisburiense : a reproduction in facsimile of a manuscript of the thirteenth century, with BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1966
      Liber usualis Missae et Officii pro Dominicis et Festis, cum cantu Gregoriano. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1964
      The use of Salisbury / edited by N. Sandon. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1984-
M 2079 A2 S2 / q : Antiphonale Sarisburiense : a reproduction in facsimile of a manuscript of the thirteenth century.; BJL     
      Antiphonale Sarisburiense : a reproduction in facsimile of a manuscript of the thirteenth century. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1966
M 2079 A2 S6    
      Concerted sacred music of the Bologna school / edited by P. Smith. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1987
      Sixteenth-century anthem book. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1960
M 2079 A2 W3 / q : Wedding blessings : a collection of sacred solos and a duet for church weddings.; BJL     
      Wedding blessings : a collection of sacred solos and a duet for church weddings. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1953
M 2079 A2 W9 / q : An anthology of English church music.; BJL     
      An anthology of English church music. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1971
M 2079 A2 Z9 / q : Zwanzig tantum ergo / von Haydn bis Bruckner, ; bearb. von L. Dite.; BJL     
      Zwanzig tantum ergo / von Haydn bis Bruckner, ; bearb. von L. Dite. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1947
M 2079 A25 C2 / q : Cantiones ecclesiasticae.; BJL     
      Cantiones ecclesiasticae. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1972
M 2079 A25 R3 / q : The Lord is risen.; BJL     
      The Lord is risen. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1968
M 2079 A33 M1 : Magnificat für 4 Singstimmen, Soli und Chor, 2 Violinen, Bass und Orgel.; BJL     
      Magnificat für 4 Singstimmen, Soli und Chor, 2 Violinen, Bass und Orgel. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1968
M 2079 A52 M1    
      Magnificat and Nune dimittis from the second service- "Cesar's Service for S.S.A.T.B. / edited by A. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1967
      Magnificat and Nune dimittis : the "short" service / edited by A. Greening. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1969
M 2079 A625 s1 / q : Sacred music, in two volumes : the words from the Bible and Milton's works.; BJL     
      Sacred music, in two volumes : the words from the Bible and Milton's works. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1810
M 2079 A98 M1 / q : Short evening service : Magificat and Nunc Dimittis for SATB / edited by J. Gittins.; BJL     
      Short evening service : Magificat and Nunc Dimittis for SATB / edited by J. Gittins. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1969
M 2079 B15 A2 : Sanctus in C major, Sanctus in D minor, Sanctus in G major, Sanctus in D major, Dyrie eleison, Chrite eleison, Sinfonia in F major.; BJL     
      Sanctus in C major, Sanctus in D minor, Sanctus in G major, Sanctus in D major, Dyrie eleison, Chrite BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1968
M 2079 B15 M1    
      Magnificat / edited from the original MS. and the complete edition of the Bach-Gesellschaft and with BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1924
      Magnificat in F major [i.e. in D major] / Johann Sebastian Bach. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1968
      Magnificat (in D) : in vocal score with an accompaniment for the organ or pianoforte / by J.S. Bach BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1951
      Magnificat in D for soli, chorus and orchestra. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1900
M 2079 B151 D5    
      Dies irae : coro / edited di J. Bastian. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1969
      Dies irae : partitura / Accademia musicale, 20. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1972
M 2079 B151 D6 / q : Dixit Dominus (Psalm 110) / edited by S. van Marion.; BJL     
      Dixit Dominus (Psalm 110) / edited by S. van Marion. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1973
M 2079 B151 M1 / q : Magnificat for four-part chorus of mixed voices with piano or orchestra accompaniment / edited by W. Ehret.; BJL     
      Magnificat for four-part chorus of mixed voices with piano or orchestra accompaniment / edited by W. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1973
M 2079 B153 M1 / q : Magnificat (Wq 215); nach dem Erstdruck und der autographen Partitur 1749 / herausgegeben von G.Graulich.; BJL     
      Magnificat (Wq 215); nach dem Erstdruck und der autographen Partitur 1749 / herausgegeben von G.Graul BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1969
M 2079 B24 O1 / q : Two anthems:(O Almighty God and O Lord, we beseech thee / edited by a. Greening.; BJL     
      Two anthems:(O Almighty God and O Lord, we beseech thee / edited by a. Greening. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1969
M 2079 B33 / q : Four anthems.; BJL     
      Four anthems. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1968
M 2079 B35 M8 / q : The morning watch for chorus and orchestra / words by Henry Vaughan.; BJL     
      The morning watch for chorus and orchestra / words by Henry Vaughan. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1943
M 2079 B44 S1 / q : Salve, regina, for four-part chorus of mixed voices and accompaniment.; BJL     
      Salve, regina, for four-part chorus of mixed voices and accompaniment. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1968
M 2079 B491 M1 / q : Magnificat for soprano solo, mixed chorus, flute, tambourine and triangle.; BJL     
      Magnificat for soprano solo, mixed chorus, flute, tambourine and triangle. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1965
M 2079 B51 A2 : Sacred works.; BJL     
      Sacred works. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1900
M 2079 B51 T2    
      Te Deum; a trois choeurs, avec orchestre. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1885
      Te Deum for 3 choirs, orchestra and organ, Op. 22. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 19--?
M 2079 B52 D6 / q : Dixit Dominus Domino meo, for solo soprano SATB, with keyboard continuo.; BJL     
      Dixit Dominus Domino meo, for solo soprano SATB, with keyboard continuo. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1968
M 2079 B554 S5 / q : The shepherds had an angel : hymn for soprano solo, chorus (A.S.T.B.) and cor anglais or viola, op.2O / poem by C. Rossetti.; BJL     
      The shepherds had an angel : hymn for soprano solo, chorus (A.S.T.B.) and cor anglais or viola, op.2O BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1923
M 2079 B586 P9 / q : Psalm XXIII, for women's chorus (SSA) and piano / text by J. Addison; arranged by N. Rossi.; BJL     
      Psalm XXIII, for women's chorus (SSA) and piano / text by J. Addison; arranged by N. Rossi. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1968
M 2079 B62 T2 / q : Te Deum für gemischten Chor (mit Sopran-undTenorsolo) und grosses Orchester / herausgegeben von J. Wojciechowski.; BJL     
      Te Deum für gemischten Chor (mit Sopran-undTenorsolo) und grosses Orchester / herausgegeben von BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1971
M 2079 B65 G5 / q : God spake sometine in visions / edited by a. lewis.; BJL     
      God spake sometine in visions / edited by a. lewis. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1953
M 2079 B65 M1 / q : Magnificat and Nune Dimittis from the Short service (no. 4) in F for SATB.; BJL     
      Magnificat and Nune Dimittis from the Short service (no. 4) in F for SATB. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1971
M 2079 B71 / q : When Saul was king, for SAT soli, SATB chorus, strings and organ continuo (with optional parts for two oboes and bassoon).; BJL     
      When Saul was king, for SAT soli, SATB chorus, strings and organ continuo (with optional parts for tw BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1982
M 2079 B78 / q : Two anthems for the Georgian court.; BJL     
      Two anthems for the Georgian court. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1970
M 2079 B78 L8 / q : Lord, Thou hast been our refuge / edited by M.Bevan.; BJL     
      Lord, Thou hast been our refuge / edited by M.Bevan. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1977
M 2079 B8 / q : Het geestelijk lied van Noord-Nederland in de vijftiende eeuw / uitgegeren door E. Bruning, M. Veldhuyzen en H. Wagenaar-Nolthenius.; BJL     
      Het geestelijk lied van Noord-Nederland in de vijftiende eeuw / uitgegeren door E. Bruning, M. Veldhu BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1963
M 2079 B83 P9 / q : Psalm XIII : Lord! How long wilt thou forget me? Op.27 / edited by S. de B. Taylor.; BJL     
      Psalm XIII : Lord! How long wilt thou forget me? Op.27 / edited by S. de B. Taylor. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1952
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